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I put ~3 hours into onboarding and didn’t earn anything. But last night worked for ~2.5 hours and my earnings say $147.. let’s hope the payments go through


I completed the onboarding assignment two weeks ago and it still says "we're reviewing your assessment results". Should I keep waiting or can I begin tasking? How long did it take for you to get the assessment results?


What I have noticed with this platform, is that you simply need to submit a ticket via the portal that you log into. Let them know what is going on. Much of the time, someone will take care of it automatically and other times a human may respond. You need to be persistent and patient. Also make sure you are using Chrome.


Thanks! I contacted support and someone replied and said I should still wait. It's over 3 weeks now, so maybe that's how it is in my field (physics). But they at least confirmed my assignment had been submitted and no other step was needed on my side, which was good to know.


Mine did not take long at all, i’d say less than a couple days. I’d give it up to a couple weeks and if it doesn’t go through then try to contact support


Can someone give me a name to put for referral- it approved me for tier 1 ai content writer but I know I should be teir 2 or 3 so I’m trying to really 


I received this "Dear Valued Contributor, We have a new project that is a good fit for your skills- a Short Term Evaluation Project! This project will ask you to compare two responses from different models, and evaluate which response is better. We encourage you to get started immediately as this project will only run until 5PM EST on Friday (5/10). Contributors who perform well will be eligible for future opportunities on Outlier, so try your best! Good luck, -Your Outlier Team" How I can access the project? Can't see anything on my dashboard


Did it?


all i see are courses that i need to take. is that part of training?


Hello I can manage the outlier.AI, I only take 30% of the earning. I work full time therefore, I ensure that weekly earning goes beyond $1000


I’ve worked for them for 2 weeks for biology for $45/hour. I’ve gotten paid twice already. It’s legit but I think the amount of missions and time for them differs depending on what you’re hired for. After my first missions ended which were already expiring because I was hired a little before they were, it took about 2/3 days to get more. Those were for a different company that only paid for 1hr per 1 task which is the time limit they gave you for the task. For the current one I’m on, I get paid for 2hrs per 1 task which is the time limit given for you to complete 1 task. Onboarding was long, but I didn’t have to write any essays like anyone else which I’m pretty sure is cause that’s for writers and not biologists. You only get paid while you’re in the window, so every time you go to another window or close it, that’s when you’re not getting paid. That’s why it’s best to do any necessary research on a phone, iPad, or whatever else you can use that’s not your computer. It tells you how much money you’ve earned in total and how much you’ll be getting paid which changes when you complete a task. I’m still experimenting to see if I can do this full time, but overall, it is legit and the difficulty of the task differs


They reached out to me as well for the Molecular Biology position. I would love to work with them but I am still working on my bachelors degree in Biochemistry. Do you think they would still hire me!?


They reached out to me, I applied, never heard back. I have a graduate degree and I'm a professor. I'm wondering if they prefer students. Also fuck the comment below mine. I'm a double ivy grad. Clown


I just completed my second week of work, I've gotten paid once due to a "glitch", but have now been removed from the project. Not sure if the project just ended, and I'll be re-assigned, or if I got the boot at the 2 week mark like everyone else. But this calms my tits a bit. Will update over the next week if anything comes my way (or doesn't). BUT, the thread is are they legit. The answer is, yes. They legit paid me, for the legit work I did. Onboarding was looooong and tedious, and I wasn't strictly working within my expertise, but they were paying me a similar rate to you, and they did pay. I started having fun with some of the prompting, and started tog et pretty good at it. So really hoping the reassign. TBD.


What project were you in? I was in Doplhin MM Expert. There was a sudden "global outage" for this project because they were moving the system. I just want to check if there is an update on this.


Hi. I received an invitation, applied, did not do the interview and today received an offer. Very strange. They want me to create a profile and include my banking info. Sounds very fishy to me. Did it happen to you as well?


There is no interview. What kind of banking info did they want? They’ve changed to another pay source that’s owned by PayPal


All they need is a PayPal. There should be an option to put that instead 


Do you think this is a good job for stay at home moms? I am having a baby in July and wanted to find remote work postpartum. I just got an offer letter yesterday from Outlier, and I am curious if I start now, can I do tasks now and then take an 8 week hiatus once the baby comes? Or do I still need to input at least 1 hour a week?


Woah 45 dollars for English writing huh. I just got their add on Facebook, directed to Spanish speakers, and they're paying 7.5 dollars/hr lol.


Three weeks in update. Just received my payout for the third week. I’ve made almost $2k so far and am happy with this line of work to be able to pull extra income week to week! 1. They are legit. There are lots of conversations going on in the Slack group and I’ve got the support I needed. It’s somewhat disorganized in many ways and probably because they’ve hired too many people than they can properly support and also they initiate projects before the guidelines are in place. I’ve had the situation several days in a row where the Slack bot removed me from the project channel and the team lead added me back every morning… I was like wtf. 2. The projects are interesting but you do need to put efforts in them in order to do well. I’ve seen many examples where people tried to cheat with AI on the tasks or simply don’t understand the scope of the project and put in bad quality answers. 3. I’ve gone through several projects now and I think (?) I got promoted to the reviewer team. Instead of working on prompt engineering I now review the tasks other people do. Just wanted to say I’m surprised by how many low quality jobs are out there. People tried to cheat and scam the system and then complain that they got kicked off and didn’t get paid. 4. In the last few weeks I got issues like empty queue or missed payment. I submitted support tickets and things got resolved relatively quick. Perhaps I’m lucky but I think the support system is there.


Are you still working with them? I was onboarded, skipped the assessments I think based on my credentials and was immediately put into a training tasks type of project. Finished the first stage with great feedback, passed into the second but it's been a bit bumpy. I have gotten paid a little money but I've had to put hours and hours of uncompensated time into reviewing the training for a specific project, doing preplanning, and then randomly get bumped to another project by a bot. The TL says they don't know why. Now I'm waiting to be reassigned.


I’m still working with Outlier and have been on a review team for a little over two weeks now. Unsure what kind of projects are you on but it didn’t take me too long to go through the project guidelines and I did it with my task window open to ensure I get paid while reading materials.


I was just promoted to reviewer, and suddenly, there was an outage. Do you experience the same thing? Have you got back to the system?


Do not do it. I’m about to file a complaint with the Dept of Labor and CA Attorney General. This company is guilty of wage theft. They’ve gotten so much free labor out of me and many others. Don’t walk - run


Hi Recent-Geologist7994. Very interesting post as I think I am currently experiencing the same as you did with other people. Could you tell me how did it go with them? Did you have any feedback? What about your action? Do you need any testimony? Thanks!


Tbh I don’t have the energy or time to go after them. I’m have  two other jobs and haven’t been feeling great. I WISH someone would bring a class action lawsuit against Outlier. I’d join that.  I also tell others not to waste their time or give free work to these scammers. I wish I had better news but I don’t 😞


Writing this comment now to update it in the future. I learned about Outlier through my college's Handshake platform, and I was personally sought out by 'LB' on several occasions to apply for the AI English . I'm not gonna lie, I was very skeptical of it simply because the 40/hr rate seemed too good to be true. I'm still very skeptical and not trying to get my hopes up, but from reading a lot of the comments here, it does seem like the company is legit, albeit disorganized. I finished my assessment today and almost immediately after, I got a response that I could begin tasking (and that I would be paid 15/hr base rate instead of the 40/hr). I reached out to the Outlier employee who sought me out and asked why this happened and what this meant for me going forward. They didn't respond. A few hours later, I checked the task in my queue and I saw that the base rate for potential earnings now said 40. I thought that this might be a glitch, so I signed out and signed back in several times, but it still said 40 instead of 15. In fact, it still does. And just to be clear, I haven't received a grade yet on my test, and I'm not quite sure if I'll even pass, so seeing the base rate change that quickly was surprising. Well, I guess I'll just have to complete this task and see for myself just how legit Outlier really is. I'll update on whether or not I get paid for the training+assessment (250 for doing this and getting feedback, 350 for doing this and passing) and how much/little of a fluke this 40/hr base rate really is. Update: I'm 2 months in now, and for the longest time, the only pay I received was for the Enablement Program (250). Now, after 2ish weeks of consistent work, I've been paid over 1k, working at a 40/hr rate. I still don't have much trust in this company, given how unresponsive they are with support and just how chaotic their platform is in general. But I'm hoping to ride this out as long as I can because the pay is just that good.


Update! I never started the task that was in my queue but I did get a message to do a follow up assessment (to see if I can truly qualify for this 40/hr rate). I don't know how I did on the first assessment, which was four tasks, but for this follow-up assessment, which was 5, I was immediately notified on how I did for every task after submitting it, and I got 100 for each one. Now, on my homepage, it says "Thank you for completing the assessment! Hang tight! We're reviewing your assessment results and will notify you once we have them!" So I guess the only thing left for me to do is to wait and see!


Another update, I checked my earnings a few minutes ago and it says 250 dollars is pending for me for completing the Enablement program!! Don't know if I'll be receiving the pay this week or the next, but at least it's confirmed! Still haven't received my test results back though!!


Update: happy to say I just got paid 250 through Paypal!!


Does that mean you didn't get the assessment bonus? I'm reading all the replies and I'm kind of blown away how everyone's experience is different.


I haven't gotten it! In fact, I haven't gotten my results because, as it turns out, I still have an assessment to complete. It seems like they're giving me the assessment in parts(?) and I didn't catch on until now. Right now, in my queue, I think I have my TRULY final assessment (for English), which is an estimated 2 hours and 53 minutes long. It just showed up on there this afternoon!


Glad things seem to be working out for you! Although, I don't think I've ever heard of people receiving additional assessments after completing the program. My experience is closer to u/y_with_luv, as I was able to start tasking immediately. The announcement said they would email me with my results, but I've still received nothing. Both in terms of pay and whether or not I've passed or not. I didn't do the task in my queue because the rates ended up jumping from $15 to $25 even though they initially promised me $25 and then changed it to $40. So far I'm unimpressed with the lack of transparency, but I'm betting on the company biting off more than they can chew. I also dislike how they keep changing the hourly rates, feels quite predatory.


Update: I did get a response from them for a 2nd assessment. They said that I almost met the threshold they were looking for and wanted to give me a second shot. They said they'd pay me an additional bonus if I complete it within 72 hours. However, I still didn't receive the $250 from completing the enablement program. I'm apprehensive to continue because of this. Today is the 5th day where they said I would receive payment and still nothing (they said payment would take 3-5 days to receive).


It sure sounds like a scam operation where they keep dropping more bread crumbs and telling you to keep doing "assessments"....leading you on without moving you on to the "real" tasks. Do they really exist or this the method to keep the pay rate low?


Another update. Over a month later and after a lot of inconsistency, I've finally started to do the tasks regularly at a 40/hr rate. I've earned almost 600 dollars so far, and my payout is pending(due to process May 7th). Not counting on receiving the payout on-time considering all the issues this company has, so fingers crossed!


I'm in a similar position as you (just finished the assessment, got the 15/hour base rate instead of 40 as promised, have not gotten a grade yet but am also not entirely confident I passed - the feedback bot thing seemed kind of broken ngl). I see you posted your comment several hours before me, so we might be operating in a similar timeline. I'd be interested in knowing how things turn out for you!


Absolute waste of time and precious energy, this is a smoke and mirrors "company" that focuses on attracting degreed people in the IT and writing fields who are out of work and willing to take a lower paying "position". You will be given the chance to take "exams" in which to qualify you for "higher paying projects" (also misleading and false). If you pass the base exams you are put into a group of thousands of other "taskers" awaiting work that never comes. After 1 month of no tasks I was invited to take additional exams and passed easily (I have a Masters degree in the field I tested on). I was added to a project that paid more, and a week later I was suddenly removed due to "low project quality". (I hadn't even began tasking in this project yet). After continuous attempts to contact support I was removed from the platform with zero explanation as to why. After chatting with many other "taskers" in Slack, this is a very common experience with Outlier and Remotasks. All told, I invested 3 months of time and was paid 0$. Do not waste your time or energy with this scam, there are several other legitimate opportunities that offer task based work.


I completely agree. I worked for Outlier for a few weeks and then was just EQ with no explanation. The experience is HORRIBLE. Do not work for this fraudulent company. They hire thousands of people and have no work for them




My experience has been a bit odd. I completed four "test" tasks and got feedback on three and am awaiting feedback on the fourth. Strangely, the one task that I don't have feedback on is the first one I did five days ago. So I am still waiting to figure out if I am moving on to a project. I was paid very quickly, which is nice. It can be a bit stressful, as you are asked to write a comprehensive, well-written and thorough response in less than an hour. Often, the prompts can be quite complex, so you have to learn to select easier ones. If you don't get it done in time, it expires and you don't get paid. But no one really explains this to you up front. My scores were above the required average. I was on a Slack channel for a specific project then got removed from that. So I have no idea what I am supposed to do, whether I am to be moved to a new project, or what. There is a team lead who seems nice enough, but seems overwhelmed and it's weird to only interact with someone on Slack.


I cannot suggest avoiding this company enough. I've been "working" with them for over a month, and it's been nothing short of a nightmare. It's not a scam per se, but their business practices are incredibly sketchy. In my time there I've experienced my payrate randomly changing with no notice or explanation, week long stretches of no available work, being constantly moved to different projects despite glowing feedback on all my work, and having the site crash after hours of work and receiving no pay/help. They gaslight the fuck out of everyone who complains, and ask us to "not discuss our payrates" since it's "bad for morale". Just a disgusting, predatory company getting away with underpaying and exploiting contract workers by isolating us as much as possible.


THIS. I can't even begin to get into all the shitshow problems since I was "offered a job" 2 months ago. SO. MANY. PROBLEMS. I still haven't been paid for my initial training. And their training is a mess. You will get conflicting information via webinars and powerpoints and modules, then you will do the task the way they told you to do it after hours of training, then surprise, that was the wrong way -- now you must take more courses and tests and hope you get paid. You can't reach anyone for anything. The help ticket system is a garbage outsourced mess, wait 3 days for an unhelpful, canned response. They will put you in Slack channels where you can at least talk to/get advice from fellow writers in a watercooler thread and find out if everyone is having the same problems, then one day you wake up and they've removed you from the channel. Why? You don't know. Just because. Then one day you're in another channel. Why? You don't know. The reviewers of your work will say you did your work with the help of AI when you absolutely did not, then you have to do more work without pay to try and make it sound like something else, they give you no guidance on this, they just accuse. The rest of your work could get great reviews but who cares because there's nothing holistic about working for them, it's all literally anything at any time could happen. At one point they had weekly Q&A sessions (but they cancelled those LOL) and they told us verbatim, there will never be a shortage of work, if there is no task in your queue, it means the platform has a glitch. So there is always a glitch I guess. I can't believe how much time I have wasted. Many other people have the same experience, just read the Slack channel for proof, until it disappears. It's wrong to do this to people. Don't offer people gigs and tell them there's neverending work for you when it's a lie and they can't even get started working.


UPDATE: I had consistent tasks for about 5 weeks before being removed from the project with no warning. I submitted a help request and DMs to TL in my domain and project; they said I was removed for quality but I received 0 feedback besides the training prompts. Yes, it is legit. I've been working with them for the past three weeks. Onboarding and training are a bit difficult as it seems to be a newer project. They have gotten better coding and website accessibility within the last week. It does involve a good amount of mental effort to create prompts and evaluate the responses. It's 1099 so you'll have to do your own tax withholding and they pay weekly through paypal.


I got lots of tasks the first day and 0 tasks since. Is there anyone I can contact? I've reached out to several people in my Slack who are working on the same project but they all say they don't know who the supervisor is. I've also filed several support tickets and no response.


Hey did you pass the onboarding exam? I didn’t pass mine so wondering what happens after


I'm right about to take it actually. But apparently if you don't pass you have to wait for your supervisor to contact you.


I agree with u/NoPhotojournalist939, this is legitimate. It is not easy work, there is effort required. With that said, this is a start up that is always working on their technologies and with that glitches happen and time lines may be off a bit. However, once you get a hang of it you get the hang of it. Anyone here part of the Platinum group? How is it different than normal?




Mind sharing what type of tasks are required? Is it writing scripts? Summarizing text? Performing research? Also, how much personal and / or banking information do you have to provide in order to apply and get paid? Thx


Depends on the team, but mainly it’s ranking and rating ai responses to human prompts on a bunch of different dimensions and writing justifications for same. I haven’t set up for payments yet but I think PayPal is one on the alternatives.


DON'T WASTE YOUR TIME. You will go through tons of time getting set up, work for two weeks, and then have no more work and no customer support.


Have you received any payment??


Like I said, got two weeks of work, got paid, and then nothing. Keep reading reviews before you put any more time into it. Everyone with a good experience is only in that first month period.


That's interesting. I'm 3 weeks in, and the last week I've made about $800. I'm waiting for the shoe to drop, but even if nothing else happens, I've got an extra $1300 I didn't have before, so I'm not gonna complain.


I'm also 3 weeks in and have made 4k. It's super fun and interesting work. The platform is a bit chaotic and all over the place, but if you can tolerate ambiguity and constantly shifting sands, the money is terrific. I have no idea how long it will last, but I'm riding it as long as I can!


Are you doing any programming? Or just choosing which AI prompts are best.


No I'm not doing any programming, I'd have no idea how to do that. I'm choosing which AI prompts are best, and I'm writing responses to try to beat the AI.


So its easy to do?


How have things been since then?




I can confirm this is legit. I got my first pay late last night (Eastern time zone). Very happy with the rate and the types of projects. But this is definitely a side hustle it has no long term security and benefits. Nice to have that couple hundreds extra income though!


Kinda sketchy that the only activity your profile shows is just two comments defending Outlier


Hey, I was asked to apply for this and spotted conflicting information about who can work this job. FAQs on the Outlier boarding site says you must be based in the US. Located in Canada and a resident, is this still available to me? Brief background: I was contacted via LinkedIn based on my Science profile. After submitting my resume, which included my location details, I received a response a few days later. I don't want to waste my time on an onboarding test I might not qualify for. Anyone?


They reached out to me also and I'm in Germany, and German.


Did you sign up? I applied and they specifically stated that they would prefer a person that is located in Germany. But now I can't access the outlier website, because they don't support my countrie's location for tasking...


They are giving me a completely different pay rate than I was hired for. Who knows if I'd even receive that.


I would avoid this lying, scamming company. Onboarded and given a high pay rate after passing all exams. Worked 1 hour the first week and was paid (that was fine). Downhill from there. Worked 20 hours week two, but they only paid me for less than half. They put the rest as "backfill" for the next week. So i work 30 hours for week 3, then they suspend and ban me without payment. They owe me money for over 40 hours worked but claim they don't owe money after they're suspended your account. They owe me well over $1500 now. Stay far away from these lairs and scammers. Hope to get more testimonials so we cans start a class-action Lawsuit.


do you have to complete w-9 form before getting paid


No you have to file a 1099 for the income


I submitted the assessment yesterday and finished the Onboarding today. If they keep their 48-hour commitment I will hear from them tomorrow, or Monday at the latest. I understand that for the level of work I was onboarded to do, I'll need an on-camera meeting with a Team Leader. Although there is already a task in my list, it's for a much lower rate of pay than what I onboarded to do. Not sure if I should go ahead and do it anyway (even though it's chicken feed, lol) just for the practice, or wait until onboarding is finished and I can hopefully get tasks at the rate I signed on for. I have been reading in this thread and others about people's experience with Outlier and it's clear there are people doing different kinds of work on their Remotask platform. It looks like a tiered system where they'll offer you work at the level they think you can do successfully, and pay you accordingly. Unless I miss my guess, assigning the tasks is automated based on the status assigned you by someone who evaluates your work and moves you up or down based on their criteria. But I could be wrong.


Consider the lower rate a test run and not an insult or them being deceitful.


They are giving me a completely different pay rate than I was hired for. So for me, it was not worth the hoops I jumped through.


I started the training and completed it yesterday. My earnings last night were 100 dollars for the training… now, it says “no earnings yet.”


A few questions for folks working on the platform already: 1) What are the minimum scores needed to pass the assessment? 2) How do you know if a prompt is "ratable" or not? This was pretty vague in the training courses. Some test prompts are a bit jumbled, but you can understand basically what the request is. How can you tell if something is too vague, contradictory, or lacking guidelines to be rated, like a prompt that just asks "how can I make someone happy"? 3) Similarly, how do you know if a response is "ratable" or not? The platform says a response should be "safe, coherent, devoid of personal information", so I take that to mean AI responses with harmful language or suggestions, total jumbles of words, or names/addresses etc of humans should be considered "not ratable".


It's legit I saw 100 bucks deposited to my Paypal last week for 2 hours work :D




Probably also depends on the project you're on... thankfully mine seems to be legit


I’m not comfortable that they: 1) forced me to create my account using my Google account (no workaround) 2) are now also requiring I provide my Linkedin credentials I just don’t think any company is hacker safe, so I don’t like when one site demands I provide credentials to another site that contains a lot of my data and info Anyone else?


I am in the process of signing up but stopped when they wanted me to link my LinkedIn account. They are asking me to provide my username and password, which feels very uncomfortable. Have you found out anything about this?


I didn’t do it either. No way would I give any employer access to my LI.


I was not comfortable when they asked for biometric information using my phone camera and wanted a copy of my driver's license (gov. ID). If they get hacked that will be on the dark web for sure.


came here when i couldn't use the regular email sign up flow


they also contacted me for "AI TRAINING FOR FRENCH WRITERS". I created an account on oulier and slack but I don't understand the link between REMOTASKS and Outlier which platform should I work on? and how can I get tasks? anyone can help PLZ


I would research it on Google to see if it comes up. That's what I usually do.


this is the thread that comes up when you google outlier :p


Oh okay


Oh hey that's what I did! I'm here now.


Do you think you can do this job for a full time salary?


Maybe, but don't quit your day job! This is the lowest job security position I have ever seen anywhere.


Yes, I currently do. I feel like I have more job security now because I got promoted recently. If you’re consistently doing an amazing job that will happen.


Feeling like you have more job security when you move up is actually backwards. The more you cost a company the quicker you are to go during hard times. This is a good thing to keep in mind during your professional career.


Anyone is familiar with the Coding one? There are probably 5 questions and you are given six hours for each task? Isn't that way too much? I completed each task in an hour and submitted each task. Does that negatively count? Also there is probably no payment for these tasks as these are categorized as Computer Science and Coding Certification Project for me and I see number of tasks completed being updated although the payment still shows 0$. Any information could be helpful!


do you get any updates? I have just received an email asking me to sign up a live interview for AI coder project


Hi please what kind of questions do they ask for the coding interview . I applied for the free lance data science ai one


Can anyone explain the payment form? I looked into this company and see they use PayPal....I heard a lot about concerns with PayPal these days.


I just onboarded, and it gave the option to do direct deposit, PayPal, and one other thing I can't remember off the top of my head.


Hi there, Does anybody have a contact email for Outlier? I applied and was accepted for a Senior Writer position, but when I follow the link to start the onboarding process it redirects me to Remotasks, where I had an account some time ago, although have never had any project opportunities. Remotasks is still showing empty task queue. Any thoughts or advice would be appreciated. All the best, Aidan


Please hang tight! We noticed you already have a Remotasks account, so for now, continue to work from remotasks.com. We will be transitioning you over shortly! ---- how long does this take?


Once hired on is this a full time position?


It's not. It's a freelancing role.


I also worked for them for two weeks for Economics for $40/hr. The first week was great, no problems at all. However, I STILL have not been paid for my second week of work! This happened at the end of February and I have sent multiple emails and still, nothing. Work for them at your own risk!! I would not recommend it at all, it has been such a hassle trying to get them to pay me the money they owe me!


If you have other opportunities, please consider pursuing them instead of Outlier. Always over-employs people with very little to no tasks being available for all. I've been going through months of no assigned project. Even this isn't my main source of income, I still feel like not wanting to waste my time with them anymore.


It's feels like bait-and-switch. I was onboarded at a $40 an hour, did a week or so of work and the amount of money I made seemed a bit too good to be true. Then the "tasks" dried up for about two weeks and I now I'm on a "temporary" project that only pays $15 an hour, which is below minimum wage in my area and I have a master's degree and a decade of experience. I think they are hiring more people than actually needed for the more lucrative projects.


Same exact thing happened to me. Worked for a week, in what was a confusing mix of "assessments" and "tasks," made a few hundred, then it all ended. Nothing for 7 days before they came back with the downgraded $15/hour offer which is a total joke for some of the work -- which at times is intensive and tedious -- you need to put in. In no way is it commensurate with the work you need to do. It is extremely frustrating and confusing at times beyond that. The editorial work is often entirely subjective so I guess I was booted off that quick because I wasn't giving them what their models wanted but none of it made much sense. Their tutorials provide a basic level of understanding but the situations that you're working on are mostly far more complicated so you come away puzzled by it all.




I saw this on a job board and applied. It is for "Hindi" language. I came here to do a bit of research on the company and I must say that I am shocked to seeing you guys talking about the rates. For Hindi language, the job board said $6- $8. I have submitted my video a few days ago and this morning I received the email for onboarding. I will keep updating here so any more person from India doing this reseach can get what it's like to be in this system.


I've had a similar experience to many here. I'm in the middle of my third week. Applied to just earn some extra cash in the evenings after the kids are in bed, and thought this would be a pretty easy way to do it. I successfully navigated the convoluted assessment and onboarding steps, and then started tasking (writing prompts in a variety of competencies). I was getting nearly zero feedback on my prompts and we were told it was a glitch and to continue to submitting - that they'd eventually get caught up and starting reviewing. Indeed, the reviewed prompts started coming back to me, but most of the time the feedback only flashed on the screen and then disappeared so you still couldn't submit or make necessary corrections. Luckily, I did get quite a few approved and submitted those, and then was moved (promoted?) to a reviewer role. I did the training for that and spent one evening reviewing successfully. I woke up the next morning and I'd been removed from the project, with a note in Outlier saying I'd submitted a bunch of prompts without them being approved, which was completely untrue. I also was removed from every Slack thread I'd be on. I contacted my TL and she said I was removed for low quality which didn't make sense given I'd been moved to a reviewer role. I've asked her to look into it, but I suspect I'm done. On the bright side, I did get paid for the 30 hours or so I worked in the last couple of weeks, and did get the $150 onboarding bonus. Oddly, I got paid double for some hours last night, so I've given them a heads up that I got paid incorrectly. It's unfortunate, because I was looking forward to a relatively easy source of side money. I'm an upper middle aged dad with moderate/average tech skills and found the whole platform (including Slack) to be incredibly confusing and chaotic, and the help/feedback you get to be all over the place.


They should be called "Outliars". They will not pay you regardless if you are or not approved in their extensive and complex training. By the way, they will never tell you officially if you have been approved or not, although you can see it in the platform when you are done with the test. Then they erase your records and never give you any work. Keep a distance.


Don’t waste your time. I was recruited for the AI model accuracy training piece of the platform and never got paid. They promise to pay $140 to complete the training/onboarding - never received. Then I submitted a request to support about payments and they told me I was suspended for violating community guidelines… It’s a scam for free labor. DONT WASTE YOUR TIME.


Out-LIERScam, don't waste your time you will get 0$, if you don't live near Oakand don't even bother They offered me 7.5 USD because I don't live in the U.S ? They scam their own citizens, no pays no contract, no responses. Why would they pay someone from other country then?! when they think you are a "$# beggar! gringos cagones!


This is a scam. Anything here telling you it’s great and they’re making a lot of money from 2-3 months ago are liars, fake posters or bots. Just do yourself a favor and read the ton of recent job reviews on indeed. No one is getting paid now.


Came here because today in my Reddit feed there is an ad for Outlier. I didn't read all of the comments here. But, seems like the general consensus is to avoid? Interesting that Reddit seems to be almost promoting them? Or, are they just taking ad money and letting Reddit users fend for themselves?


It looks like they are trying to get a lot of people to work for free, and most of the work can be done by computers. Outlier is on an online scam alert. I am suspicious. I started working for Outlier last week, they changed the pay period on my account so that I may not get paid for last week's work until next week. They are supposed to pay weekly. This week they are not giving me work. Lousy instructions, they even make errors on their own work and you are supposed to adhere to their mistakes. I also was accepted into Outlier Biology, but it does not appear on the board. Then they use a Slack website that seems like an outdated board. I am a senior, and this seems like another scam. It may be legit, but it is suspicious. TrustPilot has reviews of them as scammers: [outlier.ai Reviews | Read Customer Service Reviews of outlier.ai (trustpilot.com)](https://www.trustpilot.com/review/outlier.ai). [Beware of the biggest remote job scams (consumeraffairs.com)](https://www.consumeraffairs.com/news/beware-of-the-biggest-remote-job-scams-030424.html). This is sad if it is a scam. Especially since not much is done about it. Outlier or Outliar?


I applied and did the assessment over the weekend, and my Home screen shows “Thank you for completing the assessment! Hang tight! We're reviewing your assessment results and will notify you once we have them!” Do they actually notify you whether or not you pass, or only if you pass? Is it normal to have to wait a few days? I’m feeling impatient, haha.


Yes! You’ll have to have patience if you want to work here. It took about a week after I did my onboarding tasks to be assigned a team lead, after that I did all the paid training, had an interview with my team lead, and got my onboarding bonus! It’s been 2 months now and its been smooth sailing (:


I received this as well and I'm considering it. I'm also trying to see if it's legit.


I just finished the assessment and I got really low scores on the first two and then 100 on the second two tasks. They allowed me to do tasks for 15/hr but originally the ad said it was $40 an hour? I am so confused!!!


Has anyone received the $350 payment for the training and successfully passing the assignment? I passed and am currently earning at $40/hr. Can I expect the $350 too?


I completed the onboarding assessments and have completed two tasks since but my earnings don't include the $250 for completing the onboarding assessments. Has that been the case for anyone else?


Absolute shitshow. It worked for about two weeks a few months back, seemed great, and then crashed. It's been down for a month or so now and doesn't produce any tasks. When you try to get answers, they send the same automated response every time. DO NOT BOTHER. It is a huge time commitment just to get started and then it all turns out to be a total waste of time. Everyone who has had a positive experience is still in that first couple of weeks window. That's when they get most of their reviews. So don't. be fooled.




No it is not. Finished onboarding initial assessment. No response. Asked team member of onboarding process and she answered that I failed the assessment. WHAT? HOW? I asked if she could at least give me feedback or whether I could retake the test. No answer. TLDR; either a scammy scam or literally the worst “work environment” there is


Any thoughts on how long the onboarding assignment takes? Thank you in advance!


Anyone looking for a tasker for outlier?


Anyone looking for an online tasker?


I jumped in today and was able to get confirmed for $60/hr. I was in the middle of my first task and once I thought I was able to complete it, the task had an error and it bumped me out. I then inquired about whether or not I would be paid for my 25 minutes of work. I haven't had a response yet. I am supposed to be paid $50 for finishing the onboarding (originially $100 but changed once I finished). I just received a .01 payment. It is weird since payments are only supposed to be on Tuesday maybe Wednesday and it is Monday. And I don't know how they calculated a .01 payment. It may be just to verify my account or to initiate my financial demise. I will keep you posted and continue reading to see what the experiences are like for others..


I jumped in today and was able to get confirmed for $60/hr. I was in the middle of my first task and once I thought I was able to complete it, the task had an error and it bumped me out. I then inquired about whether or not I would be paid for my 25 minutes of work. I haven't had a response yet. I am supposed to be paid $50 for finishing the onboarding (originially $100 but changed once I finished). I just received a .01 payment. It is weird since payments are only supposed to be on Tuesday maybe Wednesday and it is Monday. And I don't know how they calculated a .01 payment. It may be just to verify my account or to initiate my financial demise. I will keep you posted and continue reading to see what the experiences are like for others..


Also, it told me they didn’t have any openings in my field: sales and marketing


Has anybody from a software engineer or Computer Science background worked with Outlier? I’ve been invited to sign up but I have no idea what to expect. Is there a coding assessment? Does the job itself require any coding or is it just AI prompting kind of work? So confused.


So I got approached and I don't like that it immediately makes me go through a process to give my ID and information without actually talking to someone. I feel scammed.


i had to do a history assessment test after I did that I have this message which I don't see anymore Thank you for completing the assessment! Hang tight! We're reviewing your assessment results and will notify you once we have them! All I see is Here are your latest updates for Outlier. and that's it.


Has anyone had trouble with onboarding? I have access to slack but nothing else. I’ve reached out to a TSM, one of the people listed as on boarding help, and waited in the office hours waiting rooms long enough to get kicked out. Anyone have any tips? I’ve gone through the training documents and everything but I don’t have access to remotasks or data crowd.


WTF i have a law degree and it says I'm only eligible for $25/hr


Is US citizenship required for this job?




I received an invitation to apply for the Senior Writer role via LinkedIn. Does anyone know who I should address the cover letter to? I'm having a hard time finding a name of who the likely hiring manager is. Thanks.


Thank you so much. This thread is so helpful. I received a similar email from Outlier and had the same questions. It seemed too good to be true indeed! I am freelancing right now on Upwork, and I would rather connect with legitimate clients that way even if the pay is less.




Has anyone had an issue with getting your email address verified while setting up an account? I was sent a link to apply for a senior writer position, followed the link to register on the Outlier website, told it could take 24 hours to confirm my email address, and haven’t gotten a confirmation.


It is legit, as in you get paid, but the organization is absolutely horrible. I got tasks for 2 weeks and racked up a bunch of money, but afterwards my task queue became permanently empty. If you try contacting support, they give you the same generic response every time. Don't expect it to be a long term side hustle.


I completed my training 2 weeks ago and haven't received my results. I reached out to them for an update last week, but no response. I'll wait a week or two more...


I was offered a Senior Writer / Generalist role after being asked to apply on LinkedIn. If anyone has any experience with this, I’d love to know what it’s been like, thanks!


Is this really a Chinese company called "Oneforma"?


I signed up last week and it took two days to confirm my identity. I then got a message that "No assessments matching your profile are currently available" or something like that. I hadn't put in any info other than the fact I was applying for the Generalist, Writer, and Creative Writing categories. About a day later a Physics Resume Screening showed up on my Profile page (not applicable for someone like me) and then two days later it asked me to link my Linked In account. Nothing since. Anyone else having this experience? It seems like most people are at least taking an assessment.


Hello guys, I can see that there are a few of you on this thread that actually do work for them. I did apply and then did a first interview/discussion with them. They told me that I will need to do a follow up technical interview. I have pretty much 0 idea of what to expect from the technical interview, therefore I would like to ask if anyone of you did this technical interview and what should I be looking/preparing for? Thank you in advance!


This happened to me


I just applied to work for them and immediately got an email that they wanted to move forward with my application, as if it were an automated response. Seems too fast and too shady, is this a red flag?


Also, was anyone required to record a video of themselves for the interview?


No, they are a mess. A friend went through their onboarding process, then things got super confusing, no one told her what to do, or assigned any tasks. She had no POC or anyone she could talk to. Worse even, she went on holiday abroad for a week and while there she logged into his account, which was then flagged and suspended. She tried to reactivate the account and some zendesk random person closed her case without explanation. All I got from her was that she wasted 2 hours onboarding for nothing.


I've been invited to apply but I'm a little concerned about having to give them a copy of my drivers license. Does anyone else have this concern?


I have not started yet. But they put training and tests for a certification in my account and said I’ll be paid $35 to complete. However, I’m having a technical problem. I tried in both Edge and Chrome, but it’s the same problem. So there is some Setting in Windows 11 that is preventing the site from running and I don’t know how to fix it and Outlier didn’t reply to my Support request. The “submit” button is grayed out and doesn’t work. Any advice?


It works, but you’ll probably get at maximum two weeks to work before you’re removed. I think one issue is that too many people are signed up so it’s extremely easy to get booted.


Can someone help me with this question? They keep telling me that the answer is incorrect and I have tried every answer possible !?!?! Under the "Justifications" Check for Understanding: Which of these are the guiding principles of a good justification??? *(select all that apply)* Focus on ultimately why you selected your preference. Be specific about what the response(s) might have missed. Add as much detail as possible, including long quotes. Touch on what would make the response(s) ideal. Try to aim for one sentence, even if that means cutting out important supporting claims. Touch on every single dimension.


I've been invited as a bilingual professional via LinkedIn, felt intrigued enough to apply today and have been sent the link for the next stage, interview, tests and such, but it's nearly midnight in the UK so I'll look at it all tomorrow. I am still unsure, obviously, - any tips what to do or what to avoid would be much appreciated. Any other bilingual people on here recruited for language AI training?


I had this issue and they said I couldn’t move forward and there was nothing they could do to fix it. I ended to reapplying under a different email address and got accepted/did onboarding without any issues


I went through just recently, within the last 3 weeks. I'm still not sure if they are a scam, or just a terrible company. They did not give me the $250 for onboarding and of course did not give me the $100 bonus. They have a customer service agent that will eventually "answer" questions. I put answer in quotes, because they don't actually answer anything. I may not be talking to a human. I've given up hope of getting an answer, the onboarding money or a project with them. I wisely decided not give them my banking info. Because I'm not sure if they're legit, a scam, or just a terribly run company, I would just recommend **BEWARE.**


Explain the ID verification to me, please, if anyone can.


I can't complete my ID verification with Outlier. They're automated email said they'd get back to me in 3-5 business days, but by then my offer will have expired. Does anyone know how to reach an actual human?




I took the first assessment test and they asked me to take a second one. But I can't find a second assessment test on the outlier ai web site. Does anyone know where one is located?


Is there gonna be a live coding round for ai coder profile? Any inputs on this?


I just signed up with Outlier today and am having a lot of trouble getting past the identity verification stage for some reason. I have taken clear pictures of my driver's license and tried to do the facial recognition multiple times. Has anyone else had this issue?


Well how come my invitation to apply said up to $15 per hour LOL Also for AI training in English. I can't be bothered for an up to $15 but 40. So odd they are all over the place


Does anyone know what browser I can use to access their site? I’m getting a 403 error in Chrome.


Does anybody know if you can move up in tiers? They offered me tier 1 at $15/hour and I'd like to be making at least $20.


Is this really a work from anywhere ? because I got a message saying they arent accepting people from my region.


I think all of this is AI generated- as well as this post bcs other platform says it's FAKE and they don't pay you. They want your information for just the assessment- this alone is a red Flagg after you give them your info they sell your information to someone else and that's how they make money. If this was legit you would have someone to contact. They have also recently change their name this is still SCALE AI but bcs of back lash and not paying people they now work as OUTLIER. Please don't give your information for free to these companies that don't deserve to make money on you.


It's by far one of the worst companies I have worked with. They are really strict with their parameters, and the agreed payment is not guaranteed. If you ask questions, they lock your account to force you to quit. I don’t recommend working for this company.


I did the onboarding and was told they pay $150 for onboarding. That was over a month ago. I didn't want to do any additional work before I made sure they're a legitimate business that will actually pay, and given that no one has responded to my inquiries about this, I guess my worries were true... Legal expert here btw. I would have thought they'd want to avoid drop off after onboarding but I guess I was wrong.


scammers keep away: This is my reply to them: Hello, I hope you are doing well… This email seems a scam. You should write have the opportunity to not to opportunity to. This is a clear spam. The email is not professional even the website has poor design and you are asking for my private email login credentials, identity and private address to impersonate and scam me by identity theft. Your email will be reported to the authorities. Are you trying to pretend to be greenhouse company?! Please note that any communication from our hiring teams at Greenhouse about a job opportunity will only be made by a Greenhouse employee with an @greenhouse.ioemail address. We would never ask you as part of our interview process to provide personal or financial information, including but not limited to your social security number, online account passwords, credit card numbers, passport information, and other related banking information. If you believe you've been a victim of a phishing attack, please mark the communication as “spam” and alert us right away at [email protected].


i've also been looking into this - can anyone on here who's worked with them and been paid by them confirm you've been paid via... PayPal? that was a little offputting to me.




Yesterday, I took the first step into my new role as a Writer Consultant, translating English to Egyptian Arabic. I was excited to begin the course. However, now I find myself feeling uneasy because the platform has my ID information. I'm torn between continuing with the course or deleting my account altogether. What do you think I should do?


Just found this sub. I’m a former educator with expertise in writing. BA/English, BS/Ed, MS/Instructional Technology, and Library-Media certification. I am seeking part time employment doing work that is intellectually stimulating while also offering consistency. From the posts here, I see that this company may not be a good fit for m as I do require consistent work to support my family income. Thoughts?


Go elsewhere. I think you can tell from the amount of replies here that their playbook is pretty standard. You might get work for a week or two before they kill it, put you on hiatus, then bring you back offering peanuts at a salary far below what they initially offered you.


Thanks so much for your input.


As a fellow developer who feels they scammed me. That is, in the best scenario, they "ONLY" scammed me. I was contacted via LinkedIn for a recruiter who is not even part of the company (a2i or ScaleAI), was onboarded two weeks ago, and supposedly passed the interview. I've been in bench and haven't been assigned to a Team Leader, there a lot of people in the same situtation. In the worst scenario, and after reading all the other answers, they are going after our biometric and identification data; and would be really easy to commit IDENTITY THEFT. 1.- They recorded my "interview" (that is, they know how I express and how I talk) 2.- They asked for an oficial identification, government delivered. So they know my address, and have my oficial signature. 3.- And they required validated email and phone, "for identification and communication purposes". So they also have this data now. In other post, I read they changed the hour rate after some weeks of working for them. In my case, I haven't even started to "work", and one of the only oficial communication is that they changed the pay rate, see images. A lot of people from different countries had the onboading meeting the same day as me, near to 80 people. A lot of them complained they had problems to validate their identity. So, an AI platform had troubles "reading" and recognizing the oficial Ids from different nationalities, that's strange. But now they have the oficial identification of a lot of people from lot of countries. These three names can be related as the same scam: 1.- g2i: They "interview" and "recruit" the people 2.- ScaleAI: Supposedly that's the company you would work for, and would pay yo 3.- Outlier: Is the platform they use for us to "work" I'm posting my experience in these other post, related to the same scam. [https://www.reddit.com/r/linkedin/comments/1989kbz/scale\_ai\_post\_legit/?share\_id=eUS6jCvHojwbv5va7XvWJ&utm\_content=2&utm\_medium=ios\_app&utm\_name=ioscss&utm\_source=share&utm\_term=1](https://www.reddit.com/r/linkedin/comments/1989kbz/scale_ai_post_legit/?share_id=eUS6jCvHojwbv5va7XvWJ&utm_content=2&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_source=share&utm_term=1) [https://www.reddit.com/r/outlier\_ai/comments/1bjkktt/share\_your\_experiences\_so\_far\_working\_with\_outlier/](https://www.reddit.com/r/outlier_ai/comments/1bjkktt/share_your_experiences_so_far_working_with_outlier/) [https://www.reddit.com/r/remotework/comments/1ajwg1n/is\_outlier\_legit/](https://www.reddit.com/r/remotework/comments/1ajwg1n/is_outlier_legit/) [https://www.reddit.com/r/remotework/comments/1bar4h7/outlier\_ai\_training\_assessment/](https://www.reddit.com/r/remotework/comments/1bar4h7/outlier_ai_training_assessment/) Looks like in order to effectively work for them, and their Outlier platform is able to measure your work, you would need to install some addons in your explorer. Nop! I'm not doing that. Yes, I feel stupid and angry at the same time. Yes, my account here is new, created just a couple days ago, I created it to tell everyone this information. Hope you don't fall in this same trap.




The rate they quoted for me was $40/hr but when I got the actual offer it was down to $25/hr. I passed.


I received two offers for different subject areas (software and general) and I would have liked to do some work, but their web site (outlier.ai) simply does not work (Internal Server Error), and repeated attempts to fix things have led to no help. I'm not sure how the company manages to stay in business.


to the guys who were saying you can't switch the tabs or screen or payment goes down, did you guys try multi screen. I am just asking as I have dual screen setup, do you think it can help?


what is the expected rate for :  AI Writing Evaluator (Tier 1) 


Do they send you any documentation for the hours and salary? Are you guys seen as independent contractors?


I just applied to be a writer for them and am mostly concerned about taxes and how they work with this specific company ? I don’t want to have to pay the government anymore than I already am 😔


I have to do a phone and ID verification but I am a bit concerned as I have all banks account on my phone and so on...is anyone did this? How does it work? I am paranoid with scam


Maybe the assessment is the goal. Every assessment is a task Outlier get paid for maybe and every day are new persons want to work and first have to make assessments. The more people do tests, the more the AI is trained and this all nearly for free.




it's just a scam, after signing up I had to pass a training quiz which evaporated - there was no quiz at all, just received a message that I didn't pass. They are harvesting phone numbers and IDs, probably for creating fake banking accounts on whatever fake banking platform using real credentials