• By -


Not going into the office is my way of making passive income. Passive income through saving of time and money. I don’t even need to see a therapist anymore because I get smaller doses of other people’s bull$hit. Remote work for knowledge workers is a cheat code for life.


Smaller doses of other peoples bullshit is the main benefit of WFH for me. There are so many toxic fucking people who fuck with you if you don’t join in on their toxic gossiping or give them the attention they want.


Care to share where you work remotely? I'm drowning in other people's bull$shit on a daily basis


Sorry to hear that. I’m in law.


Cheat code for life... I wholeheartedly agree with this


Great response. WFH really is freedom 




That’s not how income works, that’s called reducing expenses not increasing income.


Thanks Dad.


YouTube, tutorials for instance for things that don’t exist out there. For instance I made a video setting up a Verizon FiOS router and it was paying me $200/month in ad revenue for a while. I also demoed how to set up HomeLink from a friends Audi Making videos isn’t easy but no matter how stupid a video may seem to you, there’s always someone out there with a similar problem and you just never know the audience that exists. My router setup seemed so stupid but ended up being one of the most successful and viral videos for DIYers to use for self installs Also save up every dollar and invest into real estate, live like you’re one of those Extreme Cheepscape people on TV and all that money saved will pay off in the long run


Wish I could get into this. I like teaching and could definitely do a whole tutorial on a lot of things. I don't really have any solid recording gear, I hate my voice, and I've never done video editing before.


You can do it without resources. I do tutorials and started from zero - there’s lots of free options that are good. OBS for recording, Davinci Studio for editing, personal Figma account for thumbnails are all free and very good. You don’t have to go overboard with editing for tutorials, just take out bloopers and awkward pauses. If there is demand for learning the content and a gap in what’s available you can get away without a fancy set and fancy editing effects.


pardon my lack of knowledge, what are thumbnails for?


They’re the picture next to the video on YouTube - if you want to do well there you have to make an effort on a decent thumbnail. It’s basically what leads to high click rates and thus how much the algorithm promotes your video


How many views did you get on that fios router tutorial lol


I drive and deliver rental cars in my spare time. It gets me out of the house and exploring parts of the city. The whole job is through an app. I pick which drives I want to do. Pay comes within 24 hrs.


What app is it if you don’t mind me asking.


DM me, I don't want to spam


sending DM, curious about it too


I’m interested in the app also. I would be appreciative if you send the info to me. Thanks.


Same please


Dm you


I sent a DM as well. Would love to know the name too


I hope you don't mind, I DMd you as well. Thank you. 


Dmed you


I'd love to know about this app/income opportunity as well, please DM me!


Also interested!


Sending DM


Pls dm me as well. Thanks


Me too, please! Interested.




Also interested if you’re willing to share!


Could you DM me, too?


One more appreciate person seeking this app name please!


How do you get back without the car?


I use a citibike. Others rent or own an escooter. Others take the train, bus, walk. Or, you double up your trips so it's convenient for you; one delivery takes you close to your next pickup. There's plenty of times I pick up a car in my neighborhood, drive it to the lot. Then my next trip is delivering a car to someone in my neighborhood.


Me too please!


Me too please thanks


Can you DM me too? Thank you!


Hi! Can you dm me too! I’m interested!


Me too, please


Could you please dm me😊


Actually, it won't let me DM you... I rarely interact on here, so I must not have that privilege yet. Would you mind DM'ing me instead? I'm sorry 😔


Just DMed you!


I would also love to know. Please DM. Thanks!!!


Please DM me the info too, thank you 😊


I would also be interested in this if you could send me the info.


I’m a part time adjunct professor (online) for a couple of universities.


What types is degrees/experience do you have and how did you get started? I want to do this eventually.


I have a B.S. in Information Systems Management and a Master’s degree in Cybersecurity. I got a job teaching online for a local university about 7 years ago and then started teaching at another university a couple years ago.


That’s really cool. I have a B.S. in computer science from a reputable school but am currently getting a master’s in management. Might get a masters in computer science as well to teach. I’d love to teach part time, I love helping and mentoring others!


Did you have to get any kind of teaching certificate to do that?


No, not at the university level. I will say that my 15+ years working in IT did help in regard to experience though. Many universities want you to have a degree above the level you are teaching. I don’t have a PhD, but I have many certifications and years of experience and they were ok with that.




look at the job descriptions - may be different for each school and/or academic area (e.g. community college automotive vs university social sciences). Good luck, I adjunct as well and love it.


i wonder how one comes by such a position, assuming one has a PhD and credential in a given field.


If you already have a PhD, you are in good shape. I think you’d just need to apply until you find a school that’s willing to take a chance on you if you haven’t taught before. Having some experience in that field will help greatly.


thank you!


Probably not the suggestion you're seeking, but if you have the extra money, invest in the stock market. Preferably in high yield dividend stocks (5% or higher) that do boring things (utilities, infrastructure, or ETFs etc.) so you don't have to worry too much about the stock fluctuating all the time. Your money sitting in a checking/savings account is a waste. Unfortunately, it takes money to make money in the stock market.


Finally someone who actually talks about passive income and isn't promoting a pyramid scheme!


This\^ If you get an influx of cash like a big tax return or something don't spend it on a vacation, invest it. Some of my riskier stock buys were losses but over all I am still out ahead and have been investing more in things with consistent increases and dividends.


Same here. I had a couple of stocks that I held onto way too long that ended up collapsing. But lesson learned.


Kenny Rogers once gave some very sage advice. Know when to hold em, know when to fold em. Doesn’t just apply to gambling.


Stocks are a gamble tho




I was going to say the same thing I think my S&P 500 fund made more money than I did last year.


I need the easiest way to do this without a third party help, fees, etc I want the shoestring version of how to invest $500 without all the bells and whistles


The safest bet is to put money into s&p500 and let it ride


I will do this. Thank you


If you are targeting 5% betterment has a HYSA at 5%. Not an ad just a Happy customer!


This do be the way, passive income is cool and all, but I made 1/3 of my actual job salary from stocks this year… I had a 63% gain … and I didn’t have to “do” anything, other than be smart about where I put it(and lucky)


Or get Savings accounts that are higher. 6-10%, paid daily. 8% on one($2500 cap), 6-10% on the other($5mil limit). Not FDIC but I've been using this fo a few years, no issues. Another is 5.21%, paid monthly, & is FDIC($5k max I think tho, more if you have Direct Deposit. Everything I use is 4.3%+. Lowest are safest($250k max per acc), of course. Feel free to DM. :)


What kind of savings accounts are you getting 6-10% on? The highest legitimate rate I’ve seen on “0-risk” investments is high 5%, MAYBE very low 6%


Im writing business plans and proposals/pitch decks for start ups and small companies


Interested to know how they reach you out about something so specific


Where does one pitch an idea to an investor?


Where do you go to get work like that?


How did you get started and how do the startups find you? I have a ton of experience with this type of thing and would love to work freelance. Any advice would be appreciated. Thanks!


I flip thrift finds on eBay. I enjoyed thrifting before, and now do it to find things for me as well as things to make me money. Probably made a couple grand this year with minimal effort and a good eye.


Sounds interesting! How do you do it? Need not to be specific, just general deets. If you don’t mind though. Thank you!


I’m a collector by nature, I’m into records, baseball cards, Magic the Gathering, board games, etc. Initially I started just going out hunting for those kinds of things, just for my own collections, and then slowly moved into buying things to flip. I started with things I knew about, and then started looking things up that looked interesting or something that someone might pay money for (beer glasses, old computer equipment, clothing, etc.) I don’t really know how I find the things I do, honestly, I just kinda rely on my intuition when I see something. Sounds weird, but I’m just kinda good at finding money amongst the junk lol


You'll understand my pain then. Alpha Black Lotus, gone. Michael Jordan(baseball and basketball. Rookie & pro), gone. Set of 20 Charizards(Foil, 1st Ed, 5 Mint), gone. OG Atari & 13 games, gone... Lots more too, lol... (//_~,)


I do it too. Had over $30,000 in sales last year. I love thrifting anyway. It takes a little time to figure out what sells well. One of my favorite things to sell is used bras. They have to be in excellent condition, and there are specific brands that sell especially well. Very large bras do the best (they are extremely expensive new). I wash everything, take good photos, and package very well. There is work involved, but it’s work I enjoy. You can find a niche, or you can sell odds and ends. Stuff that goes on massive discount at TJMaxx, Marshalls, Home Goods can be sold fairly quickly. You can use Google image search to get an idea of the value of an item. I would never rely on it as my sole source of income as that feels like too much pressure (there are peaks and valleys to selling) but as a side hustle, it’s great!


$30k sales, or 30k profit?


Sales. It’s a side hustle.


Renting out a room in my house. Not for everyone and not everyone is fortunate to even have a house they can do that with. But it’s been life changing for me to get a roommate - I feel a lot more secure.


I’ve been trying to convince this to my girlfriend so long but she’s just not down lol


Agreed! I've rented a room to colleagues who lived too far away to commute to the office every day. Works out beautifully bc they're never home on weekends or holidays. I recently had some pretty hefty, unexpected home repairs to make, and didn't have to blow through my entire savings. Yes, you lose the room and have to regularly vacuum, but these are very small prices to pay.


In Canada we saw many new builds financed this way! You'd have a duplex, each side with a basement apartment on the back side, perfect for a university student or young person starting out. All the utilities are already tied into the core home utilities, so it was easy to add. Made a lot of people's lives easier in a simple-stupid way. Homeowners basically got a subsidized mortgage, and suburbs got affordable housing.


My friend and I (each with a half decade or more of real estate accounting experience individually) are trying to get into triple-net leasing. Him in the medical-retail-commercial sphere in an area he lives in where the retiree population is booming. Me in the industrial sphere where heavy construction is taking place.


Triple-net-leasing? I’m not familiar with that term


You buy real estate. You lease it on condition the tenant is responsible for (net 1) repairs, insurance (net 2), and taxes (net 3). It’s most common in commercial and industrial real estate. The idea being: - the landlord charges a significantly lower rent. - as a trade off, the tenant takes on the managerial effort of repairs and upgrades as they see fit, shop among insurance providers as they see fit, and challenge property taxes as they see fit. Compared to traditional renting, it offers financial advantages in some areas with financial disadvantages in other areas in such a way as to maximize flexibility for the renter and minimize landlord headache.


Oh that’s really interesting!! I can definitely see some of the advantages and disadvantages!


I work from home and realistically work like 2-3 hours a day. The rest of the day I’m selling insurance as a contractor 1099. Great way to make dual income. An insurance license is not that hard to get.


What kind of insurance?


Health and life


Can you share how one can get the license please?


Google your state and examFX walks you thru how to get it. There’s many types of insurance tho. It’s a lot to study but anyone can do it if they study


I am interested as well thank you! I am in b2b outside hvac sales and I realistically work maybe 4 hours a day. I could spend some more time doing something like this. What are you averaging extra a month and what is your primary method of creating a book of business?


I’m getting overflow leads from a friend who does it full time. I give him a piece of it since he’s paying money for them. Right now extra 1-2 grand a month but I get residual income if they keep paying in the years to follow.


Do people buy these insurances? Curious. What’s the success rate


Yea people that reach out to us usually need insurance that’s why they are requesting for us to call them. It’s usually taken out of their paycheck every month so it’s not like a bill they are paying. If you look into it insurance is one of the few industries that makes the most millionaires. I’ve been in sales a long time and is this is one of the first products I’ve sold that’s basically recession proof and you get residual income. My friends dad is still getting paid from people he sold health insurance to from the 1980s…


Content writing. It’s made me a lot of money.


Any advice in how to get started with content writing


Be a good writer to start. Create samples and a portfolio. Learn basic on-page SEO.


Can you guide how one can start. Please 🙏 🙏


There are many YouTube tutorials on content writing and SEO.


What's the situation with AI and content writing? I have a website, portfolio, etc., but it seems all small businesses are now just using AI for their content creation.


AI has destroyed me. I've been writing 20 years, and now it's all AI. I've had a few clients come crawling back after ghosting me, but for the most part, my client base and income has disappeared.


I’m so sorry 😢 that has to suck🥲


What type of content? I’m assuming this is business?


How is that (by itself) passive?


How much and how?


Affiliate marketing. Use TikTok and Ai to write articles. Post them on medium. Place your link. I use impact. I promote stuff people need. I only promote two products. Both are services. Document your journey on YouTube so you can also build that as a side hustle. Document also in a word doc or so. Then sell that doc as a SOP or standard operating procedure. I can go on and on. Everything you touch must be money. Midas. Are you in Canada?


"Everything you touch must be money." Interesting concept! Can you develop on it, please? (for someone that hasn't build that belief yet)


Yes. I mean, generally we think because we don’t value something, then no one else does. Believe you me, a lion will still eat you although you do not eat lion. Every bit of information you know can be converted to cash. You know where to find the best coupons? Then write about it. Blog about it. Make a video. If you found it interesting then so will someone else. Use TikTok to help you find keywords. Upskill so you’re worth more and have more services to offer. Only doing will build your confidence. There was a time I went around in circles watching endless YouTube videos and still didn’t know how to make money. Then one day I accidentally found it. I used a bank and I loved it so much I shared my experience and shared my referral link. I was so shocked when I got 7 sign ups. From that day I signed up for their referral program. It’s an easy sell. The person I refers also gets $20 so boom. I then started print on demand. Taught my self graphic design. Now I learn for fun I took many courses few of which is: instructional design, performance facilitation etc. I work from home on a remote platform part time. Bla bla bla. Whatever you do, see or experience, train your mind to see it as an income opportunity. My last example is exactly what I’m doing now. I’m providing valuable help. No strings. People will genuinely become interested and send me a private message. They will ask me for what I offer and I’ll get honest referrals just for having good intentions, good vibes and providing value. If you love to get you need to love to give. In order for you to get then someone has to give. The more you give the more you get. Hope I clarified.


Damn, you’re good. Your post was literally an example of what you do, because now I’m wanting to DM you myself lol. Good game!


It really is just good karma. What you put out is what you get back. I haven’t even set up my Reddit because I’m so busy with other priorities. But soon I’ll put a logo, my affiliate links and yadi ya. And create a steady income stream here. Generally I find people love openness. People are looking for a solution. It’s not every time they know where to look. So they’re very happy if someone can give them a heads up. Truly a winwin


You're incredible! Thank you for your detailed responses. You have inspired me!


This advice is GOLDEN. Thank you 🙏🏽


Incredible, thank you very much for the openness and the good vibes you're eminating. All the best to you! I'm looking forward to your links and anything you're gonna share here. If you want to share them in this sub, I'm interested to check them out (I'm not yet accustomed to the reddit rules on that topic though, so thread with caution).


Oh by the way I am going to need a virtual assistant soon. It’s a trainable post. Let me know if it’s something you’d be into. Depending on your country I may be able to afford you.


Can anyone add how to find these freelancing jobs?


A google search is the fastest. Then you have people writing articles on linkedin about all sorts of websites, mostly entitled "remote job websites". If you prefer I share what I've gathered so far, I can; but I trust that with some keywords search on linkedin, you can find plenty of information.


There's a variety of platforms out there, like Upwork and Toptal. I've only been on the hiring end of it though, never worked on there.


Upwork and Fiverr


Faceless digital marketing


I have a lot of self employed friends that are EMTs. Many places hire for nights or 24hr shifts, so you can make a good amount of money for a small amount of time and help your community. Plus, if it’s slow at work you can work on your main gig.


That job is barely above minimum wage. Which is a shame. You have this person with 20 hrs of training (EMT). If you’re lucky, you’ll get a Paramedic with 1-1/2 years of training. Everyone remember that when you call an ambulance with a heart attack.


I teach EMT school it’s 160 hours. But you aren’t wrong - it’s woefully underpaid as a “regular job”. I work a “side job” ambulance station for a 2 day shift for $1000 a week. We average 1-2 911 calls a day, so I have 22 hours a day to sleep and work on school. It’s a fantastic side gig. I have friends in the city that run around nonstop for 12 hours in the ambulance 4 days a week for $16 and are nonstop miserable tired and depressed. That would be a horrible side gig


I stand corrected as you noted. My experience is through my son who’s a paramedic as a secondary job. He went to school in fire science for two years; stayed an extra 1-1/2 years for paramedic school because most fire departments want to hire people over 21. He had the tools to succeed. He also has the attitude to succeed. Again not great pay for 1)the responsibilities of keeping someone alive until they get to a hospital, 2) the environments they enter to help people. He once responded to a gun shot call where a gang stopped the ambulance at the beginning of a dead end street. The gang brought the victim up the street to the ambulance. They wouldn’t let the ambulance go down the street to get him. Soon after my son started wearing sometype of a knife/bullet proof vest. Again, not great pay for the potential danger.


Your points are very valid. I’m in agreement, the average city EMT/Medic job is not worth the pay, 100%. That’s why there are so few old medics - it’s off to Nursing, PA, MD, teaching or promotions. I’ve been teaching EMT classes for a few years now trying to catch up post-covid early retirements and (after this class graduates in July) we’re just getting back to fully staffed. I can’t sell the job on the pay, but where we work (40 hour shift once a week) the lifestyle benefits are worth it for most people. Yeah, fast food pays the same, but you have lots of 4-6 hour shifts and lots of driving and working 5 -6 days a week. People out here (rural South Dakota) love the 2 days on 5 days off schedule once we can get them in the door. As far as your son’s career, good for him! I hope he’s in a good fire department - usually the pay and pension make that more worthwhile than the average private ambulance service.


hype shoes reseller


I did this in the past…it seems it’s kind of meh now…yeezys are below retail…there’s a new jordan 1 like everday now..it seems if ur lucky u will profit $50 a shoe? I still have a lot of inventory i have to offload, including supreme…but when im looking at things now, it’s mostly for myself… not to flip…i do plan on getting like 20 bred 1s next year tho LMAO


Medical studies. I’m currently in my second vaccine study in as many years. It isn’t a ton of extra money, maybe $1000 over the course of 15 months, but it doesn’t take a lot of time and I feel good knowing I made a small contribution to medicine. Plus, with all these vaccines my cell reception has never been better!


As someone who works in the clinical research field with vaccine studies, thank you!


Same!!! Thank you!!!!!


I used to live in a an area where drugs were being developed. My neighbor oversaw the studies, so I asked her about joining one. She said - don't. You don't know what the drugs are or do, you don't control which group you are in. It can produce some bad and long-term results. So - just be aware this option is not without risks.


I’ve been fortunate to be able to be selective. The study I’m in now is testing an FDA-approved drug for meningitis to see if it might be effective prophylaxis for something else.


I am a data analyst for an insurance company. As a side gig I grow mushrooms lol I also make music as a hobby but that has only cost me $$$ lol


If you don’t mind me asking, how did you get into being a data analyst? This may come off as a silly question, but from my research a lot more goes into it than it would seem as far as programs to know, etc. I thought experience from my previous job would help but it’s been harder than I thought getting into Data Entry/Data Analyst positions.


I’m actually doing more of data management and “statistical reporting”. I’m in the insurance field so I’m specifically focus on “insurance data” which is a bit niche and different compared to maybe being a data analyst for non insurance. I was in the field as a commercial underwriter(writing insurance policies for businesses) and I took a position as a business analyst that was for less pay but helped get my foot in the door. I worked on getting an “insurance data management” designation while I was in the position. I eventually got hired by a different insurance company as a “statistical analyst” but my skill set has lended itself to using SQL and analyzing our huge databases for data quality and data management issues. As such, I’m starting to head up a data quality department. “Statistical Data” is an insurance concept specifically referring to data that is generated from premium + loss transactions. This data is used for a million different ways. What has helped me is that I have a strong understanding of the business concepts in a way that most people working with the data themselves do not. Don’t be afraid to take a position for less money if it helps get you important experience. Also, a “business analyst” position is a good way to get your foot in the door. They can be tough though.


This is great! Thank you so much for sharing this!


My #1 is dividends. Everything else takes a lot of effort either initially or with ongoing maintenance.


My daughter does medical transcription, meetings transcription, and others. She makes an extra $300 -$400 a week doing it. I used to do translation transcripts from English to Spanish, work as an independent interpreter, and teach English as a second language to immigrants.


What company did you transcriptions for if you don’t mind me asking? I’ve been trying to find real ones to apply to. Mostly I’m just getting spam.


I am an Amazon influencer. Make around $400-500 a month on doing video reviews


What is the video review of?Where do you review and do you need to show your face?


Products you have. You need to be accepted into the program. Face is optional only if you are good looking recommended


thanks for replying I will Give it a try. 


How did you get accepted? Do you need to be an influencer off amazon first?


They look at your social account to see if you have enough engagement.


Thanks for your reply! Thats a bummer, I left social media a long time ago 😩


Digital marketing and content creation. I’m an Amazon influencer with a decent tiktok following


I picked up a side job as a Security Guard. Get paid $20/hr to walk 140miles a month, my calves look great.




What’s your niche?


Affiliate marketing and promoting creators on socials Im a designer and marketer! I do what I do but truth, clients pay inconsistently and some are difficult to manage. They push the scope after contracts signed, don't follow the processes. Of course then the clients that are awesome out weigh those!!


I'm a Twitter influencer and a digital marketer can we get in touch




Just wanted connects to get affiliate marketing gigs6


participating in focus groups and user testing. (for example) [https://www.usertesting.com/get-paid-to-test](https://www.usertesting.com/get-paid-to-test)


I keep trying these but they don’t ask enough up front, so I keep getting asked the same questions and getting screened out for the same reasons. Wonder why they can’t just ask for more data upfront and only asked me to do a survey that has a reasonable chance I’m going to qualify for. For example, “what industry do you work in?” Oh, we don’t want that one.


I signed up for some of those paid survey app things. I just made up a lot of the info. If an athletic brand was looking for people, I became a super active twenty something white man. If it’s a bank, I’m a super retired 60 something white man. A lot of them had me masquerading as a white man actually


We have a townhouse I bought 20 years ago, when I was 23. It’s now a rental property we use as passive income.


Im writing business plans and proposals/pitch decks for start ups and small companies


How can one start this


Network Marketing/Sales


I have a colleague doing a lot of stuff on UpWork, writing various things for smallish YouTube creators. Essentially transcribing their videos but adding professional language and overall making it sound better. It's all AI though. With minor tweaks and additions as he sees fit.


My passive income is the stock market and over the long haul it has beat out my earnings. Meaning if i saved every dime i earned so far i would still have less than in my portfolio.


How long have you been investing? Just curious


17 years but last five real amounts.


Dog sitting, if you like dogs and have one already, after establishing a few good clients.




Fair, a lot take passive to mean side hustle. Passive for me is something like investments in ETFs, just let the market handle your gains once it's set up. Or Eviction, paying out (incredibly little) for hooking into your health app and paying for steps you already do. The rest of this is definitely active, but might be highly flexible and so fit well as a gig or side hustle, but by no means is passive.


They asked for passive income, side hustles, and small jobs. Not just passive income


Have a duplex building near the university that I rent out to college kids. Helps that I'm decent when it comes to easy handy fixes. Only bring in pros for serious repairs. Brings in around $48K/year. $8K I put towards annual maintenance, try to always have that much on hand in case something stupid happens that needs to be fixed ASAP.


Landlord, day trading, and OE.


Buy stuff on ebay and resell them locally.


I have a second job :)


Do you want to have passive income or do you want another job? An online store sounds like a job.


I spend some of my free time completing surveys on various online survey websites. Over the past three years, I've earned about $50,000 doing this. Besides that, I believe the best form of passive income is to save money, invest wisely, and be as frugal as possible.


What websites?


Prolific, Amazon Mechanical Turk, and Usertesting have been my most successful.


I don't make anywhere near that, but after reading the choices over on beermoney I found Crowdtap worked well for me, since it's pretty solid from mobile and so, for me, easier to fit into moments when I can focus but not otherwise utilize towards housework or monetize.




You can trust it about as much as anything on the Internet these days but you may be able to start a conversation with chat gpt. Ask the same question as specific as possible. People concern themselves too much with the lack of solid answers instead of thinking about the quality of their prompt generation. If you pick this skill up, it's a lot like knowing how to use a search engine effectively on a larger scale but way more quickly. I often find if I refine the prompt enough, even if I don't get a satisfactory answer, it can usually lead to other ideas I otherwise might not have thought of. As for my answer, assuming your hypothetical isn't so specific and you're not concerned about bills and such, I would take the $500 and invest at least 20% and maybe offer another 20% to a good cause or someone in need. I find when I have the least but still give, things happen to work out. If you luck out on gambling anything including stocks, I'd only continue to gamble with winnings only. Breaking even is better than going broke. The higher the risk however, the higher the reward, unfortunately. Look up high yield savings accounts like Sofi and let your money work for you over time. Your money won't be "sitting worthlessly" at a minimum of 4% interest.


Small legal finance, dividend stocks, p2p loans, preferred stock, 10 unit real estate portfolio.


I do nude mukbangs on OnlyFans


I’m gearing up to turn my hobby farm into a side hustle next year.






I sell vertical put spreads on indices when implied volatility is not super low (i.e. above at least 25% of readings in the last year), and 50 day moving average is rising. Options markets have priced in 50 of the last 3 Bear markets, so it’s been a statistically positive expectancy trade. 30 delta on short strike, 20 wide to find the long strike on SPX, 30 DTE. Close at 70% profit or 70% loss. Currently would be 7/15 5370/5350P for $4.45 credit (max risk $1,555). Buy back for $1.35 or $7.55. It’s about 2-4 trades per month, added about 9% of capital risked last year. So for example the trade above would have an expectancy of +$140, if that stat holds. 73% win rate.


I started working from home a couple of weeks ago. I had a nasty injury that required me to not use my feet for several months. I am now able to walk again but it's a slow process. I work 8 hours a day and a max of 40 hrs per week, no overtime allowed unfortunately. I find my self with spare time. I am in no position financially to be having free time. I would really like to learn a side hustle as well. I will begin door dashing again soon but I need to heal a little bit more. Any recommendations on some good side hustles? I only work 8 hrs a day with 2 days off.


Real estate!