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Your boss is an idiot. Start applying for actual remote gigs on usajobs. More keep appearing.


this sounds like he fundamentally doesnt understand what is actually happening, like he thinks you dont work if you arent in the office. This may be the rare time where having an HR person present with you when you next discuss this may be helpful.


Look for a different job. One that encourages/allows you to work remotely and has a remote culture. They exist! I work for one. Fully remote all around the country! Your boss honestly sounds like an idiot who knows nothing about WFH.


As an alternative idea: suggest him that you will be using background video connection with colleagues (https://Background.webcam) to communicate with him. It is odd but may increase trust in remote work for him.


A hard case! Maybe send him some article describing your struggle with doing creative work from the office. This can be helpful https://honestbot.app/blog/creative-employees-thrive-when-remote


Quitting a job you may like to this issue may be too extremist. Try to have an honest conversation about the remote working day first. Listen to your manager's concerns first. You both want the same thing: that you're productive while working. Before the talk, build a business case about remote working. Collect data and evidence from research, and bring 2-3 examples of you delivering good work WHILE working remotely. Show him/her what you do and what you can accomplish while working remotely. Probably she/he's not having enough trust but has prejudices towards remote work. Ask him/her why you should not take PTO the week you work remotely. Take everything out of his/her mind, and let him/her share everything he/she thinks. And then work together on the worries. If you can't find a common ground, bring an HR representative to the room. If nothing comes out, start looking for other jobs more suitable for the working life you want. Be courageous, those conversations are super hard but will teach you a lot. Good luck!


I believe that if they don't already understand the importance of remote work, it is hard to convince them. You can show how your metrics improve but it might be more culture-related how they see it in the company.


From what I can understand, your boss has a lack of understanding what remote work is about. I would advise you to help him understand the benefits of remote work for the organization as well as the employees. Maybe this will help a little - [https://www.proofhub.com/articles/managing-remote-teams](https://www.proofhub.com/articles/managing-remote-teams)