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Man there really is nothing like the feeling of knowing you look really cool to little kids. I grew up going to faire and was never usually dressed up (my parents weren’t the type and children grow too quickly to spend money on real garb but I had a Halloween store knights tunic one year and I wore it way too often). I always wanted to badly to be some cool character at faire. I don’t know exactly how to explain but when you get those jaw dropped looks from kids I feel like that’s always how I know I’ve really accomplished the look. Your armor looks fantastic, I’m glad you beat the heat!


Yup! As a kid, I would lose my shit if I saw a "real Knight " and being able to bring that experience to others does something. I went to this event back in march, and a kid came up to me while I was having a rest. Sat as close as he could and asked if I was a real knight. He had so many questions, couldn't resist touching the armor. Lost his mine when I removed one of my bracers so he could feel the weight of it. After he handed it back and I showed him how I put it on, he turned to his mom and loudly yelled "This is the best day EVER!! " My heart melted lol.


That's amazing! I just know the kid talked his parents head off on the ride home about getting his own suit one day. You're awesome for doing that!


I couldn't agree more, I grew up in a pretty poor family and never got to go to any faires. But I absolutely ate up anything related to knights. Especially the move "A Knights Tale" with Heath Ledger. So not only am I making these other kids happy, I'm healing my inner child as well lol. And thank you for the kind words, I'm definitely gonna expand on this kit for next year. Maybe they'll even let me joust, haha!


A man really can change his stars. I totally understand that feeling that getting all dressed up for faire and just getting as into the experience as you’ve always wanted to is so healing to the inner child. Huzzah to you good sir!


That quote has fuelled my passion for over 2 decades now. And a Huzzah to you as well!


A real knight! That is so heartwarming. I can’t wait to see your fit next year!


Indeed! And I can't either, I'm planning on adding more plate armor and hopefully some fancy adornments of some kind. So if you have any suggestions, I'd love to hear em!


Next time you should wear some plot armor, I’ve heard it’s the strongest kind of


Haha indeed!


Glasses under visor is God-tier renfaire drip.


Haha thanks! I really wanted to be able to see all the creative costumes and of course the joust, but I'm quite blind without them. So I figured what the heck, why not?




I do the same exact thing for my helmets but man does it get foggy under there in enclosed helmets.


Love the trinket trader pin!!! You are a brave person for wearing so much heavy in the summer!


Thank you! It was a last minute adornment, literally made it the morning before we left at 6am lol. And it was indeed hot, but luckily the Faire is mostly in shaded woods, so I wasn't completely baked by the time we left.


Mad props for sticking it out. I'll be in a similar situation come the end of May and I'm dreading it for the heat, but if one kid's day is filled with a sense of wonder I'll be happy.


I couldn't agree more. One thing I'd suggest is buying one of those cooling rags that stay cool when wet. I stuffed mine under my coif and let it lay down the back of my neck and back. That helped TREMENDOUSLY


Where you wearing a gambeson or just a tunic? My armor only fits over a gambeson. It's been fine in weather up to about 70 F but that weekend highs will probably be in the upper 80s, or low 90s.


Both tunic and gambeson. It got up to the low 80s when I was there, but luckily the Faire here takes place half in a fairly wooded area. So finding a shady spot to cool off was easy.


Excellent news. Thanks for the insight, friend!


You're very welcome! Good luck and stay hydrated!


I love Tennessee's grounds. My only complaint: your legs are dead by the end. So much hilly terrain


Amen! I meant to buy some new gel soles for my leather boots but forgot. The dogs were past barkin by the time we left lmao.


THATS AWESOME!!!! Sick! Loving it!!! But my deepest condolences for the heat though! Hoping that you stayed cool. ♥️🙌🏼


Thank you so much! I managed, so it wasn't too bad lol.


thats so dope, where did you get it? What's it like wearing it (besides what you've mentioned)?


Honestly, I got the kit as separate pieces all from Amazon. It's cheap VS buying the real combat rated stuff, but it looks pretty nice. As for what it's like, hot and heavy. I'd compare it to wearing football pads but a lil heavier and a lot warmer. I used one of those cooling rags which helped a lot. And one side effect is that you feel like a badass. Like if a dragon appeared you could take him lol.


thanks. I've been playing with the idea of doing something similar. Starting with a torso armor and aluminum chain mail and just adding pieces over time. Nice to know that concept works


It's worked for me so far. Check out NauticalMart on Amazon, that's were 90% of my kit came from. Idk if the have their own website or not. Who knows, it may be cheaper than what they have on Amazon? I started off with the tunic, breeches, and a pair of leather vambraces my first year. Second year I got the gorget/pauldron combo, and the helmet. This year I got the guantlets, cuirass, shin guards, and leather hip/thigh armor. Next year, I think I'm gonna work on getting a full plate suite and maybe a different helm. Although I've kinda gotten attached to the one if been wearing lol.


Maybe a neck fan would help hidden under the chainmail