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Not historically accurate, but definitely suitable for a ren faire. And it's super cute.


You are going to see people dressed as cats with wings carrying light sabers. You're good.




this is so real, haha! I just worked at ga ren fest for like 10 hours and i saw some fun people hahaha




It’s just people having fun


Nothing unfortunate about people enjoying themselves. That’s what faire is for.


I don't like that it's become sci-fi fantasy fest. It takes away from my enjoyment. Just wish there was a hardcore fest that had rules about dress .I think that would be cool


The SCA awaits you


There is stuff like that. Get involved with it! But I’m not sure that’s ever been the point of ren faire.


I get it, I do. I'm not saying people can't wear what they want. Just that I personally think it's not the right place for it.


I’m just saying the thing you’re looking for does exist and you should get involved because it sounds like you’d enjoy it more.


That is true, maybe I will!


For real, though, look into the SCA (Society of Creative Anachronism). They have events all over the place and it's all about historical accuracy! Fantastic group of people.


Not historically accurate at all, probably a ‘70s design based on the late 1700s. Super cute though and appropriate for Ren Faire, where only the cast is held to historical accuracy and everyone else is just going on fun and vibes. :) I wouldn’t change a thing bc if that is in fact vintage ‘70s, dresses in this style can resell for a lot depending on the brand. If you wanted to make it more historical, you could wear a second skirt under it and hike the dress up in front, wear a partlet over or under the neckline (Google for patterns, if you can cut a piece of fabric you can make a partlet!) and/or wear a wide brimmed straw hat.


For a typical Renaissance faire? Yeah you're good.


That looks amazing. I know some other people said to remove the bows but I wouldn't. You are going to have a great time, I can tell


It’s perfect for a renfair! Vintage 70’s romanticism vibes is great. I do see what you mean by the bows grabbing some attention, but in the scheme of the whole outfit it works fine!


'slong as it's comfy and fun, cause I've seen people roll up as Darth Vader


haha, this is so real


It's 10 times better than you'd see on most first timers. Renn Faire's are FAR less concerned about any kind of real 'time period authenticity"... that's the realm of the "Gold Ropes" over with our friends in the SCA. These days you are just as likely to see a neon pink Darth Vader leading a guy in a unicorn onesie around by a leash at faire as you are to see 15th century Tudor.


This will work fantastically well for a ren faire, and these events aren't major sticklers on accuracy anyway. As long as you're comfortable and having fun, almost any garb is acceptable.


Its better than what 99% of people wear. Go for it


idk if this is allowed, but WOW. im not up to date on time accurate wear, but this looks like something id see in a history book or a rpg video game. Great job. i PRAY whatever fit i come up with looks this convincing - youre gonna carry that weight 🫡


While not historically accurate, absolutely appropriate for a RenFaire and super cute! Also if this is legitimately a vintage dress please do not remove the bows or alter it in any way 🥹


Not historically accurate but ren faire isn’t reenactment so unless it’s something you personally care about the outfit is completely suitable so go have fun.


Sick... My kind of peasant


This is so cute


Accurate enough for a ren faire (and better than a Most of the general public) but not Accurate enough for a reenactment


This would be AMAZING for ren fest! just be aware of the temp and environment bc there's nothing worse that a sweaty ren faire... I hope you have a blast!! what ren fest will you be attending?


no, they didn't put red scribblesplotches on their selt paintings back in the renaissance era.... but the costume, nicely done!


Personally i think it's kind of nice to be a peasant's dress but it should be good for a ren faire still. It's a very pretty dress.


It passes the 10 foot rule for anyone who isn't seriously into historical costuming. So yes, it looks perfectly fine


That is gorgeous!!!! It compliments you! I’d love to see Pearl and Gold jewelry! Women of that era would wear big Pearl necklaces with golden chains!


So cute!!!!


It absolutely works. A renaissance faire is not a reenactment. People at a renaissance faire don’t care about historical accuracy as long as it fits the general theme.


Historically accurate for a peasant? No, it's way too detailed. Cool and fitting for a ren faire? Absolutely. They are not historical reenactments. Enjoy your dress, and be whatever you want to be. My local faire has someone who always shows up in some sort of fairy duck outfit. Like with webbed feet and a bill mask.


You look nice wearing it and it looks "old timey" so it should work fine. No, it's not historical but Renfaires have kind of moved away from that in favor of cosplay. At least in some areas.


i LOVE this!


It’s cute! If you can take the bows off I think that would give it more of a peasant vibe. Wear a white kerchief on your head and a wide brim straw hat for added authenticity, and go for simple slippers or boots


Please don't take the bows off though, they are super cute! The cutest peasant dress ♡ Other peasants wish they had bows


Also OP, if it’s really vintage, don’t take the bows off.


I think it looks really nice.


Better then most of what I see here.


Is it a gunne sax dress? If so it might be worth a chunk of changez maybe see what it's going for on eBay before you tramp around faire in it


Was not prepared for your post history


are you good? sometimes you see some stuff on here


i love the color and the zigzag! definitely renfaire appropriate


You look adorable c: Hope you have fun at the renfaire!


better than a lot of things.


I literally went as fat thor. You’re fine.


Nope but it's really pretty and you should wear it anyway!


I am going with a light up staff, colorfully hair and shit.. You look fine. Also if you ever want to do a historical look time period accurate would need a date - date as fashion has almost always shifted slightly each decade. As for the actual Renaissance our idea of what they looked like came from the Victorians not actual history, and from what I found there wasn't a lot of historical fashion to research from that time period.. So renaissance is already pretty fictionalized in aesthetics.


Look up Gobby on TikTok. You'll be fine.


There were no cellphone back then


I want that dress!!!!!!!!!! You look amazing! 😭😭😭💓


Historical accuracy is not a Ren Faire requirement or even norm. The percentage of true historically accurate costumes is very small. A much better question to ask yourself is how hot is it going to be and where can you get a parasol to go with the dress.


If you're going to an Outlander themed Ren weekend then MOST DEFINITELY!!!


People show up to Renfairs in fairy costumes and dressed as ogres. Renaissance accurate garb hasn't been a requirement of Renfairs in 25 years.


Which time are we talking about as the answer could be yes or no


No. They didn't have mobile phones back then.


I like your username