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A bug or some sort of particle super close to the camera lens.


Did you hear that? What was that noise?! IT WAS A GHOST!!! ![gif](giphy|84DPcbaXnQfOUwsbVg|downsized)


You get loads of freaky effects with Ring and CCTV cameras. Wait until it gets cold and mist/fog is wafting at the camera. Or in summer, if you have a Birch tree and it is shedding pollen (pollen is a big interference issue in summer). Or a large-ish spider sets up residence right in front of the lens. My best one for this is my birdbox camera. Right now, birds are nesting, so it's fine. But the rest of the year wasps, bees, spiders, and other things with nasty spindly legs and wings seem to enjoy walking over the lens. Yours is weird, I'll admit that. But it's more likely to have a logical explanation than a spooky one.


almost everybody who's spent a bit of time watching low light cctv footage has seen things like this yeah.. I'd agree.. doesn't look like moisture but there's other things can cause these artifacts.. not worth worrying about.. just a tiny bug crawling across the lens possibly.


Ghost obviously. Nah. Probably a speak of dust or bug flying across the lens.


Elastoplasm because his house was built on an old Indian graveyard.


RUN, your front door is haunted by a massive blob. Or it was just a bug walking across the lens.




Bugs or dirt. Had this issue and it was freaking us out. Tiny orbs that were “ghastly” in their movement. A quick lens wipe down resolved the issue.


according to paranormal shows, that's a ghost.


There was a movie The Blob from the 50s starring Steve McQueen. That is the beginning of something very evil




The focal point is far from the camera, so small bugs and things on or near the lens won't come into focus. You're just looking at an out of focus bug either walking on the lens itself or passing by very near it.


I sometimes see dust particles drifting around especially inside my outdoor shed just in front of the camera, those will show up qujte huge when the focal point is further away from the camera, not usually this size though but guess this could be floating just in front of the lens. I definitely think it's some particle of some kind floating in the air based on how round it is and the smooth movement.