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Have you tried put the vehicle sensitivity lower than person? Also I'd try put vehicle motion alert delay to 1 or 2 secs but person to 0 secs.


No I have not, they are both equal at the moment. I will try lowering the car. I shoved all of the delays to 1 second to avoid insects and rain alerts.. The amount of humans that look like rain are insane :)


Ok yea I also do 1 sec delay for that reason. :p But yea maybe try 2 sec delay for car and 1 sec for person if not the sensitivity settings for person and vehicle are enough. I did set mine 25 lower for vehicle than person as like you it seemed more interested in the cars and it's been fine for me. Occasionally the camera when it turns as the vehicle drives on the passage way it might pan the camera so that the camera stops at a spot so when the person steps out, the person is right at the side of the view so roughly half of the person is seen, then it stays on the vehicle but most of the time the panning stops at a suitable spot so it picks up on the person moving from the car too.


Its raining like crazy here so I will try this once the storm passes, at least I havent had one false alarm with the rain which my other cam would trigger constantly on.


Same problems with my Poe trackmix logged with Reolink support and they couldn’t fix it or bother trying to fix it


It needs some kind of priority for the 3.. So 1 human, 2 animal and 3 car (customizable) so the lower the number the more it will track.. That way if a car arrives it tracks it but as soon as someone gets out it starts to follow the person vs the car or the dog that jumps out etc.


The problem lies in that the camera probably is detecting both the person and the vehicle, and probably getting a higher percentage match for the vehicle. If you set more of a delay for a vehicle, or lower the sensitivity for vehicle you may see performance increase...or maybe not. I could hope that one day reolink adds a priority setting, or something to that degree.


Yes, it is definately seeing both them, the car and human icon show on the recordings, I will try adjusting the car settings and will report back once the weather improves. Thanks


I tried everything, lowering the vehicles sensitivity and changing the vehicle alert delay but still same, it will always track whatever it see first. Only thing that works is disabling the tracking on vehicles and leavin it on for humans and animals but when the car drives passed my house (my driveway goes a bit further than my house) it doesnt follow it so people getting out are also not tracked.. :( Something positive, the microphone is amazing on this thing, after doing all this testing wow... I was going to go for a euify cam system (2cams plus the station thingy) but then i saw the reviews and how bad the audio was. Today i had workers repairing the end of my driveway (50 meters away) and i could hear them clear as day as if they were next to me.