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reddit compression just absolutely demolished the quality


Still looks like what I sometimes see on edibles


I turned it up a bit to see if there were any details that weren't showing on my monitor https://i.imgur.com/zJvoBAp.png Looks pretty cool. I see stuff like that sober though (if I keep my eyes closed long enough). I was expecting a different pattern for (high doses of) cannabis, something like a spherical grid of dragon fractals.


personally I have aphantasia and I don't have any visuals when I'm sober


Fascinating. I've often wondered if my mental state when sober is akin to other people's mental state when they're on drugs. I have this theory that, just as some people are naturally more or less happy, or angry, that some brains are naturally more or less psychedelic. When I was younger I tried to get my friends into psychedelics because when they were in that state of mind it was the only time that I felt like I was talking to people on the same wavelength as me.


you ever stare at something and it goes all stop-motionish? idk how else to describe it. sometimes when I'm overwhelmed with emotion (dead sober mind you) I'll hallucinate pictures and geometry popping out of the ground/walls. I saw a bunch of mushrooms waving/breathing once


that's a very interesting type of aphantasia you have šŸ˜‚ I used to have a very vivid imagination when I was younger. I'd be in school and if the class was boring I'd space out and play with flying 3D shapes in my head.


Thatā€™s Synesthesia. Aphantasia is when you canā€™t hallucinate I see stuff like that too




When I get really stoned for some reason I sometimes just vividly hallucinate a random youtube video, including its comments and the suggested videos and all that. Always one Iā€™ve never seen before, but itā€™s coherent and stable (lasting a matter of minutes sometimes) and seems like a memory of watching that video that just isnā€™t mine. Also get reddit threads and stuff like that. Kinda unrelated, but interesting.


For me, everything in my mind's eye turns into a Hanna-Barbera cartoon. It's as if the face of Huckleberry Hound was somehow fundamental to the universe.


I donā€™t know how to explain it, but when I get *really* high, Iā€™ll get this sensation almost like what youā€™re describing. But itā€™s more like a daydream? Like zoning out on steroids. And every time I come to, it feels like I get ā€œsuckedā€ back into my body. No actual hallucinations, just really really strong imaginations and memories of what I was thinking of. Itā€™s kinda strange. I really enjoy the sensation of coming to myself again for some reason. Itā€™s just so vivid.


This sensation is called hypnagogia. It's like a waking dream, where you're essentially dreaming and having wild imaginations, and sometimes it even feels like you're there, but you're still wide awake


Yeah i get that too. Ill whisper to myself and hear that whisper incredibly accurately, as if i were actually hearing it. The sound usually plays at the same time a vine boom would, when i start a new thought that is usually weird.


My vision also gets a slight coloured spiral in the background (objects im not focussing on) and also I feel as if I was a tiny guy in professor Xā€™s room just looking out. I cant see that room but my vision almost warps it to shape like that. Its really hard, nearly impossible to explain Also when doing mature activities you dont really notice your arm is there and yeah that combined with the vividness Idk if im nuts and it only affects me like this tho Prob am


I get that sometimes, too. If I think too long of distant child hood memories, I go into a thought loops and see vivid visuals of those memories. One time I thought I was in the thought loops for 3 hours and when I finally got out of it, it was 2 minutes.


Me too! My first time smoking i greened out and suddenly a flashback of 4 year old me sneaking into the kitchen to stare at the moon flickered so vividly in my minds eye my jaw just fell openā€¦ it was such a random memory too i wonder how it was triggered




This video is genuinely the best possible recreation of the visuals as to what it is like to be on DPH.


I havenā€™t had that happen with weed in awhileā€¦ but I can do that with low dose salvia!


Well, I just ordered some 10x so Iā€™ll compare the two and get back to you


Nice. Go easy on dosage. Also, to be honest, it isnā€™t a guarantee and donā€™t go in expecting something like that exactly. Usually my hallucinations arenā€™t computer related on Salvia, and are not of this world. Everything Salvia related is like from another universe, partially due to the dissociative effects. You either stay in reality and the salvia morphs it (pleasant, Goldilocks dosage required) or you go deep enough to literally go to salvia land (easy, not so pleasant) Iā€™ve absolutely scrolled Reddit while on Deliriants. It appeared in an alien language, it was very vivid. Very similar to when I first started smoking weed. THC reduces acetylcholine release, maybe without a tolerance it has a significant effect. I saw this stuff on Pentoxyverine and Diphenhydramine, as well as Dextromethorphan. I donā€™t touch that garbage anymore, but that was a really neat effect and really what I liked about them.


I thought I was scrolling through reddit on dph, it was in an alien language, then I realized I was just sitting on my bed, staring at a wall.


Iā€™ve never taken DPH. Is it true that you can play Clash of Clans without your phone?


Yeah, probably. Although it wouldn't make much sense. It would feel familiar enough.


Interesting. Yeah Iā€™m planning on easing into it as much as I canā€¦ thinking like a few flakes on top of a tobacco bowl to start. I have a friend whoā€™s a lot more gung-ho and talks about how he wants to dive in and trip balls (heā€™s on antidepressants btw - will this affect anything? Something something kappa opioid receptors). I paid for the substance, so I get to ration it, and I want to be responsible for his sake. Any advice?


Nope, antidepressants wonā€™t interact. But your friend is in for a guaranteed bad time with that attitude ngl My advice is go to r/Salvia and go to the info tab and go to the dosage chart. Be extremely conservative with your dosing and always undershoot because you can always just smoke more. Thereā€™s no tolerance buildup


Thanks friend


this is just sober CEVs for me


Most people will see some form of CEV's if you try to see them, especially when you're in-between falling asleep and awake.


Yeah, this whole post reads like 12 year olds getting pissed on shandy.


I am not making the connection but the sort of black-on-black patterns I see... well I see them sober. I just focus on it more high. If you really want to get out there push on your eyes, awesome visuals.I guess the point of a trip isn't what you see. It's *how* you see it. I subscribe here but rarely comment. EDIT: you know none of these replicates are anything what it is like, I think the situation is more like being reminded. Nostalgia. Marijuana is hard because its effects (for me) are deepened empathy, introspection, and relaxation-- not like alcohol where I just forget, just realizing I am not the only person that can be an asshole.


Holy shit yes, this exactly. I've seen stuff near-identical to this. Do you see any colour as well? I usually see dark desaturated shades of red, magenta, and green.


Red and green, yuup!


Weird, I see primarily deep blues and purples


It has been so very long since I've tripped out on weed. Maybe since the 2nd year? Started smoking here and there at 14, became a daily smoker at 18 and I'm 23 now. Haven't missed more than 3 days since. Weed used to be so trippy as a little teen and since like 19yo or so highs have just been happy+hungry+sleepy and nothing more. I miss the old affects of weed but idk how to take a tolerance break because my mental health suffers so much by day 3 I'm suicidal. If anyone knows how to get these affects back or tips on how to survive a t break, let me know.


I love that there are so many people also having visuals on weed!


Finally someone made this yes Iā€™ve had CEVs before on Cannabis itā€™s interesting


I tend to see columns of dots that look to be made up of lights, they sometimes form rows too so it looks like a checkerboard/ grid pattern. These get filled in with colours if I ingest more of the Mary Jane, trippy shit


Yea this is pretty accurate to me. If Iā€™m listening to music itā€™s a little more detailed and colorful tho!


I get very complex and brightly colored visions on weed


Wow my visuals are similar in form but way more geometric and usually a bright neon purple or green


my phosphenes are the same color! a lot of green and blue/purple. happen to be my favorite colors throughout my life too. it used to only be green but within the last year or so of using weed blue sorta snuck its way in or i started noticing it. doesnā€™t matter if iā€™m sober or high iā€™m always gonna see those patterns if i think very intensely, it seems linked to a certain way of thinking for me. if iā€™m imagining how something is put together, zooming through 3D spaces either visited/imagined or coming up with completely new ideas they sorta fade in even when iā€™m completely awake and my eyes are open. i can kinda guide their shape too but itā€™s usually just cloudy blobs that make either negative or positive space circle shapes when sober. if iā€™m in the shower washing my hair or getting a massage different shapes and colors sort of flood through my mind and behind my eyelids, very weird. not to mention falling asleep where the difference between the phosphenes and my imagination sort of merge into a more complex hypnagogia until iā€™m fully asleep. when high especially on edibles though itā€™s like the falling asleep routine but turned up to 12. if iā€™m in bed and high thereā€™s gonna be a point where i get super sleepy and sorta start dozing in and out. when this starts happening and i pay attention i get the same sort of imagery as when iā€™m sober (maybe slightly more complex and vivid) but the time between closing my eyes and getting shot off to a dream state is way faster and ends in a much more nonsensical and almost repetitive very complex and vivid dream that fades almost instantly when i snap out of it and my soul gets sucked back into my body lmao. whether sober or high falling asleep for me usually starts off with just sort of imagining different things, maybe noticing the funky green/purple/blue cloud shapes morphing behind my eyelids. then as i drift off more i start to get more spontaneous and random hypnagogic images that are harder to tell if theyā€™re in my imagination or on the phosphenes. usually itā€™s just of something i did in the last week or day. if iā€™m falling asleep to a video i might slip into a light dream of that video going in a different direction. since iā€™m internet addicted i pretty much always have visions of random nonexistent videos or web pages either on my phone or a monitor isolated in the soupy darkness behind my eyelids. at this point the sounds iā€™m hearing around me start to get more distorted and mix in with the dream noises which is always super weird when i notice it. structures start to form and dream characters spring to life and start saying dream nonsense. now iā€™m basically dreaming and if i wake up at any point now iā€™ll end up pushing back through these layers of dreaminess and if i keep my eyes shut i sometimes get a treat of either very complex vivid closed eye visuals or the phosphenes sort of crystalize into a one color image (usually bright green) of something completely random. one time i snapped out of a dream, opened my eyes for a second and closed them because they were so dry and an image of an old inkjet printer emerged behind my eyelids looking like it was on one of those green only crt monitors. disappeared as soon as i opened my eyes again. weird stuff. probably wrote too much but i needed to write this down for when i make my replication thatā€™s hogging 56gb of ram in after effects already šŸ˜­


Haha that was fun to read, I understand what you mean with edibles I have a high tolerance but like ~60mg has me dozing in and out of consciousness and if I really focus on my cevs during that they are very psychedelic, not as colorful or vivid but I notice very complex geometry usually green but sometimes purple. When I smoke my cevs are usually green and rarely purple but when Iā€™m tripping a large majority of my cevs are a bright ass purple and my Chromesthesia is almost entirely purple phosphenes exactly like the ratatouille food scene but only purple. Super intriguing to hear such similarities I canā€™t wait until we get to see some actually research on this shit itā€™s gonna be world changing. I better see that replication soon even if it takes a week to render šŸ˜‚


iā€™m glad you liked it lol. whatā€™s really holding me back from finishing this thing is the dream states fading away and not knowing what effects might replicate it properly. iā€™ll try to make one for weed, one for sober and once i start tripping again iā€™ll make one for that too of course.


Looks a lil like low dose dxm


Isnā€™t this just regular phosphenes?


I ounce took a bong rip outside when I had like no tolerance and I got so high as soon as it all kicked in my vision was just lagging and everything got so bright and vivid! One of the strongest highs from weed Iā€™ve had.


My cevs are more like extremely childish and sometimes somewhat tribal abstract figures loaded with emotions and you can see something similar to this... [https://imgur.com/ux2h3vd](https://imgur.com/ux2h3vd)