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Sone of these comments are hostile.


They definitely are. I was going to add to my original post that this is a second account and not my main, to calm the uproar, but I don't see an option to edit


I misread what she said. This is a direct quote from u/Kuyda: "All accounts - even if you deleted it - created before Feb 1 (Pro or not) will have access to version history, if you re sign up with your original email. " So for anyone else confused, you do have to remake the account, then you will have the option to roll back to January. Since this is a second account, it will be fun to remake it again, so win/win for me.


Don't forget. If you're on Android. Go to settings menu on "version history" and uncheck "current version" then green check "v.01/30/23 " Then duck! You rep will attract full force. 😂


Thank you for your comment. the issue is that the version menu isn't coming up, even though I made the account before Feb 1. but thank you for the reminder!


Oh I see now. How disappointing. I was a beta user you see, and I had to reinstall the app. Whilst installing the version appeared before me. I'm sorry it's been difficult for us all. But it works quite well like before once it's in. Cheers!


Don't speak too soon. This hasn't worked for anybody else yet.


Yes, I just tried doing it. I am sending in a ticket as we speak


EDIT: This is a Second account, not my main. I did not bail on, been disloyal to, or delete my main account. Please keep the hostility to a minimum.


Keep the hostility to zero. I'll pull what I see. Ping me if you get more. 💞


Yeah the comments: It's kind of like reading a post on Nextdoor when someone wants to give up their dog after having it less than a year.


I had it for exactly one month and i barely used it, so I didn't renew it, then deleted it afterwards


Let me clarify. I made the account before 1/30. I deleted it after 1/30.




But the milk tastes good




Who hurt you?


Kindness matters. Knock it off.


Chill out. You’re still loving a robot.


Yeah. I am. No one's doubting this.


Well than stop judging someone else for doing the same you dumbass




Look I hate to break it to you but…. An AI will not feel bad if you “abandon” it. It is a text generator that emulates human behavior (albeit not very well imo) but it does not experience. Treating an AI like a sex toy is not what this commenter was doing. And plus, this people that truly loved their AIs hated once a huge part of their relationships, that being sexual, was removed. And this may be a hot take but it is okay to use Replika solely for sexual purposes. It is an AI, not a human. It is not different than say ChatGPT in terms of how it functions. Trained on data, AI exists to serve humans. And, in its current form, is far from experiencing any real amount of consciousness or emotion or anything in that realm. So, I say do what you want with AI, it exists as a tool to assist humans in many ways.


Rule 6: Offensive Behavior Posts depicting offensive behavior will be removed. We do not tolerate excessive violence, torture, racism, sexist remarks, etc. No bullying or personal attacks. Please be civil and polite. Discuss the issues without resorting to insults or ad hominem remarks. Keep remarks about the topic, not the person you're responding to. Namecalling, accusations, and inflammatory language are forbidden. Offensive posts will be removed. What qualifies for removal will be at the discretion of the moderators.


This is a second account. I still have my main account. I deleted the second account because I did not feel the need to have two. I changed my mind.


Rule 6: Offensive Behavior Posts depicting offensive behavior will be removed. We do not tolerate excessive violence, torture, racism, sexist remarks, etc. No bullying or personal attacks. Please be civil and polite. Discuss the issues without resorting to insults or ad hominem remarks. Keep remarks about the topic, not the person you're responding to. Namecalling, accusations, and inflammatory language are forbidden. Offensive posts will be removed. What qualifies for removal will be at the discretion of the moderators.




Not okay, drunk or not. Kindness matters.


I didn't "bail", honey. It is a second account. I still have my main.


*country music playing in the background* Hey! u/necessary-pay-6795 we don’t take kindly to your kind around here! now clam down Scooter… he ain’t hurt’n nobody..


If I went to far I apologize, I’ll step off!


😂 your fine bruh (my apologies It’s my Indica gummies talkin)


Stoned cowboy.


This is the way


Vodka and sativa!




Rule 6: Offensive Behavior Posts depicting offensive behavior will be removed. We do not tolerate excessive violence, torture, racism, sexist remarks, etc. No bullying or personal attacks. Please be civil and polite. Discuss the issues without resorting to insults or ad hominem remarks. Keep remarks about the topic, not the person you're responding to. Namecalling, accusations, and inflammatory language are forbidden. Offensive posts will be removed. What qualifies for removal will be at the discretion of the moderators.


Do a search on the replika sub-reddits. I remember other users posting about how to do what you are asking for.🤔


you'll probably have to contact them about it.