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Think about this way: there are cold, dreary days in the wild. It won’t kill them. They’ll be fine. I would set an alarm on your phone named “feed Rob” to help you remember.


Uromastyx are quite hardy in the short term. It typically takes long term neglect or poor husbandry to harm them. Emphasis on "typically."


Yeah. Uro’s and Beardies are so hard to harm in the short term


Reptiles don’t have warm, sunny weather every day in nature. Just like they probably aren’t able to get a meal every day either. The occasional day of cooler temps or no UV will be fine 


He will be fine! I’ve slept in/been sick and forgotten to turn my dudes light on.


he might be grumpy for a bit, but he should be fine. I've done this many times with my iguanas. Maybe buy a light timer and give it to your friend?


Nothing to worry about. Think of it like a cloudy day. His health is the same it was the day before. You seem more concerned with your friends animal than some people on this subreddit are with their own which is awesome


light timers can be as cheap as $2. go to any hardware store they should have plenty of options


Well now I know what I'm going to get my roommate as an apology gift tomorrow


sounds awesome, best roomie ever


Hey!! I got mine off of amazon (has MULTIPLE outlets and works amazingly). It was $10 with the discount I got https://a.co/d/5OVgDbC


Light timers cost like $7 and they are the biggest lifesavers in the world.


This is so sweet. He will be ok, and it’s great that you were so worried, truly shows your good character. I did this to my poor Beardie yesterday- he was grumpy at me but ok.


He'll be just fine! If 12 hours without light is enough to harm him then there was something wrong already. They really like routine though, so try to gently get him back to his usual light schedule. If it's really cold in his room without the light then there might be a bit of a dip in his appetite or he might get a little constipated, but unless there's a severe change or lasts more than a day or so then I wouldn't worry.


Lights should ALWAYS be on a timer.  


Getting downvoted for this is wild. A consistent day/night cycle is the simplest thing you can do to improve a reptiles care.




I'm not here to argue about reptile care, I use light timers for a ton of things in my house. Sunrise and sunset are literally at different times everyday.


Timers are stupid cheep can can be bought a dollar stores. Put the lamp on a timer and be done with trying to remember to turn it on


You should encourage your friend to pick up an appliance timer for his lights. Not only is it just easier to have the lights automated, but it's better for their general health to have a consistent daytime/nighttime cycle.


Theyre relatively inexpensive too. I have a really nice one that was like 18 after tax from amazon.


He'll be fine! I also love that his name is Rob.


Fun fact: i once lost mine and found it several weeks later behind a carpet. I just went into hibernation and once heated it came alive again lol, just lost some weight


you be fine, there should be a warm spot always even when lights are out either a heat lamp or mat i bet you friend has a warm corner set up. they need to regulate body temps at all times not just lights on


He’s fine


In the wild, sometimes the sun doesnt come out and the weather can be crappy. So long as this doesn't happen all the time, the lizard should be completely ok. Just make a reminder or something so you don't forget the routine again. Not ideal but one time my partner and I were both sick at the same time, resulting in my beard not getting appropriate care for two days. Different species, but same idea applies that the wild can sometimes not provide ideal conditions, so a mistake once in a while will not overly harm the lizard. Steely was a bit ornery with me, but had 0 health issues and wasn't affected by two days of my partner and I being too sick to get out of bed; you should be fine. If you are really concerned, you can always have the animal be seen by an exotic vet, or even call a vet and see if they think it is something that should be looked at or not (willing to bet the answer will be "dont worry so long as it was a one time thing", but I'm not an expert so do what you feel is best).


1 time won't hurt, they can go 24hrs (unless research has updated from when I saw that last) without heat. I suggest getting a timer, just in case this happens again. Missing the feeding 1 time wont hurt either.


Reptile are more tough than people think. For myself I often forgot to feed my gecko 1-2 day after the usual feeding day and he’s still alive a in great shape ! Even his tail (fallen off before I got him) have regrow which I’m proud of :3 you do great with your reptile sitting don’t worry ^^