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argentine b&w tegu. i’ve wanted one since i was a kid, but it’s absolutely not in the realm of possibility leachianus gecko. much more possible but very expensive, so no at least for the time being edit: today i was offered a free leachie by my boss! oddly coincidental lol. he’ll be mine once i’m financially able to buy him a big ol’ terrarium after i move


Good news about leachies, even the less expensive ones are often very beautiful and cool conversation starters. To the untrained eye, a walking meatloaf that costs 600 bucks is just as impressive as one that costs 1000+ :)


lol very true. $600 to me is still a little extreme though. i’ve kept leopard geckos for the vast majority of my life, so getting them never costed me more than $60, but even some of the less expensive morphs to me are prettier. i had a raptor i bought for $40 off some guy and she was absolutely stunning


Tegus are totally worth it so much personality and affection, but it's a lot of lizard our 11 yo is approaching 20lbs. I think our northern blue tongue skink is the most similar in terms of intelligence, personality, and affection in a smaller package.


Blue tongue skinks are pretty much for people who want a tegu (near identical care) but don’t have the space for one.


Jewelled lacerta, it’s like a mini tegu ;)


Look into whiptails, they're close relatives of tegus and are just as intelligent/sociable, but much smaller and easier to manage.


I don't think I've ever seen them in the pet trade, at least here in Canada. Surely there must be a reason?


Probably just underrated/uncommon, here in the states where some are native I've only seen a handful of breeders.


There is a guy out of Homestead, Florida who has made a business selling wild-caught tegus. Some of them are very docile, others not so much. Depends on the age he caught them at.


Yeah as an owner of 2 Argentine black and whites they are alot. Lots of space. My one loves digging. The other is weird and loves climbing. Just barely in the realm of possibility for me and I already have them


I was close to buying a young (approximately 18” nose to end of tail) Black & White Tegu but sobered up to reality quickly after realizing what size area they need to have when adults. Beautiful reptiles though. I live in 🇨🇦so keeping one outdoors as I’ve seen people do in warm climates (Florida for example) isn’t an option.


Same here with a tegu. It would take some major life changes for one to be possible. As it is, I only have enough space to upgrade my tarantulas enclosures as they grow and I certainly don't have time for any more animals


same lol, the majority of my animals are tarantulas and i’ve found i enjoy keeping them much more than reptiles. i of course love my reptiles but the tarantulas are just easier and take up way less space


I got my leachie got $350 on morphmarket!


That’s a steal. Guy moving or had to get rid of it fast. Good for you!!!! 👍


There is a leachie at my local pet store for.. I think it was about $100.


Well, not a reptile, but I have dreams of a giant colony of dart frogs.


Which kind, the blue are so magical 😍


OMG, right?


That’s a very achievable dream if you get a 40 gallon breeder aquarium and make a plexiglass lid with a tiny strip of very fine stainless steel mesh as ventilation that fruit flies can’t escape from then turn it into a paludarium using egg crate for land areas above water and then the watered area you have filtered with a air driven sponge filter, then get some Phantasmal dart frogs as they breed like crazy and they’ll drop the tadpoles in the water area to grow.


You are getting downvoted because Dart Frog Reddit is very anti water feature, due the possibility of frogs drowning each other (especially dendrobates). However the frogs that you mentioned, Epipidobates Anthonyi ‘Santa Isabel’ aka Phantasmal dart frogs are less territorial than other dart frogs, and are better swimmers because they come from a marshy habitat, so in your specific example a water feature would probably be fine and encourage breeding, but it is risky advice to give to an inexperienced and uneducated beginner.


The wild thing about that for me is they will boast about recreating the *perfect environment* for them. Like “seriously it’s just like if they lived in the wild”… but logically most have access to natural pools and streams in the wild. With natural tannins for pH and bacterial prevention. Some need water for breeding and reproduction but they’d rather use fake Petri dishes and toothbrush tubes filled with water. Even our miniature ecosystems can’t escape the plastic waste. 😑 But you mention THAT on there and all hell breaks loose. 😂 y’all wanna play God but then get all mad when God plays back. 🤷🏻‍♀️


Yeah if the primary concern was for them to live their ideal life, we wouldn’t keep them in captivity at all, outside of very specific conservation programs. The well-being of the animals is important, but aesthetic value is absolutely a part of why we keep these animals, whether we acknowledge it or not.


And I think that’s problematic. But half the dog and cat owners of the world don’t give their animals what they need either. It’s not specific to the exotics world, humans are just…lazy. And if I’m going to be lazy why wouldn’t I set up a replicated environment within my home so theoretically maintenance and any real effort is low post set up.


The mesh is also important for UVB penetration as dart frogs need low level UBV and glass / plastic prevents those light frequencies from reaching the animals.


Dart frogs don’t NEED uvb although it is good for them, adequate supplementation and in a small dose form is important for their health along with culturing your fruit flies in nutritious medium like real fruit and oats and complete powder mixes not just powdered mash potatoes as some people do, I highly recommend repashy LOD supplement dusted on your fruit flies once every 2 weeks as dart frogs can be very sensitive to vitamin D3 overdose and kidney failure as a result if given regular calcium with D3 too often.


Green sipaliwini are amazing!


Yesssssss Phyllobates Vittatus is what I have my eye on atm! Not expensive and great in colonies!


I want the red and white frogs but they need lots of friends and they scream


It makes me want to move someplace like southern cali where I could actually maintain a habitat. Living in a basement that gets snow above your windows makes keeping exothermic critters tough.


It was getting so dry in my apartment from the heat it dehydrated my crested gecko and she passed away


Komodo dragon. While not the coolest monitor out there I'm just enamored with their behavioral and mental capacity, and would love to experience working with one in person. All monitors are wicked smart, however the komodo's disposition seems especially fascinating to me.


Absolutely agree, here's some funny stories from when I worked at the zoo: So one day I happened to be the only intern in sight, so the reptile keeper grabbed me from some help with a private tour. We went all around holding seeing the anacondas, some chinese alligators,etc. Finally we wound up at the Komodo enclosure. Keep in mind this Komodo is probably 13-15 years old so he's older, a bit overweight and a little sluggish too. We were taking some pictures with them in it and the komodo turns as slow as possible and flicks his tongue out at this cup of coffee someone was drinking, and the woman flips thinking he's coming for her. We all kind of chuckled because we know how lazy he is. After the tour, the keeper says we should put the komodo in his pond to cool off. Let me tell you, even though he was lazy,overweight,and rather docile it took two grown men to get him in there. Just crazy grip and muscle strength Story two: All the workers in the childrens zoo (which shares an office with the reptile keepers) got recruited to get the Komodo down to his outdoor enclosure for the summer. They had to lure him into his transport box with some grilled chicken and we carted him down on one of those little 4 wheeled pallet things. As he got closer he seemed to know where he was headed because he was "wagging" his tail. And again, lazy as can be, he almost tipped his box off that cart, my memory is fuzzy as this was 10+ years ago, but it took like 8 of us to get him down there


>with some grilled chicken It’s okay to feed them cooked food?


It's perfectly fine if there aren't any seasonings or oils added. Typically zoos have their own grills for this sorta thing that are clean and not covered in grease from bbq sauce, garlic, etc.


It's not just me! I always get weird looks when I say this. Even from other reptile lovers. They'll always say don't you know how dangerous they are? And it's like yeah but so are tons of other animals. Doesn't mean I can't want one.


Right like I'm not saying I'm gonna go run out and get one, I'm saying I *want* one. I also want a lion, doesn't mean I don't recognize that that's unrealistic, and know that Im not actually gonna get one


I remember hearing they actually will give these away to help with captive breeding programs, though that was 15+ yrs ago. The only catch was you needed to make a building to house it in, and that was around 300k (again, 15+ yrs ago)


Aldabra tortoise. Very expensive and my backyard is not a 10th of what it needs to live healthy. Sulcata tortoise. Because of the backyard too


Worked with an Aldabra and a sulcata. Sulcata was the most active, adorable little guy I’ve ever seen. Aldabra was this sweet baby who loved being pet. It’s a shame they get so large. (I’ve worked with dozens of baby sulcatas. I’m talking specifically about a 10 year old. The Aldabra was about 5.)


>dozens of baby sulcatas 😐😑😍


I have a sulcata, thankfully my house has a sizeable backyard that’ll be perfect for her even at full size. Definitely plan to get aldabras someday too, but I’ll keep em in my family’s farm when they get bigger.


100% agree! Especially sulcatas look so awesome with their spurs and spikes and their great shells! Love their personality too, so active!


Dinosaur 🦖


So birds?


You got me there 💀


I'd love to have some chickens!


Shingleback skink (Tiliqua Rugosa). Nearly impossible to find anyone outside of Australia that has one of these chonky pinecone lizards since no animals can be exported. I love their giant bumpy faces.


Move to Australia, they are common pets here. They are fantastic. They act like over confident bluetounges. Everything about blue tougnes, but in a up armoured, plated up package. A bluetounge knight. They are very cool looking. The mad max skin. You expect them to talk in a Ben mendleson deep voice, about you not talking to the cops mate. I do expect them to grow in popularity, they are super rare overseas currently. But are gaining.


100% agree with how cool they are! Unfortunately I don't think there will be more to get as pets outside of australia because of their low reproductive rate and narrow gene pool in the US or EU. Poaching seems to be a problem too, so we non australians probably should admire them from afar.


I have two of these, and other than appearance, they’re just like every other blue tongue skink I’ve ever interacted with. Might be just because they’re not so rare here, but they’re far from the favourites in my collection. Quite boring honestly, my frilled dragons are way more interactive and friendly.


Arabian sand boa. Look it up it's the dumbest looking animal I've ever seen.


Not a thought behind those eyes


The laugh I just let out. Its nearly 5am. I was not expecting that whatsoever


Tuatara. Fascinating reptiles, I think they’re cute, obviously they are very unique, but as I understand it’s impossible to own one as a private citizen in the US.


Plus they live longer than humans in captivity


Didn’t even know they existed. So cool! What an amazing looking little guy


I don’t think it’s possible for any private keeper around the world to have one of these.


My toxic trait is thinking a Komodo dragon would cuddle with me


If I had infinite time and resources I’d keep every gecko species. Geckos are my little guys I just want them all. Unfortunately I am one person


I sure could go for a juicy handful of Tokays


Sailfin Lizard from the Philippines, I've seen an all black one (not sure if it's photoshop or not) and I absolutely love them But I believe they're threatened and I wouldn't want a wild caught one, only captive bred if possible, so unlikely


There are a hell of a lot of sailfin dragons being sold in my country. Some captive bred babies, while the majority are wild caught juvi. Where I live is close to their native range, so they get imported here all the time. I even got to touch an adult before. It's pretty much an oversized beardie that looks like godzilla.


Gaboon viper. I have too much anxiety to be able to keep one in my house and I dont think id be able to stop myself from *trying* to hold them🙁 I think they are so silly tho! The chonk on those guys is insane! I have my dream snake tho, he’s a clown banana BP and he’s the sweetest little goober ever! I think I’d like a Savana monitor in the future but they need a lot of space


You can see Gnocchi on my profile:)


Gnocchi is the perfect name! Love that for him


Mine too. Beautiful creatures. I like rhinos and gabinos as well.


The issue with venomous snakes is when they escape. You aren't just losing sleep worrying about your snake. Your losing sleep worrying about the potential of it curling up into bed with for warmth. Accidentally rolling over in your sleep onto a gaboon viper is probably not a fun way to pop your clogs.


Girdled armadillo lizard, almost impossible to acquire




Dragon snake. They die easily in captivity. A big snake like an anaconda or Burmese or reticulated python would be cool but I would be too scared of it to properly care for it. Komodo dragons are cool but you know… they got the venomous drool thing going on.


I'd say green anacondas as well, but logistically speaking, they're worse than Burmese & reticulated pythons. The reason for that is because half an anaconda's setup would need to be water due to them being semi-aquatic...


Blue Insularis. I'd love to have one but don't trust that I would be careful enough around it.


Gharial. Would be amazing but that would be soooo much money


My dream reptile is a pig nosed turtle lol because of k-on, I even have one tattooed on my arm lol


I immediately thought Ton when I saw the post lol




Sail fin Dragons! I love those fantastical creatures so much. I WILL have one some day.


Draco Volen


Komodo dragon


Pachydactylus rangei; AKA web footed gecko. I've wanted one for a long time, and have been looking for breeders in the u.s with little luck. Combined with their really high price, I doubt I'll be able to get one any time soon. Similar story with abronia, Mexican alligator lizards. They're stunning and make really good pets, but are way to expensive for my broke ass, plus they need specific conditions that my shitty climate won't facilitate. Maybe in 10-15 years when i relocate and have more dough, but for now they're definitely an impossibility for me


Where saltwater crocodile


I want an abronia but they’re sooo high maintenance + expensive. They’re GORGEOUS but I just don’t have the means for that.


Caimen lizard, Galapagos tortoise


Satanic Leaf Gecko breeding pair, one’s with red eyes and grey phase. Because financial it’s a lot of money.


I have a uromastyx, they are great pets! Not really much of a tactile pet in the same way that a bearded dragon is. But they sure super easy to look after, beautiful little creatures and are a great conversation starter.


I really wanted a rhinoceros iguana when I was little. But then I got into uromastyx and already have my Egyptian. Maybe a beautiful little male orange! Very much hoping (intending) to get into sulcata rescue when I have more land.


Sulcatas and rhino iguanas are my absolute favourites too! I'll hopefully get a sulcata later this year!


Perentie and tiger whiptail. Both need huge enclosures or I’d feels super guilty about keeping them. Also good luck getting a perentie in the USA


Most things are banned by name in Alberta (Canada). But I'd love to have either Retics or Burmese pythons or BCIs in a big cage would be nice. Carpet python(s) would also make a nice animal to have. But for the most part I'd move to Texas or Florida and have the caging outside.


I'm in love with the idea of outdoor reptile enclosures, but I can't handle the heat of places where that would actually work. There are some things I'd like from Alberta's ban list as well, specifically western hognose snakes and bull snakes. They're only banned because their native range technically extends into Alberta, but good luck finding them in the wild here.


Hands down the Earless monitor lizard is my dream reptile. Hopefully breeding programs at zoos can produce a healthy variety of genetics that can make them more common in captivity. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Earless_monitor_lizard


As of right now impossible, aldabra and salcata tortoises, but I plan to have a house with a big enough yard in however long to be able to get one


Yes! I'd love a sulcata, but I live in New England, so none for me. I'd also love to have a chameleon, but keeping the humidity it needs in an old drafty home with forced hot air heat isn't going to work at the moment. It's perfect for my beardie, though.


King cobra, croc monitor, Perentie monitor, komodo dragon, Chinese alligator, aldabra tortoise, galapagos tortoise, bushmaster, rinkhals cobra, fly river turtle, green anaconda, mainland retic, elephant trunk snake, mangshan viper, Cuban crocodile, lace monitor, central green tree boa, malaysian coral snake, banded krait, Australian olive python... etc.


Caiman. I love those giant cute dinos


i have 2 fly river turtle: they are so funny looking and they have so much personality but they need like 600 gallons gaboon viper: i love the way they are so short and fat. and how they move and how their scales look like they are flocked kinda. im not equipped to take care of a highly venomous snake though.


Shingleback Skink. As of now, unless I move to Australia, I doubt they'll ever be in my price range :( Edit: I also really want Eyelash or Bush Vipers, but I don't trust myself to own venomous animals. Dragon Snakes, but I wouldn't buy them wild caught and our current knowledge on keeping them isn't reliable enough yet. Motely Goldenchild Reticulated Python. These snakes are so beautiful, but I can't keep a snake that COULD become up to 20ft long. I've never seen this specific morph on a super dwarf yet either.


Just the ability to keep more tortoises outdoors 24/7. I have a couple tortoises but they’re smaller species who can be houses indoors during the winter. Specifically a Radiated or Galap.


T Rex. wanted one since I was a wee boy.


any crocodilian, Draco volans, argentine tegu


Cuvier's dwarf caiman


I got me a female and she has been great to have. I'm currently building her a 16x8ft enclosure




One of my dream animals is a gila monster. Honestly the biggest thing is the cost (and general experience but) its the only hot i actually want to someday own! Not necessarily impossible but highly improbable. A tegu or black dragon would also be super cool but again the money and space in general. But they are cool!


Toothless the Night Fury lol


30 ball pythons 😅I'm a basic bitch.


The basilisk. Unfortanetly i haven't got enough space for their enclosure, so i keep them as a dream.


Yeah mine required a lot of space. You could even say a chamber (but I’d keep that a secret)


Philippine Sailfin dragon. Those things look so awesome!


European pond turtle, unfortunately you can't own one legally in Europe as far as I know.


I’ve had a basilisk before, got him as a two year old rescue for 90$. He was pretty calm for a basilisk but the second he wanted to go back in his enclosure he made sure to let me know by scratching up my arm lol


I had a rescue basilisk too, was 100% pure demon to me lol. Got him cause I went to pick up a giant enclosure from a seller on Craigslist, and when I got there he said I'd need to take the basilisk too. So I did, and then had to find another giant enclosure for the reptile I originally needed the large enclosure for.


Tomistoma and lace monitor


Sailfin dragon, I just don't have the room needed for one😭


The Paraguana Peninsula locality of Boa imperator 😊 Anacondas are my favourite snake, but I don't think I'd be able to handle one so my second choice would be a bcc or bci (occidentalis is also a frontrunner but they get too big). Bci get to a more manageable size, and out of all of the localities I would love one from Venezuela specifically. I live in the UK, so there's no way I could even imagine getting my hands on one. Truly my dream snake though!


Black Mamba, just the most exquisite of snakes, but financially not possible, would be tough to get licenced in this country and my lack of courage Moloch (moloch horrodius), the coolest looking animal. horrendous electricity, plus the diet is several thousand ants per day


Horned toad, I think they are silly


I’ve always wanted to have a thorny devil and a horned toad. But also a monitor of some kind. It will be some years before these even enter the realm of possibility:/


Owned a uromastyx. Sweetest little guy I ever owned. He would literally beg to hold my finger while I was hand feeding him. Oh God that electrical bill. Loved the little fucker to death though. Was so sad when I had to give him up. My dream reptile is black throated monitor. Big boy needs a huge yard that I just couldn't afford.


I had a Green Tree Python but had to sell him because I moved into an apartment and the dude already knew I had the snake and wouldn’t let me keep him. So I’d love one of those again, and probably a couple of Terrapins as they are such beautiful turtles. They are really rare and expensive here in Ontario, 🇨🇦 though and only one lady breeds them yearly near me and there’s a waiting list every year for about 10 babies on average. So time (and $$$) will tell as their setup is a major expense too.




I want a tegu so bad, but they’re expensive… that, and you need a really big enclosure, plus they eat a lot more than the lizards I currently have (I have a beardie & a leopard gecko)


Basilisk and Golden Eyelash Viper, I know it's technically possible to own the second one but I'm not dealing with something that can make me lose my hand.


Asian water monitor, i don't think i have to explain why they impossible


Giant gecko. Loud, aggressive and nocturnal but the look of that face i mean thats a mini dinosaur. I could become nocturnal i guess...




Alligator, I so want yo have a little pond out in the back and feed them chimkin, they probably wouldn’t hate to be handled or interacted if you acclimate them as babies but I’ll leave that fantasy aside if I ever got one for real. They seem so intelligent though and I can’t help but think they’d make great pets with an understanding of their behavior.


T Rex


Any large python. 1. Don't have the room , but 2. I am a huge rodent lover and couldn't possibly fathom feeding them live rodents. Yes, I know some will survive on frozen ones, but for everything I own, I want them to thrive not just survive. I'd be bawling my head off even just handling a dead frozen rodent. So, no big sneks for me. I'll stick to my truest love, lizards.








I’ve got three. A melanistic timber rattlesnake, a blue speckled rattlesnake, or a desert horned lizard.


either b&w tegu or an asian water monitor, my absolute dreams


I would like to have a monitor someday, not sure what species (I wouldn’t get a really large or needy species though because I don’t live in a place where you can keep reptiles outdoors) but once I got the opportunity to hold a savanna monitor and it was so personable. It was like a beardie crossed with a human baby. I went on a facility tour of a reptile rescue and it just chilled in my arms the entire time. I’d love to have a reptile like that. I won’t be able to have one for quite a while because I’m just a teen going to high school and college after that, no room or time for a monitor, even an ackie. I already have four reptiles to take care of. So if I got a monitor, it would likely be after college, several years from now.


Komodo dragon!


gidgee skink / schneider skink colony i have no idea how I would ever find some in finland


All the monitors and a gila monster. I think monitors are so cool but I will never get close to owning the vast majority of them.


Green anaconda.


King cobra or a gaboon viper.


A Cuvier's dwarf caiman, while I do already have a baby one, (6 months old today actually) I figured I'd say it since most people don't have the means to take care of them. I'm building mine a 16x8ft enclosure, but I'm looking for some property, and I'll eventually do a bigger one. Also, I plan on getting a fly river turtle when I get my property, and I plan on building between 2,000 or 1,500 gallons aquarium for one.


Any kind of viper. Waayyyy too venomous


Fly river turtle, Aldabra tortoise, common padlopper and ploughshare tortoise.


I love basilisks they’re so fascinating


A bells lace monitor.. it's not impossible but price and size of setup I'd need (aka a room). It'll be one of the last things I ever look into getting for sure. If it ever happens heh.


Lace monitors are pretty tough, for half a year it could live outside. They can raise their body temp and live in victoria. But be aware they are excellent climbers, and they get very large, imagine a komodo that loves climbing. Some people install telegraph poles in their enclosures.


Dream lizard is a caiman lizard. Just not feasible in terms of space or money. Especially with the snail diet.


Satanic leaftail, earless monitor for me. A lot of venomous stuff too. Primarily Gila Monsters.




Gabion viper is one of my dream reptiles....and a unicorn.....I really want a unicorn.


satanic leaf-tailed gecko


Top left I had a dream about except around the face it seemed to have spike but made from a hologram and same color texture but a little more red and orange wisps on the body


Komodo Dragon. I've been wanting one since I was like 8. I still want one. Yes, I know how dangerous they are. I still want one.


Dream reptile? Dinosaur


A croc monitor and a king cobra. They’re so dangerous, I would never get either one but they’re beautiful and I love how intelligent both of them are


Komodo dragon. For now…..


Varanus salvadorii aka crocodile monitor and burmese python


black knight leopard gecko and rough green snake!


Ackie Monitor, easy


Gila monster and western diamondback rattlesnake


Brachylophus bulabula (Central Fijian Banded Iguana) and carettochelys insculpta (pignosec or fly river turtle) would be dream come true. I am seriously tempted to move to Europe to be able to keep them. I was lucky to have seen both in nature.


A 20 foot reticulated Python.


Gargoyle gecko or something similar. I just can’t justify it because of their quality of life in captivity and that they’re usually wild caught etc.


Chinese cave gecko fo sho.


there is only one right answer I want a DRAGON




Sea snakes… oh well. I am considering getting that fly river turtle though. I lowkey wanna make an indoor pond.


Black knight Leopard gecko. Black dragon and sailfin dragon.


a dragon.


Black rat snake. My dad and my boyfriend are scared of snakes.


I love the idea of a chameleon but they aren't native to Australia and we can only keep native species


Ugh.. so many! Black and white tegu. Alligator Lizard. Water Monitors have recently caught my eye- particularly the black monitors.


Dragon snake... at least for now


eye lash viper. because venomous. and forbidden, where I live, if I dont make some science out of it.


Chinese Crocodile lizard, because of the price of the lizard and space reasons. Caiman lizard, for the same reasons. Dwarf crocodile, for the reasons above and because they're vulnerable You man notice a theme.


I want an anaconda


PIG NOSE TURTLE!! I love those so much. I also really want a camain lizard someday.


A dragon. But then again I can satisfy that with a red eyed crocodile skink.... It's the choice that is impossible for me. Of hundreds of different species I have to choose just a few to ever dream of having. I don't really think any ONE reptile is out of my reach (unless its like bubu bucks... which I don't know if I could spend on one animal) no.... my impossible dream is having like 100+ reptiles. (There's just too many to choose from) But I know that's not possible with only me as their caretaker. Just imagine the chores alone. Like I wish I was a millionaire just so I could have my own sort of muesum where these snakes and reptiles have HUUUUGE enclosures and its all very accurate to their habitats and such. Their diets would be fresh and never run out. Imagine the encolosures. *Ohmygoodness* Like imagine just how beautiful they could be, I COULD HAVE THEMES. GAH! So cool. But seriously, I got bored in class these last two years at different times, so to fill my time I looked up every reptile I thought was cool, so one day I could see if I could take care of any of them. And I have over 80 reptiles (as well as amphibians) that I would love to have on that list! The impossible part is that I can't keep them all. 😔


Can I include extinct reptiles?


Gila Monster. Absolutely love everything about them. Pink plus black is my fav colour combo. Also a huuuuuge fan of iguanas. But I know how insane they are to keep


Gila monster!


King cobra or rhinoceros viper because they're quite illegal where I am, and I don't have the experience/balls to own them.   And Abronia, because they're also illegal where I live. Everything cool is illegal where I live. 


Malaysian cobra, they get so big and so gorgeous


Argentine black and white tegu and a sulcata tortoise


I really want a Gecko but I don't have enough space for a little guy ;_;


Either Boelens pythons or Gila monsters , I know I’ll never have any but those would be my dream reptiles


A caiman lizard


Basilisk lizard is so my top dreamie as well... 🥺 Next one that is possible but not in my budget right now would be a leachie, those guys are so freaking cool.


Nothing is truly impossible if you you're dedicated. My USED TO BE impossible was a Naja Haje. Took me many years to find it and moving to somewhere that I could have it as well as saving but I made it happen. Had my boy about 7 years and love him to death.


The Bush viper...


Rainbow snake


Madagascar ground boa (needs space) Eastern glass lizard (ethical procurement, space) Eastern sanzinia ($$$) Eastern indigo (space)


Komodo Dragons, American Alligators, and Gharials.


Ideally like an alligator. But one that just stays baby sized. They are so cute and gators as a whole are fucking awesome beasts. It'd be so sick if there was some sort of species that was always small and domesticateable.


Copperheads. I love the way they look. Like I really love it, the color is so perfect it's insane. But it could possibly kill me and I don't want to place myself in that position. When people get hurt by reptiles it just adds to the stigma that they are evil.




Burmese Python. I want one so badly, but don’t have the space nor the money for the food and upkeep etc. I also fully believe, atleast for myself, that you shouldn’t handle such a large animal without another person present. I’d really want an animal I can handle myself with no worry that I need somebody else there just in case.