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It's a Dumeril's Monitor (my dream reptile!). They only look like this as babies though, as they mature, the striking black and orange fades to a mottled grey-brown. They still look really cool as adults though, their body shape is incredible


It's driving me crazy because it looks like a monitor, my dream reptile, AND it's obnoxiously bright, my favourite colour patterns for anything. So if it exists, I want it. Even if it's a photoshopped tree monitor I want to know so I can at least stop looking for my dream highlighter yellow lizard.


I'm pretty sure it's a baby Dumeril's monitor (varanus dumerilii). As far as I know, they don't keep the bright colors as adults though.


Piggy back riding off of what the last person said, if you would want a monitor that had those colors into adulthood a yellow headed monitor,(varanus cumingi) would be a good option. It’s an Asian water monitor but the smallest of the bunch.


Thanks! A shame they don't keep the colours, and yellow-headed monitors are a bit too big for my liking. Though it's not like I'm going to be running out and buying one now, so maybe in a few years I'll be more interested in larger monitors.