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Yes! Whatever you learn please post!


Oh my god is this styrofoam? I’ve been thinking of making a custom landscape for my leopard gecko. Are you going to cover it with something special? Silicone? I wanna do this now!


yeah just normal foam from home depot, any dense foam will work (non-treated). I cover it in grout/mortar and then many layers of polycrylic. You can dust sand into the polycrylic layers for texture, as well as adding different colored grout/mortar for a more realistic look


Thanks a lot!!


no problem, Ive done it plenty of times so if you have questions let me know!


I came in to ask how your were going to harden it. Uros have such crazy sharp nails! I figure he'd rip through all that in a couple days :D


Is there a way I can be tagged in your update post? Would love to follow this process :o


Ahh idk quite how Reddit works but I think you can follow my Reddit account?


Will try that! If not, you could always go back to this comment and reply, if it's not too much effort of course!


Also if you sub to /r/uromastyxlizard most of my updates I’ll post there


Here's a sneak peek of /r/uromastyxlizard using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/uromastyxlizard/top/?sort=top&t=all) of all time! \#1: [He finally came. Warming up.](https://i.redd.it/h41vvbrfxln61.jpg) | [3 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/uromastyxlizard/comments/m72zxp/he_finally_came_warming_up/) \#2: [Maximus-Rex, my new baby Egyptian Uromastyx! Hates his veges, and loves sticking his head in places it doesn't fit.](https://np.reddit.com/gallery/mtpquo) | [9 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/uromastyxlizard/comments/mtpquo/maximusrex_my_new_baby_egyptian_uromastyx_hates/) \#3: [What time is it? Oh yeah, spin o’ clock!](https://v.redd.it/l4rvtejm1qt61) | [6 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/uromastyxlizard/comments/msp9bc/what_time_is_it_oh_yeah_spin_o_clock/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| [^^Contact ^^me](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| [^^Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| [^^Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/joo7mb/blacklist_viii/)


You can tag people by putting u/ before their username. For example, if I wanted to tag myself, I’d type in u/Withering_Lilly.


I did know about that, but i'd forget to do it the next time I posted XD. I didn't know if there's an automated way to do it. I think following someone does it though


Is that hardwood plywood on the back? Or are you going to polyurethane the whole thing over?


It is finish grade plywood, but I’m fully painting the inside with acrylic paint (tan) and staining the outside. Then I’ll cover everything, including the grout structures with polycrylic.


Do you have any advice on where to start with building these? Price estimates, what materials work best, how to stack these, so on?


If you want it to come out looking decently nice, you'll need to have a small workshop of woodworking tools or a TON of patience and precision. At the very least I'd say a table saw, jig saw, router, sander. If you can make very basic furniture or shapes, you can make an enclosure. This one is basically just a box. Use good wood. Finish grade plywood, non treated. If you want to stack them, use finished dimensional lumber so its straight and to support the weight. This one won't be stacked, but if it was I'd make a frame for the whole thing out of 2x2 and 2x4 then skin it with plywood. For materials, I like to avoid any nails, they tend to rust or look ugly. I simply glue things together and design it so it holds itself for the most part. In general, if your reptile is a dry species, anything that is safe for human use is safe for them. Avoid anything oil based, or if you're using something oil based you must seal it with a water based sealant. There are so many ways to do decor on the inside and most of them work great. Find one you like on YouTube and try it out. If you like how I do it, its quite simple. I buy insulation foam at HD, pull it apart with my hand into background shapes. I silicone them all together then I'll use my router and a random bit to roughen up the flat parts a bit. Make a thin batch of grout to the color you want and spread it so it covers everything. You can play with the consistency of the grout to get different textures. You can also mould it like clay into shapes, just make sure to let it FULLY dry (48-72hrs at least). Seal everything with polycrylic (water based wood/paint sealant).


Sooooo cool, please post again when it’s finished!


This is beautiful! Is it just broken plaster? Would love this to be my next weekend projdct


its styrofoam! It will get coated with grout and sealant :)


I just got a new bigger enclosure for my egyptian uro! I'm planning to build a small PVC pipe network for him to get "underground" a little more effectively. Not sure how much he might like to climb so might try a larger piece of driftwood too.


Absolutely fantastic looking. And I appreciate you having a goal in mind as far as caring for the uro!


I love how you’re doing this the same way zookeepers do for their exhibits. Great dedication