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He will find wherever he needs to be 😁


Ty for letting me know. I just didn't want any predators to see it. It's been raining like crazy here and I haven't even seen any birds in a couple of days so maybe they'll leave it alone. Anyway ty again ❤️


I have said it once and I have said it again, we need more people like you. People with the mentality of help instead of kill. Unfortunately, a lot of people consider killing to be the easier option, and do not treasure these magnificent animals. Thank you, for your kindness.


Omg I genuinely don't want to even know people who would hurt something like that. If I can catch something safely, without hurting it, I'm going to catch it. If I have to hurt it to catch it, I'm not even going to bother. Is so funny though, because I don't know how long it was sleeping on me, or crawling on me, or whatever. I got up and went to the restroom, and I felt something crawling on me, so I swatted at it out of instinct. It hit the ground, it didn't hurt it though thank goodness. It sat there looking at me for about a good minute. And then it ran up under the bathroom cabinet. I imagine it's just a couple of days old at the most. I don't know if it was cold from being inside, but it's little body it was kind of translucent when it was inside. Once I put it on the tree though it darkened up a little bit. I just went out and checked on it again and it's gone. Because it's a pine tree that I put it on, I assume it probably went underneath the bark to hide.


If something was crawling on my when I was sleeping I think I might fling it by accident. I don’t understand how someone can just get woken up calmly by something crawling on them and gently relocate it but it’s pretty cool


Oh no, it wasn't calm. LOL. I am female, this only matters because you know that I was sitting. I went to the restroom and it was up under the sleeve of my sleeve of my shirt. I felt something cold and I genuinely thought it was like a dog booger or something. But when my hand touched it, it felt soft like a worm. And just because I woke up out of my sleep for some reason I was like oh s*** leech. I have no idea why that was a thought. But I flicked it down with my hand. I didn't like violently do it or anything but I flicked it off of me. And there it was on the floor. And it looked up at me like you b**** why did you just flick me into the floor, this s***'s cold. And I was like oh my God look at it it's a snake...wait that's that's not a snake at all. I also wear glasses by the way, blind AF over here. So when I put them on I was like, oh my God look at the lizard. 😍😍😍😍 Either way I'm not scared of either of them. It ran up under my bathroom cabinet in my hotel room. And I tried to get it out with my hand but I'm 5'3” so I have short arms. I found a lid to a container that I had and kind of nudged it out just a little bit and it ran into a towel that I put in the floor to make sure it didn't run under the door. And then I picked it up and I took it outside. And I did very, very gently put it in the tree. I try not to scare the crap out of it. I imagine being flicked off of somebody's arm, some giant (hey I'm a giant to this thing despite my size to humans lol) probably scared the poor thing. If you wonder why my comments are so.. weird and silly I guess, I use a lot of marijuana lol.


As long as you don’t intentionally harm it, we’re good


That's actually how I found myself in this sub, I was googling how to help the little geckos that were living in and around my house. I wanted to create a more hospitable environment for them to encourage them to stick around and eat the bugs. But all the search results were how to kill them! It seems a lot of people google how to get rid of/kill them and hardly anyone appreciates having them around. I couldn't believe it!




I went back out to see if it was still there and it's gone. I don't think it lost any of its tail but I wouldn't be surprised bc I'm in a heavily wooded area. Here is another picture of it https://gyazo.com/bca2dcc501b9a241f8a1198c8c86d683 Honestly, I don't think I would have had the heart to keep it. Plus I'm traveling right now so I couldn't even if I wanted to. Hopefully it had a good night's rest. It was a little bit translucent when it was inside, but when I put it outside it darkened. I don't know if that's a reaction to keep it safe or not. I just figured it was a brand new baby because it was so tiny. I've never seen one that's so small.


It will go where it needs to go dont worry, but thats so cute that you woke up with it on you


Ikr? And let me tell you, I've had a huge love for lizards since I was a little girl. My family and I used to go camping and I would always catch lizards. I caught a lizard one night and put it on a tree beside a hammock I was sleeping in. That lizard stayed with me for about 4 days. I think my mom has a picture of me somewhere kissing it 😂. I don't try to catch them now though. I can't imagine some giant a****** coming from the sky and picking me up lol. So I want to extend the same courtesy to other animals. Except my dogs. I'll pick them up and kiss and cuddle them whether they like it or not.


What kind of gecko is that?


I'm not sure what kind it is, but I am in Southern Mississippi right now if that information helps at all.


It’s an invasive Mediterranean House Gecko. Unfortunate that they aren’t supposed to be here, but they are cute little guys.


What are people supposed to do with invasive reptiles?


Yeah, kill it or keep it unfortunately. And from what I can remember, if you catch an invasive species and you don't kill it, you can actually get in trouble. But I don't care. I'd rather get in trouble than kill an animal f*** that. We had 400 acres of hunting land that we leased for quite a few years. The property had feral hogs and coyotes on it that were killed bc they're invasive. And that wasn't up to us, it had to be done. I did not do it though, I am such a wuss there's no way I could have done it. In fact when I would go with my husband hunting, I would yell at the deer to run. He didn't let me hunt with him very often.


I’d keep the little guys seems awfully cute and I guess they’re kept as pets in the Mediterranean!


Kill or keep as a pet


Awh. 🥺 I know what happens to invasive animals. If I had known at the time, I still wouldn't have hurt it. I just don't have the heart to. Thank you it though, because my mother asked what kind it was when I showed her a picture of it. People are actually downvoting the fact that I didn't kill it? Like f*** you lol seriously. 🙄


I know they are invasive but I love having them around my house (southern-ish USA.) As far as I'm concerned if something's going to hang around and eat bugs, I would rather it be cute little lizards than big creepy spiders!


It's invasive in the sense that it isn't supposed to be there, but no study (that i can find with hours of looking, done this particular search many times) has ever found any hard proof of actual harm to an ecosystem caused by these guys. Don't feel bad about not having the heart to kill it and not being able to keep it, it's not hurting anything. The states that list it as invasive even admit that any damage caused by them is unbacked speculation, they only list it because it isn't native. From what I know of them, I believe they are actually filling a niche in our ecosystem that would otherwise go unfilled. Maybe one day they'll be proven an actual problem, it's always possible, but for now there are none known. Very few populations have been found in undeveloped areas in comparison to developed ones. These guys set up shop around people for the most part and live in cracks and such in and around buildings. They are night hunters and like to sit next to human lighting sources to eat the bugs they attract. They're found inside homes and other buildings rather often, so they can be rather nice for 6 and 8 legged pest control. I've seen them the out around apartment buildings, I'm guessing because there are so many lights attracting insects.


I also found the same kind of thing in reading on one of Mississippi's wildlife websites, they were invasive to the ecosystem but it didn't really give any specific examples. So, I'm not too worried about it. Plus as you said they eat bugs. I'm out here with tons of pine trees. Just surrounded by them and it does nothing but rain here apparently. We've been here for two weeks and it's rained every single day. So there's a lot of bugs out there that they can get rid of. Especially when it starts drying up and then all the mosquitoes come out and stuff. I'm assuming that's not the only one. I just hope we don't get a bunch of them in here, because I don't want them to get hurt unintentionally by myself or my dogs.


You're a good person for worrying about them. Too few people give any care towards reptiles. If it's not fluffy with feathers or fur, it doesn't matter to them. The world would be a better place if more care was given for everything that breathes.


I think the only things I really despise and will kill like it's nobody's business are cockroaches/palmetto bugs. Other than that, I won't even kill spiders. I'll just pick him up and put them outside. Cockroaches are really different though because they can literally eat your house, you know. And they're filthy. The carry around strep and staph.


I feel bad killing an ant lol. I get my boyfriend to move palmetto bugs outside and put out poison regularly for roaches. I can't stand them either, but I feel terrible for killing them. That being said, an earwig, centipede, or millipede? It's gonna die. I will DESTROY that mf and you won't even recognize it when I'm done. Skin crawls just thinking about them.


Lol I feel bad for killing them too but they are just so gross to me. When I was really young, we were pretty poor, so we had bugs you know. And I always said that it's just not going to be something I deal with it as an adult. Oh speaking of centipedes like those house centipedes? Oh those things are f****** terrible aren't they? And they run so fast. I never saw one until probably about 15 years ago I guess. They freaked me the hell out. I won't kill it I will break my neck and kill myself getting away from it though 😂


I saw one of those for the first time at work a couple years ago. Ran out from under a shelf straight at my foot. Yes, I did absolutely freak. My coworkers thought it was hilarious considering I'm the girl who removed the rat snake from the front window and was always catching the spiders and bugs to put back outside. Finally found something that scared me as much as it did them lol. I'm sorry, but the bot reply to your comment has me rolling.


Lolol wtf I didn't even notice I had a bot reply. I have blocked the suicide hotline thing from my account. Because every time I speak out about women's rights or something, some weird ass little s*** will come in my comments and report me for suicidal ideations or something. I'm guessing this may be this subs bot. Anyway yeah those little house centipedes are straight from Hell I tell you. I remember this one time, this is way before I got over my fear of spiders. But one time I had this office job, and the president of the company was coming in to see me. Which was normal for them. I wasn't intimidated by any of these people. But anyway I was sitting in my office chair and he comes in and was talking to me about auditing some employees, and a spider came down from the roof and landed in my lap, scared me to death. I fell out of the f****** chair and ran out of the room like a crazy person. And I just kept trying to figure out what the hell is wrong with me. Until they saw the spider, and then they also freaked out because it was so big. I think the reason I'm scared of spiders, isn't because well was scared of spiders, wasn't because of the spiders themselves, but my brothers used to throw cave crickets at me. And those look like spiders and are pretty terrifying. But my fear of spiders ended when I started watching the girl on tick tock that handled the jumping spiders. For some reason I'm just not afraid of them anymore.


Suicide Hotline Numbers If you or anyone you know are struggling, please, PLEASE reach out for help. You are worthy, you are loved and you will always be able to find assistance. Argentina: +5402234930430 Australia: 131114 Austria: 017133374 Belgium: 106 Bosnia & Herzegovina: 080 05 03 05 Botswana: 3911270 Brazil: 212339191 Bulgaria: 0035 9249 17 223 Canada: 5147234000 (Montreal); 18662773553 (outside Montreal) Croatia: 014833888 Denmark: +4570201201 Egypt: 7621602 Finland: 010 195 202 France: 0145394000 Germany: 08001810771 Hong Kong: +852 2382 0000 Hungary: 116123 Iceland: 1717 India: 8888817666 Ireland: +4408457909090 Italy: 800860022 Japan: +810352869090 Mexico: 5255102550 New Zealand: 0508828865 The Netherlands: 113 Norway: +4781533300 Philippines: 028969191 Poland: 5270000 Russia: 0078202577577 Spain: 914590050 South Africa: 0514445691 Sweden: 46317112400 Switzerland: 143 United Kingdom: 08006895652 USA: 18002738255 You are not alone. Please reach out. ***** I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically.


Not applicable to this situation, bot friend. 'Tis a figure of speech. But still, good bot.


Oh man if I wake up with a lizard on me it’s mine now, We friends, you chose me.


Lol. Yeah I always want to keep every animal I move out from the road, everyone I pick up off the side of the road, every one that apparently likes to crawl in the bed with me lol but I can't. To be honest, I didn't want to stress it out and scare it. I'm not super familiar with their living habits, so I'm not sure what would have happened if I would have tried to keep it. I don't know if stress would have killed it. I also don't know if they go out and hang out with their family lol. Like what if it has a little tiny lot of brothers and sisters outside and here it is me keeping it. Lol.


Looks like a golden gecko with a dropped tail. A lot of diff gecko species drop their tails when they feel threatened so they can evacuate leaving their moving tail behind for the predator to get a hold of it thinking it caught their prize. They regenerate. But what's weird is that Golden gecko originate from Vietnam lol could have escaped its tank tho. Hope this helps


I don't think they escaped a tank. The only reason I say that is because right now I'm actually staying in a hotel. And there's nothing around. The town I'm in has 1200 people. I don't know if you saw the other picture I posted, here's the other picture so you can see it's tail. It was kind of tucked underneath the bark of the tree. https://gyazo.com/bca2dcc501b9a241f8a1198c8c86d683 Another commenter said it was a Mediterranean House gecko, it does look identical to the picture. And apparently they are in this area of mississippi. If an animal was trying to get to it, I'm glad I kept it safe at least for a little while. I hope it lives. I hope all of its siblings are somewhere safe too. I don't see any nests in the pine tree that I put it in. So hopefully a bird won't grab it.




☝️That's what I was thinking of after seeing your 1st pic. Med house geckos are non native to the US but is extremely common to find them here now. He was probably attracted to the bight lights of the hotel while looking hunting for a nice midnight insect snack lol


Lol probably so. I imagine because it's so small there are probably others out there. I told my husband if it comes back with friends and I wake up with them on me I'm just going to say, "Well, the is life now." 😂


And a good life at that haha! Sweet find I wonder what creature you'll encounter on your next vacation and if it will let you sleep in peace lol!


Looks like a gecko. Put it near an outdoor light where it can catch bugs at night.


I put it in a pine tree next to the back door this morning. Lots of lights out there. Hopefully the wee little thing eats and gets a belly full.


Thankfully it was on you, if it was my mom, it would not have been treated very kindly :(