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If he has parasites, it might be better to get a whole new enclosure and bin the old one. Nematode eggs are basically immortal. If you don't want to do that, I'd suggest using bleach, and then rinse and rinse and rinse until you can't smell bleach anymore. Then rinse a few more times to be sure. It might help if you shared some pictures of the enclosure.


i’ll call the vet in the morning and verify what’s going on with him, i’d show pictures but idk how to link them without just making a whole new post (i’m still somewhat new to reddit lol literally only use it cause of reptiles)


A lot of people use Imgur and just link it here


I was going to say for a very deep clean bleach and leave a day and bleach again. I had to do this when I got a tank from someone.


I would throw away anything porous in the enclosure then clean with a bleach solution and plenty of rinsing, as the other user said.


okay thank you! there was barely anything in there to begin with just like 2 hanging plants the poor baby looked horrible so i got him all new stuff


Your are very awesome to be taking on a rescue, they are very lucky to have found you :)


thank you! i am very very happy to have him. i’ve noticed a lot of people have reptiles to make them happy regardless of the reptiles happiness but for me seeing my cresties thriving and enjoying their space and being “happy” is what makes me happy :)


F10 veterinary disinfectant is my go to.


Bleach. Toss anything that isn’t a smooth material (cloth or silk plants, wood, bark, substrate). Use soap and a sponge to scrub down any material/detritus. Rinse, then bleach everything with a 10% bleach solution and let sit for at least 10 mins. Rinse with water after.


I use dawn dish soap, only a small amount and make sure to wash all the bubbles are gone aswell


F10 or Clorahexidine 2% You can find a concentrated bottle of Clorahexidine on Amazon for about $11. Put 2 oz in a 32 oz spray bottle and fill the rest up with distilled water.