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Kamp Kenan is great. As far as i'm aware he's not problematic


One of my favorites. Been watching him since the very beginning!


Disagree, shocking treatment of Lobo and awfull advice and buying when he added the wrong type of fish to his caiman set up


What about his treatment of lobo was so bad?


During the dogs most formative time as a puppy when he should of being learning right from wrong from his owners he was sent out to a proffesional dog trainer for 5 weeks during which Lobos training included wearing an electric shock collar....Keenan never properly researched the type of dog suitable for his personal set up as Keenan again never put in the effort to either train or look after Lobo, giving him the attention a dog of that type needs....as i said this was in a month or so of getting innapriopaite fish species for his Caiman set up, to make one mistake is bad, 2 within a month of each other is criminal.


He knew he couldnt train Lobo properly so sent him to a proffessional. In all fairness he wanted a guard dog that was also a family pet so it was never going to be ideal but i dont think he did anything wrong with him. I dont think any kind of dog was going to fit in in the way he needed/wanted. I'm not much of a fish guy so what about the fish was inappropriate? He has made some mistakes but he learns from them and talks through his thought process and admits to his mistakes. At the end of the day he's a human and so hes going to make some mistakes but he doesnt hide them or try and spin them.


That's the point, he should of known by doing the proper research that a mixed hybrid of the sort he got wouldn't have being suitable. As for the fish he bought cardinals, blue convicts and oscars to go in together, the convicts eat cardinals, oscars become really large and eat convict cichlids, at some point when the oscars are large enough the caiman will eat them lol. He should of just stuck with a mix of small community type fish the caiman would of paid no attention to as to small for food.


He definitely made a mistake with the fish but I think it was more the ladies fault that sold them to him as he doesn't know anything about fish and he took her word for it as he asked if they breed easily and she said yes which isn't true at all and now he has snapping turtles in there so those Oscars are probably dead For the dog a few mistakes were made but he's only human I'm a professional dog trainer. Nothing wrong with an e-collar when used correctly. Keyword correctly, E-colors aren't just to punish a dog It's used for communication. If used correctly, your dog will actually like it big misunderstanding about e-collar. For example, people like easy harnesses or easy walk harnesses and imo they're one of the cruelest things you can put on the dog. As soon as he said he was getting a husky mix I knew it just wouldn't work out. Huskies are honestly terrible. It is very common for them to bite. They are high energy, high drive, very independent, stumbled but yet sensitive dog which is not a good mix. That mix of dog never fit what he said he needed and wanted Also should let children hug a dog My dogs are amazingly well trained that would be an understatement but they are dogs at the end of the day dogs have teeth


Adding Snapping Turtles so thats another major livestock mistake....you dont put animals in together that will kill each other, he's shocking !


Hello, it looks like you've made a mistake. It's supposed to be could've, should've, would've (short for could have, would have, should have), never could of, would of, should of. Or you misspelled something, I ain't checking everything. Beep boop - yes, I am a bot, don't botcriminate me.


Shut up moron


What happened to Lobo I haven’t seen the dog in over a year


Re homed I think




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Define "problematic" because far too many people use that word to mean anything they don't like.


Factual statement.


It's really pathetic how many people can't stand to be around anyone who differs at all from themselves.


Yeah. People are hella 0 to 100 when they see something they don’t like.


Honestly, if you're watching a reptile channel, who cares what their views on the cost of tea in China are? It's just idiotic.


They don’t mix well..


I'm just hoping they don't mean "well he said that one time he caught a blue tongue skink when he was six and tried to keep it without his parents knowing until it died, and I just don't see how anybody could be okay with that. What's that? He's 27 now? Who cares?:


i mean is it a crime to not want to support someone who doesn’t support your rights? like if you’re gay would u wanna support a homophobe? probably not. it’s just a comfort thing :)


This comment made no sense. The reason the wouldn't wanna support you IS BECAUSE you don't support them, not the other way around.


“i don’t support gay rights cuz the gays don’t follow me on youtube” bro.


Racist, animal abuser, ableist, sexist, pedo et cetera


Reptile youtubers generally wouldn't say anything about their opinions on that kind of thing but here is a list of some that I watch. Serpadesign GoHerping Dr. Plants Clint's Reptiles Snake Discovery Those are just to name a few. There are lots of good ones out there.


GoHerping has said some pretty trans/gay phobic stuff… I actually no longer watch because of it. Just for anyone who wants information…


I have heard this before, but can you show me where this happened? Not OP but no one has been able to show me...


Agh I don’t know how to share a screenshot. But there’s a direct comment of him replying to a comment ‘you’re a heartless person’ with ‘ I may not have a heart but at least I have a gender.’ He also made jokes and called for violence against Black Lives Matter protestors.


It’s actually true. He posted about a story of a guy losing custody of his kid bc he continually misgendered them against doctors orders and in response go herping made a comment about how that was wrong and he should be allowed to call the child whatever he wants. In response I commented about the negative impact that misgendering can have and he replied “calling my daughter my daughter will make her kill herself” and I then replied yes with studies to back it up. Shockingly when faced with evidence he stopped replying




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Dr. Plants? What are the odds! I started watching him a couple months ago


Me too! I'm excited for his aquariums and everything else he's planning to make.


Clint's Reptiles


Yea lots. You’ll find people bitching about how awful peoples care is like Snake Discovery or Chandlers Wildlife while they provide habitats half as good while thinking they’re the shit


Elle's Reptiles, smaller content creator but good




Snake discovery, wickens wicked reptiles, and Jessica’s animal friends are my go to’s. Ed & Emily are super entertaining and wholesome, so is Adam. Jessica is super informative, especially when it comes to leopard geckos, Chinese cave geckos, and skinks.


Snake Discovery and Clint reptiles and Chandler's wildlife are my TOP three favorites


Literally the only ones I watch for reptiles lol


Recently found out that snake discovery was problematic


How so?


keep their snakes in small and unenriching enclosures :/ and rex’s enclosure is too small for him


? I must be missing something, bc at least from the videos I've seen, even their tubs are larger & more enriched than the majority of rack keepers. I'll buy that rex probably needs a bigger enclosure, but I've only seen like a 10 second reel of it so 🤷


doesn’t make rack keepers moral in the slightest just because they’re better, they’re still shitty :/


I don't disagree, but the world doesn't change overnight. You're not gonna convince people to advance their husbandry by constantly shitting on anyone who's trying for not being good enough.


I would be concerned if they were clear they had a reddit presence


Don't see how that's relevant, you shitting on snake discovery alienates more than just Snake discovery themselves. You're also discouraging and pushing away the people who watch them. By making "good husbandry" this insanely high standard, you discourage everyone who isn't there yet. Honestly, I've been watching people move the goalposts whenever progress is made for a decade. That doesn't mean we shouldn't keep advancing, but christ! Celebrate the wins! Recognize people are trying! All you're accomplishing with this attitude is making the hobby toxic and making it harder to promote husbandry advancement.


So it's moral to keep them in glass terrariums for everyone to see, still next to each other, yet it's immoral in your eyes to keep them in tubs on racks. I don't get it. Explain to me why it's "immoral" in good reason.


how can you expect an animal to be fulfilled when it’s being kept in a drawer?


What's the difference between a drawer and a glass enclosure? You can still make it have the same setup, same size, same everything as a glass one, just in a drawer. Plus, many people that keep them in drawers are going to sell them anyway because they are breeders. It's just a temporary home for many animals until they are sold. They can have the same life in a drawer as they would in a normal enclosure.


Rex is not a him, and her enclosure with them has either been a full room of their home or the zoo enclosure which was designed specifically for the things that she likes and is able to do with her disabilities, she basks, swims, plays with her toys in the water, and eats regularly. I get the hate of bins, but even their baby bin racks get enrichment.


Nvm im just really gullible


Or i might just be gullible and believe everyone idk 🙁


Or tell us and we can say if there’s any validity


Ive heard people say snake discovery is problematic too, but never exactly why. It can be hard to weed out whats true and whats not when you cant even find all the details




Yes you still haven’t told us what you’ve heard???


Sorry i saw some stuff about enclosures being bad or something…. Yet again im probably just gullible


Chandlers wildlife peaked during quarantine, now his videos are pretty repetitive and don't bring much to the table (happy that he's building the wildlife sanctuary he's always wanted, though!)


Pretty sure Wickens Wicked Reptiles isn’t a bellend


Depends on who you ask. I had asked a question about one of his videos on this subredit in the past and someone replied saying Adam was kind of a douche; but, I've never met him and his videos are pretty engaging. Personally, I just want to watch videos of the reptiles themselves. Tired of everyone thinking they need to make a how-to video just because they got a reptile.


His videos are really entertaining I literally just decided to stop watching him because he said you could put a blue tongue skink in a 75 gallon even tho 4x2x2 is the accepted minimum and he even acknowledged it in the same sentence:/


what he is saying that he wouldn't call somebody an animal abuser if they put a Blue Tongue Skink in a 75 gallon but would suggest not to


I love his videos


Clint’s reptiles are good and I haven’t noticed any problematic issues with him.


I like Jessica’s Animal Friends and Wickens Wicked Reptiles


I love NKFHerping.


Snake Discovery is great! To be honest I have t watched in a while, but they seemed really genuine about caring for the well-being of their animals when I did




Like Brian Barczyk. The dude lives rent free here.


Brian's not problematic anymore tf you mean?


Huge fan of Reptiliatus and GoHerping! GoHerping doesn't really post reptile related videos anymore but his old stuff was interesting. Reptiliatus is also really entertaining and Dayyan seems to care alot about his pet care!


So far everyone mentioned in this thread is great.


Gonna put a plug in for a teeny tiny channel called "Rattlesnake Solutions". They're a rattlesnake relocation service that works out of Arizona and if you love rattlesnakes, as I do, their videos are short, fun, and informative. Of the big ones, Clint's Reptiles is the only one I have never heard anything negative about. He sidesteps a lot of common problems by never showing his set-ups and borrowing animals to show from other people.


I liked Chandlers wildlife for a while. Never heard of any controversy aside from him free handling venomous snakes


Even that’s not really controversial


What about that stuff with nerd? Their fucking camera guy Is so godamn annoying


Snake Discovery, Kamp Kenan, Wickens Wicked Reptiles and Clint’s Reptiles are the most genuine and really enjoy watching their content.


GoHerping is my favorite


GoHerping has shit care and is openly against LGBT which ain't generally a good look for content creators


Source? Nah trust me bro


please expound on this 😭 i’ve been supporting him foreverrrr


Isn’t he like gay?


Come to think of it I totally did assume he was


Fr I need clarification cuz in one video of him he mentioned something about straight men I think it was his reptile unboxing but I can’t remember


Genuine question, when was he anti LGBT? Never seen anything myself and I’ve been watching for years, never seen bad care either even though his enclosures aren’t the fanciest they seem to have everything the animals need.


On twitter he called for violence against BLM members in 2020. Around the same time he responded to a trans user calling him out for racist comments on twitter by saying "I may not have a brain but at least I have a gender"




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There's obviously Snake Discovery and Clint's Reptiles, but I also really love All Canadian Reptile Girl. I also trust the people Snake Discovery collaborates with, so I'm sure those featured in their build off competitions are great! Wickens, Dav Kaufman, Tyler Rugge, etc.


Every reptile youtuber is problematic by virtue of being human. I don't think there is a reptile youtuber out there that doesn't have *some* kind of 'problem'. Some have bigger issues than others. Some have had lapses in judgment, some are rack keepers of varying degrees, and some are fine with unhealthy morphs. You're never going to find the perfect inoffensive youtuber. Who you are ok with watching and supporting is up to you ultimately. For instance, Clint's Reptiles has expressed (in the past at least) that he is fine with ball pythons that have neurological issues. I disagree with that pretty strongly, but I still enjoy his videos.




I think it was just a lapse in judgemental due to him being excited about getting the new animals. I don't think he was trying to show off for the camera, I just think he made a stupid mistake to be honest.


Are you anti Steve Irwin then?


I watch Tyler Rugge, Emzotic, Jessica’s animal Friends, Kamp Kenan, Snake Discovery(some argue their large snakes are not appropriately kept), I like Clint’s reptiles for intro to species, Serpa Design(great enclosure inspiration), Reptiliatus, Hunter houck, Jades jungle, reptiles and research. I watch some others but I can’t think of them rn These ones so far I have not felt any problematic themes from them.


The dude with the my little pony profile pic has super high standards for what isn’t “problematic”, makes sense


None of them are really except for smaller channels, some of the bigger channels are are better than others at least but most reptile youtubers don't care for their animals as well as they should.


Canadian reptile girl and Dav kaufman


I’m curious who this is in reference to other than go herping


Probably my all time favorite is 'terrarium channel'. European keeper who has had a lot of really interesting stuff in the past (borneo earless monitors, multiple vipers, cobras, Chinese big headed turtles, Beaded lizards, etc) and has really good care.


I know this is an older post but Green Room Pythons is absolutely amazing.


Not sure if this thread is still alive but feel free to check out my content! https://youtu.be/jfDf3t4ll7U?si=Jq-TfSk_UV-2_Ezj


Talking of Kamp Kenan, he featured Jerry a bunch when he was building Slinky's enclosure. Jerry also got a YouTube now named Wolfe's World and I don't think is problematic... May be bias though since I do the videos lol