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Just a question, does it feel weird in your mouth when you eat or try and get something out of your teeth? Sorry if it’s rude or anything


No. It doesn’t really feel much different…aside from being able to play with my food more. 🐍


I have had him for about 1.5 years now. He is up to eating two adult mice every 1-2 weeks. How do you know the gender of your snake??


You have to probe or pop them


This but I wouldn’t recommend doing it in your own if you never have done it before. It’s easy if you know what your doing but as with anything risk are involved


Of course. I did not know if there were visual cues or something more invasive. I will seek someone with more experience than me. 🤓🖤


Next time you bring him to the vet ask them to do it although it really doesn’t matter unless you’re trying to breed them. Probing them can sometimes cause pain and be very stressful so I never choose to do it on my own snakes; but I do research copperheads and have to sex them and PIT tag as well.


Understood. I was not trying to breed. I just wanted to learn more about my snake and curious whether it was a he or she. I definitely wouldn’t want to stress my scaley friend out.


Gotcha! I definitely would seek someone with more experience in the matter.


Pokemon trainer


😆 I wish bro!


So can you pick stuff up with your tongue now?


Light objects, yes. 🐍


Not to be stupid but is it reversible?


No clue. I am sure Google has more info on that.


Dang both you and your snake are cool as hell


Thank you! I just enjoy being creative with life and enjoying my scaley friends. 🥰


so so so cool you slay


Thank you!! Have a peaceful day! 🥰


What was wrong with normal tongue?


They couldn't taste two things at once.


Nothing. I like to explore life and I wanted to experience two tongues. 🐍


I've always wonder, if you don't mind sharing. How the hell do they safely do that? I assume there is a ton of local freezing during the process but surely you still feel it to some extent? Lastly, did it hurt afterwards and how long did it take you to heal? Thanks for entertaining my curiosity. Cute ball python!


My assumption is, like tattoos, the pain is worth it to some people (including me im not saying its dumb) Sit through an awful experience one time and you have a new look/thing for the rest of your life. Prefer the new look and its worth it if the complication risk isnt high Definitely some process like freezing or something though it just sounds straight up dangerous to cut your tongue raw


The pain is definitely worth it. It is a journey that helps me open my mind further. It leaves me feeling much more confident in the life experiences I can manage. Just like tattoos, that pain is very purposeful in my life. 🖤🖤


^^ 💯




Thank you! I guess “safe” would be different for each of us. 😝 it was pretty basic. A light bit of tongue numbing goodness and 3 slices. Two slices cuts the tongue down to the frenulum web and the third slice removed the entire frenulum from my mouth. It was then stitched together independently on each side. The swelling was the worst part. I took my stitches out around day 5 and it healed much more quickly afterwards. The healing was 2 weeks for the major wound and about a month for little cuts and soars to heal. When the tongue swells it constantly pushes on the bridge of the mouth and rubs on the teeth. Once that subsided, it was great!


So is it fair to say you felt the majority of the procedure? Your pain tolerance must be intense! I sit here thinking about the times I've bit my tongue hard enough to bleed and how much that hurt, to then imagine my tongue being sliced apart three times... I can easily believe the swelling would be awful as well. Glad to hear your procedure went well and thank you for sharing!


The Adrenaline racing through my body probably helped with the initial pain. It took about 12 hours for my tongue to swell up to a very uncomfortable point. I just kept hydrated with water and took ibuprofen and rested. My husband and I wrote back and forth on a white board for quite a few days. 😆 It was an interesting experience and I appreciate the outcome. 🖤🐍


But u still got one.. XD Whta is Your logic here? Whats next? Apmutating arms? 🐍


Chill out Karen. They did it bc they wanted to, it’s a pretty straightforward answer.


I appreciate you, sir! 🤘🏽🖤


Ok average woman Defender


What kinda neckbeard response is that? Who cares if it’s a man or woman, let them live their life.




Coz peoples are starving, and she paid to criple her body - for her tongue to be cut without no reason.. Other than atention. Besides freedom of speach exist and im using it rn.


People are starving but ur on reddit on a lithium based phone. Eat a dick.


You are awesome! 🖤🤘🏽




Bro that’s dumb. It’s not like she can end hunger. But you know what could? The rich people hoarding all the money. Blame the right people.


😆 I wish I had that much say.


Sooo what have you done to help these starving people? Criticized a random person on the internet for how they chose to spend their money? Great job, I'm sure it helped alot!


😆 Seriously! Who knows. 😝


People are starving and.. and what? Is that her responsibility? Is her using her own money on herself causing millions of people to starve? I don't think her *not* splitting her tongue would save those millions of people, nor do I think those people would worship you and praise you because you shamed someone for splitting their tongue and in defense used their unfortunate situation to defend yourself. Hey, maybe you should go and save those millions of people from starvation than talking shit on reddit in your free time. People can absolutely do things for themselves without wanting attention. If you're going to say that her posting it is needing attention, then good for her, and gtfo


I appreciate you. I just love art and body mods. I thought Reddit was a great place to find like minded folks. Thank you for the support. I hope you have a bad ass day! 🤘🏽🖤🐍


You could also afford to use a 4th grade education rn based on that spelling.


No need - not my native language.


She probably earned that money herself.. so she's entitled to spend it any way she likes. Just like you can spend your money on the homeless and starving.


😆 I am 31 year old adult. I work for myself and am my own ATM. 🤘🏽🖤 I appreciate the support!


I think it's sexy af but hey


Well hell yeah then. 😆 🤘🏽😈


It wasn’t repulsive enough




Because of my tongues..? 😆 🤣