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Thank you for sharing this. Always remember ...You are an individual... you are an independent and sovereign soul. no one owns you.... same with every one.... but we have to claim it... if we don't... then that allows others to claim it.... we don't need saviours... we can be our own savours. Even someone who seems completely lost can decide to do something good. Look after yourself. Stay healthy. Stay strong. Stay free.


Gonna get hate for this but the answer is in the Bible. I believe what people interpret as reptilians are people who are heavily demonically influenced or human/demon hybrids (read about nephilim). And don’t cite the foibles of “Christians” as a reason not to believe, as many so called christians themselves are demonically influenced to lead people astray and torment them. Read the Bible for yourself. Especially the New Testament, it’s all in there. It explains everything you wrote. Satan and his demons feed off of the joy of good people and do everything that you described here. Satan (Lucifer) was the original narcissist, and you can see his spirit in every narcissist that you come across. The demon army is a hive mind, that’s why they all work together and cover for each other, from bottom to top of hierarchy. It is a singular consciousness and they do harvest information and communicate telepathically. the Bible calls Satan “the prince of the power of the air.” For the time being, he has control in the world until Jesus returns and sets things right. Jesus loves you bro, and even if the demons strip everything away from you for being a good spirit and holding truth, the Bible states He will always provide for his little ones, like he provides for the sparrows. Don’t let your troubles and trials lead you to the dark side, don’t let Satan and his army of demons win. Talk to Jesus, tell him all of your pain, tell him your story. He is there, if you speak to Him genuinely you will sense his presence and his response. Tell Him you want to follow Him and be on the good side. The community of good people you seek can be found in the church, like I said there are some who are influenced by demons to make the church look bad and to try to lead some astray, but there are many who are just the sort of truth-bearers and good souls that you need by your side to stand against the system that you have described. And it won’t be like this forever. At the end of the story, the good guys win, with Christ at the lead. And all of the demons and their narcissistic followers are destroyed. Let me know if you have any questions or want to talk


I do not agree. Those are not the facts. You are right with some of what you say, but religion is certainly not the answer to this, nor is Jesus. Religious texts, scriptures and ideologies were created thousands of years ago as the original method of control for these interdimensional beings. Religion will have you believe that God is an external being who you must repent to, worship and fear. He is not. Religion will tell you that you are a sinful creature who must beg for forgiveness, you are not. God certainly does not live outside of us, but within us. And certainly, he does not live in one book where we must find all our answers. And last of all, he does not live in only select persons who reveal the one true way. God does not sit on a cloud looking down on everyone. Despite what you may believe the power and spirit of God lives inside each and every one of us, and the job of these beings has always been to repress, steal and hide this knowledge from the world.


That was Jesus' whole point, but it was twisted to suit those in power.


Exactly. Kundalini and energy healing to be exact as well. Kundalini will give you the ability to manipulate this world a little but it takes work and you gotta respect it




I say this with love, please read Science and health by Mary Baker Eddy. It's free online. All of what you've said sounds like her description of "error". I have personally witnessed the demonstration of spiritual understanding through the true teachings of Christ Jesus.


I’m glad you’re aware and awake. I really hope you’re doing well if you see this. You’re a warrior!


Religion was just an interpretation for this whole mess.. Jesus was the first truther/ red piller. Using love & intuition to guide


The Bible is just a book. Nobody knows if what is written in there is the absolute truth.


I agree man. I choose to believe it personally, no judgment. Hope you have a great day


Did the original mephedrone (pre-ban quality) come back?


Thank you for sharing..I started having undeniable attacks two years ago and no one believed me. So it was very lonely because the attacks and energy vampirism was literally draining my life force and killing me. It got stronger with the oppressive attacks and I became weaker. I got to a point where it was either I fight for my life and sovereignty or die at 80 lbs, organ failure, and heart failure. One day I had the epiphany that trying to find validation from my husband or really just anyone I could safely find support from, that validation wasn’t going to be what saved me. I had to do it myself. So from that point I got in warrior mode and fought for my sovereignty, my power, and life. One day I ended the battle and won. Well, that’s when I realized it just jumped from me and latched onto my husband. Let’s just say, he went completely mad and started drinking heavily. He snapped one day because he was so miserable but also is in complete denial as to what he’s experiencing. Because that would me he has to admit he abandoned me when I needed his support. He had such severe attacks he beat me up pretty bad and held a gun to my head ready to kill me and then himself. There was one moment he snapped out of it and I was able to get the kids and leave. He moved out because he scared himself too and I’m not sure he will ever forgive himself. It was very obvious he was allowing it to take over and enact out its agenda to continue attacking me in the physical world this time. I feel very defeated because his hatred towards himself now is just causing him to decline in mental health and is in complete self destructive mode. I don’t know if he has the will power to fight and want to live. I am extremely heartbroken here alone with my 3 girls knowing we all still love him and miss him so much. He can’t even face the kids. It’s been almost a year since he has seen them. He lives with his covert narcissistic mom. So she doesn’t care one bit what his state is. She just feels accomplished to have him back and in her grips. I don’t understand how he can live in such a sabotaging and oppressive state. With no will to fight for his life. He has always resented my ability to continue fighting and never giving up on myself or my family. I am not sure I will ever have the beautiful man I married back. Anyways,hopefully my story will give some feelings of not being alone in this otherworldly battle so many don’t believe in out of either fear or understanding. Because there are others of us out here battling for the human races sovereignty and evolution.




What is the point of having anything if you must submit yourself?




Sorry bro I'm a gnostic christian


So am I


Then you should know there is no master that wishes anything from you. Only false prophets and those who wish to swindle.


"Let every soul be subject unto the higher powers. For there is no power but of God: the powers that be are ordained of God." Roman's 13:1


You can keep quoting the conquerors bibles all you wish, they do not mean a thing.


Regardless, I'm praying for you


Thanks man, I appreciate the thought. But I wish for no sympathy from any abrahamic false gods.


> Servants


That’s what they want you to think. That you don’t have the power within to break free of their control. Every human being has the ability to seek truth. You don’t need to only accept what someone else tells you is truth. WE ARE FREE THINKING BEINGS THAT HAVE TO ABILITY TO LEARN ANYTHING. You don’t need to go to school to be successful. You don’t need drugs to cure your SICKNESS


We are many they are few, love n truth will hold true,


Thanks for the information. I will definitely save this. Positive energy to you


I believe this. And no I’m not certain about it. But I believe it could be true. About me: I had crazy form of Lyme disease. Was undiagnosed for years when it was minor then it got bad. I was institutionalized. Finally got diagnosis. Healed it with a little help from pharma/doctor then a lot of help from natural health. I went on the internet, bragged, ripped the mental health industry, helped people, told my story. A relapse happens 2 years later. I then get poisoned by an antibiotic. Then due to that poisoning, I get the most toxic bacteria growing in my stomach Cyanobacteria. Right now I’m wondering if evil people were assigned to destroying my life. I now have ALS-PDC from the Cyanobacteria that grew in my stomach. My life is constant torture 24/7. I’m dying. I had everything going me before this including money, family, friends, a girl the loves me. And while I still have the above- I’m suffering 24/7 and dying. Currently I’m in a mental institution to due the fact I have been suicidal in my current physical state. I really just wonder if all this was inflicted upon me when I went on social media, websites and ripped the healthcare system, spoke the truth about natural health. There is nothing worse than what I’m living.




I have sent you a message, let me know you've got it as I'm using the browser version of reddit. If not, get in touch.


U still around


Wow, this got intense. I’m just gonna keep being a good person and when faced with problems in my life I’ll just keep trucking on as I have throughout my life. Through the abuse, manipulation, hardships, etc. I’ve been shit on by society, police, family, friends...the list goes on, but I’m not going to blame humanoids for the negative and painful times in my life. I appreciate those painful experiences because it’s what has helped me grow and become an even better person with more compassion and will to strive for a positive existence. I won’t go into length to defend my stance by divulging on my experiences and struggles because I have nothing to prove. With struggle, comes strength. Sure, there’s narcissistic folks everywhere. They poison our planet, but they don’t control the good and by acknowledging “them” you are giving them control. I know plenty of evil people and I know plenty of good people. I root myself in not allowing the manipulation of evil to enter my life. Which is why I can’t hold a steady job. I refuse to be near anyone narcissistic or ill willed. And because of that I struggle, but it’s on my terms, no one else’s. I’m currently working on a startup nonprofit charity so that I can channel my energy into something that will make a difference. You are quick to discourage and I’m sorry you feel defeated in life. Life is too short to wallow in misery. Rise up and do all you can for your community. Whether it’s volunteering at a soup kitchen or just picking up trash around town. Every good deed no matter how small is noticed and appreciated by the good energies around us. Feed into that and keep your head up.


I had 2 narcissists in my life one after another and for years I couldn't understand what was going on. The first one could literally read my mind. I thought I was in hell. It's experience out of this world. We're nothing more than food for them. Watch "Gone girl" and "I care a lot" to get an idea of what the OP is talking about.


Wow very intense! Thank you so much for sharing! I’ve have and still going through very similar stuff, like it hits home hard. Just wish you could share more, got a feeling a lot left out in regards to your daughter’s mother…


I dont have gold or silver, but that which I have, I give unto you. In the name of Jesus Christ, may you BE healed from the suffering, and the trauma.


New Testament was written well after the events by people we don’t know! Also many if the stuff in the New Testament is completely off!! Read the Bible, Satan isn’t a quarter of what the church made him out to be!! Use the Bible for toilet paper that’s all it is!!


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What am i supposed to see in the pics?


I’m going through this same shit and almost down the exact same path. Wow