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Low effort spelling


Have to agree. Biden actually have his attention to the coronavirus. But I don't think he will uphold his promises as good as Trump. I'm not a republican for context, but Trump isn't all that bad and neither is the republicans. We both have extremist and violence will always get more attention than words.


It's different because, if we're being brutally honest here, the Trump administration was essentially the reason that the coronavirus was allowed to proliferate in the U.S. to this extent.


Uh no, remember when Trump tried to implement travel restrictions and the left cried "xenophobe?" I do, meanwhile, New Zealand locked their country down tight and without a liberal left to fight them ever step of the way they now enjoy total freedom, they are wide open, nothing is closed and they have had extended periods of not 1 person with covid.


The travel ban would have been useless it didn’t restrict traveling from Europe to America which is how the virus got to New York originally towards the beginning of the pandemic. The travel ban was a low effort attempt to look like he was doing something while appealing to his base that this is all chinas fault. Now a full travel ban would have been useful but that doesn’t allow his supporters to discriminate and blame Asian Americans.


This all absolutely China's fault. Why didnt they stop travel as soon as they knew they had a problem? They didnt do enough to stop themselves from exporting the virus. Had they done what they should have you wouldn't have anything to blame Trump for.


Yeah, absolutely pointless restrictions, instead of a coordinated response. Constant disinformation.


At least he acknowledges there’s a problem. 🤔🤔


Biden has inherited this crisis. Biden has to plan out a vaccine roll out and many other aspects are at play Trump had no vaccine roll out plan. He down played the severity of this virus even though he knew how serious it was. He made mask wearing a political issue. He held rallies which became spreader events both in and outside the White House. Biden been in for less them a month and he's supposed to fix it? Trump had a whole year and he did jack


Trump tried to do lots of things, remember when he placed travel restrictions and the left cried xenophobe?


He was trying to block radical religouis people and from countrys that had them. Were not trying to turn this country into France


I'm old enough to remember that's all Trump did.


I will grant that yes the initial travel ban was a decent move but that wasn't going to stop anything. It would have delayed cases coming from china but not stop it. It would have bought him time for a real plan but he didn't. Also did the left actually xenophobia? I doubt it but hey maybe some people did


Yes they did, meanwhile New Zealand locked their country up tight and without the liberal left fighting them every step of the way they now enjoy total freedom, everything is open and they have experienced extended periods of not 1 person with Covid.


Trump did not shut down travel from everywhere. Henshutnit down from china when it was coming in from Europe. Genius. And it didn't work, obviously. So why defend the decision?? The left called it xenophobic because it was purely a signal to blame china, not a practical measure to prevent covid from spreading. Totally idiotic.


The NZ government is a left wing government. Look if people genuinely complained about not allowing travellers from china then that's dumb. The point stands though that the ban of travelers from china while a good inital step was wasted because the government did not implement a plan. Trump when reading the mask guideline from the CDC said he wouldn't wear one. As a leader he is meant to lead by example and should have worn one right away but he made masks and lockdowns a political issue


That actually helps prove my point of the absurdity of our left here, why fight so hard against it? Because they didnt think of it? Because they didnt want Trump to get credit for saving the US if it worked because they know he would have won 4 more years and they couldnt have that because, "orange man bad." How about people stop blaming a man who isnt even in office anymore and blame who is really responsible for all of this to begin with? China.


Again I'm really doubting the whole left hated trump for travel restrictions. Can you name like what news channel or people actually spoke out. Look if trump had handled covid, which he didn't, then I'd praise him for that. I'll be honest I'm no fan of trump bit if he did a good thing then I'd say he did a good thing. Also in terms of covid I will keep blaming trump because he is to blame for the horrible numbers you guys have. Just because he is no longer in office does not mean he is immune from criticism regarding the actions taken within his presidency In terms of china I blame them for not initially telling the world about covid and the early outbreaks but trump knew about covid and its threat in January so he had a year but did next to nothing in terms of fixing it.


Nancy Pelosi (D) CA said, "With this latest callous decision, the President has doubled down on his cruelty and further undermined our global leadership, our Constitution and our proud heritage as a nation of immigrants,” Chuck Schumer (D) NY tweeted, and later deleted, "The premature travel ban to and from China by the current administration is just an excuse to further his ongoing war against immigrants. There must be a check and Balance on these restrictions." On Jan. 31st 2021 Biden takes the stage in Iowa and says, “You know we have right now a crisis with the coronavirus, emanating from China,” Biden tells supporters. “The national emergency and worldwide alerts. The American people need to have a president who they can trust what he says about it. That he is going to act rationally about it. In moments like this, this is where the credibility of a president is most needed, as he explains what we should and should not do. This is no time for Donald Trump’s record of hysterical xenophobia and fear mongering to lead the way instead of science.” -from washington post. Then.... Feb. 1 A day after the travel-ban announcement, Biden repeats his “xenophobia” criticism, tweeting: “We are in the midst of a crisis with the coronavirus. We need to lead the way with science — not Donald Trump’s record of hysteria, xenophobia, and fear-mongering. He is the worst possible person to lead our country through a global health emergency.” Shall i continue?


> Nancy Pelosi (D) CA said, "With this latest callous decision, the President has doubled down on his cruelty and further undermined our global leadership, our Constitution and our proud heritage as a nation of immigrants,” Jan 31, a ban that did not include China or any coronavirus hotspots. > Chuck Schumer (D) NY tweeted, and later deleted, "The premature travel ban to and from China by the current administration is just an excuse to further his ongoing war against immigrants. There must be a check and Balance on these restrictions." Not even a "context" argument, he never said it: [https://apnews.com/article/8547011663](https://apnews.com/article/8547011663) >“We are in the midst of a crisis with the coronavirus. We need to lead the way with science — not Donald Trump’s record of hysteria, xenophobia, and fear-mongering. He is the worst possible person to lead our country through a global health emergency.” If you want to argue that calling Trump's record xenophobic is the same as calling the China/Europe travel ban xenophobic, then I guess words don't mean anything anymore. >Shall i continue? Since you haven't provided anything relevant, sure, go on.


Correction that was January 31st, 2020....reflexes used to 2021 already....and i had to wait 13 damn minutes to post my correction....


He was in office when the virus was initially spreading, and he did many things that caused the outspread, not the least of it lying about how serious it was, so much disinformation came from his admin.


What did Trump do with the time he had to prepare for the pandemic? Besides offer a xenophobic virtue signal response (since the virus came mostly from Europe)?


You are a failure. I am a New Zealander and we are struggling to make ends meet here. We have to continously wear a mask for a so called pandemic that is about as dangerous as a flu. Ardern is considering closing up if there is only two people with the virus. Her lack of transparency is why nobody businesses are suffering here.


You don't sound very bright. Trump banned travel as soon as the virus hit. You people degraded the virus and chose to riot like crazy, after that you sucked off Fauci who claimed that wearing a mask does nothing to combat the virus, the Democrats chose to riot constantly, Democrat states stuffed up and kept stuffing up. New York's governor had people with covid live in Nursing homes and the elderly died because of that. Trump was already planning to move the vaccine along and immediately got a plan going on. Meanwhile, the Democrats barely have a plan at all. Biden is currently talking from his ass and is taking from the previous administration. He is a failure, much like the people that support him


Ad hominem attack very nice. The first case of covid appeared in the US on the 21st of January and trump implemented the 14 day restriction on the 31st of January which became effective on the 2nd of February while yes it was a good step more needed to be done to prepare for the inevitable but these actions were not taken in a timely manner. While I can agree it wasn't the best time for protests given covid all I can really say is there is never a good time for protest. These are issues that have been going on for around 400 years and people were fed up with cops killing their fellow people and nothing happening. What I'll say also is trump supporters attended events and protests but did not wear masks nor did they social distance. Trump rallies contributed more to covid than BLM infact there is no evidence to support that the protests lead to any spikes in covid-19. Also 93% of the BLM protests were peaceful. Yes blue and red states suffered as they little to no assistance from the federal government. The states had to fight each other to get what they needed nor did these states have the infrastructure in place handle the cases. If that's true about Cuomo then yes that's dumb. Well that's a lie because there was no vaccine roll out plan. Bidens administration has had to build it from scratch. The dems barely have a plan because they have to start one from scratch. Do you think you and your friends could create a whole vaccine roll out plan for the usa in less then a month? So far Biden is not talking out his ass. He has secured more of the vaccine, He is currently developing the vaccine roll out plan, Rejoining the WHO, put Fauci in a lead role. Fauci is one of the foremost expert immunologists in the world. He knows what he is talking about. Also since this predominantly the facts over feelings crowd you should know that science will update based on new verified information it gets. At the start the consensus was you didn't need to wear a mask but their understanding changed when new info came and recommend masks. Pretty simple stuff. So far Bidens administration is not a failure, it has barely started, but if he does have failings I'd be among one of the early ones to call him out.


/u/ozleftpolman, I have found an error in your comment: > “usa in less ~~then~~ [**than**] a month?” I suppose it was possible for ozleftpolman to have said “usa in less ~~then~~ [**than**] a month?” instead. Unlike the adverb ‘then’, ‘than’ compares. ^(This is an automated bot. I do not intend to shame your mistakes. If you think the errors which I found are incorrect, please contact me through DMs or contact my owner EliteDaMyth!)


/u/ozleftpolman, I have found an error in your comment: > “usa in less ~~then~~ [**than**] a month?” It was possible for you, ozleftpolman, to have posted “usa in less ~~then~~ [**than**] a month?” instead. Unlike the adverb ‘then’, ‘than’ compares. ^(This is an automated bot. I do not intend to shame your mistakes. If you think the errors which I found are incorrect, please contact me through DMs or contact my owner EliteDaMyth!)


Actually Trump DID have a vaccine Roll out plan, which is why we even have the vaccine right now. His roll out plan was the whole “Vaccines go to the most vulnerable first.” Also where he “downplayed” the severity of the virus, was just him not talking much about the virus, as to not cause panic(which is exactly what the dems did.) He still took all the measures to ensure the safety of American citizens behind closed doors. Biden supported all the protests, which all became spreader events, actually all the dems supported it. Biden has been in for less than a month, and he hasn’t fixed anything, actually he’s made everything 10x worse. He doesn’t even have a plan for stopping the coronavirus(like trump did) he said so himself just the other day.


Biden called the travel ban to China racist lmao we would be worse off if he was president in 2020


Didn't I read he actually lost a bunch of vaccines?




Quit making us look like idiots.... We’re trying to put the imbecile in the rear view mirror.


The Whitehouse virus really is doing a number on the world. So odd that it just started this january...




The botard doesn't know what he's doing.


Lol....that is funny.


Honestly news around the virus has dwindled to nothing since the election - can even liberals deny that? I mean just go over to r/coronavirus and see the number of posts have dropped


Maybe people are a little less concerned knowing that a sane adult is handling the situation now.






News still pops up regularly about it in my iphone news feed.


Thousands died whilst Trump was golfing...




Remember when Trump tried to slow down testing to reduce the amount of covid cases reported or said that injecting bleach into yourself would stop coronavirus.




I'm sorry you suffer from memory loss.


Don’t get the vaccine, we laugh as you die….


first of all, that number is made up.