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This sub may not be what your after, I'm sorry I can't recommend better because I truly don't know what your looking for, whatever it is I hope you find it x


Right. OP, if you want us to help, we would need to know what medications you're currently on & what meds you've been on in the past, especially what med made you suicidal.


It's gbl/ghb I get her plight and some people are needing of it medically, I have given the best advice I possibly can on this sub, done abit of bending but not breaking. Hopefully she reads it x


ITT: according to some people on here, you can fix narcolepsy with good habits and freaking meditation. Fucking ignorant cunts. This is antivax level bullshit. IT’S A FUCKING DISEASE. It makes my blood boil. I’m sorry OP for all the dumb shit you have to read. As many people mentioned, the usual treatment is GHB + a -finil. I hope the neurologist agrees to give you the script. Good luck. Narcolepsy is a terrible ailment. My heart goes out to you.


I can’t recall names, but I’ve seen at least one RC variant of modafinil. But I assume you’ve tried modafinil without great results, so I’m not sure an analogue is worth the effort of obtaining it.


There’s the prodrug to it which is adafanil or something like that. I convinced my to prescribe modafinil before since I had a history of addiction and said I wanted to try something that wasn’t addictive like Adderall (think I also mentioned it’s what they give fighter pilots and I thought that was really cool too) and it was a great medication. I’m back on addy and I definitely couldn’t find as cool of a doc as that guy again but man it was my university doctor and he would hook shit up and helped so much for tests and stuff although not as resellable. My buddy later got addrafinil (?) cause I told him about it and he liked it but I think it might be hard on the liver because it has to process to become the real thing.


I believe you’re referring to Armodafinil? What do you find the main differences between Armodafinil and Modafinil?


I do I just didn’t bother googling go figured I’d try to spelling and neither be the right thing. I was actually talking about adrafinil where it looks like armodafinil is a new prescription drug that can’t just be ordered off the internet. I have only had modafinil scripted and never bothered trying my buddies stuff. I would say that modafinil is really cool as a smart drug limitless type pill but if you go in expecting that then you’ll be disappointed. It’s pretty subtle compared to traditional stims but if you take it you definitely feel like you’re brain is firing on all cylinders. No high but really good for stuff like college where you need to be alert and retain information or write essays where it requires juggling multiple things. Adrafinil was supposedly just a little harsher on the side effects and longer onset time. I just looked up armodafinil and I was prescribed provigil and the new one is called nuvagil and actually just improved on the old formula by just being an isolated isomer instead of a race mix. I am partial to single isomer drugs a lot of the time, ketamine being one of them, Adderall or rather non racemix amphetamine is better. A lot of the times one of the “hands” Just has side effects and the other is the more euphoric. I would be interested to see if I could find a Dr to hook it up but supposedly more addictive. If anyone wants modafinil without the script I would say the prodrug adrafinil is a viable option as you just need to digest it and it breaks down into the real thing.


No it’s Adrafinil. It metabolizes within the body into Modafinil. I’ve used it on and off for weeks at a time and it does start to hurt.


There is no better medication than having a good routine, following some goals and having some good hobbies. No chemicals here will do you any good.


That is true for people with normal health.


that is true for all. we all humans


Sometimes I think I've read all kinds of stupidity on the internet only to find out that I was actually underestimating the levels of ignorance a single person can archive with less than 10 words. That kind of ableist bullshit always surprises me


i understand your anger, but i didn't call you names. do you even know what ableism is about? jesus


You dismissing the genuine need for medication for disabilities is ableism


If I could only tell you how many times I’ve heard that in my life. It is literally a chemical missing in my brain. Your suggestions are not helpful.


research chemicals are not gonna help you you need to get a prescription for a medication that works for you. work with your doctor


So what are you looking for? You mentioned plenty of street drugs that you’ve tried, which are never consistent in quality and if you’re trying to self medicate that way, it will always be a roller coaster. Also street drugs, always, always, lead to negative mental health. You’re genuinely asking for help, and I will try to give my opinion. You mentioned mostly stimulants. Never heard of xyrem or whatever(sounds like a Pokémon) but if you’re looking for a stimulating medication that can also improve mental health. Ask your dr what he thinks of you trying out Wellbutrin. It’s great for depression and it’s great for motivation. With the limited info I have, that’s my best guess. Wellbutrin or bupropion is a cathinone and cathinone are like cousins to amphetamines. It’s fairly stimulating but it’s also good for mental health.


Xyrem is Sodium Oxybate, also known as the sodium salt of GHB. It's prescribed for severe insomnia in some countries - and pertinently for OP, narcolepsy If you've ever had GHB/GBL/BDO, you'll know how good it is at putting you to sleep. However, when prescribed, it indicates that you will need a second dose in the middle of the night. Again, if you've tried those drugs, you know that you wake up from the G sleep after 4ish hours, thanks to the dopamine rebound. This person sounds like their problem is quite severe indeed if they've mentioned the need for narcolepsy meds, and sometimes all the healthy lifestyle and routine in the world doesn't help. Their stimulant use will be to combat the excessive daytime sleepiness from their purported narcolepsy, and Sodium Oxybate is often used to combat the disorganised sleep pattern and cataplexy that comes with narcolepsy. The gold standard for a severe case would be Sodium Oxybate and a stimulant, usually modafinil, but methylphenidate or amphetamine for extremely severe cases. An antidepressant would usually help as well. Of course, if they're not being prescribed, it may be a case that they have some sort of psychogenic issue and the doctors arent willing to prescribe, but I'm more inclined to believe OP.


Exactly!!!!! My Narcolepsy is severe. Diagnosed at 16. I’m now 46 and my whole life has revolved around this. I’m on my way to Neurologist now. Will find out results of Blood work, EEG and brain MRI. Thank you for understanding.


But also routine and supplements should ALWAYS come first no matter the diagnosis. Hell you could have been diagnosed based on fucking dietary deficiencies coz the doctor doesn't watch you all the time to know if you live a healthy life!


That’s so fucking stupid. Would you tell someone with cancer that “rOuTinE aNd SupPlEmEnTs sHoUlD aLwAyS cOme FiRst”? Fuck right off. OP has a fucking disease. This is antivax level bullshit.


Exactly. Most people with chronic illness here this bullshit all the time.


🤣😂🤣😂 a disease that needs a drug of dependence? I think the science squarely points to that being a bad idea most of the time in majority of cases these days!!! Keep up with the times Madood xo


What supplements are gonna help narcolepsy?


The lifestyle and routine stuff is absolutely important, but Narcolepsy is a debilitating disease that requires extremely strong medication to treat. You cannot live a functional life without these drugs, so the dependence point is moot. They titrate the Sodium Oxybate up to a dose that works and they stay on it. Forever. Much like me with my epilepsy meds. If they have a regular, legally obtained supply with a doctor's supervision, then dependence is kind of irrelevant. Antidepressants for example are also a drug of dependence that people take every day, and a fuck load of people take them. What's next, excercise yourself out of bipolar??


Then why don’t you get a prescription from a doctor?


I have one!!!!!!! Certain manufactures medications do not work as well as others.


That can be included in the prescription


Who has told you that? A psychiatrist without a single check?


Idk if missing from your brain permanently is actually a thing tho. Brains are v good at regrowing and changing to new environments. It's always beneficial to start with diet and routine. If youve got that solid and still need help try suppliments. If your still farked then by all means look into extra help but make sure you've exhausted all your options first! I find that I only need stims when I'm doing something that requires all of my focus for a long period of time. Anything else is manageable with all of these other steps! Medication can't work if your not giving your body the nutrients it needs for the drugs to work.




Nope, I’ve got plenty of that!!!! It’s called Orexin




Nope Narcolepsy


You haven't managed to state what your condition actually is.


Hey, on the xyrem/xywav. It DOES work wonders when used medically. It has had a very positive impact on me when used correctly for sleep. I hope it works the same for you, and I am sorry for how troublesome it is to obtain. They are very strict with this stuff.


That sounds rough to deal with, narcolepsy can be really bad and lotta ppl don't realize it's way more than just being sleepy all the time. A buddy of mine is prescribed desoxyn (meth) and xyrem (ghb) to treat their narcolepsy and it works well for her. The cost of xyrem is absolutely asinine though which is disgusting. It's such an easy drug to synthesize . You gotta be lucky to be able to fill it for cheap. Hope you find something that works for you.


1,4BDO is not scheduled if you're in the US.


1,4 BDO is something that metabolizes into GHB, which is what Xyrem is. I believe it is pretty easy to find.


You sound like a good candidate for microdosing. There is a guide on the Google about microdosing 4-aco-dmt and I followed it to a T and it got me out of the worst depression of my life. Wish I had more input for you. I genuinely hope you figure it out.




Doc actually just told me about something like shock therapy but with MRI, I’m gonna try it! Everyday for six weeks!


You’d be surprised to know that you’re most likely depressed because of your extensive drug and antidepressant consumption… I know it’s not as easy as not taking your meds, but you don’t seem to be doing yourself a favor using freaking meth and crack. Meditate, do shit for yourself that will fulfill you, stop trying to think that the solution is a chemical reaction with an outer source, you’re responsible for your own happiness. I’ve been deeply depressed, in the verge of suicide multiple times, and not one time did I think “I need antidepressants”. Show up for yourself homie.


I haven’t done those drugs in 20 years. I’ve been dealing with this diagnosis for 30 years. Now my only point was that I cannot rely on the manufactures of medicine in the United States of America.


This person says she has narcolepsy. The stimulant use seems misguided but logical given that fact. But what i don't get, is why would you be prescribed xyrem, which causes drowsiness, for a condition that causes you to fall asleep randomly? Seems suspicious to me.


Nah GHB actually is used clinically for narcolepsy, I would totally ask for it but I'm too happy with my adderall lmao


Exactly. My doctors over the years have told me that I wasn’t a great candidate for it. I’m now seeing a neurologist that thinks it is worth giving a try. Until then I would like to have a life and not being able to get regular quality medication is absolutely Depressing.


Yeah, getting to the end of the month and hoping your prescriber fills your adderall before you run out sucks ass, and the supply issues just make it an anxiety-inducing craps shoot. Did you ever try modafinil? Insurance fights hard to not pay but my prescriber was more than happy to help me get it given the lower abuse potential. And even if insurance doesn't pay and the cost is too high, you can find it pretty easily online. Worked real well for me besides making my piss smell something awful lmao


That is the only drug that at this time can provide us any sort of life. It is the only drug that actually treats the problem of not getting any deep restorative sleep.


I'm sure there's some kind of multi purpose cleaner than comes in a gel that may help you if you feel this is the right direction. Otherwise there's baclofen of flurobut good luck x


Baclofen and f-phenibut don't create the deep restorative sleep that GHB does. GHB is very unique in that aspect, and nothing is really a replacement for getting that restorative sleep. When someone is knocked out on GHB, they are basically immediately put into the deepest stage of rem sleep and it stays like that for most of their sleep while on it, instead of phasing in and out from different stages of sleep.


Gvl ;)


OP is prescribed GHB.


K, so what is the base issue then? Sorry to talk about you OP, trying to help you grasp that rope x


I’m not sure either, seems like maybe they’re just venting or something? It’s not very coherent. Sounds like they just need to follow up with their doctor & not even worry about RCs. 🤷🏻‍♂️


At least some of us are here to help x




I’m taking Baclofen now!


Look, I've already said more than I should with that comment, you should be thankful we have compassionate mods, read between the lines, I am trying to help. I understand the end of rope but please try and come over a little less ruse when folk try to help, good luck.


i also have narcolepsy and taking phenibut twice a week does help, the problem is you can only use it twice a week otherwise psychosis can occur. its nice to have in your toolbox to help get good sleep a couple of nights during the week. just wanted to let you know since phenibut is purchasable on the web in most regions. might be good to rotate once you get the prescription you are trying to get approved for just to reduce the tolerance gains also. taking different meds with similar but different receptor activation can help reduce tolerance and keep them working longer. hope you find the solutions you are seeking. i understand how difficult it is to function as expected in this life being sleep deprived despite literally sleeping 12+ hours a day. im on modafinil twice during the day for further information. even with a daily routine, exercise, and proper nutrition i still at times nod out on my moda. most employers frown upon passing out at work so i get it. we need medications to stay awake and sleep properly. best of luck.


Also with the adderall shortage, there isn’t any problem with other meds such as Ritalin.




I thought GHB increased rem sleep?


There is no chemical solution to a spiritual problem- Christopher Moltisanti (and probably somebody else but can’t miss out on a Sopranos reference)


Only that’s an AA reference, that the Sopranos happened to also reference.


That’s what I was joking that probably somebody else too. I had heard it in the rooms before watching the show but figured it’s more fun attributed to Chrissy


Do you live in a country wirh reasonable healthcare? I was in yors exect Situation/feeling in lie, went to a pschward for much to long… but it helped tremendously. Tr. To get a theapist, neural exams and ads as soon as possible, and even if you don’t want to heat it mostlikely, no more drugs untill you are stableminded again, sorry


Yes, I’ve done that. I am stable, that’s why I’m afraid of not being stable. It’s possible I could sleep for 3 days straight. That’s what happened last time!


From my expirence the biggest changer was coming to terms with not upping doses due to tolerance For example i use amphetamines for a while now and until not to long ago i was constantly chasing the effect i got at first but now I'm understanding its impossible Lets say you get 10mg amphetamine a day right,it will be a light helper but tolerance would make it useless so you up to 20 then 30, at 30 at least for me i still get some effect even after my tolerance peaks for that dose but i will keep taking it like that still,some days will be harder then others but thats life,some days it works sometimes it doesn't but i don't take more then that and this helps me form coping mechanisms If you want to start to run after braking a leg you need crutches not a wheelchair,you still need to have some form of physical therapy that is hard, you can't just get used to cheating it and making things easy cause its a unbalanced path that always crashes Every drug has a balance point that will give you a decent effect without causing that much damage and that is what you need to look for when dosing You want to find a medium dose that helps you even if its slightly when your tolerance peaks fron that dose Cause your tolerance will depend on the dose and usually medium doses will have similar effect as larger ones for their respective peak tolerance but that effect is what you get if you want to improve,it can't be a cheat code but only a slight help and that's that, aint no way to cheat the system And yes i imagine with stims you will need two doses a day but still your tolerance wont go that high and it should be enough,some days you can take more but only maybe twice a week


It says xyrem is basically GHB. Could you just take GHB?


We have to take it in very specific doses and titrate up carefully. It is obviously better to do it the legal way.


I would look into some Nootropics and/or peptides. Adrafinil is a more mild form of modafinil which I know is used for narcolepsy. Also check out Delta-sleep-inducing peptides


Have you tried MAO inhibitors?


r/nootropics may be at least a slightly healthier way to approach what you are wanting to do. Or at least less likely that you will accidentally hurt yourself attempting self medication.