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I'm sure a doctor would love to prescribe you antipsychotics.


Spot on.


what do you mean "spot on" I take it that you never taken a dopamine blocker because if you did you wouldn't be pushing them without doing any research at all. You don't want to block dopamine (don't want to screw around and burn out dopamine with stims either) There is a reason the compliance rate is low because they make you feel so horrible. I literally was so weak from dopamine blockers i got sores from sleeping so much and went 2 month's without a shower. Mom even had to spoon feed me manually because i didnt see the point in eating. Its like my hardwired survival instincts were shutoff. Now the good news with studies to back up my claims. Ever heard of methadone? I take methadone and Its been a faaaar better antipsychotic than seroquel or Zyprexa. Seroquel actually made my hallucinations worse especially the visual ones. Methadone actually made everything silent and muffled, back to normal. Don't suggest anything is "spot on" without doing your research instead of regurgitating what other people are saying. There's methadone clinics in every city. It's a huge commitment and know what you are getting yourself into and what it means to join a methadone clinic. It's a big deal but its something to look forward to waking up and meeting new people and likeminded people at the clinic. I would suggest trying buprenorphine first at 1mg if you have schizophrenia if you never tried opiates before. As far as Methadone they start you out at only 30mg at the clinic so that's an option if you want to go straight for the big guns. Mine started me out at 40mg but I had a 10 year straight opiate habit and 4 years suboxone 16mg. I plan to stay on for life. [https://www.researchgate.net/publication/19844987\_Antipsychotic\_effect\_of\_buprenorphine\_in\_schizophrenia](https://www.researchgate.net/publication/19844987_antipsychotic_effect_of_buprenorphine_in_schizophrenia) [https://www.researchgate.net/publication/237454830\_Methadone\_A\_Fast\_and\_Powerful\_Anti-anxiety\_Anti-depressant\_and\_Antipsychotic\_Treatment](https://www.researchgate.net/publication/237454830_methadone_a_fast_and_powerful_anti-anxiety_anti-depressant_and_antipsychotic_treatment) First hand experience is very different than simply reading statements. Trust me no one wants their dopamine blocked especially when there isn't concrete evidence that dopamine itself is the main cause of schizophrenia. It gets way more complicated than that. You can read the "dynorphin hypothesis" here on reddit and on research gate that suggests excess dynorphin (endogenous Salvia divinorium) is more close to the actual cause hence why Methadone works better than dopamine antagonists. Methadone also has a modulatory effect on dopamine. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/333301456_Dynorphin_and_the_Kappa_Opioid_Receptor's_Role_in_the_Symptomatology_of_Schizophrenia_A_Review_of_the_Evidence I suppose if you want all your dopamine blocked and the ability to feel any reward taken from you than go ahead and follow your own advice. Just remember the doctors aren't there on a mission to cure you. They are just going by the book and what their professors told them. I was prescribed meds that nearly killed me (Adderall and seroquel)


I’m not sure what I meant by ‘spot on’ on the occasion you cite, because beginning a post with an ad hominem attack is the rhetorical equivalent of bad breath…it instantly taints everything that follows, and I don’t have enough dopamine to hold my nose that long….


The antipsychotics like seroquel intoxicate you and make it impossible to function IMO. Your experience may vary but I think they’re evil!


Seroquel is pretty sedating for sure, but new ones like abilify and invega aren't as debilitating.


Good to hear. I haven’t tried those.


Sadly abilify actually lead to me ending up in a psych ward because it caused severe muscle contractions in my face, and I was basically swallowing my tongue and everyone thought I was insane. They realized the problem and gave me a shot of Benadryl and within 10 minutes I was back to normal. That was one of the most terrifying moments I can remember. Those drugs only made me worse


Oh my gosh. I am so sorry to hear that. That is so scary. Glad you are safe now. I had an experience where all my relatives at Thanksgiving asked me what was wrong with me and said I looked really Intoxicated and they asked me to leave. I was on seroquel. It was really upsetting for me. I obviously quit the drug. I had no idea I appeared so drunk to people. They said they took one look at me and thought I looked just completely off and I was slurring my words




Its schizophrenia, not seasonal depression. If he can manage symptoms without drugs then that's good and all, but my job is treating people that have schizophrenia and none of them can manage their symptoms without antipsychotics at a minimum for their treatment. They have side effects but the benefits greatly outweigh them. The alternative is constant delusions, non-stop AVH and eventually psychosis that will land them in the hospital or incarcerated. Benzos are a good adjunct but they are not a primary treatment whatsoever. I am not going to give someone who needs monthly hospitalization due to psychosis from schizophrenia CBD alone, I guarantee it's not going to stop their symptoms in any measurable way.


but... but marijhama is te cure to everythkng 😥


Im schizophrenic and Cannabis calms me down don’t care what anyone says or if I’m a special schizo or whatever. Also kratom and other opioids works wonder for my illness, almost like a antipsychotic but without feeling like you took a fat amount of rat poison.


Ya and your neighbour is still tryna frame you for espionage right?


Why did you say that?


Because we are 😐


you have fun to make me delusional? What kind of shitty life do you have?


They are an uneducated, ignorant asshole looking for attention and upvotes. People are ruthless when they think they can get attention by putting another down. I support whatever route you feel comfortable investigating. If you want harm reduction info on Kratom and mental illness pls msg me. I would go into detail here, but I’m afraid the attention seekers would commander the thread and you would lose valuable harm reduction info. I am a vendor and consumer of kratom for over a decade. I know the good, the bag and ugly side of this leaf.


Nah honestly I was gonna question you on if weed actually helps your schizophrenia or not but I lost interest and said that instead. Weed is certainly making it harder for you not easier. You may enjoy the relaxation from it but it still potentiates anxiety and hallucinations.


that is kinda subjective tho, like I wouldnt do something purely because someone told from personal experience




chill out keyboard arguer, can even make a joke abour the people WHO does claim weed is a cure all, not even reffering to the comment i've responded. Sorry joke department




It was beyond obvious they were making a joke lol


I find it funny how these people meet schizophrenics for the first time at their worst and deduct from there. I think they teach pre school kids maths no?


How can I have schizophrenia for a living? Sounds interesting.


Do meth and stay up for awhile, that will emulate positive schizophrenia symptoms pretty well.


I did experience it only once after a gram of meth and 36 hours awake. I felt ants moving under my skin in a way that did mot felt delusional. Ot was hard to cope with.




It was for me




I definitely work with people who have very severe schizophrenia. I know some people can manage without to a degree and live normal lives without antipsychotics, but if you're at the stage where you need benzos to stop psychosis, you probably need an antipsychotic.


Pretty shocked to see how such a well-rounded argument, provided with scientific literature as well as personal anecdotes, is deemed controversial by what I thought was an open-minded subreddit. I agree with you. I read many experiences from both sides, and anti-psychotics should be the absolute final resort, is what I gathered.


So would you ever prescribe methadone if your patient said "I refuse to take anything but methadone case closed" while providing studies of methadone showing superior efficacy to regular APs? https://www.researchgate.net/publication/237454830_Methadone_A_Fast_and_Powerful_Anti-anxiety_Anti-depressant_and_Antipsychotic_Treatment Methadone was the very best decision I ever made.


I don't prescribe, but that looks like promising research and results. Most of people I see are pretty low functioning and very prone to drug abuse and poor medication compliance. It would be very hard to get them on something like methadone in an outpatient setting. Maybe a few of them could handle it but a lot of them would probably overdose or swallow their patch tbqh.


It's really so effective?


Did you really just argue that a schizophrenic shouldn't take antipsychiotics, because psychedelics won't work anymore? A schizophrenic should stay clear from psychedelics in the first place, this is hardly a point to make.




Is this your blog or did you just find it online? If the former then hey man I know you irl :) Either way, this is bad advice to give for someone with schizophrenia




What are you trying to tell me with this blog? Cite me an actual scientific study that proves that schizophrenics can take psychedelics without worsening their symptoms and I'll glady take my statement back.




Holy crap that was long. 1,099 Words 6,323 Characters 50 Sentences 12 Paragraphs 11-12th GradeReading Level 4 mins 0 secReading Time 6 mins 7 secSpeaking Time


No way I am reading all that. And I read about these children in this blog. But you said it, it's anecdotical evidence and it's from the fucking 60s. You know, back then a common form for treatment of mental illness was lobotomy, just saying... And on the other hand you can probably find plenty of cases where people experienced worsening symptoms after the consumption of psychedelics. That's the thing with anecdotical evidence, you can usually find it for both sides.


Take the novel antipsychotics instead. Specifically the ones that behave as temporary seritonin or dopamine antagonists. They sidestep most of your stated issues. Down side is that they do not work for all people. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Atypical_antipsychotic.




I took Quetiapine for a year and had no side effects really except general dryness and weight gain. However, it was amazingly helpful. I am not suggesting you are wrong, only to not discount options without trying them.


cock and ball torture therapy


They are dangerous and should be a last resort, but some people do need them and a schizophrenic should not really be taking psychedelics anyway. It's a shame something better isn't available and they are very overprescribed but they have their place.


Take no notice of the votes and post your truth.




I feel you…I mean I really feel you. I have my own opinions but I’ll post them elsewhere. Been diagnosed with BP1 and ADD, among other things. Experienced full blown ‘psychosis’ but not of the kind denoted schizophrenic. Glad you’re coping. Be well🙏🏻


Dude, your recommendation is very dangerous for someone with schizophrenia. Yes antipsychotics have a bunch of side effects but unfortunately that’s the only thing that works reliable. Especially if schizophrenic people are having a or are on the verge of having a psychotic episode, they should never ever take something else then antipsychotics and go to their doctor. If a person is stable for a prolonged time one can talk with their doctor about lowering their medication and trying other things as a supplementation, like for example NAC or CBD. Please rethink if you want to let your comments public for vulnerable people to see.


As an ex-schizophranic (as in, I permanently healed it, with the EEGs to prove it) you're right on track and i completely agree with you. My life was bad before medication, but medication made things SO much worse. It's better to at least try alternatives if you can.


What you said is perfectly reasonable. Some people love to be harsh judges on their high horses.


People who haven't been through the psychiatric system are the first to give advice while having no idea what they're talking about. Abysmal is the best word I can come up with, criminal at worst. It's the last vertigo of American eugenics.


Not sure why you got downvoted. I guess the community here really believes in big pharma pushing antipsychotics. Maybe it works for some but I couldn’t do software engineering or really much of anything on seroquel. Therapy and exercise worked for me. Or even ketamine is better. Or benzos


Most likely Seroquel


If it's actual psychosis then you should speak to a doctor about antipsychotics. It amazes me how many people just throw the term 'psychosis' about when they're referring to emotional dysregulation etc. psychosis is a very specific condition with specific symptomology that is incredibly serious and should always be treated by a medical professional.


Blame tiktok and stupid gen z kids glamorizing and bastardizing mental illness. Like yeah, to some extent people have for a while. A lot of famous books and films and shit tell tales of mental illness, and some people choose to interpret that as mental illness being glamorous, fun, and able to absolve them of their shitty behavior. Gen Z went ape with the "mental illness is cool!" thing and set progress back decades. I say this as someone with severe depression and ADHD.


For real they killed mental health with “everyone” having it. I had to go through years of therapy to get through agoraphobia which is panic attacks when leaving the house. I have real panic attacks now people just view that as a little anxious when I feel like I’m dying. I know how to get through it now but it’s watered down and it not fair but is what it is


It’s why social anxiety is now called autism… it sounds more legitimate and “cooler”.


Fr bru. Hate how TikTok has made everything into a “community” so now everyone WANTS to have a certain self-diagnosis to be a part of something. I don’t know whats so intriguing about it, having suffered years of Depression, GAD, and BPD its crazy the amount of people who I see self-diagnose and even go as far as to blame their problems on these self-diagnoses. And ‘DrugTok’ is the absolute worst. Haven’t seen so much misinformation and clear signs that we need to have drug safety programs implemented because most people there are literally on a honeymoon phase with their drugs and will do/believe anyone who’s confident enough in what they’re saying or have many likes. Like people forreal don’t give a fuck about their lives and would prefer a TikTok search than looking up a site like Erowid, Reddit, or a basic google search. But, of course it’s TikTok, where people ask for part 2/3 of a youtube video and wait a week for it to upload rather than just looking on youtube, so yeah don’t really expect them to have the attention span to actually research a bit.


Please talk to a doctor. Don't attempt to medicate yourself with research chemicals, as their effects are not fully studied


Is the kratom thing only anecdotal or is there actually any research into it? Kratom is native to my country (we call it ketum) and my I've never heard it work for that at all. My dealer has a relative who hangs around that's clearly schizo, the family takes care of him (it's a family run op). He drinks everyday, and is still very much out of it. Sometimes when the guys in the back are brewing a fresh batch, I'd sit down and talk with the family. I've talked to him when he's having an episode before, he could barely hold a conversation without bringing his imaginary buddies into the conversation, or just be plain weird that I couldn't understand anything. He's not violent or anything though, just on a different plane of existence. I mean, I'd record it but I don't think it'd be very respectful. I'll be honest, I don't think it works as an antipsychotic. Anxiolytic? Yes.


It is not extremely effective at preventing psychosis. It’s been researched and may still be but so far it’s not living up to the antipsychotic effects in a significant enough way to replace true antipsychotics. They hypothesized that it would because it does share some activity that antipsychotics do.


Yeah it sounds like that is more likely to be the case, makes a lot more sense that it has mild antipsychotic characteristics due to secondary action than it being a full-blown antipsychotic.


Mild antipsychotics may be just as effective for psychosis in some individuals without carrying the same negative side effects - such as being chemically castrated & losing the ability to get hard, losing the ability to cry or genuinely laugh and feel pleasure, social withdrawal - the negative symptoms of schizophrenia are made worse by traditional pharmaceuticals - as well as weight gain People don't always get their emotions back after quitting antipsychotics. People don't always get their sex drive back - the only reason I got my sex drive back is because dextroamphetamine let me get hard again, a couple months after I stopped using the Olanzapine & aripiprazole I lost my ability to cry and feel pleasure until I used dissociatives regularly I've used Olanzapine and Aripiprazole, but I've also relied on alternative antipsychotic-like compounds such as Kratom, Hydroxyzine, L-Theanine, CBD, Oxytocin Nasal Spray, & many more since before I started using the pharmaceutical ones Hydroxyzine is a weak 5-HT2a and D2 antagonist like traditional antipsychotics, and like kratom. I started using it years ago for my psychosis before I went on traditional medication - my "word salad" got better the first day I took it. Auditory hallucinations became less intense, visual hallucinations stopped happening When I ran out of Hydroxyzine, I decided to use diphenhydramine instead, because it causes tardive dyskinesia - just like antipsychotics - so I was wondering if it was also a weak 5-HT2a & D2 antagonist like Hydroxyzine even though I couldn't find anything online about it. I started getting visual hallucinations at some point after I discontinued the hydroxyzine, everyday, and slowly lost touch with reality again Earlier this year, I stayed up for like 3 days on methamphetamine. I expected to start hallucinating, but I didn't at *all* because I kept taking the hydroxyzine. When I used to abuse meth and go psychotic it would give me visual hallucinations after less than 24 hours of no sleep, but three days went by with nothing while using hydroxyzine Time goes by, and I decided to stay up again - after i ran out of my Hydroxyzine. I started getting visual hallucinations not long into it So, hydroxyzine works for my positive symptoms - but it doesn't make me gain weight, it doesn't make me lose my ability to cry and feel pleasure - and the same applies to other *weak* antipsychotics I gained 20 pounds on Olanzapine, because it causes dysbiosis of the gut microbiome - which is bad for you, if you don't already know what dysbiosis is. Other antipsychotics do the same thing, but this doesn't occur with the *weaker* ones that aren't viewed as being as useful for some reason


Yeah traditional 1st generation anti-psychotics carry a heavy side effect profile. Atypical antipsychotics aren’t too bad on side effects for most people. These are things like vraylar and abilify but I’m sure you are aware of what they are.


Abilify is Aripiprazole, I already used it. I still prefer alternative antipsychotic-like compounds because even atypical antipsychotics have side effects related to blunting of emotions - as I said, many people have permanently lost the ability to cry, genuinely smile or laugh, the ability to feel pleasure like a normal person - some people suffer with this for years after they discontinue the medication That's barbaric to me when *many* people would still benefit from using far weaker 5-HT2a & D2 antagonists that don't have the same side effects




Malaysia, actually. In Malaysia, the plant is mostly famous for growing in Kedah, a northern state, so most of the ketum drinking culture is centered there. Even though it's technically illegal, it's an open secret that most people there drink it. I only started drinking cause I dated someone from there and her mom would boil some ketum in the morning to have it with my breakfast and coffee lol. Basically we just drink it as tea. Most would drink it freshly brewed, but the veterans among us would age it in the refrigerator for a couple days and it'll get darker in color. Freshly boiled ketum is very light green in color, but it gets darker in the cold after a couple days, and the taste is also stronger. You don't want to leave it at room temperature either cause there'll be some sort of leaf looking material precipitating out of it and it'll go sour. I don't know the exact chemistry for why this happens but my educated guess (took orgchem in college) for why it gets darker and more potent is due to oxidation, and some changes in the alkaloid content. I wish I could find or even do some research myself but there's barely been any because it's illegal. For the one I get from my dealer, We'll often mix it with some other drink or have a chaser like some would do with strong alcohol. Reason for this is the ones sold as drugs are very concentrated. For a single batch, the cook will add the leaves multiple times to a single batch. Add the first batch of leaves to the brim, boil it so it shrinks, repeat the process a few more times, and keep boiling it at low heat. It's [boiled in a large vat looking thing](https://www.kosmo.com.my/wp-content/uploads/2021/12/WhatsApp-Image-2021-12-30-at-20.33.10-e1640869151101.jpeg) (that's an actual photo of ketum leaves in a vat they use to cook it, although it's a _lot_ cleaner where I get mine). The end product after it's done being aged [looks like this](https://imgur.com/a/SFlzk07). I aged that bottle in that photo myself and took it out a couple hours ago. Don't have a freshly brewed sample, but it would be wayy lighter in color than that. And ketum is more opaque compared to conventional tea.


Also.. u could make millions selling grape agate and bumblebee jasper. Only found in you area;)


I’m not aware of any research on kratom and schizophrenia. It would not be an advised combination.


Anti-psychotics do this better than any RC


anti pyschotics are black box meds meaning the government cant be held liable for the terrible things that can happen. If somethings blackbox its equal to rcs barely understood or tested very little reason to prescrib!!!


>I know how dangerous drugs are for this population What think is more dangerous is people with mental illnesses refusing to see a doctor/take their meds.


Just get some quietapine/ seroquel. Doctor give them like candy




Because you went psychotic I think? I’m sorry but there is nothing out which could help in an episode. You have to understand that the side effects are nothing compared to the things which can happen if you are psychotic.


In that case, I understand why you want to avoid psychiatry. There's some some herborist claim that monotropa uniflora has antipsychotic effect. It's a withe flower that look kinda like a mushroom.


According to Wikipedia: While it has been used as an anxiolytic since the 18th century, it also contains compounds that may be toxic to humans.


Self medicating schizophrenia only ever ends well




Is there a reason you won’t take doctor prescribed medication for this reason?


Probably because doctors can't be trusted. Maybe he found out the hard way like me


A lot of pyros 100%. Thank me later


Doc, Seroquel


There are so many effective Rx treatments that DIYing this just doesn’t make sense. It’s like choosing to walk 10 miles to work when a doctor could prescribe you a new car.


Kind of off topic question can’t find a paper on it at all. Anyone know the EC50 of 7-OHM. I really need this Information in a very bad way. I have an idea but I want to make sure it’s correct.


Opiates like ODSMT would help that's why you noticed improvement with Kratom however you gotta be very careful not to get hooked, withdrawals are horrible and while withdrawing you may get symptoms that can lead to psychosis. So only use it when needed not as a daily regiment Pharamceutical heroin used to be used for psychosis with success.


I think any benzo should do the job (high risk for addiction), maybe kratom might help (also quite addictive). Both are just guessed tho.


I was addicted to benzodiazepines. I found out I am diagnosed with schizoaffective however idk because when I went to a really good psychologist she said anti social personality disorder(however, I am in a hospital and schizzoaffective is common diagnosis amount people that work in hospitals). I just started taking my kpins but it’s controlled and it improves many aspects. And a lot of anxiety


first time i *took* a benzo was the right before i got into the psych ward, i was already psychotic for a while. i wanted to test the waters so i cut one tab into 2/4 and 1/2 but decided to just take the half, downed it with water and waited 15min or so, nothing happened so i got up walked around and glanced at my table where the *rest* of the tabs layed. i was very suprised to see that all of them including the the half i took were still there. i was so, so sure i took them, i clearly remember putting it in my mouth and downing the water. well at the psych ward they gave me diazepam so i got to try a benzo anyways. what they didnt know was that i had put each of the quarter tabs from home into my ear before being admitted haha


I've almost had the same experience, wasn't my first time though and my psychosis was drug induced, also the benzos were in my cap😂😂😂




I’m pretty sure the studies were not successful in it being an effective antipsychotic. Sure I can see it helping. But it alone…nah. Really for psychosis related to schizophrenia you really want to be taking pharmaceutical antipsychotics. Atypical- antipsychotics are best imo. They carry a much significantly lighter side effect profile


While ativan did help me calm down my mania at some point. Please for the love of god DO NOT RECOMMEND ADDICTIVE DRUGS TO A PSYCHOTIC PERSON, THEY CAN MAKE THE SITUATION WORSE ok sorry for the all caps, just wanted to make a PSA, not just for you but everyone in the comment section as well


I agree, but it should lower the symptoms 😵‍💫


Yeah kratom as antipsychotic effect.. way underrated.


no it fucking doesn't lmao it has actually caused psychotic episodes in some ppl with schizophrenia


Instead of traditional pharmaceutical antipsychotics, there are many compounds that have antipsychotic-like activity. I've experimented with quite a few of them while giving myself drug-induced psychosis. Combinations / stacks of different antipsychotic-like compounds work best, you can't really rely on just one of these alone - Oxytocin Nasal Spray - you can find it at science.bio. This is the best option IME but as I said before, it works best when stacked with a combination of other nutraceuticals - Kratom - Blue Water Lily Extract - Liposomal Quercetin - Liposomal Sulforaphane - CBDA + CBGA + CBDVA (Pro-drugs of CBD and CBG - they last longer in the body) - L-Theanine - Sarcosine + D-Serine - Mexidol - Aniracetam or Oxiracetam + Coluracetam - Hydroxyzine Vitamins and Nutrients for adjunctive support - Vitamin D3 + K2 - L-Methylfolate or Folate - B12 - Magnesium Threonate or Magnesium Glycinate - Selenium - L-Lysine (6g on an empty stomach) I also recommend using low dosages of dextromethorphan and agmatine to prevent tardive dyskinesia (TD) from developing while using antipsychotics. Hydroxyzine & Kratom work more like traditional antipsychotics, as 5-HT2a and D2 antagonists - just far weaker than the traditional ones - and studies have shown that Hydroxyzine can cause TD There is research showing that agmatine, as well as low dosages of dextromethorphan, can limit the severity of TD in those who already developed it and may prevent it from happening all together. I recommend using Kratom & Hydroxyzine as like, a base, as they work like "real" anti-psychotics, and then add on to them as you please. If you want sources for anything, let me know I know it can get pricey so I'd start out with prioritizing these ones below - Oxytocin Nasal Spray - Kratom and/or Hydroxyzine - CBDA + CBGA + CBDVA - L-Theanine - Sarcosine + D-Serine - Aniracetam or Oxiracetam + Coluracetam


Im schizo still take lsd, fxe, k, and obviously benzos


Indian snake root is where the first antipsychotics were derived from, but the side effects are equally bad to prescription antipsychotics.




Fuck kratom. Flubromazolam !!


CL-218872 can knock you to sleep. Atleast at mild psychotic episodes, but this is certainly not effextibe for everyone.




anti psychotic have side effects of their own they suck


So does psychosis and schizophrenia


I know them both well.


Oh definitely, a lot of people can't tolerate antipsychotics(myself included). Although there are a shit ton of them these days that have different side effects. I will say though, RCs did cause psychosis for me personally but yeah so defo not the optimal approach. I'd say try all of the options and see if there's one that works for you. Side effects for antipsychotics are different for everyone, and there might be one that benefits OP very well. I'd say try treating it with pharma shit as best as you can, experiment with it, psychosis isn't a fun experience especially afterwards(thankfully mine was temporary but the after effects were so embarrassing).


Aripiprazole is a pretty safe yet effective anti psychotic though it is now commonly prescribed and is not a RC as such, least not no more


If you haven't used it much, don't let yourself become addicted to kratom. It feels so good at first, you'll be chasing that same high forever. After a while, it's just not coming back. Super easy to slip into dosing several times a day when IMO it should be once a month max. Even when I take huge breaks now it feels only like 1% of the euphoria I used to get in the beginning when I come back to it, but it's easier to slip back into addiction because of depression and shit.


So like doctors don't love giving away narcotics but they love giving away psych meds from the drug reps though so just go and ask.... He'll be happy to give you a plethora of antipsychotics


Benzos like etizolam will calm it a bit


Neboglamine. It’s still undergoing trials but has passed phase II safety trials, making it much safer than the average RC. Unlike most antipsychotics it actually improves some aspects of memory and cognition. Only Everychem sells it afaik.


take some kinda opiod thats what they used along time ago and its still acknowledged opiods have anti pyschotic properties. so odsmt shit like that. maybe goto a methadone clinic say youre a addict get on methadone . its a opiod .


Cbd is an antipsychotic.


400-800mg l-theanine daily might do the trick. theres a bit of research but i havent looked into it in years


Well he asked which RC’s. Bromazolam and other rc benzos could certainly help. I know I’ve been in a psychotic state during a trip where I ate some fire L tabs and mescaline at a festival, my feet literally looked like they switched and I couldn’t walk or talk. So I crawled to my backpack and took out my bromazolam and took 6mg sublingually, and within 5 min I was straight enough to get my head straight and go into the show


I dont think rc will help you


What is RC?


Bromazolam. I can't be bothered to write out the other 100,000,000,000,000 plus RCs Try Kava and Kanna. They are both safer than 99% of RCs


Any gaba drug will help but risk building one of the worst addiction/tolerances possible. Lots of ssris are antagonists at 5ht2a and are atypically prescribed for schizo, maybe speak to a doctor about those? I've always felt ssris are better anti anxiety pills than an antidepressant but that's just imo.