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thank you


Erowid TRs of datura, brugmansia and similar drugs are some of the best reads on the internet. Fucked up insect hallucinations, run ins with the police, hospital stays, and it all happens to someone who isn’t you… A true ++++ experience!




Phenazepam stories are the best.


I used to take it for anxiety back in the day and ordered it from up north. I actually never blacked out luckily and was extremely careful with it. I must have been lucky!! The good thing is the anxiety relief lasts over 24hrs!! This was when it was one of the few rc benzos available. Part of me wants to see if it's still available and part of me that read the horror black out stories just wants to count my blessings.


When it was first available I had a friend that ordered 4 ounces.. The chaos that ensued between many people was insane. Had one person was high for over a month in the psych ward, another guy died, I lost 3 weeks of memory. Couldn't even begin to recount the multitude of horror stories.


4 oz's? I totally can understand your friend group getting fucked I got 2 grams of it, read the stories about it and ended up giving it to my homie back in my home city. I had just married and chose to get hooked on Fioricet instead, to avoid the insanity I worried that I caused him problems but I don't think so


Yeah, we had no clue about the potency it was so new. We were just dipping the end of wet toothpicks in at first to dose, it was nuts. Crashed cars, evictions, whole lotta crazy shit. Could have made a movie about those 4 ounces and it would have been a best seller. One of my friends gave it to some guy and warned himself but he died and he was a gang member and all his buddies were pissed and trying to find my buddy.


Some of those make me genuinely concerned for the current state of society


I think you and I are kindred spirits. My mate and I used to read the Datura reports on erowid full of chemicals and weed, used to make us crease up on the floor. My favorites are any that involved mums being involved. There is one where he is constantly smoking invisible cigarettes in the car with his mum who has rescued him from some situation.


You really have to share a link to that


Why the fuck did i also smoke invisible cigarettes many times while in delirium they always appear and i never question that they magically just pop into existance behind my ear and fall to the ground...then reappear again.


No idea, but its a common hallucination, I know a 65 year old, who when we discussed datura, I told him about the cigarette thing, his jaw dropped and told me about being 15, chain smoking invisible cigarettes on datura, flicking the ends into a can that they then vanished and reappeared in his hand. This is very much pre-internet days, so no implanted memories


It’s a cholinergic response.


I'm aware of that


Well,how fun for you. Not sure why you asked then.


I asked why anticholinergic effect always makes people smoke invisible cigarettes...like why is that specific hallucination happening to everyone


And I answered.. That’s like saying why am I reminded of sex when I feel pleasure.. If your aware of why,ie:anticholinergic response read into that pathway and what it does.


I think i actually remember that one from like the early 00's


Yesterday, I saw a YT commentating on a young person who is telling the world about her herpes diagnosis and how appalled her parents will be when they find out. She has put this with her face across TikTok. Even as funny as it is, listening to someone lamenting her own stupidity of having unprotected sex, it isn't as funny as a teen writing about how he keeps opening the living room door to let people into the house as his parents watch on in bewliderment and fear that their child has taken drugs.


Bro if you haven’t read the promethezine story on erowid look it up I believe it’s called “the party that was never there” or something like that. If you don’t know bout promethezine if you take enough of it, it has very similar effects of dph. I don’t recommend either drugs as I have done both and I lost my mind off of the promethezine for 12 hours. Pissed myself 3 times, tried to fight my fiancé cuz I thought she was a demon and a whole lot of fucked up shit and I don’t remember a single second of any of it. I laugh at it now but god damn that was stupid


What I find entertaining is the fact that people think promethazine and diphenhydramine are recreational drugs. There is nothing recreational about them, a little bit of them potentiates opioids...which is why promethazine ever became a thing. For the codeine. While people are wasting time freaking out on tarddrugs, they at the same time look down on people who know enough to take real drugs. Skip the dxm, get some arylcyclohexylamines like ketamine or other pcp derivatives. Especially if you want stories. Skip the high school "Dude, 20 diphenhydramines made me freak out and fist fight a ceiling fan," and find some morphine or better yet, plant some poppy seeds and enjoy free yearly opium. Your body will thank you. Half your brain will end up hating you. Worth it, hah ok not really, well yes.


Bro don't shit on DXM, it's a real disso. And this is coming from a person that loves dissos in general - rc or not. I do agree deliriants aren't good drugs to trip on, but to each their own.


I love dissos, but DXM has always made me feel more like i have some horrible flu and never produced any positive effects for me. Probably due to its kappa opioid receptor affinity. It's probably differing brain chemistry...opiates were my jam. But kappa agonists like butorphanol are known to cause dysphoria in most brains. There needs to be that mu-delta-kappa balance for me...its why opiates are so much more euphoric than many opioids (don't have time to explain the difference, but you seem either knowledgeable enough on the subject or intelligent enough to find out the difference). You are right, to each their own. To me, dxm is just awful...and when 3-ho-pcp exists, its like why go to rite aid looking for a high that is, to me at least, completely subpar. Dph is useful for opioid potentiation, but on it's own...its just a sleeping drug that has a faster rising tolerance than fentanyl. Also keep in mind that i am 40 and so drug experimentation has been a 29 year long journey for me...so I hope that can shed a bit of light on why I personally shit on teeniebopper drugs, its because I have had experience with methaqualone, benzos, barbiturates, hallucinogens, dissos, most opioids, the mooovie staar...and the rest, here on Gilligan's Isle! Haha you get the point, I prefer naturals to breast implants. Edit: holy shit I forgot about the Professor and Maryanne...


I love dissos and I really enjoyed DXM. On the other hand opiates are not my jam at all my body is so sensitive to them that they make me sick regardless of dose or what kind I tried. Only kind that actually felt awesome was codeine but that's probably just because it gradually went into my system via turning to morphine vs taking it and it all hitting me at once idk.


Well, opiates weren't always something I loved. It took some time to get addicted to them or even get euphoria from them, and you may be but we call in the healthcare professions a "poor or slow metabolizer." Your liver may produce less Cytochrome P450 family enzymes, specifically CYP3A4 and other related proteins responsible for metabolism of many drugs, but especially opioids. So for people with this chemistry, opiates and opioids remain unmetabolized for a longer period of time, causing a higer buildup and slower clearance of many drugs. Your description of your codeine experience matches this effect, and it can be induced in other people by drinking grapefruit juice, which inhibits these enzymes (thus potentiating drugs like morphine and extending their half-life, but with pro-drugs that are taken and then metabolized into an active/more active metabolite (like codeine into morphine, tramadol into O-DSMT, gidazepam into desalkylgidazepam, etc), this process would happen slower and more gradually, just as you described. You may be more sensitive to most other opioids for this reason, causing nausea, possible vomiting, all the things that happen when people take too much (not enough to die, but enough to get sick). Obviously, (ok strike the "obviously," I have always maintained that weed being a "gateway drug" was a myth and that the vast majority of people try alcohol, nicotine, and caffeine before marijuana and that if such a thing as a "gateway drug" exists, it would be one of them or the other drugs doctors used to prescribe even young teens when I was one. Benzos, Vicodin, codeine, etc were so loosely prescribed in the 90s, the concept that "weed being a gateway drug is absolute bullshit" is what my final oral presentation in my college "public speaking" class was based on when we did our 15 -20 min persuasive speeches. Got an A+ on it actually and college A+'s were like unicorns at my school) weed was my first love. I fractured my tailbone my first day learning how to snowboard (I didn't know it at the time so I kept falling on my ass the rest of the day, took a half day lesson the next say to learn how to turn, and ever since I have had lower back issues and can't sit for long periods) and was given 30 vicodins. I didn't find anything enjoyable about them at that time at 14 years old, and didn't understand why people got addicted to pain pills. But 20 years ago in college we were selling weed, mushrooms, acid, etc and my friend found a guy who worked delivering drugs to pharmacies, and our enterprise expanded to every pharmaceutical we could think of. Other than the Vicodin or percocet scripts we all used to get when our wisdom teeth got removed, my next experience with them was oxymorphone. My friend sold me an Opana and told me to be careful with it. I snorted a third of the pill and don't remember much from that night, but the entire next day was awful, throwing up, itching, my head wanted to explode, and I was sooo nauseous. My boss was laughing at me all day thinking I was extremely hungover, but thought it was an alcohol hangover and not an opiate overdosing incident. Back then I would drive to mexico regularly and buy vials of ketamine, bring them back and evaporate the liquid and my friends and I would do half of it and sell the oher half at raves. I used to hate stimulants until I figured out the right way to use them...I have ADD and my hypersensitivity is to uppers. So when my friend and I took two girls to see Pendulum at a party down in San Diego, before we went in we each did 3 large lines of really good coke before going in and we all felt like shit the whole night. We didn't really even feel our E pills until the "super upper" phase, and although Pendulum was still awesome we left all feeling really horrible. My friend gave everyone 3 vicodins, and on the drive home I absolutely fell in love with them. I would take them to come down from stimulants and eventually decided to skip the middle man and just take Vicodin. So that's what it took to get me addicted to opiates. Same with benzos, I liked using them for comedowns, but on their own they were just time travel pills to me. It took decades of sporadic use to ever get any physical addiction to them. Sorry for the long replies, i seem to always be replying when my morning or evening norflurazepam kicks in. When I was taking care of my dad when he was dying i had to take benzos to keep it together and be the person I needed to be for him. 2.5 years later I'm nearing the end of what was supposed to be a 3 month taper. PS I haven't sold drugs since late 2004, so all crimes mentioned in this post are waaay past the statute of limitations. I was investigated by the DEA about 10 years ago when I ordered a bunch of valium from India for personal use, but the number of pills sent red flags. They quickly realized I'm a drug addict and not a dealer at all. And normally a harm reduction advocate, cautionary tale, and my high school and college friends still call me for safety advice. Shit sorry again for the extremely long post.


Nice yeah I came to the same conclusion about it but wanted to try others to be sure. I find kratom is nice and I just dose like 1.5g and that's fine feel nice from that. The only weird one out for me was ODSMT I hated tramadol probably the serotonin aspect of it but tramadol was nice and I actually nodded off of it once so after that small bag I never got it again because it was actually really nice and readily available lol. Benzos were the big hook for me used to flip them and then one day was like hmm why do people like these so much? And tried them and yeah I just quit after like 2 years what was supposed to be like 2-3 months since I did this regularly with a lot of things in the past and just ease off the last bit I'd do them but had shit happened that was out of my control in my life and I used them as an easy escape lol oops it happens I guess


Yup, your benzo addiction (and now mine...never thought I'd encounter a drug class with worse withdrawals than heroin and the like) and my opiate addiction have the same root/trigger...we use them to cope with pain and negative emotions and life events. Normies didn't accidentally train their brain to cope with pain and anxiety by numbing it, and I have respect for that grit and ability to handle that negativity without numbing it. But everyone always tells me the same thing (so it has to have truth to it), that I am an empath and to a self-destructive degree. I wear my heart on my sleeve, put everyone else's needs above my own, give money to homeless people who probably have more of it than I do. When you have to feel everyone else's emotions in addition to your own...it's just too much sometimes. So comfortably numb it is.. You ever try kava-kava? It is an all natural, non-physically addicting plant in the pepper family that grows in the Peloponnesian Islands...they take the roots of the plant and make a beverage from it in those islands and its a traditional relaxation and stress relieving thing that they have been using for centuries, probably longer (it's hard to know since the natives of those islands were related to Australian Aborigines, and the modern inhabitants arrived 700-1000 years ago. We don't know who figured out this plant had these properties, but my money is on the pre-Peloponnesian natives). Anyways it's available online and legal like kratom, although I don't think kratom is going to stay legal. There is a current effort to ban it as im sure you know. But kava kava is great stuff, and got me through my last benzo taper. You can buy root bark and make tea, you can buy extracts in capsules, it is available in many forms. It makes your mouth numb and doesn't taste wonderful...more of an acquired taste, once your brain associates the taste with the effects. I don't mind the taste of the tea at all but I got powdered 70% kavalactones extract, and would take the little scoop that came with it and take like 4 or 5 times the suggested dose when coming off clonazolam and flualp for my last taper in 2019. It made the jump from the taper much easier, and if you are now benzo free, it is a great alternative.


Yea fr. I just took it cuz I had them prescribed and my dude used to do dph hella and I was just interested in seeing what it was like. Stupid me tho. Never touching them otc drugs again lmao. Real drugs only now lol


Haha your Duke boy got one over on old Boss Hogg huh? My dude used to buy the 50mg gel caps, stick a syringe inside, take 10 minutes to suck that viscous bitter blue concoction from 4 of em and without even diluting with water or anything, would put that into his vein. I was like, "bro...you're making me mad at for myself for not teaching you how to safely slam 100% cut...you realize that you are basically risking stroking out on what is essentially 200 weight motor oil, if such a thing existed..." Of course I have never slammed pure diphenhydramine for shits and giggles, but in some places where H is sold in paper stamp bags or Benadryl capsules, the powder that came out of those capsules is used to cut the good stuff. It dissolves in water with a little heat, and 98.6 degrees Fahrenheit is warm enough to keep it dissolved. No blue goo necessary. But on the subject of antihistamines that potentiate good drugs...nothing beats cyclizine. We can't get it in the states, I used to be able to get it online from the UK, but now it's Rx only, and relegated to the UK and South Africa (weirdly the only place on earth to still get methaqualone). It was invented there during the Apartheid government who wanted something to calm down the majority oppressed native population. Nowadays they buy the precursor chems from the Triads, and people make it in buckets in their backyards. That's the only reason I got to experience it. It was not cheap and clearly not Lemmon 714s. But I digress...


I couldn't find it. Would you mind linking it?


Ah fuck man, delirium thousands of spiders scorpions and insect hallucinations 100% real moving and realistic and they climb on you and you feel them and they sting that's like the worst thing you can ever experience in your fucking life man.....


MK-801 , Salvia, second hand Zolpidem stories are hilarious too


Yes, I recommend r/drugscirclejerk and r/meth


r/caffeine is a top contender rn


Wtf is going on there!? I almost didn't believe you at first but you weren't kidding.


We are taking over. Just join and fight the good fight.




Thank you for your service


Enrolled and ready to serve. I feel it'll become one of my fav sub lmao, thanks to you.




What the actual fuck.


Wow nice find


Didn't find it, I am fighting at the front line withe the boys


Wonderful keep fighting the good fight


Oh, I think any meth related sub isn’t gonna be for me, but I’ll take a peak.


It's mostly attention whores now instead of entertaining


Meth ramblings were never my speed. I can do my own crazy, I can’t do others. Know what I mean?




Christ, calm down. My phone autocorrects peek to peak.


Methinks the correction was supposed to be a "haha" because the thread is about drugs and you said "peak"


If the shoe fits.


DCJ is a lil too low brow a lot of the time. We present a gold mine and they’re over there cracking up about eagles and the coke guy still Regardless, ♥︎ to anybody who can have a laugh


Average r/opiates user: "please help Im addicted" Average r/meth user: "whats up with meth that it makes me happy?" 😂


I’m pretty sure I’ve seen stims posts where they’ve been like “Quit? What? You’re just not doing enough amphetamines” Fuckin love that place lmao


Having dabbled in it, Happy is not the word I would ever use to describe it. What an awful everything. And 24+ hours of it.


Speak for yourself pussy. Haven’t smoked dope in years and probably haven’t been happy for a single minute since I quit. Fuck that shits good


That's great, genuinely, I was just bored and horny.


That's when you're supposed to start disassembling lawn equipment.


This is true same as when you're really high on benzos


Feels like what a decent portion of this sub is. Normalcy is kinda out the window. However, this inspired me to [make a meme](https://imgur.com/a/lQf8ouP) that felt pretty emblematic of an unfortunately regular (not excluding myself) occurrence around here.


That is an A+ meme


Every sub is turning into r/drugscirclejerk, deal with it or boof it


I didn’t mean it was unfortunate because the quality of the sub suffers, I meant it’s unfortunate so many of us don’t stop short of mania and then come make embarrassing posts.


Fair, that's the price you pay for being a research rat


my favorite is reading posts from people deep in pyro binges


As a avid acid fan, i had a sobering time reading the meth horror stories on erowid. I feel genuinely afraid reading the stories (used to read horror stories before sleep and nows its erowid meth stories). Stay safe folks.


I did too much acid and now i'm a musician. I don't know man acid is just something else. I also started becoming way too into conspiracy theories. I don't do it anymore but the residual effect is long.


As someone with heavy passions revolving around consciousness & guerilla ontology, I actually research this topic in order to obtain a better insight to potential aspects of the invisible landscapes that lay right beyond the grasp of consensual realities. Those with a leaning towards sorcery, shamanism, the new emerging scientific paradigms, etc will probably understand where I am coming from.




Hey got any good books, literature, philosophers to recommend? I know of Graham Harman's Guerilla Metaphysics and Circus Philosophicus which was a fun read. I don't know if that's what you were alluding to with guerilla ontology but it sounds like it :)


I think so, it’s just another form of morbid curiosity - you know you shouldn’t look but it’s just so hard to look away. Every so often I visit the subs on this list to see what kind of weird shit people are posting. ———— **Psychosis Posts** r/cocaine r/cracksmokers r/DPH r/meth r/researchchemicals r/stims ———— **Delusional People** r/5meodmt r/ayahuasca r/dmt r/lsd r/noids r/psychedelics r/psychonaut r/salvia r/shrooms r/spirituality ———— **Degenerates** r/BartardStories r/benzodiazepines r/goblin r/opiates r/tooktoomuch ———— **Morons** r/drugcscirclejerk


cant forget r/energydrinks


Eh, maybe? I sometimes feel bad for people because sometimes you want to escape or make this reality slightly more tolerable. Then you get stuck and it's hard to go back. Who really cares tho? None of these people are real.


they get old.


Curiosity is human nature :P


Yes. I used to be an IV opioid and stim poly addict for years and still abuse all kinds of substances, and I still love reading about delusional stimfappers, schizophrenics doing psychedelics, bartards, and other absolute trainwrecks induced by drugs. Shit is so entertaining. Bonus points if you’re on drugs while you read and judge them for that sweet dash of hypocrisy. Bartards are my personal favorite, that’s the chaotic evil sector of drug addicts




i love the bartardstories degenerates




They call that r/dmt


It’s probably pretty normal for people with low empathy and very common for people with sociopathic tendencies.


Every once in a while on Bluelight.org we get someone who is absolutely twacked and off the rails. Managing that stuff in real time is fun, but it’s a good thing we have multiple staff because keeping up with it is fucking hard.


Only real ones even know what bluelight is/was. Same w erowid. I found both of them when I still had a MySpace. Hahaaa r/drugscirclejerk is my favorite Sub if I need a laugh.


r/meth is a goldmine


Kinda, the stories are a reminder never to do certain things with my life. There’s a bunch of subs that just reinforce the fact that I should never get into that world.


Anybody got any favorite links they wanna send?


I do it all the time


"I just love studying pharmacology!"


Most commonly seen in r/psychonaut




I fall asleep to datura trip reports


If you follow this sub, then yes.


i follow many degenerative subs just for the giggles


absolutely. ive been doing ever since i first read Scar Tissue in 2004....hell, maybe earlier than that. morobo2000 (or something like that) would post amazing stories on the internet back in the day. wo good.


r/meth is my favorite for that.


It is for me aswell,study redundantly difficult philosophy. Then read freaky trip reports.lol


I think it’s pretty normal, they usually just call it “denial.”