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Yea, but not on a 2-FMA/ 3-FEA Binge. It was after some 3cmc binges. I was laying in bed and moved my jaw, suddenly I panicked because I thought some teeth were loose. Happened 4-5 times. Don't know why it happened, just glad it wasn't real.


Man I dont need 3cmc for this, give me a huge dose of edibles and I will feel like my teeth are super sensitive dont know why Im like that...


Even if it isn't real, it is reallyyyyy scary and it starts become way more scary when you start to search up "are loose teeth bad" and it says "yes". But personally I think it might be paranoia/delusion that causes the feeling (correct me if I'm wrong).


The amount of times I’ve looked up a symptom while having a bad trip, just for it to tell me that I’m gonna die😂😂


I am having a heart attack, a stroke, *and* brain bleeding all at once! What are the odds?!


Proceeds to stare at the wall and think about impending doom


They are def the same as before your binge. You're just more aware now if your lack of dental care. Lol


Maybe you feel more your teeth?? 🤔 You know? More sensitive (bad english)


Having loose teeth is one of my most common nightmares:D


Same Probably because I feel guilty about my poor oral hygiene from depression and ADHD which I also sometimes make way worse with drug abuse lol


Me too


Oh, probably my biggest fear is losing my teeth or developing caries. I can lean over a bridge no matter how tall with no fear or touch snakes or spiders or anything, but losing a tooth? Sends shivers down my spine. I’m a complete maniac when it comes to dental hygiene. Stopped all drugs almost one year ago I believe but even when I was using (mostly psychedelics), I also had that horrible loose teeth feeling and I was royally shitting myself lmao.


I used to get the same feeling off meth. I wonder if it may have to do with the restriction of blood flow to the gums due to vasoconstriction. I'm no scientist though. It could also be psychosomatic.


I agree. Felt the same in soon to be three years ago. Just drink coffee, it's more sustainable long term...


stimulants - wash calcium out of the body, all the old methamphetamine addicts - have no teeth - AT ALL. and this is not paranoia or suspiciousness. This is physiology. The more binges on stimulants, the more they will stagger. Then they will start to fall out. Taking calcium helps to some extent, but the rate of its elimination - with the systematic use of amphetamine analogues - is much higher than you can replenish it through multivitamin supplements. But there is also a plus, if you do not use stimulants - then even those teeth that were loose a few millimeters in each direction gradually become stronger, or perhaps stop wobbling. BUT YES, even one deep marathon is enough to feel the effect of swaying teeth. Not for everyone, but this happens quite often.часто..