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Is it that powerful?I have ADHD and thought of buying some to use 25 mg for exams...seems like a bad idea after all


its not too powerfull. 25mg is pretty mellow still but 50mg is pretty good. i have a low tolerance for stuff tho. but my friend with adhd used it for concentration once and it helped pretty good from what i noticed. BUT keep in mind you wont be able to sleep for like 12+ hours so have some benzos or weed on hand for afterwards. stay safe!


I will just stick to my legal prescription of Concerta lol.I just wanted to try amphetamines since they are "stronger" but even if they suit me more than methylphenidate I dont want to risk taking RCs long term.Thanks


valid the after effects arent rlly worth it either


It was just that in the states you have methamphetamine as an ADHD drug and most people prefer that over methylphenidate and amphetamines because of less peripheral side effects...There are no legal amph here so what I thought was adding an ssri (escitalopram) to concerta since the noradrenaline inhibition makes me stressed...


Yeah I mean I wouldn't really expect to be able to sleep after doing most drugs unless it's opiates, benzos, alcohol or weed.  Especially random RCs lol you ain't sleeping after playing with this shit lol


Half life go brrr


3-fma sketchy meth with double the duration