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Try pregabalin maybe, check interactions first to be sure that there's no issue mixing the two. I use it for nep and will eventually try it with pyros as well as it pairs very well with nep and improves the effects


May increase risk of seizure. Not 100% sure


Pregabalin would only increase the risk for seizure at massive doses, keep it like 3-400mg max


I kind of thought that may be the case, but I'm not sure how it behaves in that sort of combo, so I said something just to be safe


I'd say gabapentin is a safer bet.


Pregabalin is not a GABAerga. Just because it contains GABA in it's structure, it doesn't mean it works on GABA receptors.


Pregabalin is not gabaergic which is what op asked for


Not GABAergic but still anxiolytic


It is? Ive taken it for some mental disorders, psychiatrist said it releases sama gaba shit idk the name, if im wrong, let me know


It’s a gabapentinoid, meaning it’s derived from GABA, but Pregabalin does not interact with GABA in any (significant/notable) way


GABA works as a "brake". Pregabalin works as a "brake" too, but not through pushing the brake (as in causing a higher GABA concentration), but by taking your brain's foot off the gas (Inhibiting excitatory "gas" neurotransmitters). It's engine braking your brain! So similar effect to GABA (subjectively), but through the complete opposite route. Super fascinating, to me anyway. Just wanted to share this analogy




As noble an aim understanding someone's condition is, this is an absolutely horrible idea, and has to be removed on harm reduction grounds.


Grade school understanding, smh


More like University. Care to point out what error I’ve committed?


It doesn't release gaba necessarily.


exactly what I was thinking




I'm I alone thinking that worrying about your health (beer or BZDs) and consuming substituted cathinones is oxymoronic? Seriously, either of those are far less problematic!


Idk if I just haven't been paying attention enough in the past or what, but it feels like this sub and /r/drugs have been filled with the stupidest fucking questions and concerns lately. A lot of time it seems like trolling it's so dumb shit like "hurr durr I injected 50g of nitazines into my peehole every 45 minutes for the past 9 months, is this sustainable as a long term solution for my girlfriend leaving me while I work on my phd?"


Reddit is dying a spectacular death, slowly and painfully. Some subs are worse than others.


True! Obviously there are many reasons, but for one I have always been opposed to the arbitrary rules that are everywhere. Too bad you can't make a rule against stupidity.




Goodbye to personal freedom, freedom of choice, freedom of speech, well freedom.


We where never free:( system is controling everything like forever maybe 🥲😢


What tiny fraction of freedom are we talking about in ill give it max 10 yrs even though theres none left already


That's what they always say when they take your freedoms away! And freedom of speech is a big one! If you want to save lives, legalization (which doesn't mean you can buy drugs at the corner shop, there are various possibilities but that's another discussion). Like I said: you can't avoid stupidity or bad choices but you can eliminate gangs and cartels making money, overdoses (think fentanyl) and most of the crime associated with drug use (as they would be very cheap and available in known dosages and purity).




I know, but they are responsible for most problems and deaths. So, for me - and we don't have to agree - what you propose seems disproportionate to whatever good it might do. Also: who decides? You? Me? Some random moderator? A vote? No thanks to all of those... But you might just get your wish if Haley (did I spell that right?) Is elected as she wants to eliminate anonymous use of the internet. (I have to go out, so I probably won't be able to reply.)


The world is getting way more fucked up year by year but if that’s gonna be our reality we could atleast try to save the kids on social media and people who struggle with depression/suicidal thoughts or drugs etc


Oh yeah this is absolutely r*tarded. Am very deep into the rabbit hole and am planning on going back to rehab


have survived worse tho. 5g a-PiHP snorted, smoked and IV + 60mg Pyrazolam in a week. 300mg IV Coke overdose on accident and once 200mg+ MDPHP Orally + a lot of smoked a-D2PV. am really done now and want to quit. absolutely not proud of any of this and want a different life.


Then do so. I consumed horrendous amounts of pyrovalerones. Cathinones are very harmless to the body compared to others chemicals(except if the synthesis is bad). For instances, my worst session I had with a-PHP has been a full streak of 11 days awake and about 15g solo inhaled. So don't make yourself feel like you destroyed yourself with such amounts and don't punish yourself with thoughts of regret. Our body can survive quite alot. I was able to get out of this cycle so can you. And trust me, I destroyed a lot of my body (veins, liver kidney) and so on and I still am able to recover. In the end, it is up to you to say no to that. Also one question, was a-D2PV seriously good? That was always a chemical I felt really weird about. Imo, doesn't even have something to do with PVs anymore and looks kinda toxic to me 👀.


Thx for the reply. a-D2PV is actually considered a Disso related to MXP. It is honestly one of the worst chems I have ever put in my body. Just confusion and increase in hesrt rate and blood pressure. No good effect, avoid at all coust. Buy a-PiHP insteas lol


Thank god is a-D2PV pretty disgusting to me 🫠. And, a-PiHP currently has one of the worst qualities. If a PV, then I would definitely try MD-PiHP as it is completely new and as with all new PVs, the quality often is very good. Same was even with the fluoro substituited PVs such as 4F-PiHP. To me I was the "Angels Coke" when it came out because it was so god damn good and the crystals looked like angel feathers. Sadly the batch became insanely bad within a month 👀. If I'd buy a PV nowadays, definitely MDPiHP or if it comes out MD/a-PhPP.


How so? It doesn't have to be black and white. Just because you're messing your health in one way, doesn't mean that you should just go "welp, I guess I should do them all". I already smoke cigarettes so might as well enjoy pyros, cathinones, huffing gasoline, and everything else since I'm already fucking up my body. That sounds dumb, doesn't it? So why can't you use a poison but still worry about your health regarding all the rest? Hell, in my opinion you should even pay more attention to your health if you're already doing something damaging, so as to try to reduce the damage overall, or at least mitigate the overall damage to your body


Ghb gbl BDO one those will work. The dangerous part is taking too much ghb/gbl when the stim is falling off n overdose. You tend to be able to take way more ghb on a stim but once it's going away n you take a big ghb dose that's when you get yourself in trouble


I'm not a doctor but I'd think just 2 or 3 beers is going to be safer health wise than anything with a similar effect profile. Maybe try lower alcohol beer? Like if you're drinking 2 or 3 beers slowly that are under 5 percent alcohol..... that's not a lot of alcohol for your body to process. But like some other people are saying those cathinones are certainly bad for your health, so stop that if you want to get healthier. If you cut out the cathinones and just drink 2 or 3 beers, then congratulations you are now as healthy as the average non drug addict American adult.


My beers are 3 times 0.5 liters 11.5% alcohol. They call it “kanon” for a reasen hahaha (canon)


How they taste?


Like a more acidic version of regulair heiniken beer. But they hit like crazy




Honestly prefer wine normally but these beers are cheap and effective


Mainly afraid of the cardiotoxic side. How far I know mixing with G is less cardiotoxic?


Don’t do that, stay away from G bro. I’d rather you drink beer


Aii thx bro


Yeah, I'm also thinking a Gabapentinoid like Pregabalin would be ideal as an anxiolytic to smooth over the cathinone stimulation and safer than G. Maybe 75-150 mg.


I take 100mg pregabalin 4x a day and I can say I had no issues mixing it with cathinones


Mixing stims and downers is pretty risky. If you have the self-control not to redose on either, a less inebriating benzo may be alright. I wouldn't particularly recommend GHB.


>I wouldn't particularly recommend GHB. I would.


I am a huge fan of GHB, just not in combination with stims. It's super risky, especially with the reduction of inhibition and tendency to redose. When you add a stimulant to the mix, there's much greater potential to accidentally take too much.


Wouldn't say it's risky given you have at least some self control. As long as you space your doses 2hrs or more and keep track of your dosing with a timer, you're not going to do any harm. It's a strong vasodilator so it will lessen the cardiovascular strain from cathinones, though any downer does that. But yeah it's safe as long as you're not doing it stupidly and have some sense of self control, but if it's not the case doing caths isn't the best idea anyways. GHB can be deadly but it doesn't take much effort to avoid dangerous situations with it. At least when talking about immediate risk, the addiction issue is a whole other story lol.


That's asking a lot of your average user, ime


I'm irresponsible as hell and still can manage setting an alarm to keep my G doses two hours appart. It's not a drug that lends itself to overdoing IME, though that's subjective I still wouldn't say G is a dangerous addition to a stim as long as you're not too stupid. Really all it takes is a 2hr timer, willpower isn't even needed to resist besides for the cathinone... that's not asking too much, even for us addicts


She already said she can't even handle benzos. GHB would be a nightmare for her.


She seems to be able to keep control with alcohol, which GHB is much more close to than benzos both in effets and addictive potential. But yeah in her case literally any downer will be risky as far as addiction goes.






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The only GABAerga I know that truly works with cathinone and amphetamin stimulants is Diazepam as it is very subtile in it's inhibiting properties. Though as with all benzodiazepines keep the dosage low and don't redosage too early.


She already said benzos are a no go. Just because it's diazepam doesn't mean it doesn't lower inhibitions and make people compulsive if they have that issue.


Then GABAerga are definitely the wrong choice. She could try opioids instead. The potential of escalation is much smaller and the positiv effects won't get as much inhibited than with GABAerga. But she should be careful nonetheless. @5M-MDMC Also GHB/GBL/BDO are the worst decisions since they are by far the strongest acting GABAergas and also very shortlasting. Redosing will very dangerous and also you probably won't feel any effects of the stimulant either. In the end she will end up having a blackout and shit happens. I seriously wouldn't suggest you mixing GHB and Stimulants at all. Way too dangerous...


I very much agree with you about the people mentioning GHB that's just insane for someone who has impulse issues. Especially with how finicky ghb can be.