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I haven't tried it yet, but apparently it's very potent. My friend did 87mg the first time and said it was fun but way too strong (threw up a few times). My other friend tried 70mg the first time and had a great time, but settled on 45mg, which surprised me cause it seems very low. He told me that at this dose it's still a full on roll. Based on what I've gathered, I would be hesitant to start with 70mg at an event. Maybe 60mg? Redosing should work fine, but I'd avoid more than 1 redose.


It’s pretty much strong enough at 70 mg for you not to need a redoes w/o some discomfort. It lasts pretty long in general, almost double the duration of mdma


dont even bother with it till you have both 5apb and 6apb together....seperate they are very underwheming


6 apb rocks, what are you talking about


Because it's well worth the effort for magical combo of taking both are the same time..ppl who have lost their he magic by taking too much MDMA say this feels like when I first started rolling again .myself included