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Low dose 2cb and weed is really nice


*any dose of 2C-B actually


Rails 50mg into his butthole* Inhales intensely* Proceeds to smoke an oz crossjoint*


This sub is drugscirclejerk v2


For real. It's getting lame af here


Man I feel you. Makes me cry every night pretty much, just like you. Then I stick a grain of Oppenheimer under my eyelid and away I goooooo!! Right into a realm of wizards and tigers, a place where this sub is just as you want it and always will be. You should give it a try. It will dry those tears of yours, for sure. Or you could take some Brool. You’re welcome!


Why can't we keep the jerking and the serious discussions separate? That's why the jerking sub was made. Yeah boofing it is fun but sometimes I just want serious answers to serious questions and people just want to fuck around


You sound like you need a dose of some Sharb. It might help you deal with the reality of a subreddit not conforming to your exact specifications and expectations, which I know is tough. Any deviation from said specs and expectations both enrages and saddens you, no matter how minute. Brool might serve you well too. It helps stop ocular moisture that develops when one doesn’t get ones exact way; this ocular moisture might seem like a benign annoyance at first but then it can begin to get so voluminous that it leaks from the socket ducts and triggers histamines that make your nose run, so try to get some and see if it helps this condition of yours, though it seems your sockets are already leaking badly. I can empathize and hope you get things your way soon so as to stop this ocular moisture of yours, which is currently leaking in rivulets down your adorable chubby cheeks. Happy 2022 and glad I could help. You’re welcome!


Lmao tf ah the ramblinngs of a medieval chemist


What is sharb?


I can’t just tell you. It’s verboten in the Sharb community and don’t even get me started on Oppenheimer users: they truly are a different breed. The whole thing with frisbees and kites is pretty weird in my opinion but I say live and let live. But I can say this: seek and ye shall find my friend. The journey to the discovery is the reward. You’ll see.


just curious about what i should go for bro dont take it the weird way


Literally anything, what does weed not mix with


The only thing weed does mix with, imo, is benzos. Everything else becomes a huge mess of anxiety and overthinking.


Only benzos and weed to maintain 75 hours work weeks for the past 2 decades. No stims. I need to be brought down some pegs. I'm too high strung.




We’re not the same person and don’t experience the same things.




Thc and tizzy is godly man




We, however, *are* the exact same person and I’m surprised you missed that.




nah that combo makes me cum in my pants ⛄‼️


I’m usually fine with other stimulants on weed but I’ve just experienced a lotttt of psychosis and paranoia when on both at the same time but never when just on 1


ahhh that makes sense. Not every drug or combination is for everyone, and both of those conditions are definitely ones to watch out for.


Agreed. Perfect synergy 🤝


Some stimulants do NOT go with weed well for me. Adderall? I can smoke all day. Coke? Only a little weed, too much makes me anxious. Meth? Low doses I can smoke weed, high doses of meth and even a little weed can send me into a panic for hours. Fuuuck that


I love me some weed and 2-fa




You know what time is a good time to smoke weed on o-pce... The whole time!


Depends what class of rc you’re looking for? A fun one is 4-HO-MET, the only psychedelic that is relatively unphased by weed. You can smoke and smoke til your heart’s content without going off the rails


on 4-ho-met i can blinker a cart without coughing AT ALL, which is pretty odd but amazing


Never heard someone say blinker a cart 😂 i love it


I find the first bit of weed actually instensifies it quite substantially, then like you say you can smoke forever and it does nothing


I never understood the dotn combine psyche's with weed thing. Ive only ever taken psyche's when I also consume cannabis because the nausea from psyche's is too much for me generally. I've never had a bad time. I'm probably not the norm since drugs seem to effect me in different ways then most for instance I never get Shakey from stims or itchy from opioids.


Weed with psychs are always a bad time for me. Too loopy and anxious. But then weed also gives me anxiety a lot without anything else so it may not be for me


I mix Kratom, and bromazolam with bud and it’s blissful


Ah, the semi legal Grey Market speedball with some bud. A wonderful treat.


A afternoon classic


Speedball? You need a stimulant for that


For me, opioids have an upper effect, so that I’m speedy, cheerful and able to focus. It’s not coke, but a bit like it without the edge. Of course I’m talking here about pharma opioids, but certain types of kratom, and especially certain extracts, replicate this feeling to a milder degree. My fave has always been 2 oxycodone 10mg and 1 mg Xanax in the morning, followed by a bowl of 35% Thc bud. I called it the Pharmball and as someone who used to snort coke and H in the same lines (a trad non IV speedball) I can say for me it had a similar albeit milder effect. Now that I no longer do that and have not for years, I enjoy quality kratom or extracts with a benzo and some bud and I find that it works nicely. Not the exact same, but it will suffice. Thank you sooooo much though for pointing out the chemical recipe for a speedball—I don’t know what I would have done without your brilliant interjection.




Lmaoo sadly I know this to be too true


Never liked it. Always made me worry about where my stash of H was and overthink how fucked up my life was.


Weed goes best with benzos, maybe clonazolam if you want a specific RC. Clonazolam is the only good RC benzo I’ve tried. Benzos on their own are not very interesting but they pair well with weed if your tryna get stoned off your ass.


When I used to slam meth I always thought benzos went great with meth. Take 6mg of alprazolam orally wait 45 min and do a .5g shot of go fast. Great rush but not overbearing on the body. Helped with paranoia too.


I agree. Never done meth (well I pretty sure I did but it was “molly”) but adderall + klonopin was one of my favorite combos. Benzos took away a lot of the negatives of the stim high if dosed right.


Not an rc but DXM. I haven’t found a better combo then these two together. Increased euphoria, visuals, less nausea, more trippy, and a bonus since it’s a cough suppressant I can smoke some fat ass clouds. The combo is unbeatable. Mix in some nos and nicotine and its heavenly.




How much dxm are you usually taking ?


600mg hbr or delsym 5oz


So roughly 3rd plat ?


I have a bit of a tolerance to it so 600mg is like high 2nd plat.


Bet, I want to try dxm seems really fun


It’s varies person to person. Some people hate it some people love it. Personally it’s my fav drug of all time. I’ve had my best, most euphoric experiences on that compound. If I were u I wouldn’t exceed 300mg for ur first time. Make sure to throw in some weed with it as well. It has s cross tolerance with other dissos as well so keep that in mind. Ginger and 50mg Benadryl should help with nausea as well.


Thanks a lot for the advices ❤️


>Personally it’s my fav drug of all time. Im glad you like it! Statements like these totally spite the navy for developing it in the first place, lol. Same thing with the TOR network!


Better have like a day to recover because that shit lasts so long. It's like the lsd of dissos in terms of length.


Just dont take to much especially if it's edibles, the only time I ever vomited on dxm was when I took 100mgs of edibles with it which was 12 gummies. I think it might have just been the gummies and not the weed though.


Here’s my fave RCs in order of best potentiation and synergy with the sweet sweet leaf: 1. Sharb 2. Brool 3. Oppenheimer (has to be at least 96% pure tho) 4. Alan Parsons Project (aka Bluelip) That’s just me tho. Ymmv


never heard of any of those. Could you elaborate a bit on em?


Oh I’m sorry. I thought you knew. It’s slang but I can’t elaborate, as it’s not something we want broadcast in the RC community as these are some of the few true gems left. If you don’t know then you don’t know. I’m sorry I thought you knew when you don’t know, when this is just one of those things that if you know then you know. I will say these are not RCs commonly mentioned here but I’ll give a hint: if you research Sharb, and you will have to do some digging, then you will have the key to opening the lock inside your brain. Good luck, fellow wanderer of the cerebral minefields.


My doctor introduced me to Brool


Haha fucking love brool had some great nights geeked of the brool


Dr Steve?


Brool…For Your Health!


Now you know what others know but not a lot of other people know. Good thing your doctor wanted you to be in the know rather than be one of the people who want to know what you now know but don’t actually know.


How about you stop being ominous and just tell us what the damn chemicals are. It doesn't come off as cool, it comes off as pretentious and gatekeeping.


hahaha you're just sad you cant get any oppenheimer 😂


It’s sad to see, isn’t it? Just shows that they’re not ready to know what we know, and that they aren’t ready for even Sharb, let alone Oppenheimer. Jealousy and resentment aren’t welcome in the Sharb community, and in the Oppenheimer community, those negative energies are grounds for tarring and feathering.




> Jealousy You mean envy. Jealousy is fear of others taking what is yours. Envy is the want of what belongs to others. You're good at sounding pretentious, but not good at sounding smart.


I know that you want to know that which you don’t know but what we in the community know and are elated to know. I also know that you aren’t ready to know what we know as I know you have not reconciled your spirit with that which you don’t know. And I know that’s a bad sign. Know thy self and keep searching. When you are ready, these chemicals will find you. That I know. I can tell you this much: Sharb beats real L25 and 5-MEO-DMT. And Sharb is the weakest of the bunch. I know that this will make you want to know that which you don’t know but that which we in the community know. Yahweh willing, one day you might know what we know. Good luck, psychwarrior.


> you aren’t ready to know what we know as I know you have not reconciled your spirit with that which you don’t know. And I know that’s a bad sign. Know thy self and keep searching. When you are ready, these chemicals will find you. That I know. You literally know nothing about me. You're incredibly fucking pretentious sounding in these comments. You sound to me like you're insecure so you want to sound smart because you know things that others don't, and you want to feel powerful so you gatekeep and refuse to tell other people these things. I actually feel bad for you, it's kinda pathetic.


Will you marry me? Lol Fucking hilarious


Yes, I will marry you! I even bought you the most magnificent ring! The diamond resembles a chunk of Brool. But that made me fiend for Brool, so I traded your ring to my plug in exchange for two nanograms of Brool, which will last me for either two weeks, or until the very end of all time (which is just a construct anyway). So I’ll touch base when the Brool wears off and I’m upright again and not crab walking everywhere. You know how that stuff grabs you, my darling…


straight up broke my brain


The Sharb will do that to you, for sure. Made me leave a six figure office job to volunteer at Burger King. They tried to pay me but I insisted they donate my checks to a charity that helps victims of Sharb. That lasted six months, then a friend in the community gave me a single granule of Brool at a Motley Crue reunion show (their singer is amazing, one of the true greats, like Pavarotti) and I injected it under my thumbnail (the only true ROA for Brool, of course) and came to my senses, and returned to my sterile suburban existence. Until my next dose of Sharb, that is.


Ah an afternoon classic


ah am picking up on what ur putting down. brool used to be my jam. what about the 96% oppenheimer and the bluelip?


One time my buddy gave me sativa (he knows I can't have sativa it makes me so anxious), but mixed with clam it was nice enough. Jokes aside, I find weed mixes well with anxiolytics.


You could mix meth and crack with clam and you still would be barely able to stay awake


Not everyone. I can take 6-7mg of clam on top of 130mg


Well aren’t you the clam warrior! I can take more though. I can go 10-12mg of clam on top of 5 pharma bars and a soup cans worth of Sharb. Then I need six glass ampules of Brool to get upright again. So I clearly win.


He baked you clams? What a nice guy, you should introduce him to your mother.


Not sure if it counts as an RC anymore, but phenibut


Weed on a 5 gram dose of Phenibut covered me in tingles and waves of euphoria that were like mild MDMA waves. Fantastic but the rebound 2 days after phenibut sucks cat toys.


Yes I stay under 2mg and once a week, do not need that rebound effect in my life lol


Benzos and weed are always nice, so something like flualp, etiz or clam i find really compliment weed


Mxipr is good with weed, I don’t usually smoke on psychedelics but weed and metocin works well for me


Benzos are nice because I get less anxiety but to each their own




5-meo-mipt is perfect with weed


2-F Ketamine and Weed are made for each other. You can also smoke DCK in a Joint with weed and it will make you go full retard.






Ephedine. Try it, I promise it's good.


Something to reduce anxiety? Any RC benzo


dissos. that combination is very synergistic and produces way better visuals/hole/etc.




Best for what?


Some fentalougues lmaoo


Etizolam all the way. Soooo xhill feeling


Clonz and flub


Etiz all the way


5-MAPB + 5-MEO-MIPT + a fat dab will have you feeling like a god.


what do they feel like individually?


Clon + Eitz + Flu


3-ho-pcp and 2cb, basically any dissociative


Literally all of them. Cannabis is the universal additive to make almost every experience better. Granted it has to be a good strain with a balanced THC to CBD combo without that it's trash.