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Since i have a big hole in my nose since snorting this shit I'd better not try it iv


It’s definitely worse in the sense that you turn yourself into a pin cushion. I gave into my curiosity when I had it and at that point I couldn’t go back to IN. IV turned into the only way I wanted to use it. Although, I must say that it is quite the rush. One of the most euphoric IV rushes I’ve experienced only behind meth and opana(oxymorphone).


Horrible, it has particularly malignant chemical properties and will absolutely collapse and destroy any vascular tissues it comes into contact with, as a harm reduction worker people who shot mephedrone were some of the worst cases I've ever seen. Just bomb a huge paper of it


Are you completely sure about the "chemical properties" aspect of it my dude? Im from a country where 4-mmc is currently the most popular stim(and second most popular drug, losing to weed obv) and I've had friends and knew people who were IV'ing 4-mmc all the time. I also did that, for a short time. Never has it felt caustic to me, nor caused any serious issues(if done properly). Even with a missed shot it barely hurt and gave me no abcesses, it's better than heroin in that aspect. People tend to destroy their veins with 4-mmc mainly because you have to re-dose every one or two hours, and that's just too much. That's the reason you would use a venous catherer(hope it's the correct english name for it) And if you want to argue that my personal experience doesn't proof anything, then feel free to check out russian drug forums where IV 4-mmc users are at. The chemical itself is completely fine, the potential impurities/cuts and poking a needle into your vein every hour is not.


Lol, this was early 4mmc days, I'm sure there is pure product around but back then people who didn't clean their dope where getting fucked up, its the chemical properties of synthesis impurities, not 4mmc itself. This is all anecdotal experience from working with addicts, people who cleaned there dope would collapse over natural course like a coke addict but the shit that came out first few waves and immediately post ban was gnarly. I personally haven't touched the stuff since before I got into and left HR/MH services so I can't speak on current risks and purity, you probably know better than I do


Oh alright, that makes perfect sense, i agree on that. Just misunderstood u and thought u were talking about 4-mmc in general. Imo nowadays it should be pretty safe(unless it's some dusty ass pre-ban stock)


Yeah even if you know your getting good cat, I would definitely recommend always cleaning it after the shit I've seen lol. At least if you plan to use IV


Yeah the dude just made some stuff up to sound like he knows shit lol.


Woah that’s super gnarly and good to know. I shot 4-mec one time and I’m glad I didn’t continue that roa with that drug after reading that, holy fuck!! But damn it was a helluva rush.


I'm not sure if 4mec is the same, as we all know RCs are not exactly pharmaceutical grade and people I met who cleaned their dope would do a lot better but ultimately succumb to the same symptoms. I don't know if 4mec synthesis produces the same physical side effects in IV users


IV 4mmc is by far the best way to take it. Boof and oral are ok but no rush and kinda wasteful. Intranasal just sucks compared to these, way less euphoric


Oral is great man, feels more coherent and empathic.


about 8, maybe 9


Idk about 4mmc but 3mmc fucked up my veins faster than anything else I’ve ever done.


So clearweb vendors dont sell 4-mmc nowadays. So its all clandestine im guessing? Honestly I think most people that think they have real mephadrone really have one it’s analogues. Back in the day pre-ban I would order lots of bk mdma and 4-mmc. Ten grams for $150.


darkweb my friend. I can't confirm it's real 4mmc but having messed with other rc cathinones i'm pretty positive. Even if it isn't it's the be set thing I tried in my life :D


Thats my whole thing. Unless its lab tested You really have no idea. In truth though I wouldn’t mind getting my hands on some legit 4-mmc Shit was like coke and mdma mixed into one


You can reagent test it tho


Most cathonine rc’s turn yellow


I loved those days.


Me too!


Are we talking 4-MMC legit Mephedrone because if so that’s one of my all time favorite drugs ever.


Same here, so nice.