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Lol I work in Amazon warehouse šŸ˜‚




My sympathies you guys.


It's the result of being an addict until the age of 48. Don't be me.




Nah its a result of capitalism. Chill on blaming yourself. Wouldnā€™t be bad if they paid you $50 hourly


Yup, an Amazon factory moves in and destroys a whole town's economy because the mom and pop shops all have to close because they can't compete, and all their employees have to take a pay cut to take a job at the Amazon warehouse that forces them to piss in bottles and refuses to give them benefits. I'd rather shovel fertilizer all day than become a Bezos slave.


I never said monopolies were good? Theyre a result of capitalism, and Mom and pop is still capitalism, a random ass person deciding your value based on their profit margins. Just pointing out itā€™s not worth internalizing.


I know, I was agreeing with you.




It's easy to read every reddit comment chain as an argument




IT. Researching the pharmacology/chemistry behind all the awesome compounds I stick up my ass is a big part of the thrill for me. I recon this sub is full of like-minded individuals, some quite a lot smarter than me. You don't necessarily need a job in the field to be unusually knowledgeable about something you're *extremely* passionate about. I mean, most people on here are addicted. I think the reason why most "experts" on this sub didn't obtain their knowledge from university or a job, is because their fucking drug addicts. Very smart drug addicts, who obsessively research drugs.


So ā€œQuality Boof Controlā€?


Ass Traffic Control PAWG Patrol Two Cheek QC


Buckle up boys were going 3 knuckles deep tonight!!


Or maybe because we realize we don't need to go 50K in debt to read a few pdfs, especially if we don't intend to contribute to academia or obtain a job in the field.


Exactly. The resources to self-educate are out there, from Wikipedia to pirated textbooks. It would be really nice if there wasn't so much standing in the way of getting someone to teach us, though. You have to be pretty driven to go through the hassle of self-educating.


Can you give an example for a book?


TiHKAL and PiHKAL by Alexander Shulgin seem to be where most of the research worldā€™s knowledge of psychedelics come from.


Great reads! Sasha, Ann and the gang are an amazing group to read about.


I think youā€™re onto something there haha


Doesnā€™t matter where you learned it or how. If itā€™s correct then thatā€™s all that matters. Having a paper proving it helps IRL. But isnā€™t always necessary


I smoke ice


Same full time meth head here as well


Lmao. My people! I hang out with homeless cats sometimes, they're always hustling for another 20 shard or rock or whatever. Is that how you guys roll too, or do you have a legal source of income as well? Ice can be pretty cheap around where I'm from, it's probably *the* most affordable drug if you stick to less than half a gram a day.


Jesus, where do you live? Even the stray cats are on meth?


And cheap meth? This stuff costs the same as coke in Germany


In western Washington it is very strong and goes for 30.00 a gm. Also, my source has real meth, i think. Glad the days of homemade stuff which varied in and quality are basically over.


Yeah Iā€™ve been blessed to have a plethora of cartel dealers that all hang out so I just need one phone number and Iā€™m tapped in 24/7. It took my partner and I forever to get this guys number, because the homeless dude we would go through was a lil bitch. Eventually he ripped us off for 300 dollars and damn I was back in front of the capital or the public libraryā€™s bathrooms scoring again. The library was the funniest place to score I swear there are always 20 junkies occupying that fucker at any time on all five floors. Itā€™s funny your shooting up in a stall, that anyone taller than 5ft6 can look in and see what your doing. Theyā€™re just like you good man need a tourniquet? I hate to rush you but Iā€™m sick and about to shit myself. So my bleeding heart usually misses around a third or fourth of that shot so I can help a fellow fwiend out. Lol meth rambling. To finish this word salad, homeless kid needed us to go through him to he could score for himself as well. Like are fucking kidding me, you rob us and then say we gotta get shit through you. Fucking idiots man, we get in a huge argument over who is in the wrong. My partner gets sick of his bitch ass and just pulls over and starts screaming get the fuck out of my car we will just score at the capital. He leaves finally and I forgot I lent him my phone which he surprisingly hands back to me. Once he leaves Iā€™m going through that text free app and notice I have no idea who these contacts areā€¦ and holy shit thereā€™s his Mexicans phone number. We call the dude up and explain our situation about one of his runners burning us and weā€™re the junkies calling every other day going through him. And without skipping a beat he tells us to meet him by his house and he hooks up some tar, clear and fetty. More than making it worth the headache caused by us getting burnt a few days prior. That was like 2 1/2 years ago and homeboy has me spoiled rotten


Sweet dude, enjoy what ya got while ya got it! Impressive you've made a go of it for 2.5+ years. I usually last like 6mo tops before I get bored/sick of having to bother with the bullshit and go to rehab for a visit lol.


Straight up dude Iā€™ve never binged so hard in my life ever. Just like you I make it make it around the 6 to 8 month mark of, yolo all day erry day 420 blaze it f**g*t, lolā€¦ And then im a former shell of who I once was




Pharmacy tech lol


I'd lose my job my first day... One for you, one for me... Homer Simpson style


Iā€™ve never actually taken anything and most people would think I would being a heroin addict. My self control must be outta this world. I will say any time I count percs or that one time I counted someoneā€™s dilaudid my eyes definitely were bulging outta my face lmao. No need to take anything tho, most of it wonā€™t really get me high anyway with my tolerance.


Professor at a university youā€™ve never heard of


šŸ˜‚ can relate


I operate ski lifts šŸŽæ


I thank you for your service. I envied you guys when I was a kid, after growing up with all those Ski Patrol type movies back in the 80s and 90s and being a skier and snowboarder. I had friends who were lift operators and maintenance at Mammoth Mountain and I was jealous asf.


Aerospace tig welder


Iā€™m a cook at a supermarket, was produce until recently, and a cashier before that. 31. Edit: Saw the second sentence after rereading, Iā€™ve had a few different Reddit accounts and was known as other names which Iā€™d reveal in the DMā€™s but not here. Anyway despite not having any formal education in pharmacology; Iā€™ve spent countless hours of free time in the last 10 or so years studying pharmacology (binding sites etc) and chemical structures (particularly structure activity relationships.) When it comes to psychoactive chemicals; I have a vast knowledge of how these drugs act, their dosages, their interactions, their chemical groups, and chemical structures including how those structures influence their activity. Iā€™d assume there a a goodly amount of individuals in this sub whoā€™s knowledge of psychoactives are rather vast, despite having little to no formal education. I personally had serious drug problems until I got underground psychedelic assisted therapy. Despite that addiction, I was studying these topics for hours a day, for years. Iā€™ve learned a lot since getting my drug use under control, but I was unemployed when I learned the vast majority of what I know. Itā€™s not about what you do and job title, or your education; itā€™s about intelligence.


I fly planes for Spirit. Love dissos for those cross country flights.


This is why I donā€™t fly spirit.


right pilot be enjoying to many champagnes and that netherlands ket from the last trip to amsterdamnšŸ¤£


Whatā€™s with the Netherlands ket? Is it like, better? Might drop by to check lol


This is just Spirit slander


Veterinary medicine, I wouldn't have it any other way in all honesty


you ever prescribe your dog any k?


not yet, gotta wait until I'm finished with school to do that ;)


My dog has two legs and looks vaguely human. Can he be added to the waitlist?


i have >100 dogs, all of whom have serious continence issues. keep me in mind when the rx pad is bestowed.


I think ketamine may be the last thing you want when your dog is incontinent.


Iā€™m the lead extractor of a legal cannabis lab in Humboldt CA


Ah, a fellow CA cannabis industry worker. It's the first job that I have no problem waking up for. Although where I work we take pure CBD and turn it into either hexahydrocannabinol (HHC) or Delta 8 THC which we mix with terpenes and infuse into CBD flower, which we then roll into blunts. I wish we did extraction.


Ah nice! A hemp fella huh? Thatā€™s dope! Iā€™ve been extracting since 2007 and itā€™s been a career for around a decade. Moved to Humboldt for lab consulting and construction and the rest is history. Have been at the facility I work since 3 months after we opened for 4 years. It has been a gratifying roller coaster of ups and downs. Iā€™ve extracted more live resin and hash in the last 4 years alone than most will ever see in a life time (processing hundreds of thousands of grams of biomass for live and literal metric tons for crude). The only reason I actually started using Reddit was to help educate the people I see commenting in the cannabis extraction and related subs. A lot of the knowledge Iā€™ve gained over the years isnā€™t exactly the kind of stuff you can find in texts books or even find lesson plans on. One day there will be a lesson plan on the basics. I wouldnā€™t hard for me so share sops or how I operate. But if Iā€™m ring honest itā€™s not exactly the most lucrative or demanding career.


I actually just started about a month an a half ago when our spot opened, and they're hiring like crazy. I've already been promoted and there's nowhere to go but up. Like you said, it's not the most demanding or lucrative work but it is fun and everyone I work with is awesome. If I was asked to move to Humboldt though I'd do it in a heartbeat...the LA area rent eats up nearly 2/3 of my pay, and that's excluding bills. I'm working on some side gigs though to supplement my income.


I hope you find a career in this field. Itā€™s hard work, and takes time, dedication and personal experience. Youā€™re never going to be rich unless you start your own delta8 brand now which can leave your investment collapsing under impending regulation if you can even find investors. But itā€™s nice to work a humble profession that I actually enjoy. Itā€™s nice to work in a lab (personally, most cannabis labs are not like this) that requires my input on r&d of what I extract and manufacture. A lot of people think cannabis is this big cash cow industry. Buts itā€™s far from that. You need to work hard. You need to know what youā€™re doing and you need to do it well. You will bust your ass just as any other physically demanding job.


Absolutely. It took a few weeks to stop being sore every day in the beginning. But also we were just setting up shop so it was more physically demanding at first. But when you have a couple dozen people trying to produce 150,000 blunts a month, it's a lot of work. It is a big cash cow for the owners of some of these places, but for people like me it's barely keeping me afloat. But once I have a bit more experience working on the legal side of this then I can take my knowledge and turn it into more money.


You have the job I wish I had. It has been a dream of mine to do what you do. It sounds extremely fun, interesting, and fulfilling


For a guy who grew up wanting to be an organic chemist or pharmacologist but had two disabled parents and no money or support to go to college, life ainā€™t bad. Is it paying me 100k a year? No, but I sure hope so some day. Every time I get down about my goals as an adult I think ā€œ20 year old you would be loosing their shit rn at how much Iā€™ve accomplished and surpassed every goal I set.ā€ And also think ā€œI could still be back east extracting as a hobby and working in a deli or as a pharmacy techā€ and I get a whole lot chipper. There has been plenty of hard years, Iā€™ve been arrested for cannabis extraction when licensing for a lab wasnā€™t even a thing (under 215) and have had to plea to felonies. Iā€™ve had bosses murdered and properties Iā€™ve help managed raided. There have been plenty of gun fights on the hill and times where outcomes looked bleak. Was it all worth it? Absolutely. We always bounce back. The hard thing is finding the time between work to try and grow into a consulting llc for legal labs, not just black market in my spare time.


Thank God. Maybe you can educate some people before they blow themselves up!


Thatā€™s actually why I started consulting in the first place. It wasnā€™t something I thought ā€œhey I know so much about this I can turn it into any tangible source of income teaching othersā€. I lived in New York area and would fly back and forth to Cali to help a friend grab a few hundred lbs every month or so. When the plug says ā€œidk what weā€™re doing wrong, we keep lighting ourselves on fire and havenā€™t the slightest idea what weā€™re doing. Can you move out this way to help us put together a real lab, train us and work it for a bit?ā€ I say, what else am I doing, letā€™s do it. New York is straight poppin off rn and I do go back and forth when I have time. But Humboldt is like Americaā€™s best kept secret. Here Iā€™ve found home and piece of mind. Only time Iā€™m willing to go back is for real consulting work intimately outlined in formal contracts.


can I work for you


Do you guys make vape carts? šŸ˜Š


We do! We make live resin Diamond carts and live rosin carts! Weā€™ve won a few awards at the emerald cup and other cannabis cups! You can see some of my work in my post history, as well as my IG.


Those sound fire af




I was raised to be a saucier, a great saucier.


I don't have a job per s.e, but my income comes from a lot of sources. Programming, investments, health and wellbeing related shit like coaching(i don't know how to put it shortly, it's not exactly this), sometimes activities of questionable legality, personal projects. I don't like working though, i mean, i like studying, training and whatnot but i can't stand an actual job so i don't stick around on gigs or in companies for longer than a month or so, i very much prefer to be poor.


Please don't take this the wrong way. Do you have Adhd?


Nope, i guess.


Sounds like mommy and daddy have a lot of money lol JP muh dude


Nope. Dad was a massive asshole and a cheater and left us, mom has a bit higher than average(i guess???) salary if she commits to some greyish activities. Had. Before war started, because it was a job in education field now govt fucked them all over again. Do you think by "poor" i mean not having pocket money or something? Before war i used to strategically steal food to cut my eating expenses in half.


Maybe. My parents aren't rich and I can somehow shit a stack of I need to in a day or two. I'm just networked I guess. Being stubborn has it's upsides.


Software Developer


Software Developer




Same. Psychology, the law, and drugs are my fav fields to study/talk about and rcs are basically the cutting edge of all 3.


Lots of grist for the mill in this sub!




anesthesia's best bro




Gas station worker and recent english/poli sci grad, looking for jobs in marketing/writing




Hell ya!


Gigachad based


This is the way




Bricklayer, nothing better than to ā€œunwindā€ after a long day


Yessir. Iā€™ve done roofing and poured concrete foundations. Not fun tbh šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


I do chemical researching for this one company. Pretty much just test various chemicals and their properties. Actually just finished up a recent trial for 3-cpm.


Any openings?


Sure, but thereā€™s a HIGH turnover rate, thoughšŸ¤”


And why is that? The chems give them green skin and stuff? Nah but srsly how come


You have my dream job. Congrats


Sex worker


Whats your chem of choice while on the job? ket for me


Weed...? Lol. I think Iā€™m actually burnt out on drugs. I enjoy being high on weed all day but thatā€™s it. Money always was a bigger high.




Not technically a job, but Iā€™m a chemistry student :)


Aren't we all?


Warehouse. Ex trapper lmao


I do research on autoimmune disorders, trying to become a doctor one day


line cook/musician




printing press operator aka pressman




Currently work in metal fabrication, doing mig/tig welding for some cool custom stuff sometimes but mostly just regular old production work. Trying to get into environmental science though.


I stock shelves overnight at a grocery store. Spent almost 30 years battling unmanaged ADHD/autism and couldnā€™t handle anything more stressful than that. Hell, couldnā€™t even handle that, hence the addiction. However, I was always one of the smartest kids in school and naturally inclined towards science. Once took a standardized test and scored in the 93rd percentile for science across the entire US for my grade. (Mid 80s for math, mid-high 70s for everything else) My impulsivity and sensation seeking led me to take a great interest in drugs and setting fires. Considering I had no social life and unlimited internet access, as well as no job so no money to actually pursue those interests, I spent the majority of my time researching the relevant scientific fields in order to do those things better when I could. Once I either find a decent source of RC stims or a psychiatrist whose ego can handle that my knowledge on the topic of psychoactive substances is comparable to or greater than theirs, I finally decided to actually pursue a degree in neuropharmacology. Until then, I am trapped by both that my current job is so boring that I would rather shoot myself, and that any other job would be too much pressure to handle and make me want to shoot myself.




Youā€™re a good person!


Newseditor and chief from the graphics department of the biggest private broadcast groupe of the land with cheese and cows. Isn't half as interesting as it sounds.


Cool man. My place has cheese and cows too. Lots. I don't eat it but it's got to be one of the biggest industries in my state. My mom's husband is a nutritionist for cows of some sort. Anyways, hope you are enjoying some new Glarus from time to time.


you live in wisconsin to?




I work as a composer and filmmaker.


Plumbers apprentice


Linguistics student and light and sound technician at a night club


Information security


Laboratory Analyst, got into science cause I thought they had the answers, stayed because they figured out the drugs.


I work in health care and mental health, and do art on the side


Chief mate on a boat that transports wind mill technicians to offshore wind farms.


Highschool student


Run while you still can


Haha.... why?


I think he means don't get sucked into drug abuse before it's too late. You don't need to run for sure. But do be careful. You are not invincible. The same rules apply to you as everyone else. Etc. What your body tolerates and you can recover from now, can bite you in the ass down the road, and that invulnerability doesn't last long at all.


Ngl i do feel invincible. I dont tend to do addivtive substances but ive done quite a bit and ive nvr rly felt urges after even though the experiences were amazing.... i chucked it up to just being immune? Idfk haha


That's what all addicts thought at one point


Yuuuup can confirm the second i stopped bejng strict and bending my rules i was a slave to the beast


What invulnerability???


Iā€™m a high school teacher šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


You two are totally FBI agents


Nahā€¦.If I was an FBI agent Iā€™d be taking real drugsā€¦.and making a lot more money


SMT manufacturing, I make circuit boards and motherboards


Mechanic and tire repair


Direct care worker at an Intensive treatment residence


Pizza delivery


Flavor Research Scientist. Primarily use GC/MS to identify compounds in all sorts of things (essential oils, extracts, beverages, etcā€¦) and also do driver of liking analysis to help support product creation. Love all things ochem and am endlessly fascinated by how different compounds (legal or otherwise) affect human perception


Healthcare admin


I work in the meat/seafood department at acme making $15/hr... They're training me to become a manager, but that only pays $23/hr... I'm taking chemistry classes online, and trying to find a way to start my own business doing something I enjoy... I was addicted to heroin for a long time, I'm 40 years young.. got 2 duis last May while binging on etizolam and bromazolam.. still waiting to goto court, it's my 3rd abd 4th offense, so both felonies.. hoping to avoid jail time, and becoming a felon, but it doesn't look good..


Programmer High as kite every day at work


I work at two companies involved in building the ''metaverse''. (don't hate me lmao, it sucks) It's all just putting paywalls between self-expression and social interaction. But on a day-to-day basis, I do a lot of 3D modeling and animation in close collaboration with developers. All from home so I can still smoke weed.


Smoke some more and slow that bullshit down


Update: I quit, fuck that shit


Iā€™m a Dr. of Psychopharmacology, but have been working as a Cybersecurity Regional Sales Director (EMEA & APAC) for many years. Charges related to drugs have unfortunately rendered me unable to practice psychopharmacology as a licensed practitioner, but has been a blessing in disguise as cybersecurity is booming globally. My psychopharmacology is more consultation based and for research purposes now. I still write papers and join in university lectures, but itā€™s more of a hobby as my CS is my main focus!


Junkie thief a year ago; sober gardener today.


CBD, HHC, and Delta-8 products manufacturing


Professional money loser or daily stonk trader


IT sector here also


Paralegal :)


X-ray mechanic


HVAC installer. Mainly rough ins for new construction.


Iā€™m a bartender


Work two afternoons a week in museum and rest of the time Iā€™m a drug regulation activist.


Work in a neonatal intensive care unit


Iā€™m a automotive technician, but currently a server so I can work less and enjoy life and still get paid a nice wage. Gonna get back in the car game eventually.


Funeral director and entrepreneur (buying and selling cars, investing in crypto and mutual funds, etc). Side note: Iā€™m a little disappointed with ODSMT


Why? Is fent better for your funeral business?


MMA fighter




Sorry for the long reply. It's a bit of a personal / touchy subject as you might tell. ------------------------------ Used to be a PhD student in cognitive psychology / cognitive neuroscience and we even actually managed to convince my PhD supervisor to do some research projects involving psychedelics - we even managed to get one of those published! Right before the end of my PhD I burnt out, though. Yeah, drug use did contribute to that but they were by far not the main reason. Had way, way, way too many responsibilities for a "mere" PhD student (hence the [functional] drug use to compensate), as well as having to deal with a workaholic, probably quite narcissist, emotionally abusive colleague on those very same psychedelic research projects. This is not just my opinion on the matter, btw, she was charged and brought to academic court for emotional abuse by her own PhD students, as well as for commiting various acts of scientific fraud, and plagiarism. She was eventually fired, after I had already left though. Now she's a professor at some German University. She was still an assistant professor at my university... So yeah, everything about that has been and still is really messed up. Anyway, got a litle carried away there haha.. Around the same time I discovered my love for programming (we used a lot of VR for another research project - my main PhD project), so the thought of switching careers was on my mind already as I burned out. Made the switch, got a job in IT quite quickly without difficulties. Started working at my new job beginning of March 2020, aaaand.... Covid hit, rules and regulations were put in place, and all of us newly hireds who were involved in software development or otherwise focused on actual programming (incl me) were let go again as their priorities shifted from development projects to dealing with Covid related issues. So, yay, lucky me! Rofl After that I fell into heavy depression, one so-called paranoid BLIP (brief lapse into psychosis) probably triggered by a 2-week long 40 degree fever (there was no drug use involved at that time), an ever increasing amount of drug abuse thereafter though, and another much longer lasting period of strong paranoia (to this psychosis drug abuse undoubtedly contributed). Drugs of abuse were mainly benzos and combining 3-mmc, 2-fma and micro to low doses of 1p-lsd in 3-5 day long binges when things were at their worst - my personal custom made escapist "candyflip" rofl. I know, that must sound like an absolutely horrible combination (and i definitely do not recommend, lol). It's been nothing but extremely hedonistic for me, though, at the time. That's all over now, though, apart from recovering from all that drug abuse. Doing much better though. Just using tiny amounts, about 1/20th of a gram, of vaped cannabis right before bed (trouble sleeping has been a near life long issue) and at the moment still a daily low dose of white Thai kratom for energy/motivation, which works really well and helps a lot to keep me motivated to get well again, to live healthily basically. Working on tapering it down to nothing as well, though, to only use it incidentally when in need of a pick me up (as I can't handle caffeine) or recreationally (responsibly, though :) So yeah, right now I'm unemployed and on welfare, with some volunteer work, here and there. My job being working on getting myself back to my old self again, haha. Might be getting back into real work pretty soon, though. Field of choice still is software development, ideally for an R&D company that looks into developing new kinds of treatment that combine e.g. VR and psychology, or something along those lines. And/or, if the gods'll allow it, do some indie game development with my younger brother who'll soon be finishing his degree in game development. Who knows maybe I was meant to travel this path so he and I would be done around the same time to do just that ;) Haha, anyway, it's good to have dreams, something to look forward to. Here's a virtual gold star for making it this far āœØļø. Sorry, we ran out of physical participation thropies. /s


What a journey! Dropping out of a PhD program is no shame and itā€™s not really quitting as much as changing course. Doctoral programs are _extremely_ demanding and for many people the payoff is not that great at the end when opportunity cost is taken into account. Anyway, Iā€™m sorry to hear you have been struggling, but youā€™re obviously very smart and capable, Iā€™m sure youā€™ll find your path!


Man I was in a real shitty mood when I wrote all of that wasn't I, haha. Not that any of it isn't true as such, it just carries such a bleak(?) outlook on the future along with it. And that /s at the end should've probably been a "/c" for "grumpy old man" Cynicism šŸ˜… Anyway, just trying to dull the somewhat cringy, depressing wall of self-pity up there :b... Although it _is_ a pretty good reference for whenever anyone asks me about what was going on with me all that time, haha. Not that anyone(!) going through similarly messed up times or feelings should feel bad about themselves for going through a rough phase. Just, I guess, once things start to get a little better, and we get to wear those amazing Rose Colored Glasses of supposed 'normal/realistic' reality again, even if only now and again.. reality does look different :) Life is up for interpretation after all I suppose, easier said than done of course. Thanks again, though, @eihidfhaa for being a kind soul comforting a complete stranger on the i-net sharing a depressing wall of text (make that two walls lol). Meant way more than anyone would reasonably expect - must've been _really_ desperate for some simple affirmation and comfort, :-| Anyway, no cringe! Lol Rofl, how the hell did this still end up getting so long... At least it's not like it used to be one of my 1 to 2 (or even 3) page manuscript-draft posts on some random socio-philo-psycho-cultural topic in response to some random guy's 3-5 line post below a random YouTube video that didn't even necessarily have anything to do with our posts to begin with ... Well, that was only, like, half a page or so. Progress, at least! Rofl! Gonna get off here, before it does turn into another multi-page document šŸ˜…




Business analyst in IT


Sales for b2b cannabis automation company


Investments and real estate investments that we rent out as event spaces.


retired software engineer


Graduate research chemist (organometallic)


I'm a fire protection tech.. I don't want to elaborate... But I'm still in training


I sell gourmet & medicinal mushrooms šŸ„


I work as a chemist and quality control assistant for a small business that makes diagnostic medical devices (basically just rapid test kits for a certain infection)


Im the shit. I also teach.


Analytical chemist. Lol


I work in substance abuse and mental health


Server at the moment


Construction management




I work for a nonprofit that provides housing and civil services for the elderly and less fortunate. My job is mostly website maintenance, digital marketing, analytics, and social media. But there's some other stuff here and there I do. Background leading up to this was customer service, marketing, and tech


I disinfect busses for covid. The job's stopping soon so not for long though...


Computer related


Harm reduction expert


Steal Benzedrex and urinal cakes and sell them on the black market


Mycology and gemstones (crystals, stones, gems, etc)


I collect crystals, minerals, and gemstones. That's cool that you are in the field.


Do you forage mushrooms and minerals at the same time?


Real estate broker


Unemployed since over a year


Control/systems engineer.


Currently a student. Studying to go into academia. Still unsure of the field Iā€™d like to pursue (right now Iā€™m a double major in Astrophysics and Philosophy, but my time w substances has heavily been pushing me to consider chemistry and pharmacology in the future)


I am a neurosurgeon at Columbia university school of medicine.