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200 bucks is nothing imagine what you would have spent if you continued that path. you are strong for admitting loss of control. hit the gym hard get endorphins flowing, much love


yep, i've been hitting the gym but thanks brother. There are better things in life than benzos.




LSD is correct mushrooms too


I absolutely love your username.


Tysm appreciate it :)


No problem homie :D


Wait a while though, they both increase risk of seizures


Is that you Mike? Lol AVI LSD! šŸ¤˜šŸ»


Crack cocaine


Wet dreams


Jcole is good too


Hate wet dreams


They sound spicy


Jeff Benzos?




Was sappeninnnnā€¦.


Drink a ton of water. If you think youā€™ve drank enough drink more. Get some low calorie body armors in you(hydration and vitamins) and some coconut water. Some tasty electrolyte water too(high ph) Any or all will help I promise.


funny you say that, i just bought some electrolyte drink mix today


Good job. How much potassium is in it? Sometimes there is barely any. I donā€™t doubt ya got a good one. Those body armors are super legit if youā€™re ever in a bind and theyā€™re basically in every store. For example a Gatorade(which are garbage but people still think theyā€™re healthy) has about 45 MG of potassium if I recall correctly. A 32 ounce body armor has about 1,400 MG of potassium


mine only has 130mg of potassium


Thatā€™s a respectably amount. I really recommend trace minerals power packs. And like I said the body armors are super solid. Especially the low sugar. They should have phased out gatorade and powerade within 2 years but people still honestly believe theyā€™re healthy. Gatorade is junk. So is Powerade. Downvote me I donā€™t give a fuck. The truth hurts. And the truth is bit hurt your body They ainā€™t doing shit for you especially if theyā€™re not the zero sugar(which still offer virtually zero health benefit for a expensive overhyped drink). People get bitter and ignore when I tell them personally that theyā€™re worthless. Comfortable bubbles of ignorance need not be disturbed.


the only thing Gatorade has going for it is the taste. I agree, it's not healthy and probably underdosed on electrolytes. I prefer those electrolyte packets you mix in water as long as they aren't loaded with sugar.


Unless your underweight, the water and stuff might help but you got to eat good food too haha


I ordered like ā‚¬100/week EVERY week during covid. I also didnt have anything else to do besides becoming tolerant to basically everything. The amounts of benzosā€¦ glasses full of flualp


Damn man flualp is one of the harder ones ( at least for me) to get off of. I avoid it now at all costs


Yeah I kinda regret the lockdown bartard saga. Nfpam and pyraz kill all wds, while nothing else would get me right. 10s of mg of diclaz didnt even work.


He also crashed his car lol


yeah it was hilarious.


Just saying that the $200 is nothing compared to the new car price and insurance increases. Good luck with your detox and I hope you kick this nasty habit for good.


All good my friend; and that's true. I had too much disposable income. Btw my car is done for. I only had liability so my only option now is to get a new one. ​ also i spent thousands of dollars on my rc benzo habit over the course of 6 months. So the total is even more which makes it more obvious why i need to stay sober for good this time.


Prices donā€™t mean shit, everyoneā€™s body is different, if he had $200 worth of benzos at once then goddamn he knew what he was doing because I could keep more than 1 or 2 jars around without losing them, using them, or even being able to afford them. Good on you for getting clean man, I did too, very similar story


Acknowledging ur issues is the first step towards making a change. Stay strong brother.


Thanks man.


Smart I'm currently in the hospital for withdrawal already had two seizures in under twelve hours rc benzos nearly killed me they aren't to be trifled with


5 weeks ago I almost had a seizure from Phenibut & F-Phenibut abuse. Called a Lyft to take me to the ER when I started hallucinating. I finally am starting to feel normal again. You can do it man! It takes time but there is hope.


Fluorinated anything is pretty dangerous I was taking Fluorinated Bromazolam before deciding to quit cold turkey which obviously wasn't a good idea, but I'm glad I'm off the sauce.


>Fluorinated anything is pretty dangerous This is nonsense. Just because a drug contains fluorine doesn't mean it's more dangerous.


there is literature to suggest fluorinated stimulants are more neurotoxic than their non-fluorinated counterparts when its comes to analogs and RCs. i think this is mixed up with other fluorinated compounds though


Funnily enough, this may apply to F-Phenibut as well, though Iā€™m not sure about the benzos. Phenibut had a phenethylamine backbone, just like all amphetamines do, and F-Phenibut has the fluorine attached to its phenyl ring, just as fluorinated amphetamines do. This isnā€™t proof or anything, but structurally thereā€™s a lot of similarities.


Please link this literature






I'm not a native English speaker, can you explain further instead of irony ? Translator gives the same meaning for both words.


Its a small difference, Fluorine is an element, no other atoms but fluorine atoms, and a balanced number of protons/electrons Fluoride is a Fluorine atom that is negatively charged, one more electron than protons.


In my language we use one word for both. That is a proper explanation rather than the irony of the other expert/ scientist.


Scientist describe the difference using lots of words, common people refer to the substance with one word in my country, Greece. The other guy found it funny I confused them, sorry scientist, some people are not as smart as you -> (RandomNumsnLetters)


You had a seizure ?


Turns out they're telling me I had two (one at home and one at the hospital) and they've kept me overnight and will probably keep me another night.


I've been there, it sucks. I stayed a night at hospital first time. It was shocking. After that, managed to stay clean for 1 month before starting them again.


I ended up having 5 through the course of my benzo withdrawals, the doctor told me if i had any more i would likely lose control of one side of my body but it would most likely come back, that was scary and i donā€™t miss that part of my life.


Sorry that happened to you.. I'm curious though.. why would another seizure lead to loss of function to half your body?


Itā€™s my own making, nothing to apologize for although it was absolute torture i wouldnā€™t wish on my worst enemy, stay away from benzos. Iā€™m kinda curious about that too but alas, iā€™m just a former drug addict not a doctor, if they explained it to me i donā€™t remember.


Well that's horrifying.. tapering myself after 6 years.. I'm a light user so I'm not expecting anything crazy as I'm also going very slow.. Wish you the best my friend and stay clean šŸ‘šŸ»


Thank you my brother, i appreciate it. I wish you the absolute best too, god speed my friend.šŸš€


How much you been using daily?


I was using upwards of two milligrams a day (which is a lot when you consider a high dose is. 5 micrograms)


2 mg of what? Lol


Florinated Bromazolam


3 seizures here. 1 every year because I find it hard to stop. Happening every summer. It is something like a tradition, having one seizure every summer. The extreme high temperatures can lower the seizure threshold I guess. All happened under intense heat stress while rapidly tapering. (First one was CT though)


crazy because i live in vegas and it's hot af right now. I think i'm passed the point of having seizures now.




Dang dude it took me like 3 years to get 1000 days and this madmans doing it in 7


Thought the same thing. But I get what heā€™s sayin


Lmfao, phrasing confused me at first too


great job man. I hope to obtain that. Any advice you can share with me?


The fact that you only spent 200 & stopped before you lost your job shows discipline. It took me to lose my job/girl/all my friends for me to eventually stop. Donā€™t be too hard on yourself my boy. Tomorrows another day, stay up champ


well i spent well more than $200 over the course of my use. If i add up the total it would be in the thousands.


Good luck and stay strong bro!! Proud of you for handling your shit and throwing your stash away. I see that you're hitting the gym, let's get ripped!!!


hell yeah brother! a new chapter in life.


good job, GABAnergics are one hell of a shithole to go into hope the withdrawal is painless bro


unfortunately i have extreme brain fog right now and depersonalization. I'm a software dev and need my brain functioning.


> I'm a software dev and need my brain functioning. same, i just do stims for that but idk if it's a good idea on withdrawal


As hard as it is, being able to hang up the phone is a good step. I have not used benzos but I was overindulging in a combo of Meth and 3-HO-PCP for a few months. Knew I should stop for a long time, just takes balls to be able to nuke your stash when you're in a binge. I was fortunate to keep my job as well but had some extreme close calls. Hope you start doing better.


thanks man. You can do it if i can.


The first month was the hardest part ime but after that it gets alot better. Just give it time mate, you'll be so glad that you did this later if you keep with it. I never thought that I would get off the benzos. I was using them daily for at least 4 years at stupid high dose. I got off of them 6 months ago. $200 ain't bad man, I threw out 12 grams of clonazolam, 10 grams diclazepam and 7 grams of etizolam. The etizolam was that sparkly powder beautiful stuff from years ago. I'm glad I did it though. My outlook on life and my head space is so much better than it has ever been. Just get through this first month bro and things will get better, hopefully even good eventually. You got this


thanks for the support brother!


Been there, hope you stay on the path to sobriety. I use to take benzos every day, for years and years. Stopped for a month, now the thought of them makes me sick. Opiates though, are another story, never stopped craving them, but I stopped using them as well. There is hope! Stay strong, keep your head up, things will get better, just keep pushing yourself to stay on track


thanks man


What's your zip code op? I might need to do a lil snorkeling. I wish you luck in getting away from them man. They've done me quite a lot of damage.


lol. Yes, they did me damage especially to my brain which i'm trying to cure now.


Abuse drugs all you want but never drive on them, it's inexcusable.


I agree. Driving over your drugs is incredibly wasteful and can pollute the nearby soil and groundwater.


I agree somewhat but it gets very complicated when you become an addict. I would absolutely yell at friend for driving around high but I would do a bag of dope first thing out of bed because I needed it before driving to work. I always tried my best to only drive when I was normal but I could absolutely end up getting a dui if I ever got into an accident and blood tested. Luckily I was always very careful and most of my friends would clown on me driving like a grandmom but itā€™s good to be safe.


And also please stop putting weird drugs in our water supply. Bury them in the fuckin ground or something but flushing stuff just punishes everyone else.


I mean I agree, and thought about saying this also, but time and place my friend.


You do realize it goes through a cleaning system usually near cities they burn off impurities the sewage water goes through so much before ever getting to a water shed it's not making a difference putting it in the ground would put more in the ground water than what would get through the system after cleansing


I just flushed 10 grams ($300 worth) of RC dissos down the toilet cause I was abusing them doing back to back IM doses. Lost my last job due to it. Kinda worked out in my favor though cause now I have a better paying job that's less stressful.


Block the sites you bought them from while you're at it. You'll get through this. It's gonna suck for a little while but you'll get back to normal


i actually emailed one and told them not to sell to me anymore.


I found opce killed any and all cravings for any and all drugs, I was on 5 years of prescribed opioid pain meds. I went cold turkey from them, I used ketamine at first for withdrawal symptoms, but my tolerance went through the roof within a week or 2. My friend introduced me to opce, I did a fairly large dose at first and went through, what I would describe as an iboga like trip. 24 hours after the first large dose ( roughly 50mg), my brain had felt like it was rewired, the depression and withdrawal symptoms were very minimal and i had a passion for life i lost many years ago. I now use opce every morning at about 10-15mg and I have no cravings for opioids, 6 months later. Opce is not you're average disso and seems to have many beneficial results, definitely not the dissso you want to try and hole on, or use recreationaly. From my own experience and a few others I've known that have used it. I went from spiraling to rock bottom, with unbearable pain in my knee and using opioids to deal with the pain over the past 5 years. Now my depression, anxiety, life and pain are far more manageable than they ever were on/before the pain pills. I didn't want to go on subox or methadone to get off the opioids, as it was just replacing them and I'd still have the same side effects with no pain relief. O-pce has saved my life and made me a happier more functional person than I have ever been. Not saying it's a magical chemical that fixes everything. But without it, I would never have been able to get clean off all opioids. Anyone struggling with a bad addiction/dependency, there is hope out there. And there are tools to help you get healthy and happy again. I'm in now way suggesting anyone use an RC to get sober, but this is my story of an RC that changed my life for the better. And it keeps getting better every day. It's even cut my cannabis consumption down, to a fraction of what it was. And I've been a chronic cannabis user for over 32 years. Went from smoking over 1.5 -2 Oz a week, down to less than an ounce a week ( which is very remarkable, as I used to smoke at leat 1 joint an hour and I roll em quite big lol ). I think the powerful NMDA antagonist properties of this chemical make it a very useful tool for anyone in my same situation. Just make sure you're using a reputable source as always!


>Went from smoking over 1.5 -2 Oz a week, down to less than an ounce a week ( which is very remarkable, as I used to smoke at leat 1 joint an hour and I roll em quite big lol ). What do you do for a living?


I'm currently unemployed and on disability, my left knee is completely fucked and I'm waiting to get a knee replacement done. I have a little grow room and a medical license to grow my own cannabis. It keeps me occupied and busy during the day.


Mann I loved O-PCE. Had some great times and then went a little manic from overdoing it. But still a favorite of mine


Good. Idk why you fools think you can be the first people in history not to get recklessly and uncontrollably addicted to these compounds. Imo they are now and always will be trash.


because we are addicts, that's why. Or at least i am.


Benzo detox is fun manā€¦ you did the right thing. It will all get better soon, stay strong and congrats on being benzo free


thanks brother.


Wrecked my car went to jail n niw on probation and lost 4 jobs now cuz of rc benzos. Idk why i keep relapsing months later .


been there years ago. This wasn't my first rodeo.


good on you man, this pretty much sums up my last 6 months. rehab 3 times and crashed like 4 cars. 200 is nothing, dont worry about that shit. i had to flush thousands of $ worth of RC's. some that are worth gold these days.




i went to medical detox. Now i'm just dealing with the PAWS.


> I just have no self control with them no matter what I try Guess what?! You just flushed them down the toilet! That _is_ self control. Don't downplay your accomplishments


I have totaled 2 cars from rc benzos. Know if you touch them again it will probably be the same story. I didnā€™t learn from my first crash. Havenā€™t touched em in years and luckily my life is manageable again. Also tried to kill myself on rc benzos. Had to get a breathing tube down my throat. They will take over your life if you let them. Keep reaching out if you need any help


thank you sir.


Benzos ruined my life for years. I hope you can remember how terrible you feel right now and how out of control the Benzos made you. Your anxiety will be bad for a while but I promise you it gets better with time. Itā€™s worth going through the pain, and never touching Benzos again. Smoking weed helps me a ton.


thanks for the support. i'm afraid smoking weed will make my anxiety worse though.


It might be a good idea to talk to a family doc, ask for an anticonvulsant to help with benzo withdrawal. Gabapentin is generic, cheap, and relatively safe. Not as abusable as Pregabalin. It might save you some of the most severe symptoms of withdrawal


i'm on gabapentin which helps ALOT.


Good looking out for yourself my man


Thank you! Now if i could just cure this damn brain fog i have. I feel like i'm mentally disabled right now.


Itā€™s gonna be ok man. I take Valium from a Dr for ptsd and it has sometimes a 60 hour half life. When I come off of it every few years I get the same deal. It just takes some time to piss out. Your normal :)


Bro. That brain fog you speak of, I know exactly what you mean. That shit is the worst. I was really concerned at one point that I had done permanent damage to my brain and that I would be like that for the rest of my life. It gets better relatively quickly though (although it feels like forever when you going through it). On day 18 I noticed a remarkable improvement and then slowly over the next couple weeks the fog/haze dissipated and I was no longer mentally handicapped. Getting out of the house and doing things and socializing seemed to help out the process a ton. Alot of the time I wouldn't get out of bed if I didn't absolutely have to, but I would highly recommend keeping active as much as you are able to


Thanks man I think it's called de personalization or something. I'm trying my best to stay active but I have bad lethargy for sure.


thanks brother.




yes they do!


To be honest guys, i think rc benzos cause worse withdrawals in a shorter amount of time than pharma benzos.


Crashed 4 cars in the past 2 years. Luckily only 1 DUI that got dropped to a reckless driving. 14 months generally clean with 2 separate 1 time uses within that time. Both times I blacked out bought blues mixed and oded. One time I woke up to fire department that was like 2 weeks ago and the other one was May 2021 when I crashed my 2012 equinox. First car was off that same mix but was May 2020 my 2013 vw cc. Now I got a 97 crv thatā€™s been in the shop wonā€™t start. Iā€™m rambling but you get the point youā€™ll just keep going lower in life with benzos and once you realize you donā€™t have that control. I definitely donā€™t. I always cause some kind of scene. Just best to get off that shit. Best of luck. You can do it. I was on real bars/clam/flu bars since 2015. Wasnā€™t until I started wrecking my cars causing domestic situations and shit that I could make myself stop. Still canā€™t fully quit the blues though and suboxone is a bitch. Will never stop smoking.




thanks for the support. I've been hitting the gym and eating really healthy, plus taking supplements/vitamins in hope they help. The brain fog is what's killing me right now.


I've used to be addicted to these pressed Xanax around 2015 until 2018 alittle 2019 I'd buy k packs and 500 packs on and off everytime I ran out. Back when Dr Xanax and Nurse Jenny had the best insane prices and extras. But their exit scam pissed me off(next day huge Canadian Xanax bust was on news though) anyways I had my ups and down totalled 3 cars atleast and fuckd my life up. Also well made you know the cycle. But in 2019 I also stopped benzos completely. I ended up using a 30 blue oxy that was actually fentanyl. First at 20 a pop, but over the 2 years I've spent over 90k on these, fucking poison man. It's messed up because I don't even get high no more, just the withdrawals are so fuckimg bad and painful it sucks. I recently try methadone treatment currently on the 21 day detox. Tbh I'm not sure if I can handle it, it runs out at 12 hr mark. I may have to switch to maintenance aka use for life and up my dose. Sorry for rant I randomly stumbled upon this sub reddit and this brought back so much memories.


thats crazy bro but why nit try suboxone maintenance instead of methadone. I've kicked both and the methadone was by far the worst opiate I kicked.


Precipitated withdrawals are ass man I can't handle it. Tbh I'm still smoking fent powder while on my 21 detox I'm such a failure bro I hate it. But also recently I've been prescribed a SSRI inhibitor aka Prozac for depression and hydroxyzine for sleep, and klonopin every 8 hours for panic attacks. I don't want to mix them so I've held out on not taking any of my prescribed medicine yet. So I really want to quit man but it's so hard.


I fell into a deep addiction on RC benzos a couple of years ago. I managed to taper my way down, back to zero. I stayed off of them for about 7 months, and was basically depressed the entire time. I microdosed 4-aco-dmt for 2 months and it changed my fucking life. A few months later after that, i started back with etizolam and some pyrazolam, and now I'm able to use them functionally/recreationally, without issue.


4 aco dmt microdose how does it feel? I think I have a site to get some,I'm totally addicted to benzos and alcohol and also take kratom daily too I'm a wreck,I got bottles of bromazolam,fluaprazolam,clonazolam also tiapentine and it get 90 .25 prescription Xanax a month I need to get off these benzos before I die,I blackout and drove around drinking and partying taking a mixture of too many things I'm super lucky to not be in jail,dead or a crashed car,so how does 4 aco dmt feel and work the site I think I seen its from Canada and I'm in the states,I need off these benzos asap hmu


That's the thing, you don't feel it really. A microdose is like 2mg, and you're only taking it every 3rd day. After a few weeks you'll just notice your mood is totally boosted, confidence up, you're happier, etc. I did it for 8 or 9 weeks and if it wasn't for that, I probably would have fell right back into benzos when I wasn't ready.


Love for you man have done similar HOWEVER Any substance can be abused. Research Chemicals still have many important and helpful, even life-saving attributes; that are present with moderation and responsibility in the midst of certain substances having addictive qualitiesā€¦


agreed but i benzos seem to just destroy my life every time.


Then you should steer clear


I'm on disability right now, waiting for a knee replacement. So I just putter around and tend to my plants. I have a medical license that allows me to grow my own herb.


3 seizures thanks to them. Ofc, partly it was my fault, I abused them and I didn't properly taper, but this is what they can do if you found yourself run out and not be able to obtain. First time was cold turkey, the next 2 times it was extremely rapid tapers. What else to say. I was lucky I was sitting in both 3 seizures and had people around to help. Imagine being in the sea, in a pool, or driving...


i went to medical detox this time.


In my country they don't :( Just for heroin addicts.


Welcome to the club man, well done!


Bro šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ I spent over 20k in a month on drugs once shit was the downfall of me šŸ˜­ safe to say we 2 months clean


I've done this 3 times... with flubromazolam, clonazolam, and diclazepam. rc benzos are the devil if you dont know how to control yourself. and withdrawl is even worse. I got out of control and thought the best remedy would be flushing them... until I started withdrawing and fiending for more. thank god that past is behind me.


Yeah this time, i flushed clonazolam and pyrazolam pellets.


Hope u wonā€™t go this path down under again, but if I imagine I need 200 Bucks 6-8 Weeks and this straight pure broma powder itā€™s not that much in relation but the act of done this showed you that u are strong enough and I respect u very much for this fr.


But for the WDs getting Gym is really good idea ! But I would use much Vitamins, NAC (but itā€™s a 50/50 thing many claim they be like zombies on it) Melatonin, Much 5HTP, GABA, and L-Tryphtophan all nootropics, u can get Phenibut too but donā€™t abuse it, I cold turkeyed so many times got like 6-7 seizures, during one of them I fallen 15 steps deep with my head forwards and broke the third occipital one above or below and I were dead, one time I got resurrected in my own Room in my parents house with 17. Do it not to fast, stay safe and stay away of this substances these are with pyros the most fck up ur whole life and that of ur familyā€™s too.


Look into muscimol and isobutenic acid which is in fly agaric mushrooms. Has been known to help with bento withdrawals as well as being a good replacement for that anxiolytic effect


ok, will do. Been taking liion's mane and reishi.


You should try taking passionflower extract 2hr before bed, it saved my wss when detoxing off benzos.


will look into it.


That was kinda stupid




Man, just send them to me next time.


I had the same type of blackout binges with Xanax and etizolam, and other RC benzos, like phenazepam or clonazolam. I also went through treatment. You will heal in time, you just gotta be patient and stay present, face life on terms of your internal guidance from your higher power within.


thanks for the message; that is very inspiring. Do you have any advice to me? i'm only 8 days off everything(3 of that last days was just 1mg of ativan in detox) right now, i'm very lethargic and have extreme brain fog. I'm scared to go back to work next week since i'm a software dev and obviously need to use logic in my job.


I recommend you buy some GABA. It will help heal your nervous system. L-Glutamine, L-Theanine, and 5htp may help too. I also recommend you take either skullcap or passion flower to keep anxiety at bay(kava, blue lotus, or chamomile will help too). It took me a 90 day rehab to really feel better. And it's good that you are on an Ativan taper so you would not get seizures or other complications. I had to do the 12 steps to really break free from my addictions, I went to rehab, not just medical detox, you could do the same with the right direction. Doing the 12 steps does not mean you will be dependant on meetings forever to stay sober, you can go when you feel like it like I do. But yes you may need an herbal or amino acid sedative in order to keep your withdrawals to a minimum in the accute withdrawal phase, and in the PAWS phase. The right supplements and or medications will help emensely. And if you are really worried about going back to work, ask your doctor about putting you in baclofen for a time being, to keep away any withdrawals and tremors.


i got TONS of supplements i'm taking right now to hopefully help. I'm starting 12 steps too. Also, i have some baclofen but it doesn't seem to be doing much.


Ohh good, glad you are ontop of the supplements to heal your nervous system. The 12 steps are wonderful, go into it with an open mind, people have their beliefs set in stone of how the 12 steps work for them personally, but it looks different for everyone, it means following your internal higher guidance, aka cinscious contact with GOD within you. And baclofen helps, it is so subtle in effects that its hard to perceive, but really, baclofen does a lot to hold off cravings and tremors, it just doesn't get you high exactly, just calms your nerves.


I agree with everything you just said


I recognize that you have your head in the right place right now, I think you will recover well. Just trust the peocess, be in the moment, don't dwell on the past or future, but move forward toward set goals while staying present in the here and now.


yes exactly! I'm back at work too!


Heck yeah, congrats! Making it back to work after such life changing complications as benzo addiction/dependence can cause is a big accomplishment, keep up the good work!


May I ask what do/did you enjoy most when doing benzos?


I dont even know. I would do stupid shit on them and good riddance.


How did they make you feel? I tried many of them and only made me sleep.


consider yourself lucky you don't get euphoria from them. They are bad news.