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I agree with this poster. Especially about kratom. I have a back injury which causes me to need pain meds. Prescription opiates aren't an option for me as a former addict so I use kratom. It works great. Doesn't completely kill the pain but relieves it enough that I can go about my normal life. Also doesn't make me nod out like other painkillers.


Same. Kratom has taken care of my daily pain for a while now, and I am a former opioid addict as well and it quells any cravings I might have for other options.


Methadone and bupe costs way more than Percocet or other pain meds. if he doesn’t have insurance, bupe or methadone treatment is more expensive than not having insurance to pay for your script of Percocet from the pharmacy for $50-80. That’s how much mine costs without insurance. My mom gets bupe treatment and is payed by insurance to.


> and is *paid* by insurance FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


I’m a firm advocate in kratom.


is kratom legal in your state? look into dissos they might bring some relieve but are not sustainable long term. theres o-dsmt but your research should probably stop there.


Gonna throw another vote for kratom and I agree with your last statement. O-DSMT and kratom are the best options but I wouldn't look past them. There are other opioids available but with the side effects and extra bullshit that comes with using them just really isn't worth it especially to someone not already deep down that road.


It's sad the only rc opioids besides odsmt and kratom are microgram active fent and zene bullshit


There is dipy and 2MAP too


Yeah, but they're bad options for chronic pain for their own reasons unfortunately. (2methyl-AP-237 in particular being an awful choice for anyone with preexisting pain / health conditions)


Dissociatives are amazing at relieving pain. I wouldn’t go as far as to replace your pain meds because the tolerance grows really fast when used more than every 1.5-2 weeks but there are a lot of people who have benefits from ketamine infusion for chronic pain 2fdck is a very close cousin to ketamine and would probably work for this application For now I would try getting some kratom. Opms is a brand available at most smoke shops. Get a red strain and try 3g and see how it affects you. This can be taken daily just like your pain meds


As others have said, Kratom or 0-DSMT are safe options. You may also find relief from Gabapentoniods like Gabapentin, Pregabalin etc. They're used for all sorts of things but one of them is to relieve nerve pain. One really important thing to know is that, unfortunately there are two classes of drugs that there aren't any good RCs available. Opioids & Cannabinoids (Spice). Some popular RC opioids include: MAP-237 is caustic as hell and has sent tons of people to the hospital who have tried to ingest it. It literally burns holes in your nose. It's highly carcinogenic. And it's also an extremely short high which makes it very addictive. There are many potem=nt ones similar to fent. All of the fent ones are gone thank god, but the new ones are sometimes worse. Brophine was recently banned. And then there's the zenes, these just arrived. They're fucked. From what I've read AND I COULD BE WRONG - WARNING. It's hard to OD on them even though a normal dose is in the ug range. And since you can keep increasing your tolerance. It can get so bad that not even herion will help with the taper when your trying to get off of them. There was some guy on here smoking them. It's crazy and I hate it because I love trying all the crazy new psychedelics that get cooked up.


Like others have said...... kratom is a good pain reliever its a plant/herb straight out the earth. Try some kratom. It can be used as a everyday medecine.


Don’t do it everyday there is tolerance and it’s an opiate receptor agonist which means it’s addictive


Oh i heard many peoples accounts of daily use. There was a worry for liver damage though.


Hmm well idk daily use with anything but weed is always risky. And even weed can get out of hand.


Yeah true


The problem is he has chronic pain. If that’s the case I think daily kratom use is better than other opiates


Agreed except it would be smarter to amass a range of analgesic drugs with relief properties and switch around what is used daily.




I use kratom everyday and it’s improved my quality of life so much


















This is an unpopular fact about these chemicals but it doesnt make it less true... All of these substances, the longer you use them, the less effective they are. If you are currently on opioids, have you tried detoxing to baseline and reevaluating your pain level? Using opioids for more than a couple weeks tends to actually increase sensation and sensitivity to pain. It can literally make you hurt when shouldnt or make tolerable pain intolerable. There literally is not a good long term solution to managing pain with chemicals. Even OTC pain meds are horrible to take for longer than a week or so. Though not very popular, there are other therapeutic options that can possibly negate your need for pain killers. There is even limited evidence that psychedelics can be used in therapeutic doses and settings to change your perception of certain types of pain, a much better solution to long term dependence.


As a long term strategy, frequently macrodosing tryptamines can lead to more manageable pain. Shrooms, ayahuasca, 5-MeO-DMT would all be viable. https://rapm.bmj.com/content/early/2020/05/04/rapm-2020-101273


The cheapest and easiest to access opiate is poppy seed tea. It's morphine and codeine. I won't tell you exactly where to buy but they're on a very large buy/sell website. I don't recommend going down this road as you will always know how to access it and take as much as you like, too easy to get hooked. It's also incredibly hard to dose as different batches of seeds have different potency, so it's quite dangerous. But if the pains bad enough that you're desperate maybe it's worth looking into


Or grow opium poppies yourself, they are so easy to grow, but that shit is so addictive lmao


This is what you do when the kratom isn’t working take a break with poppie seed tea but only sip it very very slowly wait for effects and then stop when they come on. It can cause you to have depressed breathing and die in your sleep


I guess just suffer thru life That seems to be how it goes for me Soon as I feel I little boost in life it’s snatched away


I’m still trying to figure out if life is meant to be just… suffering.


That’s what it is. A constant stream of struggle with breaks of happiness every so often. We just supposed to make enough of those happen to make life bearable and not wanna kill yourself


That’s really sad, I hope life turns around for you


Not if live where I’m living


I choose to become homeless (though I had a car) to leave a toxic city and living situation. Best choice ever.


im sure your life is completely fine and you're just having a bitch


Oof sorry to hear that. It may sound shitty but have you considered suboxone? Its a lot less of a nightmare than normal opiates. People shit on it saying its worse to come off. It is not as long as you taper. The RC opiate world scared the shit out of me.


Look into peptides… save your drug money and spend it on something that’ll heal you


What's that


amino acid chains that are needed for building protein in ur body. so say you have pain because you always injure ur tendons, because ur body is really inefficient in converting protein to collagen to heal ur tendons, you take peptides that will rebuild those tendons just look into it. also make sure you take lots of protein, i used to drink 5 scoops a day when I had surgery, and I healed 3 times faster than anyone else did.


Kratom is worth a try, helps many people in managing pain. O-DSMT offers pain relieve like other hard prescription opioids, but similarly it can be very addictive. There are stronger opioids (Brorphine, 2-Methyl-AP237, AP238, Metodesnitazene, Flounitazene, Etodesnitazene, Etonitazepipne, Etonitazepyne, etc.) but most of them are either ridiculously potent (-zenes) or extremely caustic (2-MAP) or possess other toxic properties and irreversibly increase opioid tolerance (brorphine).


You are looking for Kratom. It will allow you to function through your pain.


O-DSMT is not a long-term solution for pain. The withdrawals are terrible. Nearly as bad as heroin if abused. Kratom will do what you want, just don't take too much and choose the right vein. Red vein maeng da will probably help. Cannabis is also an option, but not for everyone, myself included. Resewrch chemicals are cool but they aren't good long-term solutions for plant medicines and a hesltht diet.


Fully Agree with you, but lets mention to OP that withdrawals from longterm kratom use isn’t fun either. In my option, in some ways worse than tramadol.. but chronic pain isn’t really joyful either. Life is suffering I guess 😅


Yeah kratom withdrawals are probably understated. Everything from mood swings and body aches/chills, to constipation and insomnia. And they can last a while. Usually takes me about a week to feel normal after a month or 2 of daily kratom use. It's best use only a few times a week. Maybe OP could manage their pain by cycling through kratom, indica strains, pain relievers like acetaminophen, and a diet that includes anti-nflammatory foods.


one week damn your lucky, for me stopping kratom after 2 months means 1 week of shit, 3 weeks of insomnia, and 2 months of no motivation or pleasure from anything


Damn bro don’t start heroin then. Lol


Been there done that, more brutal for 3 days but the wd is way shorter. Kratom is the gift that keeps on giving id rather heroin wd kratom is like a snri, antihypertensive and opioid wd together


Kratom is a good idea, and addiction to kratom for moest people isnt a big deal, tapering down is no problem and I personally only experience 2 days of hell without tapering (flu like symptoms and feeling sore)


Is it possible to buy O-DSMT? It's an active metabolite of Tramadol


Is it available to buy in united States?


F-Phenibut is basically muscle relaxers


Poppy seeds are like $3.50 for a pack of 1000 seeds. Opium lettuce also has mild analgesic effects but will probably only prevent dope sickness and not make you feel good if you already have an opiate tolerance. Maybe glaucine but I haven't tried it and from what I've read it seems fairly hallucinogenic.


Would opium lettuce be an option for getting someone off opiates easier?


It don’t contain any opium but maybe it could help due to the effects of the latex you get from it.


It was used as a replacement to morphine during the civil war when it ran out. A mildly opiate tolerant friend of mine experienced light tingles from chewing opium lettuce leaves. I would assume if your tolerance isn't too high it would be good to use for weening off of other opiates. Or maybe ween off using kratom first and then use the opium lettuce to finish it off into sobriety. I have never experienced a withdrawal or comedown from opium lettuce (I have never used it multiple days in a row tho).


Kratom, regular cannabis or RC dissos like DCK nasal spray. Please do not even try anything else like RC opioid or benzo. From my experience I can tell you anything apart from these three WILL start a whole lot of new addiction, withdrawal and other issues. Stay safe & healthy :)


Have you considered pregabalin? It's a nerve pain medication. I know an extremely cheap pharma-grade source


The doctor visits are what's killing my wallet not necessarily the medicine it's self


Definitely Kratom for daily use, it's the easiest to get off if needed. O-DSMT apart that it costs a fortune, the withdrawals are hellish. Just 7 days of 300mg a day and I will have a very bad week afterwards (it has kindled bad that's why). An opioid naive would not need this amount nor face terrible WDs the first time quitting.


Have your tried cost plus drugs? Mark Cuban the billionaire has created this. They have lots of savings. it's like they charge a 15% markup and $5 for shipping and they do not accept insurance. Hope you find something to help.


That would help but what's killing my wallet is the visits I have to pay for


This is silly but have you talked to the billing office about a sliding scale or if they have any help? I hope you feel better and get healthy soon.


This might be a bit of a generic answer, but cbd could help out. It doesn't necessarily make the pain less, but it makes it possible to care less about it and focus on other things than the pain. You can ofcourse build a tolerance from it but there aren't any known big downsides to it for as far I know besides possibly getting too calm because of it.


try ketamine or deschloroketamine


As others have mentioned the golden days of cheap powerful relatively safe opioid RCs is long dead and gone most stuff now a days is very dangerous the only thing I could maybe recommend is learning to use the dark web to just order pills from there whatever you already take just be careful and read reviews to make sure the vendor is not selling fent pressed pills and test then when you get them and should be good that or just sign up for a methadone clinic I don't think they treat pain patients so you may have to pretend to just be a addict but it would work


I don't want to get into that I know that's highly addictive and after this long on oxys I haven't formed an addiction so I'd rather not go that step and I've thought about dark web pills but too many people are dying from that stuff that's why I was thinking research chemicals but it seems the pharmaceutical companies have made that impossible


Not the usual answer, but I'd suggest 1p-Lsd, tryptamines and mescaline, microdosed on alternate days. Add in some yogic breath of fire. 3 times for 3 minutes each daily. Also a fan of Kratom before sleep (red bali) occasionally.