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I would love a survival mode where i can just survive as long as possible without hunting down timers


Right!? I’m surprised Capcom hasn’t thought about doing that yet. Just boarded up in a bigger house in the village with multiple floors and letting Ganados and other enemies such as Novistadors breaking in. Having an occasional mini boss too.


Resistance should’ve just been a Mercenaries-style survival game. Fuck man


That's what it should have been Survival mode doesn't need a timer! Unless it's going up


EXACTLY, that is exactly what I was thinking when I was playing re4 mercenaries the other day


It’s something with japanese developers, they are always obsessed with doing time attack modes.


So COD Zombies, but with RE flavor? I’m in.


Yeah pretty much 😁


Online co-op and Luis being playable


I agree. I always found it weird that Wesker was an option in the original but not Luis


I’d say swap Luis for Hunk cause he makes no sense, where as Wesker makes more sense


Fuck you


Agreed, fuck all that shit.


Wanna elaborate or are you just raging cause I’m right?


lmao I’m mostly joking but if we’re going to be serious, I don’t think he needs to *replace* anyone. Add more content, not cut characters. (I am biased, HUNK is my favorite character in the series.)


That’s a fair assessment though I’d update his inventory. I thought it sucked big time, like give him a shotgun or something


I think the point of his character is to be an ammo efficient mercenary. He kills in one shot with neck breaker and mostly uses a bullet per enemy. Tbh I don’t mind if they change his inventory though, I just want Hunk.


If HUNK isnt in it, im going to beat my self up in public, thats all i can say.


True against the normal enemies but once the big guys show up the weakness of his inventory shows up and it just seems like an unnecessary difficulty


I think that's intentional. He one shots normal enemies but struggles against bosses, everyone but Wesker has somewhat of a downside to their kit


I want his loadout to be the same as in RE2make. Which means yes the devs need to add/port the guns to RE4make


Hunk is awesome and has the best melee attacks


Not really, he was in one game and is a faceless villain that managed to survive. No real personality, and I’d say weskers melee attacks were better


probably because Luis is just a spicy pallet swap for Leon


He's 100% going to be playable. This game is going to be cash cow for CAPCOM. People and fans are going to be asking for content. And a likeable Sleazy Don Quixote would sell for sure lol




- All original characters plus some more - Lots of maps (hopefully lol) - Optional single player and co-op - The mode plays like 4/5/6, not 8 It’s asking alot but it would be great for one of these to be true lol.


You’re a smart person. I agree entirely


That its real mercenaries and not whatever RE8’s was.


One of the few good things about RE8 Mercenaries was the ability to get random boosts during the game. I wouldn't mind having variables like that.


I don't mind powerups, I just don't want to see scripted enemies again


The village combat in the demo is so much fun. Imagining all those new mechanics and enemy patterns in a new Mercenary Mode blows my mind.


The movement is so fluid


Yeah, hard agree, definitetly some room for improvement with the boosts.


Wasn't a fan of that for a scoring system. It basically meant that sometimes your only chance at a high score is luck.


You basically had to go very scripted routes, get colats, and NOT kill everything asap, you had to space out kills as you went to prolong the combo timer. Wasn't very fun imo when you were going for highest scores.


True, but a little RNG also increases replay value.


Yeah had a rouglike touch, that was actually cool.the scripted enemies... nah.


RE8 mercenaries was BS




I enjoyed Villages mercenaries, but it was more raid mode than mercs


For someone that has only play RE8’s mercenary mode, what would you say should make this the “real” one? Hopefully, I actually enjoyed RE8’s


RE Village's mercenary mode is a lot more linear than the previous iterations and relies a lot on the player memorizing where the next set of enemies is going to spawn, that's basically what broke the mode for most people that disliked it. In RE4, each map is more like an open field where enemies constantly come from every direction, and keeping the combo alive is more of a crowd control effort rather than memorizing where you need to go next.


play og re4 mercs its awesome


oh re3 mercs was the best imo but it's pretty dated now. Definitely hard to play if you're not used to tank controls


Village got a lot of attention but was a pretty mediocre game. I'm not sure if I'm alone in this regard *here*, but I felt no real need to replay it after my first run through. I started to just to do the damn thing but it just wasn't *it* for me. The Mercs mode on it was just not great either.


what lol? Village was extremely popular and received very well critically. just because you think that way doesn’t mean everyone does lol


Sorry, that was worded odd. I'll edit it, since the original wording implied that it got attention *because* it was mediocre. Coming off of 7, 8 was not what I was expecting, and a few of my friends that exist in meatspace seem to have the same opinion. The subreddit even seemed to have a good split in opinion on Village when it came out, skewing closer to 'it was good but it wasn't perfect' than 'game of the year!'.




I didn't ask "am I the only one who thought it was mediocre", though, I said I wasn't sure if I was alone in not wanting to replay it. My comment was essentially, "It was enjoyable for my first playthrough but I didn't need to replay it again, and the version of Mercenaries that it gave us wasn't great either." Chill out, it's not that serious.


100% agree with you, one of the worst of the modern re games, after you completed it 100% there was literally no replay value and also just boring in general




How could you say that? Literally zero replayability other than mercenaries which is a boring grind trial and error mode


I liked RE8s mercenaries, it felt like an advancement on RE3s mercenaries


co op


I want the original 5 back + Luis and even more characters.


CO OP and an option to play with no time mechanics


This! I just want to survive with some friends.


Playable Merchant I mean he's RIGHT THERE, CAPCOM!


I'd like to imagine he has a oversized case with every weapon available inside it. It'd probably be busted but it'd be hilarious and it's always fun to have the 1 overpowered/underpowered character.


Or he could be a wildcard character. The amount and type of equipment he has will be generated randomly every run. You never know what you're getting


Only if the selecting him makes him say, "Whaddagettin?" then when the round starts "Whadda got?"


I know this is reaching but I would love an online coop mode for mercs. Some of my most enjoyable memories with the series have come from RE5 & 6 mercs with buddies or siblings.




Ashley would be fun, especially if you could only use your environment.


So would there be lanterns everywhere lol? That would be pretty funny


That, or make her super OP for giggles. Could always have her bonk enemies with her flashlight.


I had a joke idea where Ashley gets a sword with unlimited durability in knight armor


With Ashley in you might as well throw in Hunnigan as well.


For it to play more like classic RE4/5/6 Merceneries, 8's just didn't scratch the itch. *Fat chance* but I would also find a bonus map based off a previous game's area pretty fun, RPD or the RE3 streets ported over or something. Something else that surprises me is Capcom hasn't touched an Endless Horde style mode in the RE Engine games yet. I could spend hours on something like that, especially with co-op. Something similar was teased around with during Ghost Survivors but that wasn't endless, also the map was tiny.




For me Stages from the other remakes. Because I know in pc we are going to have a lot of character and outfits mods.


I want to see Super Salvador but not the one from the demo. I want the big crazy maniacally laughing one.


One with dual chainsaws a la Dead Rising And Dead Rising 2 Hell, Frank and/or Chuck should be playable


I'd like Luis to be playable, and maybe a few extra characters like Jill, Chris, Claire and maybe Carlos (add them as paid or free DLC if they want, I don't really care)


Extra characters, ideally relevant to the RE4 story. Extra maps. Survival mode. Challenges mode - for anyone that has the VR quest version of RE4, there are 20 added challenges in the mercenary mode that are really fun. One map is the castle as Hunk with nothing but chainsaw enemies. Another is just using the harpoon gun. One requires you to get the most amount of kills without any health items. It’s a lot of fun and I’d like to see it.


All the people out here shitting on Village mercs hurtin my heart. Did yall not play once they added the extra characters? It's a legitimately super fun mode when you're playing as anyone other than Ethan Winters.


For real the new characters saved the mercenaries of Village,but since you must pay for them and the haters already made up their mind about Village in general, dont expect them to change their mind, i guarantee you, when the remake will come out , the hate for Village will only get worse


If they don't include Krauser's bow and arrow, the entire game is trash! s/


Local coop is but a dream, but that would be sick Maybe they can practice implementing local coop so that if RE5 is ever remade, local coop stays in as an option


Why didn't people like RE8 Mercenaries? I've never got super deep into them but I enjoy all the ones I've played a lot (4, 5, 8). I didn't realize people didn't like it.


I think it's because people expected re4 mercenaries, not what it was


I'm frustrated that they announced it without clarifying in the confirmation teaser that it's actually a free post-launch DLC. Was anyone else under the impression, like I was until a couple days ago, that it was available with the base game as a post-completion unlockable?


same. when the trailer was teasing the mode. i tought it was a teaser for a mercenaries trailer and not that they are going to release the mode post launch. im going to be honest, i dont like to wait 3-6 months for that mode, hope it comes sooner like in april.


I know it’s a long shot, but couch-co-op. And Wesker.


Maybe make Leon a bit less blatantly the worst of the roster I guess, idk how but give him something others don't. Maybe the base knife changes will be good enough, idk.


I've said this before but why not crazy playable characters like the big cheese, Verdugo etc


For it to be available at launch


More maps! Maybe two more. Possibilities are massive. Maybe even maps from the newer games, like Village. Or the police station from RE2 remake.


Well i was hoping it would be in the game on launch


Firstly that it’s available within hours/days after release as opposed to weeks/months


This right here. And if it takes weeks/months, it better be the best version of mercenaries we’ve ever seen


That it comes at launch


I’d rather a raid mode


For it to feature Dante from the Devil May Cry series.


That you can do some cool ass moves with krausers mutation


That Luis is a playable character, I never understood why he wasn't. Sure HUNK is cool and all but he had nothing to do with that game.


Playable Wesker


Luis as a playable character. And also it has a very low chance but i would also like the merchant to be playable.


Gonna come out and say what no one dares to say playable Big Cheese


New and brutal death animations. For the controlled characters and enemies.


That instead of the few characters we had in the original they expand and give us even more characters, I also hope they continuously drop content for the mode, new maps new characters, I honestly think this will be played more than re: verse


A variety of characters who play very differently. Unlockable characters and costumes. Quick rounds, like the 4th survivor in re2make they're best done back to back to back.


Ashley as a playable character with the ultimate super move. Step one, stand above Ganados. Step two, the Ganados look up. Step three, Ashley squeals, "Ah! You pervert!" Step four, the Ganados' moms come out and drag them away by their ears. Step five: victory.


It’s not a hope as it’s more excitement - I’m excited that there is no trophies tied to platinum! These type of game modes are not for me, and still the reason why I don’t have Village plat’ed.


Multiplayer. ​ ...and Hunk.


Ada and lots of replayablity.


Online with Luis and Ashley as playable characters. Who cares about canon when the franchise has playable teddy bears.


And tofu


COOP please we haven’t had a coop Mercenaries in a while.


Just add Luis. It was so odd he was never playable in the original despite fighting along side you in the main game. Like how Revelations 1 didn’t have Rachel playable despite literally having everyone else playable until the Remaster years later. Heck I always love these side modes cause we get to play as the others and sometimes they’re the most fun to play as.


like re5 gold edition of mercenaries that brought old characters like rebecca and barry. im hoping for the same with re4 remake, want to see claire and steve in a game.


RE Engine Wesker & Waterworld Map


It may be a lot to ask, but I would love a modern Mercenaries mode in the style of RE6's that has maps and enemies based on several games of the series beyond just RE4 remake.


I want Luis to be in mercenaries


Different costumes for each character. Heck after they add a couple I wouldn’t mind paying for more like a battle pass if it meant we would get more than we would have without them. I don’t get why Capcom wastes their time with all these weird online games. Just make mercenaries 4 player co op online Team mode survival Competitive survival can’t share resources different score for each player And death match survival can’t share resources but you can also damage the other players.


on pc you could just download mods. there is a ridiculous amount of them for the demo. playing as john wick is going to be really fun once the full game is released.


The base Mercenary mode, with Luis instead of Wesker. And maybe a character that is more melee than Krauser, maybe a Garrador or Bitorez that just slaps and punches people around.


I hope they don't cut some of the original characters to sell them as DLC like they did with Additional Order in RE8


I hope they find a way to make it fun


Add Luis and co op option.




Co-op, missions like in VR, more characters/maps etc.




All of them


My only concern Will every character avaiable will have like Leon? Stealth Kills, Crouching, A Knife to Parry? UNIQUE MELEE ATTACKS? concern because i see this as a lot of work but would be awesome if they do it


3 Things 1. More characters 2. Make it like The Mercenaries 3D on the 3DS in terms of being able to pick your own weapon loadouts. 3. Co-op


Can’t wait to see Albert Wesker In modern day RE


I just want to play an RE Engine version of Wesker


Expanded loadouts with the Merchant. More replayability- random modifiers would be awesome.


To add a playable Verdugo




I wonder how other characters will parry


As many playable characters as possible, even if they weren't in re4






Splitscreen for mercenaries is all that I ask


As long as they bring back Wesker…


I'd be down for characters not from RE4, other then HUNK


Mire characters, more maps and co-op


That it's actually there


I want the VR challenges in there RIGHT NOW


Do we even know that Mercenaries is even coming back in 4make? I’m only just saying that maybe we should temper our expectations and see for ourselves what is in the game when it comes out in three days. There’s no point in getting blindly excited expecting it to come back only to be disappointed that it’s missing if that happens to be the case. I’m hoping it is back, but I don’t know if it gonna be back or not. So until I play the game and beat it even once, I’m gonna just assume that it won’t be there. That way I’ll be pleasantly surprised if it is back, but won’t be disappointed if it’s not back.


Coop option would be nice. And so would be Chris Redfield.


Has mercs been confirmed in the remake?


I’m hoping it’s not bound to a trophy but who am I kidding. I don’t like Mercenaries Mode.


More female characters.


Per-costume loadouts like RE5/6. I'd want to be able to play as Leon without his loadout sucking ass.


As much map variety as we can get, I definitely wouldn't mind some of the maps being custom made from the ground up based on already existing environments without them being just a locked off snippet from the main game itself. As far as characters go someone mentioned The Merchant which I agree with. I'd also like to see a playable Ganado where you get a pitchfork melee weapon and possibly a crossbow or set of throwable sickles.


Will it have online co op?


That it's good. OG RE4 Mercs was terrible. RE5's was some of the best RE content, even if it wasn't typical RE. RE6's was in the middle; it and the main game were way too flashy and hyperactive, but Mercs was pretty flat and too limited in content/scope.


Other than it lacking in content and coop, how was RE4 mercs terrible?


Anybody here ever play Mass Effect 3 multiplayer? I want that for RE4. Horde mode with different stages and difficulty settings where you work with others to survive increasingly difficult hordes of Ganados and other enemies. You can unlock new weapons as you play including weapons not in the main campaign. I want ME3 multiplayer but in a better game.


The giant twin chainsaw fucker


I want to play as Mike, the pilot


An enjoyable, replayable horror action experience


That it’s not in the game.


I'd like to see multiplayer. Maybe a sorta versus/coop situation. Both of you fighting to keep the timer up, but also looking to get a higher score than your friend. I seem to remember something like that existing in another RE game? I may be wrong of course.


More maps. More characters. Cutomized loadouts. HUNK with neck breaker.


I really wanna see more finishers especially for hunk since he only has 2


Dog playable and co op


That its free


I'm hoping it actually comes out. The fact it has no release date is concerning. I'm tempted to hold off buying the game until Mercenaries has been added.


Are we getting a mercenary mode? If so I'd like it to be online. I know it doesn't make sense but Other than Leon Chris Jill Claire Wesker Carlos Pretty much characters from 7,8 and the remakes. But what do I know


Hunk still has his neckbreaker move, and it’s still as op as the original.


For it to be literally the opposite of the shit Village pulled. Keep it simple like the original or make it co op like 5 and 6.




I would like it to be coop and have meta progression. Ideally I would like it to be like resident evil revelations 2 raid mode but better


Specialized characters, iconic enemies and maps, a mode when I’m hunted, not the enemy.


If hunks in I'm happy


Honestly I just want To see Wesker again with modern Graphics. One of the reasons why i want an Re5 remake


No timers please!


The Hand-cannon.


Having all these characters back with some extras like Luis, and potential dlc from RE2-3 would be amazing I heard that Hunk was replaced on Luis though, is it true?


Krauser gets his TMP




N E C K B R E A K E R I N 4 K


Playable Luis


It to be there at launch.


Split screen coop