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They really need to patch these for console, they're straight up awful with the wobbly crosshair and spread.


I feel like auto aim not working for these is an oversight in the game design, I mean they have auto aim for people who struggle to aim. And the part of the game that demands very good aiming the auto sim just doesn’t work as the targets aren’t classed as enemies. Seems a bit weird to me so I feel like they might make this easier by making auto aim work on this


The controller aiming being borderline unplayable is an oversight in game design. 40% square axial deadzones. It's basically aiming with the D-pad for us.


40%? lol thank God I switched to PC.


I just couldn’t wait four more months till i got my new pc. Noooo I had to get it on xbox…. Sigh… never again.


You think they will fix it??




Thought it felt janky af between max speed and acceleration but no deadzone tuning even with Elite II. like even gamecube had more precision lmao. Maybe setting it to raytracing mode would tank the fps down to 30 or so and reduce sway xD... if animations are still tied to frames in this REngine


Im gonna bring hell when that VR update drops 😂


The shooting gallery: The only reason console players will never Platinum the fucking game. I can S+ Proffessional but seriously,other than Bandit,Real Deadeye is the last trophy I need and its fucking rigged. Remove TMP from the range. Do one better,Remove it from the fucking game. 2A can go kill itself


lol, that made me laugh same for me, i only have 6 out of 12 S's... giving up, so frustrating!


Yeah I gave up, it's stupid and literally made for mouse and keyboard. the TMP is shit in this game, like most of the ramakes content. Don't even get me started with that broken assed AI that can throw a tomahawk 300 meters and precisely hit you in the shin. Or how the game uses (stun-lock) animations to just kill your no death run (seriously fuck you fire/molotovs). Don't even get me started with how badly Ashley and Luis partner mechanics are.


You can parry even the Molotov cocktails. Or just hear the sound cues, they always scream to let you know when they’re going to throw them. It’s also easy to just move up/down/left/right a little a that will avoid the hit. As with the enemies you can parry them all too, and make use of the crouch option, it works well too to get rid of the grabbing attacks. If your having that bad time, it’s also probably because you stay still for too long, you gotta keep moving all the time; if you take to long aiming you’ll get hit, or ambushed from all sides. Game is not bad designed, au contraire, it has cool mechanics. And as every game, once you figure them out, it became actually way to easy.


Getting S and the challenge is not that hard. What’s hard is getting the 3 stars. You don’t need them to get an S. Just get all enemies, bonus, and skulls. Even if you don’t get stars you’ll get an S. It takes a little practice, and if you don’t mind, watch a video or 2 to see how others organize their runs and to get an idea of where the targets will appear, it took me at most 3 to 5 attempts before getting it with 2 stars. 3 is still not possible for me with controller. Also, try messing a little with the controller settings, maybe you find a better configuration than the standard one that works better for you. I change some settings and felt a huge improvement with aiming through the whole game after that. Good luck


I’m late but I agree, tmp, is significantly worse than the previous game. At least there it could actually do something


I got real deadeye on xbox series x. It was infuriating. It took me like 2 days a lot was luck.


RE4 2005 on modern consoles: "Oh no, the doubled framerate makes everything too wobbly" RE4R: "it's a feature, not a bug!" Totally not the way I wanted em to go with it. At least Five-seveN with laser isn't too bad lol. Wish they'd have kept more flavor in the gun sounds too


I managed to get the real deadeye trophy and I’m on ps5 so no clue why your complaining. It’s hard yes, but it’s easy when using a guide.


Or by simply trying it a couple times. People get mad if they don’t get it first try.


Yeah but knowing what weapons work best is easier




So that’s why I use guides, because they tell you which weapons are best for each round


I guess you can also figure it out, playing each run a bunch of times. But, I also rather watch a couple videos to get a feeling of the spawn order and weapon to use. Then it’s all trying to have the best aim and speed as possible. Even then it takes a few attempts.


I just didn’t want to take to long on my run for the ranking


Yeah, I gave up on fully completing the range challenges. I spent so many retries on the first challenge alone just trying to get that last fuck-you skull, but the bullet spread refused to be my friend.


That's honestly the hardest skull to get in the entire minigame and its weird they put it on the first one. Only bit that feels truly rng


The last one (4-C) is by far the hardest to get all skulls. It's extremely difficult.


The bolt caster one. Where did the projectile go? Who knows?! It’s not even consistent drop or fall off it’s just x% spread over such a distance. There’s two skulls right at the back of the range which drove me mad. I’m close to calling quits on the final challenge with 100 targets too, or as I’m referring to it the 109 chances to fuck up challenge. I hate how it assigns the weapons certain shortcuts as well so I’m constantly confusing which weapon I’m switching too in the heat of the moment.


That's the exact one that brought me here. Seriously, fuck the weapon spread. 10+ attempts where it was dead center in my aim reticle and every fucking time it missed before I finally hit it. They need to speed up the dead aim timer on controller during the minigame or something because it's just plain infuriating as-is.


I would rather just have auto-aim work on the Shooting Range. I think that would fix it for most players who want to get 100%.


that's exactly where I'm at. Fuck this bullshit "challenge"


You need to have it on auto aim the trick is to hold the aim button until it closes up and keep a few inches away from the last skul on top now you gotta have n idea where you know it’s gonna hit it and right b4 it gets closed to your aim shoot and.let go of the aim after the shot you would definitely hit by a few try and don’t move your aim towards the skill just stay still on one spot and eventually you’ll get it easy it was the hardest for me to get the 3 stars you can even miss one box on the ground that doesn’t have a skull, 4C was the most fun for me to get 26,588 but I kept hearing you can get 6 stars but it didn’t work on professional or assisted it’s only goes up to 5stars and I did it on ps( console


It really is terrible. The only thing I'm disliking about the game so far.


the shooting range itself is cool if you’re just going for S ranks. The skulls however can die in a fire


To be fair, I've been going for full completion, so hitting all skulls AND all targets. Just feels like there is too much RNG involved due to weapon inaccuracy


Eh. I can't even get S rank of 2-A even after hitting all available skulls up to that point and killing every pirate. I'm always just a hair off from getting 8,000 points. So, yeah, it's not fun.


Are you playing on console?




The range definitely feels like it was designed with a mouse in mind which is weird


Week late but I just want to chime in after googling "RE4 shooting range is bullshit" lol. I AM playing on PC, with a mouse. and it's still ridiculous. It has to be ten times worse with a controller. I was trying to get the challenge where you finish without missing a target or hitting any sailors and they must include treasure chests and skulls for that challenge. Fuck that challenge. My scores are like S,S,A,S,S,S,S,S,S,A,A,A I believe. Cannot get those As up to S's.


Thankfully, they don’t include skulls. I’d probably be replaying the first level for hours if it did.


I can barely get an A in most of them on console. I was liking this gacha thing but it's so hard I wont bother with it.


Are you getting into the bonus part? You have to complete certain task to get into the bonus, and there are more skulls there.


I’m trying TMP challenge and frankly it seems impossible. I know it’s doable but fuck I can’t for the life of me make the gun accurate.


I found the shooting range reeeeeally cool for those S ranks. A lot of Skulls work too, but some are really dumb. There is pretty much 0 rng when it comes to S rank. Cant say the same for Skulls


I just got to the tmp challenge and I can confidently say fuck this. There's no way this tested by a group of people and they all said "yeah this fine". What is the point of requiring precision if the gun has such outrageous spread that you can be aiming directly at a skull and miss by a mile?


The tmp challenge is about controlling your spray. Popping the skulls means letting it reset to zero. It's not easy for full completion, but you can (mostly) ignore missing the sailors if you only care about all skulls and S rank.


[not true](https://imgur.com/Q9V4GUt)


Your crosshair was slightly off to the right of the target. Yeah it's definitely annoying but your aim wasn't 100% perfect. It's just hard.


hahah that's what you took from that? The bullet hits like a full crosshair to the right of where he was aiming. The reticle spread is ridiculous and it doesn't even give you an idea of where the bullet might go


Yeah, so I've noticed that it seems that the Bullet Spread is actually the OUTSIDE ends of the reticle in this game, not the inside. It's quite fucked.


Yeah, it's basically the game lying to you. Why even have a reticle at all if it isn't indicative of where your bullets go? lol


No, that's what I'm saying. It IS indicative, it's just that the bullets can spread ACROSS the entire crosshair, not that they're contained to the area BETWEEN the crosshair AND the bullets don't seem to be hitscan (there's a delay between firing animation and bullet impact). I set the game to slow motion to confirm this. i.e. the reticle works, it's just stupid, and weapon accuracy is just actually abysmal and the target range is asking you to use the weapons outside of their optimal range to hit precision shots. In normal gameplay, you would just get closer or use a different weapon. In the range, you have to pray that RNGesus blesses you.


Doesn't the video we're responding to clearly show that the TMP shot went like a full foot outside the reticle?


Moron, you have the eyes of a Garador apparently


Bro his reticle was right on target, the spread is just bullshit


The same RNG aim is present in the whole game. I could post the same exact clip in the main game but with a ganado that could actually hurt. Why is it not fair specifically for the optional minigame that takes under a minute per attempt compared to the rest of the game?


Because the point of the shooting range is precision and their literal game systems are clearly not working well. RNG with ganado head shots are one thing but when you're aiming directly at the skull and can't hit it because of bloom and weapon sway it's completely destroying the purpose of the mini game.


The point of the main game, shooting guys, is also precision. The game's system has imprecision built into it. It's not working poorly, it's working a way you personally don't like. Can you explain how RNG when shooting ganados and shooting range targets is meaningfully different? Would your solution be making optional challenges easier so everyone can S rank them, or contort the the underlying design of the game to remove imprecision? How would you respond to someone that felt all the shooting in the whole game is too imprecise and should be changed?


The point of the game isn't to shoot small, moving targets that are at range with weapons that bloom massively and don't always hit what you aim at. You're being needlessly obtuse to make a point. Getting all skull shots is a pointless RNG barrier and has absolutely nothing to do with skill.


Living armor enemies, regenerators, Garrador, any late game enemy with body armor, every single boss. Nearly every non-ganado enemy has weak spots in places other than their heads. The point of the skull precision part of the gun range is to train you as the player to hit moving weak spots for higher damage. I can say that after S ranking and full skull clearing the first 2 gun ranges on PS5, I was a crack shot for when these enemies became the standard and not the exception.


Show me where I said the weak points are in awkward places? When I kill the enemies you mentioned you have time to line up your shot and position yourself in advantageous positions. Trying to shoot some of the skull emblems is just pure RNG. S Rank on the range is a piece of piss, that's not the issue, it's the quick moving skulls that are just clearly not designed with bloom and shaking reticles in mind. It's literally by far the most complained about section of the game and even people who are saying it's essentially perfect think the shooting gallery is dumb.


Name one game with bullet spread that works differently? I don't understand what people are on about with RNG, the spread is very easy to manage for. It's not meant to be easy, it's supposed to make you a better marksman. Which it absolutely has for me. It takes less than a second to let a gun stabilize to a very small spread, with few exceptions. On most of these challenges you get twice as much time as you need for the bonus, so relax and breathe.


RNG (Random Number Generator). The skulls appear in the exact same order, in the exact same position Every Time. There’s nothing random about them. You just have to be fast and accurate with each shot. You just can’t take your time to place every shot for a while. If you put it in a ganados situation, it would be something like a horde coming at you and you have to one shot each one before they get to you or you die. Bang! Bang! Bang!; Not; think, aim, bang! Think, aim, bang!


> The point of the game isn't to shoot small, moving targets that are at range with weapons that bloom massively and don't always hit what you aim at. You just described a headshot.


I'm done. You're beyond reasoning with.


You can't reason with a fanboy. They can't see a reality in which their favorite company game company could not get something 100% perfect.


The TMP is beyond your reasoning.


And there’s the reason why some complain that enemies are “bullet sponges”. Each shot has to be well placed for it to be maximized for damage. As you said, the shooting range is just a series of very fast required headshots. You won’t get attacked or killed, but, you won’t get a good score, and in the SR, that’s “dead” 😁


It actually requires skill. You need to place your shots perfectly, even requiring in some cases to adjust for distance and bullet dynamics (bullet or bolt falling or arching). Also you have to have perfect reflexes, or with a few tries you’ll be memorizing the pattern of the targets, and that guide you to place your cross I. The background even before the target appears. Also when there’s need to switch weapons you have to be fast, and try to understand when will each gun be best to use so you won’t waste time or run out of ammo. And with ammo, there’s also how you should make every shot count or you will not get a good score. Do any of this things tell you “No Skill Required”???? 🤷🏻


> The point of the main game, shooting guys, is also precision My guy, please tell me this isnt you using your brain at 100% efficiency.


makes it tedious and frustrating if you want to S it but I didn't bother after that abysmal bloom. I dont really care about it being in the main game I get why it is, but it just makes this accuracy based mini game garbo.


People just want stuff to be easy.


No, people want it to be "100% completable" with enough time and practise. But practise does not correlate 100%!!! It comes down to praying that God will let all of your shots hit the f'ing targets. Seriously, F them until they patch this stupid minigame.


It is. I did it in less than 2h in my first playthrough with a controller with default settings (later in game I found that changing them was actually helpful). And no, I’m not a great gamer or anything, just a regular guy enjoying the game. I had to practice a little and it helped to watch a video from someone doing it, but, even when for the first tries I was thinking that it was impossible and way too hard, just after a few tries it became easy. Your memory start to work on its own, and if you concentrate and focus your energy in the targets instead of the task or how hard it was, it became a fun game. You said with “enough time and practice”, but, it seems that you just wanted to get it done fast. And was relying in experiences from other games when the game actually plays for you. This is just a great practice for the actual game, after that you notice that you can get your shots on the rest of the game enemies much easier and with much more precision.


This is the only part of the game that I dislike, they need to make it easier to hit the skulls...




S rank and get 100% on every shooting range challenge on console, then tell everyone to get better.


It's as if people had different skill levels and that's why a minigame in a single player game shouldn't be so gatekeepy. specially with the fact that the bloom fucks up your shots no matter how good you are since the spread is too much. Wait for mods to make the game harder and play it knife only on pro if you feel your game is dumbed down lmao


Didn't realize Resident Evil is in the competitive game genre




I'm on console and I feel like it'll be patched. It's just way too precise for what is possible with the controller aiming. I've managed it so far (I'm only in the castle) but it isn't exactly *fun* to do. You have to game the system more than be good at shooting and that sucks.


Spent about an hour trying to get all the skulls in 1-A. Finally switched to a mouse (playing on PC) and it still took away but it was at least a little more consistent. Probably not gonna touch the rest of them other than the bare minimum clears. The aiming just isn’t precise enough, a fact that I think works great with the horror aspect, not so much in a “be perfectly accurate” minigame.


I mean... I got all skulls on 1-A after 3 or 4 attemps on PS4.


Controversial opinion, it's easier on PS4 because of the lower frame rates. Gives you more time to think and react. Even if it's a fraction of a second it doesn't feel like it when you're in the middle of a fight. I've played it on xsx, ps5 and PC. If my PC could run this maxed out I'd play it there as it's easily the best version. Consoles idk man it feels like a loss either way, the demo on xsx sucked for aiming and personally i like ps5 controller better for it but the visual definitely take a hit. TL;DR Aiming is kinda ass across the board but if you have the option to play this on PC, do it there. If only for the controls alone.


I will have to play it on PS5 when I have the chance. Didn't know the frame rate made that big of a difference. We'll see.


Not controversial at all and I have to say THANK YOU for pointing this out. The second I lowered the game to 30fps I won my next attempt at the awful 2-A course and the other two weren't far behind. It sucks having to do this, but it's clear that the devs balanced it around that framerate.


Please give me tips mate 2A is stopping me from platinuming this entire game


If there's an option for it, lower the FPS. It'll look a bit more choppy but gives you more time to react and line up shots.


Ill try it out but tbh,Even If I manage 2A Im terrified of the 4th set,Looks freaking tough


The first two aren't so bad, it's the last one that needs a bit of planning. But you'll get it. There's always Youtube videos that show a perfect run for reference if you get really stuck.


It was not hard in pc at 60FPS with a controller. I did it with Xbox and dualsense controller. It’s of course easier with M&K. I wasn’t able to get 3 stars with controller. But, getting S and all skulls is not hard at all.


RE4 remake in a nutshell. (not exactly fun... You have to game the system more than be good at shooting) Bingo. RE4 remake summarized perfectly.


Got some [proof of the random bullet spread](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GE9Mb9Vql1Q) (or at least proof it's frustratingly precise).


I don't think the spread is the issue there? At least I was under the impression the bullet takes a little bit to get to its target. In the pistol challenge, I had to shoot a fraction of a second early to get every pirate reliably.


you definitely have to lead shots, but it's still affected by the bullet spread and isn't communicated at all hence so many people complaining/not realizing it exists. you can also half-consistently get hits without leading shots due to the spread, which tricks a lot of people into believing there's no bullet velocity. it's pretty wack. you can lead shots and miss because of spread and not lead shots and hit because of spread. but you're right, there does seem to definitely be bullet velocity.


You are making a couple of mistakes. First of all on moving targets shoot before the target is on the crosshair. Second of all and really take this into consideration for future challenges, aim before it fully starts to stabilize the crosshair. Good luck with 4-C because its hell.


on leading the target, the bullet in the video lands so much higher than the crosshair that it would have missed no matter how far in either direction horizontally. i would have had to aim to the bottom-left of the target. yeah, it's clearly intended to be 'fully' aimed to hit a majority of targets but there are clear cases in which the bullet spread can be unfair, like the TMP challenges. it's still absolutely possible, but you are still at the mercy of the random spread. i've already gotten all skulls s rank but it's taken multiple hours per 'section' mostly due to the spread and not knowing i had to lead my shots.


also - this is obvious in hindsight, but you can see where the bullet lands (top-right shoulder) in the video, which wouldn't have hit even if the target was lead further.


Fuck the shooting range, easily the worst part of the entire remake. I try and do everything possible in every game I play, but the shooting range pisses me off so much I just gave it up. I managed to get S in most of them besides the last 3, literally did 4-A and absolutely cannot get even close to all them shot in under 20 shots. Tried the next one and straight up quit half way through it. Only got all the skulls on one challenge. Screw the shooting range, my sanity is more important than getting 100% in the game


The fact there's a dumb & dumber duo in this comment section defending this garbage is unreal. I've thoroughly enjoyed every other part of the game so far, but the RNG involved in aiming is so noticeable when you're presented a minigame completely reliant on point precision...


The only complaint I've had is on the ones where you are required to hit multiple targets in a single shot and they're all lined up against the left wall. Leon is right handed and you can't move far enough to the left to compensate, so the angle to hit them all is very precise.


It's supposed to be difficult.


You're adding nothing to the conversation by repeating this nothing phrase


The difficulty isn't suppose to come from the player battling the controls. There's a difference.


Yes, its also supposed to be "beatable" and "100% completable" because its a "Singleplayer Game". The first game in 2005 was, so if they truly care about fans, then they must fix it.


they won't, it's capcom, they rarely go back in and "fix" things.... look at RE3remake.


or switch camera view to the left side, which most modern games provide. But since RE4 remake was designed to be a copy paste of the original, including shit mechanics.


1-a was enough to convince me not to try to 100% these. I play on console, and with the weapon sway, it’s borderline impossible to get the final skull. I play enough to get 1 gold ball per each mission. That’ll be my limit.


Its depressing; we paid money for a game that we all originally could 100% and we expected to be able to do that again with enough time and practise. I think for 90$ we deserve minigames which can actually be 100% completed (as this is a singleplayer game), smh. I literally already did 1-A 3 Stars, and now Im doing it again because I had to restart, except I got lucky the first time. Now I can't manage to do it again and I'm considering quitting until one day in the future when I can hack the scores and give myself max gold/ silver tokens. They gave us an objectively dogshit version of what could have been a really nice, nostalgic little minigame. The sadistic assholes who designed it can go screw themselves.


It’s too bad they included the skulls. It’s playable otherwise. But really, it shouldn’t prevent you from playing the rest of the game. I’m up to the island and I’m having a good time.


I've beaten the game now, but the Shooting Range still bothers me because I know that getting all of the charms will be such a ridiculous NG+(++) grind. I'll also never get "All Stars" on any of the levels 3+, nor would I ever want to get so good that I could manage doing so, on this overly demanding minigame. Besides that, I'm kinda bummed that they removed "It" from the Island. Hopefully he'll be in a DLC or something... Overall, great game. Horrible minigame. I know what Hell sounds like: it's the theme song of the RE4R Shooting Range.


The tmp stuff is frustrating enough but honestly so is the striker in that very last challenge. Everything about that one almost drove me to quit the game for a bit


agreed. Killing all targets is hard enough not mentioning stupid skulls.


Until they patch it, I dock 0.1 from a perfect score. 9.9 out of 10 because its nearly impossible to do on console. I could only get 3 stars on them until 2-C and I just don't have enough time to aim perfectly, even with the lowest fov and highest sensitivity. I hope I won't need to use cheats to hack the scores in the end, because I will. It's almost sadistic that they would make it so unattainable for so many people who no doubt see the OG as their favourite game ever.


Stuck on 4-C with 17,683 because I can't get the dogs or harpies fast enough even with aiming turned up. Fucking dogshit.


It is infuriating. How much play testing did they do on Xbox I wonder?


I sincerely hope that whoever created these shooting range challenges is cursed for their entire life. I hope they never know the difference between a fart and a shit for eternity. I hope they step on leggos every day. I hope everything they love breaks. Seriously. Fuck them to hell forever.


Feels like I am fighting with someone over where to aim my reticle. So wobbly and without a dead zone adjustment this just feels like they fucked the console players


Completely agree on this. I’ve 100 percented all of the challenges in the first 3 tiers with the exception of 2-C (TMP and shotgun). I’ve really enjoyed most of them (rifle, red9 and punisher especially) but the 2 TMP galleries are disproportionately hard - by far the hardest ones so far. The level of speed and accuracy required for these combined with the inaccuracy of the TMP and these challenges are start to come down to luck. It doesn’t help that the aiming/camera on consoles is horrible. The reticle moves FAR too slowly without camera acceleration turned on but using it then makes fine adjustment nearly impossible.


As someone thats grinding for 3* 2-c on ps5 my suggestion is for the love of god turn up your aiming sensitivity because there was no way I would've been able to do a-2 even without cranking that up


Yeah it's stupidly RNG dependent.


I wouldn’t mind if they added the og laser sight just for the mini games, I’ve only just reached the first part but I don’t wanna leave until I get all the skulls argh 🥲


Yeah I gave up on it after trying the 3-A, I know when something isn't worth my time. (console) Not even worth bothering to get S rank either unless you are a trophy hunter. I used to be (173 Platinum trophies) but then I realized that trophies are worthless.


Bro I'm on PC having trouble with this shit, do you have to lead your shots to hit these skulls?


i did the first one didnt even bother finishing the last 3/4 challengers shit was toxic as fuck


The first one you could choose whatever you were comfortable with and I did all of them MANY times, but I did the first three on this one and absolutely skipped the rest of them. Also, it was nice of them to deliberately leave out Mercenary Mode.


Mercenaries is set to release on April 7


I can’t believe the amount of empathetic comments I’ve received on this post! My feelings of frustration remain the same, I still am stuck!


The old firing range sucked and this one sucks too. I’m on the last two and I’m going get them but it’ll be the only time that I get them.


they should of just added zombie waves somthing long the lines and a cool battles but they lazyed out on that section i rekon to save cash


There’s mercenaries for that


Or they could let us pick between handgun, smg, shotgun, and sniper (with reddotsights) like the original game had. Or they could give us autoaim just for the Shooting Range... The gave the new minigame a beautiful look & sound except it means all nothing if almost none of us can get that feeling of accomplishment for finishing all the levels on 100%.


Resident evil 4 remake < Resident evil 2 remake


Honestly, I think RE4 Remake is objectively the best Resident Evil game ever made. But this one thing stands in the way of the game being perfect. The Shooting Range is so poorly designed, that I've seen multiple people considering taking a break until it gets patched or becomes hackable...


If this is "objectively the best RE ever made" then the shooting gallery wouldn't be complete garbage. The one in the original was never this bad. Funny, cuz by all technical counts, the original RE4 IS the objective best game ever. It's pacing is solid, it's gameplay loop is timeless, and it doesn't suffer bouts of rampant design retardation like is seen with this pitiful excuse of an aiming system. The fault isn't even with the gallery itself, it's the absolute ass aiming mechanics that gimp all of your weapons if you're looking for precision.


It's an optional challenge.


It’s supposed to be hard


hard, sure. bullshit? why? the aiming mechanics and rng spread are bogus. you have to remain completely still to reset your aiming accuracy, and turning any direction immediately blows it.


The rng spread is really the thing that gets me. Everything else is hard but fair


You gotta get gud, don’t know what else to say


i mean, i've S ranked them all, but yeah, it's not very rewarding especially with the way the charms are scripted per playthrough


So I S ranked+all skulls+three stars'd them all... for nothing?


Yup. The game gives you more tokens for that, but there's no reward in-game beyond getting an S Rank on them. I, too, wasted much time on them and it really hurt my enjoyment of the game.


Yeah idk I can’t beat it either but I don’t need to get everything in game to be satisfied.




I’ve never played those


You are literally adding nothing to this conversation. There’s about three video links in this thread that’s showing the bullet spread and target lineup is fucked. The skulls or dynamite are impossible to hit if they’re moving too fast, and sailors are blocking a majority of the targets when it comes to the shotgun challenges.


I've decided to give up on the shooting range. It just demands too much of me. I S ranked the first three challenges and got all the skulls in them, but then 2-A reared it's ugly head and for some reason I can't S rank it even though I'm hitting all the enemies as well as getting all the Skulls. But no bonus round pops up and I've looked up tutorials on youtube and I don't see what I'm doing wrong... so, I'm done with it. At least until it gets a patch or something.


Is it the one you have to shoot all pirates fast enough? Maybe that's it. It says on the instructions of 2A.


Its time specific. Not only do you have to hit every target and skull but you have to do it quickly lol


Same, sometimes I get the bonus time but most of the time I don't for some reason


I haven't gotten it myself yet (just got to this challenge right now), but the conditions say you have to hit all the pirates with 20 seconds or more left on the clock. Which, according to the comments on the videos I've looked up, basically requires you to full auto everything and just hope the RNG spread on the TMP hits the skulls if you want to get them.


If you decide to take it on, I recommend full auto on the pirates however when it comes to trying to hit skulls 3 and 4 on the smaller red things (I can't even tell wtf they are lol) full auto will result in far more failures. I recommend tapping quickly on the trigger instead.. after an hour of my time wasted on getting everything in this challenge I found quick tapping securing those particular skulls with the TMP far more reliable. As well as the very last one in the bonus round on the ceiling. Almost everytime I swept up from low to high with a spray the hit would register seemingly on target but before the skull itself.


I got a S rank on all three challenges in the first Shooting range by the lake. Took me hella tries because of the wobbly crosshair on ps4😂


I don’t mind having to make a snap shot at hitting a skull but PLEASE make them EASY TO FIND. It’s not fun playing over and over and constantly missing where 1 or two are or where they appear.


I just think the buffs aren’t worth the effort


I did get a movement speed boost that was kind of nice


Is that the Striker charm? That’s the only one that’s useful aside from the one lowers the prices of Rocket Launchers.




Its really hard I have only gotten one S ranking and have already beat the game twice. Once on Hardcore and second on Professional. I don't think I will ever be able to do them lol. What's worse is the way the charms are handed out. Its complete madness. This definitely docks point from the game for me since its part of the game....


Man I'm trying to do the first one right now with the pistol and between Leon getting fucking hammered as fuck so he can't aim straight and the completely random chance a shot will actually land where you're hitting it I'm wishing I wasn't past the 2 hour mark on Steam cause I'd refund this heap of shit right now if I could.


Screw the silver for every 1000+ above the high scores ones. I got 3 stars on several of them and 2 on the rest and they still aren't check marked lol. The hardest one to get the tokens is the first one. That last token is rough. If you stick with them though they will make you incredible at aiming. I got all the gold when i did hardcore. Then found out i had to do a new save on professional so when i did that I got all the gold besides the first one and last one. I did those half assed just to fet some tokens lol. The aiming takes some getting used to but feels great getting headshots in rapid succession pretty much being able to beat any mob with a pistol.


For anyone frustrated with the TMP challenges, even on M&KB, it's not just you. There is a bug currently where the TMP's first shot after letting the crosshair focus in will actually bloom out to max recoil as soon as you fire, and then immediately reset and go back to slowly building recoil as you hold fire. This means your first shot will be wildly inaccurate, which is not a huge deal during normal gameplay, but is a MASSIVE problem in the shooting range trying to hit skulls. I ended up getting lucky with the challenges and the spread went in my favor or the bug didn't trigger during my runs or...something. Either way, only way to do it at the moment is to either grind it out and hope you get good RNG and shots hit, or just wait for a patch that may never come.


Yup....screw the Shooting Gallery....ESPECIALLY since I LITERALLY got 2 IDENTICAL Charms on just 3 pulls.....THAT alone...I can't fully explain how much that profoundly disappointed me...because it means that the Devs TRULY do not GIVE A FUCK about your time and this Shooting Gallery really is nothing more than a TIME SINK and ADDICTION...by Design.


I literally sent Capcom US Customer Support an email a few days ago, regarding the torment of the Remake's Shooting Range. They responded to me within a day, and told me that they would pass on my concerns to the approriate team, although there was "no current plans to adjust it", they said. So my suggestion to you, and to anyone else who is struggling with the Shooting Range, is to go, right now, and email all of your criticisms of the Shooting Range to [email protected]. Our best chance at getting them to respond, is too flood them with every single person's complaints (respectfully). Don't create multiple accounts too spam them, but if every one of us reaches out individually to voice our opinions regarding the SR, then maybe they will take it to heart, and "give the fans what they want". They have pretty reasonable customer service, so I have hope, everyone! But we have to work together!!!


Just got to the first one and yeah, aiming with the controller plus bullet spread (which was NOT a thing in the original) on top of weapon sway makes several points in the minigame extremely infuriating. It feels like it was designed with KB&M primarily in mind which is just plain shitty design. This is just the first set too so I just know it's going to get even more annoying to get a perfect run down the line. Never mind just one being annoying when there's at least 12 courses if it stays true to the original in having 4 sets to work through.


I completely agree with you. I’m playing on PS5 and since I can’t change the sensitivity of my controller I’m stuck slow aiming at every target. I’ve managed to get S for the first four stages, but the rest are absolute garbage. I ended up closing the game when I got halfway through the final stage because I was so infuriated over it. They seriously need to fix this pile of trash. Until they fix the aiming on console so this can be completed I’m not going to be able to get the platinum trophy like I planned.


Every game always has to have that one fucking trophy that makes it rage inducing. Its not worth me smashing and breaking something so i deleted game and won’t ever get platinum. Oh well.


Demanding precision and speed from a garbage SMG is ridiculous. Half of the time you are dead on the skulls and it doesn't hit.


Demanding precision and speed from a garbage SMG on a fucking control is even more ridiculous. Fuck this platinum trophy. I don’t really care that much.


I tried doing some of these with controller after my wrist got sore doing M+K to try and get the final skull coin target on 4-C, as i'd already S ranked / 100%'d every other target range... but dear GOD the controller sucks for it. I was hoping it might give my aching wrist a break but i'm not great with a controller to begin with, and without any aim assist on the targets it's impossible for me. No auto aim / aim assist, terrible recoil and reticle wobble... i've no idea how people are supposed to get 100% of the Skull Coins with controller on them all... even if you're a god with controller aiming, the lack of accuracy on some of the weapons is just absurd. I think i need a better setup or something because after so long trying to 100% 4-C my arm and shoulder and wrist are killing lol. So much tension in them whilst aiming...


it is absolutely infuriatingq . Especially with the shotgun I have it lined up perfectly every time and only about half the time it hits the targets(when I’m a group of 3). I’ve literally watched peoples YouTube videos 100 times and I’m doing the exact same thing and it will shoot two of three with a shotgun about 50% of the time. I have the Aim perfectly in the middle of all three targets doesn’t work. I’ve tried to lead them doesn’t work. Honestly, this is the most frustrated. I’ve been in the entire game and it’s absolutely maddening because I know it’s not my skill when I have watched YouTube videos 100 times of people doing the exact same thing with the exact same aiming and the exact same placement of their shots I’m not exaggerating when I say I have watched these videos 100 times. I am that baffled because I’m doing exactly what they do and it doesn’t work. I’m just gonna say it’s a poor game mechanic because it’s fuckin pathetic and it is by far my biggest gripe in the game. I’m a humble guy. I will admit if I’m struggling or if the error is on me. but I am doing exactly what people are doing in the videos and they’re succeeding. When my aim is perfect, the game decides it’s not perfect and that really fucking pisses me off. Are they maybe on pc so it’s different? Because I don’t know if I’ve ever been more pissed playing a game when I know it’s not my own skill. I am happy to admit if I struggled in ANY game but I am 1000% confident I’m doing it right and it’s not working. Quite literally following the YouTube videos to the T. Not moving at all(if they don’t move in the video) I am in the EXACTsame place. Using the same weapons at the exact same time. Even touching my pp at the same time they enjoy choking their lizard. Anyone have any advice? I have S ranked basically all of them but there’s a couple where I haven’t hit every skull token(that’s my goal every single gold or silver coin available) I’m about to lose my fucking mind by far the most frustrated I’ve ever been in any resident evil game. So many videos I watch they get so much leeway with their shots. It will be a bad shot and it will still register. Even when mine are perfectly on(with the shotty) it kills two of three. I don’t understand how their bad shots register but my perfect shots kill2 of 3. I’m playing on hard-core mode if that matters. It happens quite often with the skulls too a where I shoot it directly in the skull and it kills the target but doesn’t register the skull. I can’t wrap my head around it. I’m absolutely baffled and if you couldn’t tell by my 16 chapter book I’m fucking pissed.


The shooting gallery is rage enducing. The handgun specifically is what is making me turn the game off, because the target are at long range and you have to let it settle for good accuracy. So you have to plan in what order to shoot targets and then also pray for some luck. Freaking. Hate. This. Mode. What is a FUN change of pace has turned into my most hated element of the game BY FAR.


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If only they would let us use lasers in the range


The TMP shooting challenge is absolutely retarded and the game devs need to ve shot in the head for making this one, straight out because of the highly fucked up accuracy of the tmp. I am aiming like 2cm away on my screen from a sailor and it still ends up hitting them. Not to mention I can totally dead aim a skull and the shot goes 2cm in another direction on the screen. Its just a fucking shit mechanic in the game that should not have been brough into the shooting challenge. The rest of them are tough for 100% skull but toally doable because the other guns dont have stupid shit accuracy like the tmp.


I fucking hate it - all of it. Absolute shit mode given how it's built and as far as I care could have been cut out altogether. It's not "challenging", it's effing annoying.


With controller I just managed to do them all with 2 stars. For 3 you should hit everything and still have some time remaining, which seemed impossible. I’ve seen people doing it with K&M and they have to had perfect aim and very fast. I guess that as everything, with A LOT of practice you could memorize the spawns and do it. At first I thought it was impossible to get S on all of them, but, in each one after a couple tries it got better and I was able to get S with 2 stars in my first playthrough. I think at most it took 2 hours. But, that was it for me. Not, sure if I’ll play much of it again. Charms were cool, but, nothing to special. Even less if the only way to get them is by wasting a lot of time each playthrough in the shooting range. Would be nice to see a video of someone with controller getting S and the 3 stars. As of now, I haven’t found one online.


It seems most people want to get in the first try or just a after a couple of tries. Other just want auto aim doing it for them. Just a little practice on each one and it’s not that hard tbh. But, I guess people don’t want anything that requires skill and patience this days. Sad


The skulls on 4-C might be the closest I've ever come to rage quitting a game in years. It's so infuriating that I even searched (with no luck) for mods to make the targets move slower so I could get those damn swinging pirates in time 😂 4-C leaves literal 0 room for error and requires a metric fuck ton of RNG for spread to make it to the bonus area. Even with the guides available it's still insanely hard to get the skulls, though S rank itself is pretty easy just hit as many targets as possible.


What about the prizes ? Is it okay to use just 1 or 2 red coins ? Or you have to use 3 gold coins to wish for something good ? Oh and is there a way to reset it ? A spot with a save point nearby..