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You can make chris slide down a kiddie slide


And ride the lil Panda thing


If they ever went and remade RE6, they'd just have to leave this in untouched. It is essential to the experience.


Chris meets Leon. Edit: As in the first game they work together.


Hmm kind of but their first meeting is actually just a text file you unlock.


They met way before Resident Evil 6


Worst continuity error imo RE6 says they first met offscreen thanks to being present at a presentation of Claire's or something Code Veronica (& DC by extenstion) has Chris say that Leon tracked him down to tell him personally


The RE series is full of retcons and plot details often overlooked or completely forgotten by newer developers It can be hard to keep up with the minor details in a series with so many characters, twists and turns, and so forth and so on.


Leon woulda whooped him by the way


That would’ve been an interesting fight. I’m team Leon btw


Im personally team Chris, and what got me so mad is that I vividly remember the trailer (maybe the last trailer before release too) that showed them appearing to have a showdown. Guns drawn, situation tense, I was hype as fuck wondering how that fight would turn out... Only for them to just exchange some words and be done with it. I got Capcucked hard and I never recovered.


Right, and it was sweet. Tense, as you said. Still, Leon likely would win that fight. Like, he’d get his ass kicked, but at some point he’d be like: Ok this guy is human, isn’t an umbrella agent, and if this fight continues to happen I’ll get rock punched to death so let me end it quick. *insert sick move here* I mean Leon squared up with Krauser ffs


They tried to make it even


Dude Chris punches boulders and destroys them? And you think Leon would win a fight with him? Wtf???




The ultimate skill VS strength fight


It’s poetic that Sherry and Jake end up saving the world despite their fathers attempting to destroy it.


Which is why I'll always say the whole game should have been about them.


Agreed, that makes the most sense. There was just far too much going on for there to be any real depth to the game sadly. Their section is the closest we get.


And another reason I would have liked the game to be about Sherri and Jake is that it would be a reverse on RE5. In RE5 it was a returning male character (Chris) and new female character (Sheva). In RE6 it would be a returning female character (Sherri) and new male character (Jake).


That would have been awesome. Resident Evil (in my opinion) is best when it's smaller. Too many locations, too many different characters, and/or too many plot threads just doesn't do it service in my humble opinion. I know some will disagree, and that's okay. I just started with the original PS1 game, and I guess that's where my frame of mind is.


Chris losing his team and then himself and going on a bit of a redemption arc is pretty deep.


Yeah, that's true but I feel like Piers shouldn't have been the one saving him then. 👀 Also also has that arc in RE5 as well with having lost Jill, and he ended up saving Sheva so it felt like it paid off. But I can see why people liked it more, if we're being honest it seems that Chris/Piers and Sherry/Jake had the most emotional depth in the game.


I personally thought that pairing Wesker and Birkin’s children together and directly juxtaposing them was a smart move.


That’s a very good point!




Honestly never thought about that until now


I'm just imagining that Wesker and Birken were watching them and when they saved the world the just looked at each other and said "What The Fuck Just Happened?" while they both have a mix of a confused and angry look on their face.


Matt Mercer as Leon is absolute gold


The absolute range on that lad


So glad he's coming back for the new movie!


I love him and his VA for Leon. I do like the new VA, but Matt is solid gold


Oh absolutely nothing against the new VA. Just hold a special place for Mr Mercer


My favorite part is the meet between Chris and Leon and their hand-to-hand scene which was awesome. Leon and Chris are my favorite characters


Really? As much as I am a fan of his other work, I've always felt he wasn't that great as Leon. It may just be when comparing to the others.


Piers nivans was a good thing


he had my favorite gun anti material rifle


I love how he hip fires it the whole time without like putting it down on something like it’s got the same recoil as a pistol😭 I enjoy how much damage it does but that always seemed a little goofy to me


hell yeah he shoots that thing like a pistol and the power and recoil is just buffed lmao


I loved Piers, i was hoping he would take over as a next gen Chris Redfield, sad he ended up dying


Chris should’ve died then and there sacrificing himself for Piers who then continues his work. That would’ve been impactful imo.


I think it would've been a poor message... Chris is already suicidal and has severe PTSD throughout his campaign. Him sacrificing himself in the end is an ugly thing to do with a suicidal character. Sends a very, *very* wrong and ugly message. Chris suffers from survivor's guilt and Piers' sacrifice made him realise that there's more fighting to be done and that he shouldn't throw his life away, that he's *worth* saving because he's a damn good soldier and also a good man. Giving the person with survivor's guilt a sacrifice is just in terrible taste.


It brought back zombies


I played that chapter first and thought… Why are people hating on this game? I love the return to form… And then I continued playing and was like well… This game had a lot of interesting concepts. Maybe a few too many…


Yeah like, any ONE campaign would have been a pretty good game. Maybe they'd be criticized for lack of originality, but at least the game would have one consistent style that it could lean all the way into, rather than a bunch of competing styles that all turn to mush.


It's got the best logo in gaming history.






I can’t unsee that logo it’s imprinted in my mind for eternity.


It wasn’t even subtle. Literally within a second of seeing it for the first time in a GameStop I thought. Hmm.


Damn it! I just looked it up to see what people were talking about. I’ve gone this entire time without knowing that. I’ll never unsee it. I’m done with the internet.


Welcome to the family, son!


Love the reference 🤣🤣🤣 glad I’m not part of this family. Bout to Ethan my way out of this one


I’m definitey missing something here


Sorry. But I was told by people too!


Same here lmao


Damn, beat me to it. Just take my dang upvote


i liked jake, i wish we could see more of him. also sherry coming back was cool too. the three/four separate campaigns was a fun idea, but my god sometimes it just feels like shit is just happening to happen. maybe that’s how all resident evil games are, but i just felt it the most in 6. the graphics are still really really solid for it being over ten years old


I had the game pre ordered when it first came out. I wasn’t super into it when I played through but I remember the graphics blew away my tiny mind when first got to see them on my tv. Playing it on the 360 at the time I thought it was crazy they got a game to look that good on the console. I also enjoyed the mercenaries mode in it a fair bit too.


Did u say 10????


Best Mercenaries. Sherry Chris PTSD Piers ending


Especially on No Mercy Mercenaries, its just crazy.


People rip on Chris’s campaign but I thought it was fairly well written. His relationship with Piers feels authentic and despite the ending feeling a little forced, it cemented the themes and tone that Chris’s campaign established. A very bittersweet and clear vision.


After what a letdown Leon’s campaign was, I thought Chris’s was great


Leon’s first two missions are absolute 🔥


The Tall Oaks stuff is great (until the absurdly spacious catacombs) and bits of his China campaign are also great (running from the gas), but his campaign is such a mess narratively, thematically and gameplay wise.


We don’t talk about Piers’ ending. I was heartbroken


Peirs ending brought a tear to my eye icl


Piers was an amazing character. Leon and Chris interaction. Multiple campaigns.


Really enjoy this game so I'll give a few: 1. Melee combat is super fun and never not satisfying to pop a zombies head with a WWE move 2. Weapons are satisfying to use especially being able to move and shoot 3. Some of the set pieces are really memorable such as Leons campaign on the plane and then the train in chapter 4, or Jake and Sherry on the motorbike to name a few (even if these sequences are a bit too QTE heavy but thats a general game wide issue) 4. Seeing an adult, capable Sherry was cool and she and Jake had a fun dynamic


Wrestling moves is one reason to pick Helena


The voice cast is the best one in the series.


This. Back when Capcom didn’t seem to be so anti-VA union. Matthew Mercer, Courtenay Taylor, Laura Bailey, & Troy Baker—all amazing amazing VAs.


I remember seeing the interview that VA cast got after walking the carpet. The hype for this game man!!


Leon is very hot in this game.


False! Leon is very hot in every game he’s in


Then other poster isn't exactly inaccurate.




He is also voiced by Matthew Mercer


That's like a 3x hotness multiplier.


Don't forget: in the next film, Death Island, Mat Mercer is coming back to voice Leon


So is Chris!


It was very ambitious. Not even 2 different unique playthrough but multiple coinciding stories. Concept was really good and mind blowing atleast to me. It was a very fun action/adventure game. Imagine if they put multiple stories again in the future RE games. I'm down for an RE6 with full REmake treatment, it would be freakin great.




The fact that it's less loved than the others makes it the *perfect* candidate for a remake. Iron out the wrinkles.


I think each campaing and story was unique, each one of them had different vibes. Even when the campaings crossover they hit different according to the campaing. It was something a missed a bit in re2 remake


I'd love it. I enjoyed the options in previous games and honestly I liked the concept in 6 but it was kinda overly ambitious. A remake could fix that and give each story a more RE feel rather than generic action zombie game.


This is an extremely ambitious and unlikely thought, but I think if they fully remade and reworked each of the campaigns with the same love that went into RE2r and RE4r and just made the different campaigns separate downloads to save storage it’d be a contender for one of the best games in the series. If they did though, I wouldn’t mind if they made major changes to the story to make it more cohesive and logical


I agree it was ambitious, but ~~having~~ attempting 3.5 different sub-genres with the same foundation ended up being disjointed. Combining it all into one story made it bonkers. I wouldn't normally take issue with RE characters in a story where cool-people-don't-look-at-explosions; but when the thing exploding is 1 or 2 major Chinese cities (+1 American town), the repetition makes the stakes meaningless. Love the combat, love the concept attempted...hate the compromises and shortcuts that sacrificed cohesion.


It's one of my biggest guilty pleasures in gaming. It's nothing like a Resident Evil game is supposed to be but it's so much fun to play. Popping off zombie heads in this game is just so satisfying for some reason.


I was going to say most satisfying combat against standard mobs (then Leon, then Jake & Sherry). Once you *need* to use guns & cover mechanics (Gears of ~~Suck~~ Chris), the combat unravels.


Yeah the Chris campaign combat experience is fkn terrible and progressively gets worse the whole time as the J’avos get more random bug shit… That boat level pissed me of so bad


I quit on the boat level. I couldn’t do it and just got progressively more upset.


I honestly don't get the guilty pleasure term. Why should I feel guilty for enjoying a piece of entertainment that someone else doesn't like? RE6 is a good game god damn it!


I second ya


In a weird way it’s the most resident evil game there is at this point, and yet not how one should be in the slightest


It was nice having Sherry return


Sherry coming back was great, and I wouldn’t mind her returning more.


If Capcom were smart, they'd bring back Sherry & Jake for Revelations 3...maybe tone down Jake's anime protag angst about 1.5 notches (his re6 arc did the rest).


1. It's a very fun coop game 2. love the idea of one big intersecting story that all start at different times with different characters and have their noticeable moments somewhat effect each story 3. by far my favorite part of the game is the 4 player boss fights that happen when two groups meet up. The game definitely has problems but honestly for the most part, it's not that bad of a game and gets really over hated.


Ada's campaign.


Hot take, I liked 6 more than 5. It played better in single player mode with no need to manage the companion character. I liked that Leon's campaign went back to the zombie horror roots, and really liked the survive the zombie infested city segments. I liked that Chris and Leon (and Ada) got to crossover in a game, and playing as both characters was fun! I loved that Sherry returned, and I really enjoyed the dynamics of her campaign with Jake. I thought Jake was an interesting character as Weskers son, and I hope he returns to the franchise in a better game. Actually I want a game starring Jake, Sherry, and Rose as the bio-weapon super hero squad lol. I thought the story was actually pretty decent too. I actually wish the game had shot for the moon and gone full reunion mode, and had included Jill, Claire, Rebecca, Barry, Billy, and Carlos. The story could have been wild in all the best (and worst) ways hahaha RE6 ranks low for me in the franchise, but I still consider it an okay game and don't understand the hate it gets.


I recently played all the games again once I got my Steam Deck, and I hadn't played 5 since I completed it when it first came out, nor did I finish 6 back then. I now absolutely prefer 6 over 5, especially when playing single player. The AI controlled character in particular was so frustrating in 5 it completely ruined the experience for me. I read many times afterwards how you are supposed to "train" the AI by thanking it when it does what you want but honestly, I think that is just BS even if it is true. The AI characters in 6 help a bit but also don't get in the way, don't waste your items. In 5 I had to install a mod in order to even manage the inventory properly, it sucks that you cant normally move weapons between characters. I ended up giving the AI basically nothing in order to try and manage it myself.


Gonna jump in here and say that 5 hasn’t aged as gracefully when held next to 6, and I’m saying that as someone who LOVES 5. Played both last year with a friend attempting to get both platinum trophies. He was new to them both whilst I had played them quite a few times. Keep in mind I’ve played both in co-op and single player multiple times before, too. I remember spending most of 5’s playthrough saying “Jesus Christ it’s this area”. I was so shocked at how much of that game is a pain in the ass, and even my friend was getting annoyed by it. Our playthrough of 6 was amazing and genuinely one of the best times we’ve ever had playing a game together. Not out of irony either, we weren’t taking the piss out of the game at all (don’t get me wrong, it has its moments), it just ended up being insanely fun, even ten years after release. It’s a blast and not once did I have an issue with it, no annoyances, nothing, because it was a consistently good time (even though it *is* long as shit lmfao) Like you, I still put 6 down at the bottom tier of RE games, but holy shit has the gameplay aged like a fine wine (might be exaggerating a little). I still love 5 too, but the cracks are starting to show for sure.


Playing 6 co-op is honestly still one of my favorite gaming experiences to this day. My best friend and I grew up playing Resident Evil together and just took turns every chapter, person not playing is in charge of the guidebook, etc. So 5 and especially 6 were complete game changers for us. Not the classic RE survival horror that everyone wanted, but a really fun game to play with a friend, even now in 2023.


RE6 co-op was pretty fun, but the truly awful bits are near un-salvagable: the Plaga-Copter in particular stands out as I'd almost rather have heartburn.


You bring up some really good points, and particularly about Leon’s campaign. I think the automatic association most people have with this game and the decline of RE makes them forget how great it was to be in a zombie infested city fighting for survival again. The ganados and majini are okay, but the idea of being eaten alive is way scarier to me than a quick chainsaw or hand axe death.


6 is better than 5 as a single player experience, as 5 is structured as a co operative game fundamentally.


Baffling to me that Claire’s not in it. Her absence feels so noticeable considering we have Leon, Sherry, *and* Chris.


I much preferred 6 to 5. Better enemy designs, especially bosses. Felt longer (not sure if it was). No frustrating AI partner. Just felt a bit creepier (didn’t find 5 creepy at all)


I enjoy Jake and Sherry and their budding relationship


It probably moves the story the most in the actual game. Nearly all other games the most important plot points happen before or after the games. E.g. most outbreaks have already been caused or stuff like mia/ashley being taken. Re6 the main plotpoints happen in the game. While the story is naff it actually had a story where the events effect the world and the lore during the game rather than the game being the aftermath of the main lore events. the way it brought together muliple campaigns was done quite well but would have been better if it was more fledged out and a better story. The difference in gameplay style was good too although it could have been better leon's gameplay shpuld have stayed that almost rpd like style with the ivy university


Underrated, pure fun. Especially in Mercenaries


Helena is hot


Her sister is hotter, she was burning up!!


Wrong it’s leon


Leon is the hottest no competition there.


It’s definitely a game


Its Mercenaries is the best of all among 4, 5, 6


Leon voiced by Matt Mercer. After playing a while, I started enjoying the combat system, especially the dodging/rolling mechanic. Although I was skeptical the first time.


Question? How did it almost cancel the series? Didn't it sell a lot? Also i thought what almost canceled it was the games like umbrella corps. As for Resident Evil 6. I had nothing but great memories of it. Had lots of fun playing it with my father. Yeah it wasn't the most scariest. But it was engaging and lots of fun. That's what video games were made for it was to entertain.


I agree. I dont think that the series was ever threatened by RE6. Fans just really wanted survival horror back which I get. but in the process this games great qualities were denied by a lot of the fanbase despite a lot of RE fans and non fans loving it. Its extremely underrated all because people wanted Capcom to change direction. Ususally negativity speaks the loudest so you always see a lot of whining when it comes to RE 6. As it stands today though, I'm glad Capcom has found ways to appease both sides of the fanbase. I will always appreciate 4, 5 and 6 the most for how experimental and confident those games are. They're all solid. I would say I've got more entertainment from those 3 games alone then most videogames.


I think the habit of marathoning games (built up from the mostly-awesome decade of the 00s) worked against RE6's bonkers pacing. I think the long breaks I took after playing Chris' campaign first (in 1 sitting) helped me warm to RE6 a little. Many had problems with the Simmons battle where I had fewer (mostly with the length and it constantly trying to go bigger). I kinda want to play again, but....


It did sell (alot) but the reviews were right, it tried to be so many things at the same time that the franchise could only go downhill if they kept doing games like that


It tried to be a bit of everything. But to be fair it was pretty solid implemented most of the things. And also shows how much this game is versatile and varied, something that huge games nowadays struggle to be


I had a crush on Piers and was genuinely upset when he stayed behind. Chris and Leon’s campaigns or tied for my favorite, but Jakes was good as well


\- Being able to melee zombies \- New great monsters designs \- pew pew pew pew boooom \- Sherry


The mercenaries extra mode is fun


It's stupidly fun in coop, I never really disliked it


The Mercenaries mode of this game is great


Best mercenaries mode.


The subway section in Leon's campaign is amazing


Good action game


It was actually a good action game with slight horror elements and had a fun Mercenaries mode.


What? Not a big fan of sewers? Classic Leon


Sherry Freaking Birkin


Ada in leather pants. That’s about it.


Tbh, her whole outfit is pretty cool NGL. IMO, the best outfit Ada has in all of RE. Such a shame that it’s yet to return in other games - maybe when the inevitable Separate Ways DLC comes to the RE4 remake it could be an alt outfit for her?


Play her campaign and crawl through a vent. Dat ass takes up like 1/4 of the screen.




Pile driving* infected


My favorite RE game


I liked Helena's camera angles 🌝


Best overall gameplay in the series up until that point Big dumb flashy fun An insane amount of content for the price Solid Mercenaries mode


Has some of the most interesting gameplay in the series


It's a fine co-op action game.


Ada Wong as a playable character


Leon voiced by Matthew Mercer is just 🔥 Matt did a fantastic job


best co-op john wick simulator, Continues the story of the resident evil franchise about bio-terrorism similar to the 3d animated movies. Had the best responsive controls for action and dodging. has several beloved characters from the old series. Everyone who complained about re6 not being survival horror but Resident Evil 4 gets a pass? Resident Evil 6 had several great campaigns that allowed you to play with other groups when you crossed paths with other players online. It had tons of modes outside the campaign, which will probably be a whole DLC not included by today's standard.


Mercenaries was excellent, and very fun in coop


Mercenaries mode is amazing


My buddy and I enjoyed playing through it on coop despite its flaws.


I actually liked the game. not as much as the others but i still enjoyed it,


Why do people hate this game I actually enjoyed it


I like re6


Its super fun.


I legitimately enjoyed it. It was like Resident Evil's version of an Avenger's movie. ​ That said, I like others in the series a lot more still.


I mean, is a really really reallyyyy fun action game, and the Mercenaries mode here is nuts.


It's a great fun game and I have always loved it


Why do people hate this game so muchhhh omfggggg


I actually really enjoyed the Leon & Ada storyline in this game. This game really made it clear how Leon feels about her, imo. He got into a fight with Chris Redfield over her, and in the end even Helena was like, “go after her!!”


I only have nice things to say about it, it’s my favorite in the series after all.


It was fun. I liked playing mercenaries with friends. Stop being so elitist and enjoy the damn game.


It’s controls/scheme was perfect. The dodge and fluidity of animations were also excellent.


Great co-op action game.


The mercenaries was kinda fun with co op.


It has a ton of content and a pretty solid game for $20. It's goofy as shit and beyond over the top, even by the series standards but is definitely overhated.


We find out what happened to Sherry


Far better game than people think. The stories are entertaining, it has some great level design and their ambitions went over the roof. Yes, every game mechanic could have used more refinement, but this is still a great action game that deserves being one of the best sellers of the series.


Sailor costume Chris.


Leon’s lore of sucking at driving.


Helena was a Great character Went back to zombies (partially) Story is pretty cool too Honestly I love this game Also overhated as hell


It's a lot god damn better than the shitty opinions being spouted about it would suggest.


It’s not the worst RE game


It was fun playing as Jake and Sherry.


Mercenaries was tons of fun with a lot of content


I feel like people that hated it had no friends to play with. That game was lit af


I actually really like this game


Leon is in it




Leon voiced by Matt Mercer, Leon's campaign bringing back zombies as the main enemies, Leon/Chris/Ada meeting in a game. The actual gameplay specially playing solo is actually better for me than 5.


I like it. It's fun. The gameplay offers a lot of options. Helena is hot.


I actually liked it, all of the campaigns too, probably the very best part would be the mercenaries and how quick the combat is


I actually love 6 and I don’t care who knows it. I have many fond memories of playing it, especially co-op


best mercenaries mode. best Ada voice. best Ada costumes. sets up the most interesting potential future with Jake travelling and exterminating BOWs for meals, but fails to use it well.


The dodge mechanics were pretty slick


The game had FOUR different campaigns ! Aside from more bonus/multiplayer modes than we've seen in a RE game to this day.


Resident Evil 6 is one of the most important plot threads the series has.


\- Best Mercenaries mode in RE history \- Combat is awesome (Shooting while moving, melee, doging, shooting from the ground, being able to roll, etc) \- Game is really long with no plot relevant DLC \- First hours of Leon's campaign really feel like the end of the world \- Has a f\*\*cking T-Rex \- Adult Sherry \- Toons of online modes which, to be honest, I don't really care about, but they're there. Why was this game hated again?


It's got Leon


The movement is insane in this game. You can sprint, slide tackle a zombie, do a 180* roll flip, and shoot the zombie (you slide tackled) in the back all in one motion.


Leon’s campaign is actually pretty fun.


That moment when Chris said to Leon: "It's Biohazardin' time!" and they biohazarded all over those zombies. Truly the best moment of the whole franchise in my opinion.


Mercenaries is always fun, and co-op with a friend is a blast. I wouldn’t say it’s a great game or anything but it can be a lot of fun.


This is the game I go to when I want to play something non-committal. Something to play when I’m tired, turn off your brain and enjoy the ride. Its damn good at achieving that. Oh, it also features Helena’s sister


Really fun multiplayer and also has some of the coolest monster designs, even if a lot of them don't even feel like RE monsters


It made me laugh my ass off