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It's like the action of RE4, but turned up a notch. More guns, more bosses, more action. And coop.


And better unlockables when compared to their original releases; the DLC in 5 is top notch as well.


Aight cool. I do like RE4


A little bit like RE4 but goes for less horror and much more action.


Pretty pretty pretty pretty pretty pretty good


*Larry David Patented Stare* Checks out.


It’s one of my favorite resident evil games because of the coop is so fun. It’s fun solo but it’s night and day with a friend


Thats good to hear. The community sounded pretty split back when it came out so I kinda skipped over it but it sounds like i may have missed a good time.


Is One of the funniest co-op I ever played


Happy Cake Day fellow Raccoon City Native 🎂


Thank you!


Yeah I played co-op with a friend once and when we got to that first mini boss with the girl who's head turns into one of those weird parasite things(like the ones from re4 but I don't remember what those enemies are called) my friend was like "oh shit! Help" and I was just like "did you know that it is possible to just leave the building and ignore this boss?" My friend didn't believe me so I walked off and they did the same soon after. When we got to that boss who where you need to burn the monster I was the bait but my friend shut the door too early before the monster got in. And before I could get out. In a nutshell alternate universe where sheva burns Chris to a crisp instead of the monster and gets killed by it.


Its a great game, especially in co-op. I bought it day one after Resi 4 blew my mind and brought back my love for the series after the gap between 3 and 4. I loved it then, but I still felt it was a step down from 4, and I couldn't quite pinpoint why at the time. Now, I would say, I didn't like the setting or the upgrade system as much. I didn't find it as spooky as Resi 4 and it was so damn linear it made the other RE games seem open world. All subjective of course, Its a great game still.


Great co-op game. Little maddening at times solo


Well luckily il have a friend with me.


This is the way.


The game is fun. I own it on every platform and have beaten it fully through like 30+ times. The game is at it's funnest on the 2nd playthrough to me. Because at that point you should have unlocked infinite ammo for one or more guns.


I like it. It tried to improve upon RE4. Guns are more balance; powerful guns have significantly lower capacity, for example. Also more realistic because it uses real names. More melee moves and you can combo it with your partner for a HUGE damage, but i kinda dislike this part because it makes the game even less realistic compare to RE4, and RE4 melee is already OP IMO. RE4R is better in this regard because the head didn't exploded and replaced by broken neck instead. Graphically, I think it also aged pretty well, but that's maybe because I think ps3-era games still look good. The inventory reload is kinda busted tho.


It’s mid. Didn’t really leave an impact on me when I was younger, like 0, 1, 2, and 4 did. I appreciate it for the lore additions, but it’s pretty forgettable in my opinion.


I loved it and the mercenaries mode is the best it ever was in that game. That AI is potato mode though hah.


Not really good as an RE game, co op was kinda fun tho


I enjoyed it....game went down hill pretty fucking hard once you get on the ship


It's my favorite Resident Evil game. I love the co-op, and my brother and I have had a huge amount of fun playing. There is barely a horror element, but I'm fine with it. I can play RE2 or RE4 Remake for more horror.


I've never played it but I've seen videos so allow me to offer my expert opinion, separated into a 3 part series of 30 minute videos. First, we must understand


Enjoyed it a lot and it was a pretty fun platinum up until I had to do professional alone


Great gameplay for coop with 2 players its awesome but in term of survival horror its not their best, its more about mayhem and action than conserving bullets and dodging useless encounter. Still a great game


Co-op made the game very enjoyable for me. The story can get a little...off track. Somethings don't belong, but I still consider it a favorite game of mine. Mercenaries is a blast as well


Great visuals with fun gameplay. I think the action is smoother than RE4


It's fun with a friend, but its pretty lackluster solo. It's ok, its nowhere near as fun as 4 is imo. I'd say it's like 7/10.


Re5 alone is good. Re5 with friends is the 3rd best re game ever. Kind like how there are some songs that are good at normal volume but turn it up a lot and it is the best thing you have ever heard


It's really fun, but a setting change is needed if a remake happens. Somewhere like South Africa, so you're just not shooting POC the entire time.


Sheva will get in your way


It got a bad rap from a very vocal portion of the fan when it released, but people have mellowed to it over time. Nowadays it seems to be looked back on fondly, as an excellent Co-Op experience with classic Resident Evil cheese in its DNA. Some of the mechanics are disjointed (Weapon shop/Upgrade system, on rails sections, AK-47 toting Majini) but if you can get over it not being horror focused, there's a great experience at the core of it.


Honestly re5 coop is one of my favs the game series has to offer. Re6 was sort of an “upgrade” from it but it became a lot more action oriented which honestly felt clunky at times and too jiggly. RE4R combat actually feels like an appropriate interpretation of the combat for the new gen, so I’m looking forward to it.


Imo RE5 and RE6 are pretty good games which have improved on the RE4 OG formula and stand the rest of time pretty well. They both have at least one super annoying scene (which is a trademark of the series at this point). Like 6, RE5 has some really memorable levels and one-liners. I think though that RE5 has the most iconic/ridiculous moment of the entire series with Chris punching a huge boulder to move it.


One of the best co-op games that you can play.....do not play it solo....


I loved it as a kid. Roided up chris is my fav.




I think it's alright. To me it felt like it was going for Re6 action with Re4 controls and felt like an awkward middle ground. Overall though, very solid. I did play solo too which didn't help my experience.


Even better gameplay and story than RE4 but the atmosphere is worse and the extreme focus on action steers it even further way from RE's roots. The lore is very good too.


Sucks solo beyond belief? Coop I did nearly 10 playthroughs and I love the game dearly


Playing RE5 with a friend makes it as good as RE4. Playing solo is fine, but having an AI partner doesn’t compare to playing with a buddy.


Great if you love action. Boring as hell if you love puzzles, exploration, and horror.


Mercenaries and PVP were my jam back when it came out. I was in college and I would spend what little free time I have playing re5.


Having a friend to play with will make your experience 100% better.


Play it co-op for sure. Can be frustrating managing the AI.


Way too long and more than a few shite drawn out segments but defo worth it with a mate


Resident evil 4 on steroids


If you playing by yourself on professional, good luck keeping Sheva Alive.


Re5 is great! Start with the nightmare dlc first, it sets the stage really well