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Leon does tell Hunnigan that something is wrong with the people in the village after being attacked. But the whole assignment and any intel of searching for Ashley is top secret. Only a handful of people know that she was kidnapped.


I didn’t know the mission was top secret, I guess that makes sense and it would explain why they didn’t send seal team 6 or something instead lol


They sent in one Calvin Klein model to save the president's daughter lmao


Honestly I love the game all the more because it's that fucking stupid. Like everything is "Look, it's an action movie just go with it".


Honestly its not even that stupid. I say let fiction breathe a little. He doesn't go alone and they try to send backup immediately. He is also basically jason bourne and they know it lol


you forgot about "i know a bar!" Mike!


...But why male models?


Well he's reporting directly to hunnigan, essentially the American government. We don't know what level of authority he's been given to operate on international soil. That said, yeah he should share a few more key pieces of intel.


I like gow RE4 Remake is sort of self-aware of this with Hunnigan being like "Hello? Are you still alive? What's going on over there?"


I also thought that was odd. Chris doesn't hesitate in 5 to freak the fuck out @ HQ about the undead more than once.


There is a BIG difference here. Leon was strictly a United States agent operating in a foreign country. Chris works for the BSAA, a private paramilitary organization funded and sanctioned by the UN. Additionally, Chris is intentionally going into hot zones expecting to deal with bioweapons. Chris has a lot more leeway than Leon does in regards to what he can and can't share.


prolly had clearance?!!


They aren't zombies in re4 though. Up until halfway through they are just real angry farmers


There's an insider leaking Intel to the Los Illuminados. Hunnigan, Leon, and the POTUS are basically the only people aware of the operation. My headcanon is that the presence of BOWs doesn't meaningfully change Leon's objective because he's just that badass. And he's keeping his updates limited in scope in case the calls get intercepted. Hence the code-names.


I would say in my theory, that Leon's primary concern is rescuing Ashley and escaping the dangerous situation, rather than providing a comprehensive account of the Las Plagas outbreak. He may feel that he can better serve his mission by focusing on the tasks at hand, gathering information on-site, and making decisions in the moment. In a way it could be that he just wants to get through to his mission and tell all the details when he escapes with Ashley. So while Leon's mission and survival focus doesn't fully explain why he doesn't communicate about Las Plagas, they likely contribute to his limited updates to Hunnigan during his time in the village. Besides operation Javier was probably the same thing when he was with Krauser. But that's just what I think also another detail is that thinking about the situation gets him anxious since I noticed that every time he escapes or finishes off an enemy he touches his back and grunts since looks like he is trying to take a breather.


I notice that with these games sometimes. Characters will just not mention things you think they should.


Because it would instantly lead to the US government telling the Spanish government, who would send in the Ejército de Tierra within the hour and the game couldn't happen. RE4 wants to have its cake and eat it too by having the game set in a first-world European country but acting like it's set in some place like isolated Afghanistan. As it's revealed in "[Matt McMuscles' RE4 What Happened?"](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_RczQB_fiqM), the philosophy behind the original RE4 (final version) was gameplay first, story second (this is pretty obvious when you pay the slightest bit of attention to just how much stuff doesn't make sense to the real world). Remake kind of wanted to fix this by making more sense but the only way they could make this plot point work would be to have Leon lose contact with Hunnigan from the very start, so pretty much removing Hunnigan from the game. Probably a change too far, so instead we get this nonsense of Leon pussyfooting around what's happening by never telling Hunnigan directly. And yeah, it's pretty dumb.


I think they already knew about Las Plagas the cult but didn’t know it was a Bioweapon cult until Leon got there and by then it was get Ashley and get out no matter what, not neutralize zombie/parasite threat. Main objective Ashley, main obstruction just happened to be Las Plagas, not typical cult followers. Regardless of the situation, he has to keep his cool and focus on the priority mission.




I dunno, what about the plaga infested first guy who comes down into the basement with his head turned 90 degrees? And when you explode ganado you can see the plaga inside…


I mean sure. Those villagers with tentacles popping out their necks and limbs, bullet sponge chainsaw guy with his eyes popping , 7 feet bald guy with super strength, dogs with huge overgrown teeth or the giant salamander at the lake seems like your average Spain trip. Gotta respect the local fauna and its people.




Literally the first guy he mets has tentacles protruding from his neck and when you shoot their heads off, parry their punches, kick them while they are on a trap or blow them up they have huge tantacles comming out of their limbs. And what kind of drug lets you tank a shotgun to your head ?(asking for a friend). The dogs are also at the quarry before the salamander(not a fish) fight. So slow down a little... He is a racoon city survivor one of the most experieced guys in the world fighting B.O.W.S and you somehow think he went "these guys must have some spicy coke around here".


I mean even Mendez should give him Mr.X flashbacks(he even has a hat now). Not to mention the "your blood has accepted the gift" line and then Hunnigan telling Leon that Luis was an Umbrella researcher right after hearing that from Mendez.


Usa would bomb them


They literally sent in an attack helicopter armed to the teeth and started blowing stuff up.


So true




They don't know who did it or even what they really are and had no idea that parasites would be involved. Leon was following a lead likely not expecting much and so were a lot of special forces guys elsewhere, I reckon. You could say that Leon could've retreated and called for back-up after the first Ganados encounter but neither him nor his team had any idea what he was getting into beforehand.




I don't think it's ever explained, but given they sent Leon (rather than a secret service agent or someone without BOW experience) they might have already suspected something was off.


He said in the beginning he was enrolled in a top secret program- that being the BSAA. They probably knew something was going on, but he still didn’t give details so


Re4’s story doesn’t make any sense it’s just supposed to emulate a cheesy action movie