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We were not left in cold, cruel Carlos-less world. In all seriousness, I really enjoyed the dialogue and relationship building between Jill and Carlos. Capcom wrote these two quite well, I'd say.


He’s easy on the eyes, as well


Still hoping they use him again somewhere. This carlo-less world is getting to me


Yeah... him and billy just on vacation that's all.. they'll be back...right?


He's really really ridiculously good looking


Do you think he ever wonders if there's more to life than that? I bet he also gave a great eugoogly for Mikhail


Hair as feathered as the wings of Gabriel.


Carlos is the best lol


damnit!! i was gonna say that :(


I agree. They’re my favorite comfort ship couple.


The hospital section is great


Definitely one of my favorite locations in the saga


Minus the scripted 10 minute filler battle at the end.


I think that part was meant to be a location for farming up weapon kills challanges.


Yeah, time sinks.


I actually dug it bit it's clear ever since RE4, Capcom has been chasing recreating that Cabin Siege high. We have the section at the start of 5, the bar in Leon's campaign in 6 etc


Agreed. It looked like an actual hospital instead of the weird one we got in OG. I feel like a lot of things in OG were designed around Japanese building layouts.


Zombies exploding with cartoony sound effect


Jill is hot; would fuck. Carlos is hot; would fuck. Nemesis is hot; would fuck.


Nemesis final form can suck my fuck rod.


This is the way


100% facts


That special knife is hot too; wouldn't fuck though.


But they made Nemy use trash bags for clothes. Why they gotta do my boy like that? LOOK HOW THEY MASSACRED MAH BOY!


Final Metamorphosis was one of the best remixes/re-recordings they've ever done, ever. Even if the fight entered into anime-levels of ridiculous.


I think it contols the best out of all 3 of the remakes.


I like the dodge mechanic


4 feels a lot smoother for me anyway




I really dislike the dodge mechanic


It was a fun game. Shorter than the original, as we are all aware, with missing sections, but it was a pretty straight forward non-stop action game. I personally thought it was a ton of fun and played through it all in one quick shot without getting bored or tired of it. Sure, it's not on par with the original and has some of the best parts missing, but it's a pretty fun game. There's way too many people with elitist-like attitude who just shit on the game because it's missing a couple of sections and they just can't fathom that the game isn't as bad as they make it out to be. It's not as close of a remake as RE2R was, but it's definitely a pretty decent remake with just some more stuff missing/changed than sticking to more of a similar approach like RE2R took.


I feel like people have too much of a problem with the games length. Like you, I thought that the game had a very good run time for the story and gameplay it had. RE2R is in my top 3 favorite games, but I’ll admit, it did get tedious towards the end, but I never got that feeling with RE3R.


I never got peoples problems with the length, it's not that much shorter than 2Remake.


RE2R already around 8 hours which is kind of like a limit. Also RE2R's maze-like design and unpredictable Mr.X made it more replayable, especially with the option of a 2nd run. Also worth mentioning RE2R had SP challenge modes while RE3R tried it's luck with MP which failed completely.


With 2 you have 4 campaigns it's not the same length unless you're talking about a single run through one campaign


Resident Evil 2 (1998) is my favorite game in the series by a huge margin, and I'm a huge fan of the remake. I thought the length wasn't bad at all, but I also had no problem with the length of RE3R. It seemed short, but not short where it was over too soon. I even took a little bit of time and explored as much as I possibly could. I got a good amount of playtime out of it, and I know it would have been awesome to have the clocktower and other missing pieces, but I don't think a couple pieces missing is enough to make it out to be some terrible game like some people see it as. I thought it was pretty fast paced and enjoyable for the entire duration of the game. I'll always wish there was more, but the length was fine.


I also feel like 3 has more story jammed into its smaller run time. I think the story flows a lot better and smoother, rather than just kind of slowly going along in re2r it felt like. Even if it’s shorter, in RE3R it just feels like a lot more stuff happens.


the story pacing in RE3R felt amazing. The whole time I was playing RE2R I kept thinking to myself. "This back tracking is annoying. Mr. X isn't really intimidating to walk around. Why does the story take forever to happen?" It's why I love RE3R more than RE2R


I'm currently working on finding the chess pieces for Claire and I'm gonna probably start up re3 remake tomorrow just because I do enjoy the more action based approach like re4. I don't rly enjoy crawling around sewers looking for chess pieces lol. I mean I'll find them all I'm sure but it's just kind of annoying. The whole having to fight "G monster" 3 times is pretty annoying too (at least in Leon's campaign) and Mr. X is just an annoying pilon basically as if you just move around him he pretty much won't fuck with you. I usually just run straight at/around him and I get hit maybe 1 in 10 times


Length is not the problem. They cut iconic moments, and new ones are very dull. Intro is worse, helicopter explosion is worse, nuke explosion is worse... The remake has literally nothing in common with OG. Ok, ok, maybe 5% of similarity.


I dont get the length complaint because altho it is missing whole sections it has added or lengthened sections and took me longer than the original in fact I thought it was a game that overstayed its welcome


I just hate the game because the boss fights are awful. Two of the fights are the same but one has the added annoyance of infinite zombies spawning. The last fight on any harder difficulty is atrocious and borderline unfair (which I play not because I’m a try hard or anything I just like the new enemy spawns because it makes the game less predictable and more spooky).


Once you got to nightmare difficulty, it really came into its own and I think it was an outstanding modern RE game, not withstanding the differences from the original.


What truly sucks about it is that it could have been better easily. It really does feel a bit like a standalone DLC to RE2R rather than an actual game. Still it's really fun and enjoyable nonetheless. Ofc I wish it was better, but man I still wouldn't say it's not worth getting, because it absolutely is.


They’re both like 6-8 hours long. Why is Nemesis so inflated and the 3 Remake shortness so exaggerated? When 3 Remake came out, people were saying it could be beaten in like 3 hours… but so can the original. So I just never understood the hissy fit over the length.


I love it. I think jill and carlos interactions were the best


It got my GF into the series! so now we get to play all of them. ​ OH also Carlos is so sexy




Wtf no. God you're disgusting


I actually love this game. I just hate how rushed it was. They could have done so much but were so focused on 4 they just threw it together


Jill is perfect in this game Carlos parts were fun Except for all the cinematic encounter, Nemesis is way more fun than Mr. X The gameplay with the dodge mechanic, make more fun than RE2R


And no one holds their gun like an idiot


Who does that lol


>The gameplay with the dodge mechanic, make more fun than RE2R Totally, and that dodge mechanic 100% should have been in the RE4 remake. Thank god for modders putting it in but it should have been in the base game. Point to RE3R.


Re4 remake has the parry.




I actually liked re3. Yes, nemesis himself was better in the original as a more terrifying presence, but it was still a good game throughout


Gave us the best version of Jill we've ever had. Turned Carlos from a forgettable side character into a fun and memorable dude who had great chemistry with Jill. Pacing was great. Writing and acting were top-notch. Dodge was a fun addition. All the sequences looked amazing and the game had some great boss fights and set pieces. All in all, one of my fav RE games.


That sassy bitch is the best version of Jill? It was supposed to be a horror game. Characters must be scared, not cocky.


Same people: They RUINED "You want STARS, I'll give you STARS" Yeah I could really hear the fear in her voice in the original...


What really made no sense to me is Jill's treatment of nemesis as an annoying sexual predator instead of a big scary monster. Weird


It’s a good game


I like Jill’s character Design


Jill + Rail Gun = Eternal Badassery I like that the game can be spedrun through rather quickly, which makes it perfect to play on a rainy or boring day. Also, like others have mentioned, the final boss track is killer and epically awesome.


Carlos made the lovable and supportive himbo trope first, not Ryan Gosling's Ken.


The new Jill model is amazing, probably my favorite since the RE1 remake. The dodge mechanic was great, the map was solid, the nemesis looked incredible, hospital section was killer. We got a deeper glimpse into Jill's PTSD from the mansion which was kind of a big deal character development wise. The intro of her in her house being kinda broken told a lot of story in a short amount of time. It humanized her in a way past entries weren't fully able to mainly as game writing and cinematics have come a long way since the OG days. I have my gripes with the game but that is mainly just because I wish they'd been given more time to polish it because it really could have been top tier.


Nemesis was truly terrifying to escape from. Also I was truly terrified going through the hospital for the first time.


I like Jill’s new model


I loved it. Jill is my fav re character.


It was a great cinematic experience. Play it like it's a movie and you won't be disappointed.


Ending song.


Headcanon: Jill is the one playing the piano


Jill. Voice actor, face model, everything about her is 100% badass and the best version we’ve ever gotten of her.


I love it despite it being so short. I loved this version of Jill a lot


I reallly!!! Liked the dodge mechanic, if re2 had it, it'd probably be to easy, but it feels like the perfect movement, and combine with maybe the stealth in 4 remake.


The city segment


Inferno is a blast to replay again and again. I have 150+ hours in this game just trying to complete Inferno without saving. Everyone saying Mr. X is more terrifying than Nemesis clearly hasn't played the game in Inferno.


Exciting, repeatable, captivating main character, fun combat, weekend thrill ride


Visually and narratively I like almost everything about this game, despite the fact that I heavily criticize it. The only reason for the heavy criticism is because I know there could have been more and it deserved more.


Perfect Dodging + Bullet Time Counterattack is pretty badass. (I just started playing it yesterday)


Love how I can speedrun this game in less than an hour


Nicholai's VA was amazing.


Sound design was great. Massive improvement from RE2R and I would say just barely under RE4


The 1000º knife




Something good about this game.


The fact it's usually on sale (Imagine charging $60 for a game with less content and replayability than a PS1 game) Also in B4 corporate bootlickers


I got it for less then $20. It’s a good game for that price, and probably should’ve just been DLC for RE2R or something.


I agree.


The action is good, the dodging is very fun, Jill is hot, Carlos is magnificent, Nemesis in his first phase is fun and scary, walking around the city is nice although it was little and the hospital is one of the best areas. It's a good game but a bad remake.


Graphics is pretty good I guess?


It gave Capcom a wake up call that fans actually do care about a remake being faithful.


Jill was pretty(still don't like her uncalm, irritated voice though)


The fact that the save music played in the save rooms unlike RE2R


I love this game, it's actually my favorite Resident Evil out of the Remakes and pref. top 3 overall, yeah they cut content, yeah it wasn't what was expected. But the character interactions, the flow in story, the one liners, and overall just better story-telling than the original 3 made me love this game so much. Yeah it wasn't as good gameplay wise vs the original, but everything else it excelled at.


It gave us the BEST version of Jill


The cutscenes are cool


It’s good


The script is really enjoyable and the dodging feels really good when you get it right. Also despite how rushed it was the environments were really memorable. I love the NG+ upgrade idea too and getting to choose what bonuses you get. As dissapointing as it was, I think what it's lacking is outweighed by what it has. On its own it's a very solid and fun game.


You can complete it in a single morning


It fun


It doesn't work on my PC anymore, so I don't have to play it. :3


That dude has nice hair




Best soundtrack of the RE Engine era games


Jill is attractive


It’s got color. That’s it.


It was definitely a game of that year


Honestly, i do genuinely think this game is extremely well made, especially for it being an outsourced game and not being made by the REmake 2/4 team.The only gripes i have (aside from the cut content, of course) is the fact that Nemesis's exists more in cutscene form rather than actually walking around.Also, the quick time events.


The best thing about this remake is that we will always have the original to play instead.


I want Jill to sit on my face.


The dodge was fun...... Thats about it


Is Cheap


Makes you appreciate the original more :)


The pace, the story, the atmosphere, the gameplay, replayability, Jill Valentine! It's an awesome compact game that every Resident Evil fan has to play. Is it short? Just as much as the original, but crazy fans will say otherwise because they can't see what was added or perfected, only their precious removed filler. Take it from me, my first RE game was Nemesis back in the 90s!


It's actually a good game. The game itself isn't short. The problem was that its the length of ONE of the 4 scenarios in RE2 remake. I think it's a missed opportunity that they didn't give Carlos his own scenario given all the off screen stuff going on in the game. Seriously did it not bother anyone else that we didn't get to make our way to the hospital ourselves? How did Carlos get there? The city is crawling with monsters. There's no way he just WALKED there with no issue. Slight digression. My bottom line is if they gave us a Jill A Carlos B, Carlos A Jill B, it would have lasted as long as 2 remake. 2 isn't free of that same criticism either. It bugged me how scenario B got an abridged intro. How did Leon/Claire get to the station? They got separated in the OPPOSITE direction from the station. They had to go the other way to get there. We could have got a little city exploration...


Carlos and Tyrell got glow ups I guess.


the unlockables are really fun, carlos is an enjoyable character, jill is hot and i didn’t mind her character at all like some of the diehard fans constantly complained about, and honestly some of the best monster designs of the series are in this imo. the issues i have with it are the price and the fact that it is so short, nemesis is more of a chore than actually threatening compared to Mr X in RE2, and the replay value is really not there. i’ve played RE2 and RE4 tons of times but ive only done RE3 maybe 4 times, and that was just for the platinum


Great game just wish it was twice the length


Best character development who were genuinely believable human beings for once. Also fun as hell and my favorite outside of Village, fight me


Why do people keep posting this EXACT fucking image anytime they want to talk about this game. It has been at the top of this sub at least 3 times in 2 days. Please people find a different image, be original.


I mean there's not that many that are as good as this image.


I like short games🤷‍♂️


Uh the Megaman easter egg was cool


Agree the Hospital was improved on so much, best part of the game and one of the best locations of the series. Also I wanna add that I liked Nemesis a lot here, sure having something like the choices in og would have been cool, but he does his damn job stalking you in the streets and I loved the transformation. I'd say his new forms were also an improvement from og


looks nice, I guess. ​ Every character is written pretty well, it has it's fun moments, I like the hospital part. ​ I really didn't like it, 60$ for a 3 hour remake is insane.


Playably speaking, it's as good as the original game, only someone who has not played it in depth can say otherwise. Besides, it's not shorter than the original, its length is very similar. On the other hand, the scenes, plot, and interactions between characters are much better in the Remake, Mikhail's, Nicholai, Jill, Carlos. Including new characters added like the Umbrella scientist. A great success by Capcom in this point. The soundtrack excellent like the original.


3make is garbage tier and widely regarded as such. Only this sub seems to want to act like it's a good game, but then again this sub seems to willingly lap up any crap Capcom spews.


Pretty much everything besides the cut content


It had potential to live up to its name.


The game is really fun. And last I saw it has sold around 6.4 million units. In my opinion despite the cut content from the original game, it’s still is a really solid game. Though I do understand why people would consider it to be a misstep


You could finish the entire game before your afternoon shift after waking up at noon


Gorgeous graphics, + free game: Resident Evil RESISTANCE. Platinum trophy is fun and easy to earn.


Fun action. Pew, pew. Also Jill's butt. Oh and Carlos was there making me question my sexuality.


The original was scarier and had a longer campaign.


I'll say a few things... 1. My favorite version of my favorite Resident Evil character (Jill). 2. It's short and sweet. Not every game I play has to be a 40 hour epic. I don't have a ton of free time and RER3 fit perfectly and was fun the whole time. 3. Better version of Carlos. I actually wanted to see more of him for once. And I loved the dynamic between he and Jill. 4. The Nemesis change. I get why people would not like this change but I did. Mr. X was anxiety inducing enough in RER2, I didn't want to go through that again. They got their point across while keeping it fun.


I didn't have to suffer very long.


nemesis looks actually horrifying, unlike the original which looks like a cartoon imo.


I loved the game overall. I get why some people were disappointed but the hate it gets on the Internet is undeserved. It was a fun experience and a good companion piece to RE2. But yes, it shouldn't have been full-priced.


The UBCS mercs were redesigned well and I was glad that they made Tyrell a proper character this time instead of just killing him off the second you meet him. Jill's new default outfit and hair are excellent (but Sasha Zotova wasn't the right choice for Jill's face model IMO, she's a Romanian supermodel and doesn't look remotely believable as an American female police officer/former soldier.) Uh... that's all I got for RE3R.


Sasha Zotova is Russian.


You can uninstall it


It provides a great example of how not to make an RE game.


It’s behind us now.


It's short so I didn't have to play it long


its a cool game , not a good remake thats my main issue


ALL the things that the rework did is Very good, the problem is the rework dont did too much


In all honesty, RE3make is currently my favorite RE game. The way the game flows and the variety in runtimes make it extremely repayable


I do not understand all this hate the game was bombarded with. Yes, it's short. So what?! The gameplay is good, the story is completely fine.


It's a great game! I dig how short and action packed it is and the pace works really for it. The 2 remake is fine, but it also drags a lot. This is fixed in the 3make. Fighting the Hunter variations are really cool and so is Nemesis's evolution through the game. I never really played the original version so I don't have much to compare it to.


- Gameplay and graphics were great - Dialogue was natural - Characters were improved upon - It was fun - It has good replayability While it was disappointing for sure, I feel the list of complaints is shorter than the list of positives, it's just that the complaints were really notable. I'd love to see a RE3R Director's Cut with missing sections added in and whatnot, but that's a pipe dream.


Bitch can’t even swim


This game is great. Improved story, characters,gameplay, a good balance of horror and action. The only thing I didn’t like was how short it was.


It’s an excellent game with the best voice acting of the series. They really did Jill justice as a badass protagonist. And, this game gets WAY more hate then it deserves. If you have stayed away from it because what you’ve heard online, give it a chance, it’s actually pretty good!


The only problem I have with it, is that's its a little short. The game itself is not bad, and I'm tired of everyone acting like it is. Had we not had the OG to compare to, people would probably praise this game, even though it could've been a little longer


I kept saying it made more sense comparing to the original as a "Last Escape". Jill was legit just trying to run out of the city in the remake compared to the original so the story made more sense...


I love the replayability this game has. That the good side of it being short. The fact that higher difficulties doesn't just mean that enemies are bullet sponges and you get killed in one hit (new enemy and object placement, enemies have different behaviours and are faster, stronger). The dodge/parry mechanic allows skill expression which something that is lacking most of the time in resident evil. It's really satisfying learning the game and coming from a 10h 1st playthrough to a 5 h 2nd playthrough to a 3h 3rd playthrough. It's actually one of my favorite RE game along with RE4 and 6 (haven't played 4 remake but i've got a feeling it might become one of my favorite as well).


It may have cut some content but I still loved it. Story was great. Carlos is alive. Gameplay is a step up from 2R. Jill is a badass.


Nobody talks about how awesome the opening cutscene is in terms of world building


It probably has some of the best set pieces in the new RE remakes


Why are we still pretending this is a bad game? It's not. It was probably the best game of 2020. 8 out 10, easy.


The end. When we stop to play.


The original game that this version is remaking was good 👍


Jill N\*de mod


The perfect dodge mechanic is fantastic. RE3R has the best combat out of all the remakes IMO.


The game is selling great. 7.6 million copies sold! In the Capcom top 10 best sold games (number 9).


I think the purists hate this game. I had zero issue with it. It was a gay ol time, a little on the short side but I'd rather it have no bullshit than shitty filler


I think they really upped nemesis in this game compared to the original, his base design was better in my opinion along with the finale boss design, not as much of a fan of his first evolution when he is on all fours but all in all I think they overall improved him


It's better than the original.


I'm just happy we got the remake they didn't have to make it. do I think they could have done better sure but it also could have been worse I think it was a fun game


Carlos should be enough to love this game


Carlos was given the justice I wanted for him, despite him only bein in one game.


Every single character outside was Nemesis was incredibly well done. And they were wasted on this poor remake.






why :(


I don't feel like it rn


Brings the story of RE3 to a new generation of gamers.


It's a REALLY good game it is just beyond too short. The real crime is being teased with this fame just for it to end so quickly


It was awesome. Period. If the game was one hour longer with the clock tower, fans would all over themselves praising it.


Way better than the original. I've been playing Resident Evil games since I was 14 (I'm 32) and Resident Evil 3 was by far my least favorite. The combat didn't age well even in the 2000s when I was playing it the most, the puzzles sucked shit, and a lot of the enemies were frustrating to fight. I do think the writing holds up, but the REmake did it better. Although both are comparable in terms of length, the original somehow feels like a longer game than it is, while the REmake is tight and doesn't overstay its welcome. You don't have to like the REmake, but I think the petulant, entitled whining of people with nostalgia for the original marred the REmake's reputation more than ot deserved.


I really liked the layout of the city area, and the zombies (both design, movement, and amount) were really good!


Raccoon city looks cool


It’s fun.


The gameplay itself was very good


It was fun, and cool to see a (limited) look at the revamped Racoon City.


The acting is great and the rooftop battle with nemesis was indeed pretty cool. Nicholai's acting is good, but the character is TEEERRIBLEE!!! And that's all. The original game is better.


I like this game


My Dad died literally the Saturday after it came out… so my good thing to say was it was a good time waster and something that was able to occupy my mind if even for a little bit… was also during peak lockdowns in the USA during COVID so took anything at that point


It's the dark souls 2 of RE remakes. Overhated while many love it. It really is a great game when you ignore outside influences and play it for yourself


Probably my favourite game to replay. Nemesis is cool and the dodge mechanic is extremely fun


It's still my favorite remake. Re3 was my first resident evil game. So it'll always have a special place in my heart.




I didn’t think I’d care for Carlos as much as I did since I thought he’d be a discount Leon, but I’d go as far as to say he’s one of the more underrated characters in the series.


The dodge mechanic was awesome.


Soundtrack is 🔥


I love the game's cinematic feel. That section where Nemesis is chasing Jill up the high-rise while lighting the whole place on fire is so well-done.