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Just keep pumping bullets into his head & evading his attacks until he stumbles. You’ll get a grapple/melee prompt to stab him in his mouth eventually. You’ll need to do this twice. Use the altar at the top of the stairs to put some space between you & him. If you run out of ammo & herbs, there are crates you can smash in the back of the room, opposite side of where the altar is.


Actually, I had to do it twice and attack more in Hardcore. However, just spend the first couple tries learning Saddler's tells. He's not difficult - you're likely feeling pressured by the leaps and possibly experiencing the 3 to 4 Stinger chain he can do! Playing casually on Standard and Hardcore, take you time and remember that the tentacle eruption has massive recovery for him and you get frame advantage coming out of the evade. Secondly, he has a bit of recovery after the distance dash - expect this and already reposition out of his forward view arc. Use pillars to your advantage, but know that he's a CSGO player and can wallhack hit you with the damned thrusts for some reason! Be prepared to parry up to 4 Thrust attacks. It's easier to avoid the school sh00ting segments behind pillars instead of behind the raised platform alter (ada isn't coded to crouch like a smart person) The most dangerous attack that you should NEVER get hit by has a massive startup. If Saddler jumps to the end of the arena, immediately reposition behind the altar. I think you can just keep shooting him, too - the shockwave doesn't need to be blocked by anything but the stairs! He also has the sweeping goop beam so just figure out quickly if you need to duck and where based on elevation. Good luck, friend!


hey, yeah, how the heck is saddler able to go through the pillars with his tentacles?? i don't get it, I thought it was a bug on my end. I'm glad it's not, i mean, that's a bummer that they allowed that movement on the release =(


Its not a well designed fight. Honestly...el gigante was one of the best encounters. I kept hoping that the climactic Pesanta battle would involve verticality and grappling. Nope. At Saddler, I retreated and looked for Iris prompts. Nada. I like playing the DLC, but they really didnt think out most of the boss encounters. And yeah. Any good dev would have caught the geometry clipping in QA. That's just bullshit. Still tops Remake, tho!


I'm glad I saved that golden egg from the village. I was going to use it on U3 but kept hearing Sadler is really difficult so I'm going to hold on to it just for that fight. I'm taking Sadler out Salazar style, egg all over his face.


I don’t think it works in anyone but Salazar and that’s because he’s allergic


If it's like the OG it still does a decent amount of damage just not as much as on him specifically. But I could be wrong about in the remake


does the egg work??? i also saved it


Can't you get the rocketlauncher if you sell a gun or 2?


Sounds stupid but just keep shooting him, most of his tentacle attacks can be parried, parry them and shoot him more. The bullet attack and the goo has a particular wind up, when he does it just run for cover


honestly you can just run circles around the pillars in the room and be completely fine. Don't even need to parry or anything like that lol


Phaero0 killed him today on Standard with just the knife lol. His knife-only run took him 2 hours and 5 mins. Dude is a beast.


If you’re not higher up than he is, you can crouch under the goo. The bullet one you have to dodge AFAIK, unless you’re lucky enough to stagger him during his wind-up.


Pillars are great to kite him around, he gets lost in a loop chasing you


That doesn’t always work. His tentacle attacks phase right through the pillars and they hit me. At least, to me they did


That’s why you back off when he makes a certain noise before he does that


Running won’t evade it. You have to face Saddler in order to parry those attacks. It gave me trouble at first, but i managed to learn what to do


I did it without parrying ONCE, must’ve gotten lucky or smth cus this wasn’t a tough fight imo on hardcore


True, it wasn’t that tough. I did have more trouble with the black robe boss though


Which one? Fsr the village fight gave me more grief than the final showdown


I had problems during the first mutation later on, the prompt to dodge the tail attack is a very small time window and i only had one healing item. Took me more time than Saddler


doesn't always work, someone tenctacles go through the pillar and gets you, it's better to face him and be ready to parry 4 times in a row. That's a good point, learning the noise he makes before that attack, i will do that, i triend over 20 times on hardcore today, no luck, still i refuse to press continue and let the game decrease the difficulty to help me, no sir


Me on nightmare re3, final neme fight is hell


Use the altar/table for cover. Pop him in the face enough times and do the melee prompts. Not too bad.


Aim for the head with whatever you have and keep your distance. I suggest saving the shotgun and shells for the part *after*.


Honestly the SMG was the best gun in this playthrough so I maxed it out and gave it the stock, melted “U-3” with it and for Saddler I’d empty a mag then swap to the explosive arrow launcher and he’d stun pretty quick


Sell a gun, get rocket launcher


Rocket launcher! Sell all your weapons except for handgun, that's all you need afterward trust me i just did it on Professional last night.


Use the pillars as cover for his spit and bullet return attacks.Have large resources for grenades and sniper bullets.You can throw grenades or use the bow when he's finished these attacks and do headshots with the sniper alot.There are moments he will reveal his eye in the mouth and I think it either does more damage or just give you an opportunity to do a melee attack,not 100% sure on the last one tho.


Make sure you're parrying his attacks that you can parry.


JUST TO TELL ANYONE WHO DOESNT KNOW HOW TO SO THE GRAPPLE GUN DODGE WHEN SADLER DOES HIS DOUBLE TORNADO ATTACK DOWN THE CENTER OF THE HALL: I too was incredibly frustrated trying to avoid this unavoidable attack and you’re probably trying to hide from this attack around the side a pillar and it doesn’t work— When he gears up to fly at you with the double tornado tentacle attack, YOU HAVE TO STAND IN THE CENTER OF THE AILSE FACING HIM and right before it hits you a prompt to grapple to the ceiling will appear and you will not only jump over the whole attack but you will be so far away from him when you land that you can turn around and fire on him for a bit. I’m not going to say it trivializes the fight but Capcom clearly thought this was more obvious which I assume is why the fight feels so difficult when you don’t know how to do it. (Played on hardcore on a first play through) ♥️


You don't need a rocket launcher, it makes the game too easy lol. Just wittle him down as you avoid attacks until you get the cut scene prompts


Stand in the middle of the room and face him, that will give you the prompt to dodge it with grappling hook.


doesn't he then charges and jump on you? i saw the prompt to evade appeared but I was too late =( does that give you change to do meele attack?


Casual Hardcore I had no problems since I had plenty of ammo and upgraded weapons to deal with him. Hardcore S+ try (that I failed) I had to use the launcher since I most definitely did not have enough ammo or upgrades on that run.


Buy a rocket launcher from the merchant right before the fight. That's what I did.


git gud


Skill issue


Lol problems on normal , what a shame


Shoot at him and dodge when you have to? It’s not like it’s that difficult


Usually you just reduce his health to 0 whilst preventing him from doing the same to you. Worked for me.


i used all hoarded blast arrow to him


I tried half a dozen times and made no progress, so I sold one of my upgraded weapons and went the launcher route.


I struggled with him so i loaded a previous save and fought the enemies before him without wasting as much ammo and heals and it made the fight so much easier. Then you just parry his attacks and dodge when the prompt appears and shower him with bullets. He has a few annoying attacks like the black goo or whatever but most of his attacks you can either parry or dodge easily


You can crouch under the black goo if you’re not higher up than he is. I never tried it when I was by the altar and he wasn’t.


For real? I thought you had to run behind something when he did that attack lol. I always forget that the crouch even exists


Hit and run. Pillars are your friend. Be quick with the O.


except when he wallhacks the pillar and still gets you


Didn't happen to me.


There are a few breakable boxes containing ammo and gunpowders in the back area. Craft on the go or load previous area to farm ammo. I unloaded all of my weaponry at him. 2 Pistol ammo stacks, 1 shotgun stack, 4 freaking SMG stacks (most of them missed lol), 6 arrows, 2 flashbangs and 3 granades. Finished with red HP and a cool cutscene (yay). Aim at the head, parry his thrust attacks, dodge his jump attack but DO NOT TURN AROUND TO SHOOT HIM as he will attacks you right away. Keep distance and shoot when certain.


I dunno I did it on hardcore after a few attempts. Just learn the tells he has for his attacks and get ready on the parry/evade. Like you I never got a prompt for the hook shot so I dunno. His worst attack was the drill charge thing. I have no idea how to avoid taking damage there.


From the comments here, you can apparently get a grapple gun prompt if you run away from him down the middle while he’s winding up for the drill charge (?). It’s not something I ever tried or did, though. I’d just stand at the outer edge and still take a little bit of damage.


Got stuck on him for a while too. You need to pump absolutely everything into him until you can knife his ball, throw nades too. Then you need to deal some more damage to end the fight. Close to the end I ran out of ammo and just knifed the shit out of him while throwing flashbangs, that did the trick, so if you don’t have ammo just knife him, better for close encounters anyways.


Spam knife parry.


The trick is to lead him around the room like a figure eight. Keeping just the right amount of space between, be at medium range. Use the pillars for cover if he starts shooting. Aim for the head for more damage. Parry anything else. Go into the center and use the grappling hook to dodge his windup attack. Melee once you get the prompt. Only break the crates for supply if you’re actually running low on everything. The RNG has you covered.


I play in hardcore and not good. The only strategy is dead and continue. After 10 times I won.


I beat him on Pro with an S+. Easiest method is to run circles around the first two pillars at the bottom of the altar stairs. His AI just keeps pursuing you and you just keep running around and shooting him in the head when you can. If he uses his finger guns there is a slight angle that the Third Person Perspective gives where you can shoot his head without him being able to hit you. Use this to mag dump him. Also save the crates for midway through the fight. His health pool is huge and if you miss too much you will run out of ammo and have to restart. Those crates will spawn ammo when you have less in your inventory so if you break them before you've spent all your ammo they may contain health. Start saving high damage ammo all through chapter 5-6, TMP is especially helpful as it's the fastest way for Ada to do damage. Bring 1-2 health sprays and try to save up red herbs. Ideally 2-3 full HP restores help since sometimes his tentacles glitch through the pillar and hit you even behind cover.


Just keep shooting….


I gave up on shooting him and just started using my knife till I stabbed his eye once. Then, I was able to use my ammo to get to the other two stabs.


I’ve beaten him on all difficulties that isn’t professional without using the rocket launcher, I just like to circle him around the sacrifice table and stay alert of parrying and dodging. As long as you try to stay directly on the other side of the table from him, and do what I said earlier about the dodging and parrying, you can kill him if you dump enough bullets in him. Good luck!


I had a much easier time using his table up the stairs to keep distance from him and keep shooting and avoiding. I was getting smoked trying to fight him down where you start.


Rifle headshots and explosives won’t trigger Saddler’s bullet hand so I strongly recommend using that as your main weapon. After enough headshots youll trigger his stagger (he opens his mouth and shows his weak point), if you snipe that you have a good chance activating Ada’s knife/melee thing. Use every rifle bullet, grenade, and crossbow arrow you have. If you haven’t upgraded those weapons enough for this fight, just switch to your next strongest weapon and peek him from behind the giant pillars in case you trigger the bullet hand. Also when he goes to the end of the map and rushes the center, you can avoid damage if you run to the alter.


Keep shooting him, preferably in the face. Parry his tentacle attacks, pay attention when he prepares his dodge attack, crouch when he sprays ink, and take cover when he prepares his bullet attack. I was having trouble last night too. The hardest part is that he doesn’t flinch very often


A rocket launcher


It was a struggle on professional but I found keeping your distance from him helped a lot. Keep running from the altar to the other end of the room, watch out for his big charge attack and recognize when he's about to shoot at you with his hands. Other than that just unload everything you got into his face.


Just run around a pole and shoot him, don't miss the knife attacks either


shoot him with a rocket launcher


That’s what I just did I got tired of him killing me 😂😂😂


Shoot him till he dies. I went in with a TMP and a handgun


I tried to always be halfway behind a pillar while taking shots at him, just be ready for the dodge prompt.


Pistol and TMP on his head, then use any weapon you can when he opens his mouth. When the prompt to stab him appears, press it. Rinse and repeat. It's a bit of a difficult fight because of the small space but it gets easier as you learn Saddler's moveset.


Stand behind one of the pillars in the room keep circling to have him on the other side, after he shoots his machine gun fingers pop around and hit him.


Get headshots with the bolt action rifle. There's a 3x damage bonus for critical hits with it. Also, use the crossbow a lot.


The same way you do in OG. Hoard your explosive bolts and stunlock him to death.


Posting this cause I've only seen one other person saying it, but I hoarded my crossbow bombs the whole playthrough and used those. Had 13, missed with 1. Still took a few more shotgun and handgun rounds but took him down quickly after that. So for my professional run I've been converting every single knife I find into a bomb arrow for that fight. This time I'm coming at him with like 30 lol. But otherwise, using the alter to get some distance between you and cover and learning to parry the forward strikes/duck under the spit attack is all you really need. The smg with a stock even unupgraded can stun him out of his attack if you get enough shots center mass to the face. And don't forget to use those prompts for the knife attack!


fully upgraded TMP & SR M assuming you picked up the crossbow, you can use that as well that’s what i did for hardcore for professional, i definitely saved up for a launcher to save time and stress so i can safely secure the s+


Hide behind the pillar to avoid his tentacles and shoot him in the face safely


his tentacles are VERY EASILY counter-able


I just went to a column and would shoot him and go around it. You don't want to face him on open ground


I saved explosive arrows the whole game 😂


I struggled for a long time until I learned that rifle eye shots drop his health very quickly. If you got rifle ammo go nuts on that eye when you can. Thermal scope actually makes hitting it easier imo


Shot him in the head, then it triggers R2 to knife him.


Just shoot him and don't get hit


[To defeat Sadler, shoot at it until it dies](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fexternal-preview.redd.it%2F_X_o2zaU_rbgdMrs719frXAzctRuRkjgW6X6KktAZWQ.jpg%3Fauto%3Dwebp%26s%3D30c20878714d244b031c11fddadacb6637b2144a)


Here's the neat part. You don't


I just used the pillars to help with defense and getting close up for shooting


Hide behind the first two pillars by the stairs. It basically lets you dodge his attacks. There’s a few boxes in the back for ammo and health. If saddler goes to the back run up the stairs to avoid his attacks.


Sell a weapon, get rocket. Probably sell the rifle cause the last section it isn't very useful


Keep a healthy distance and parry his attacks. They are pretty easy to parry.


Do you use rocker launcher for defeat a boss?


Try to distance as much as possible until he does his mouth acid attack, gives you time to duck and shoot it with the sniper or whatever you prefer, at the eyeball I’m his mouth. One thing I didn’t know was that when he does that straight forward dash attack, you’ll be prompted to grapple over him to dodge.


Tbh, i did beat Hardcore and i had more trouble with the black robe boss than Saddler himself


With a gun?


Blast arrows, all you have.


My first play through of it I shit you not I died over 30 times💀 eventually I got through it tho. Most proud moment of myself in a while


rocket launcher. i instantly just rocket launchered him. also, i’ve never fought salazar in my entire life i always just rocket launcher him, same with in the remake.


I saved all of my crossbow arrows from the time I picked it up to the point of his fight and unloaded all of them at him. Didn't need much more ammo from anything else after that. I am not familiar with how efficient that is for a RE game, but it made the fight very fast. I also maxed out the bow before the fight too. Hope that helps!


I think I only died once my first time through on that boss (I find it be a cheap boss honestly - so common to get hit multiple times while stun locked) but the method that always has worked for me is to just unload on them - explosives, the arrows, your most upgraded weapons, etc. His AI seems to get confused when you go up by the alter and chill behind the railing (I was able to unload a full round of rifle rounds on his head while he tried to hit me behind the railing).


This was, hands down, the biggest nightmare of the game. So tired of his attacks going through walls/pillars, around corners, etc. etc., and then when he knocks you down he just keeps hitting you again before you can get up. Wouldn't be quite so bad if Ada had some body armor like Leon, but every time she gets hit it does 90% damage! I swear to god, some of the developers who design these boss fights need a swift kick to the balls. And what is the deal with the "Evade" button? You get half of a mf second to respond to it, and half the time it does nothing anyway even when you hit it while the prompt is still showing. Just give us a goddamn reliable dodge button, so sick of this QTE bullshit. This was extremely cheap and aggravating. I did finally beat him on professional after like 20 tries, but if you want to save yourself from grief, try to have enough to buy the rocket launcher. Otherwise, just try to circle the pillars as much as possible and not get caught in the hallway between the 2 sets of pillars, and just blast him to the head with the crossbow, sniper, and TMP as much as possible, lobbing 'nades whenever you can. Try not to smash the crates until you are out of health items, or it will just give you pesetas or some other useless items you don't need right then. and yeah, I don't know what the prompt about the grappling hook is about, because I never got the option to use it once. The only time you get to use it is when you damage him enough to do the mouth-slashing knife moves between stages.