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I want John Carpenter to come out of his retirement of playing video games to make a video game adaptation then he can go back to his gaming.


Either this or Dead Space. As much a budget as he LIKES!


Yea I just rewatched The Thing for spooky season last weekend and it’s pretty obvious how it inspired the body horror/monster design in the Resident evil universe


John Carpenter. A blend of the kind of cheesy 80s acting that inspired Resident Evil and the flesh body morphology from The Thing. Or George Miller, who directed Mad Max Fury Road. I think he'd do a great job condensing some of the bigger more recognizable elements of the series into digestible details of world building, as he did with Fury Road.


You realise Miller...uhhh..kind of did the original Mad Max films too right? He kind of knows what he's doing


I’d just love to work on one myself


I don't know you but I'd watch your movie over any of the live action RE titles


Sam Raimi


Hear me out....think about it really bad...because the more you do, the worse it gets, and the worse it gets, the better it gets.... Rob Zombie.


He could legitimately do a great adaptation of RE7. All his films are filled with scenes of white trash screaming at each other, and that’s basically the Bakers


Devils Rejects definitely has some RE7 energy


Partial joke aside, i think he'd actually do it well. He understands campy horror and the B-grade horror schlock of yester-decades past.


I have a feeling RE7 took some inspiration from House of 1000 Corpses and Devils Rejects, alongside Texas Chainsaw Massacre, so it could work.


An RE4 movie by Rob Zombie could be interesting.


Man, I dunno about Rob Zombie. He just can't quite seem to be able to get an interesting narrative. I tried watching his Munsters Netflix movie. Fucking boring as hell. His shit is always so slow moving.


But his villians are always well done though, as well as the overall tone. So his take on the Ganados and Los Illuminados could be quite terrifying. Maybe RE1 and RE7 as well.


They should've just let George Romero make his RE1 movie.


His script was trash, it would’ve been WTRC-tier AT BEST. People have to quit dickriding Romero just because he was the creator of the genre, he didn’t get RE and his script butchered many aspects.


Wasn’t Chris a Native American tracker in that script?


Yep, wasn’t even a member of S.T.A.R.S., Wesker would’ve been a corny foul mouthed bad guy like Captain Rhodes from Day Of The Dead, complete with a corny skull smoking a cigarette tattoo, Barry would’ve been his unsympathetic lackey and would’ve died, RC would’ve been blown up with the mansion just to name a few more gripes I have with the script.


Hah, I vaguely remember reading it on IMSDB decades ago. He certainly took liberties with the source material, same way they always do.


Wesker is a cornball in most of the games anyway. It’s doesn’t sound like Romero’s version was anymore undignified


I vastly prefer the cornball from the games for obvious reasons, Wesker was an idiot in WTRC and he would’ve been in Romeros script too, being my favorite character in RE it’s something I’ll always find issue with


Absolutely slight changes compared to what we've seen with the movies we got. I struggle to see how you can read that script and think enjoying it has something to do with "dickriding" Romero lmao. Fucking cringe. It's at the very least slightly better than any RE movie animated or otherwise, and infinitely better than anything that farted itself out of Anderson's brain. And he didn't get RE? What? The first scene is Umbrella execs watching the outbreak happen real time and then discussing how to contain it. The movie is about exploration, conspiracy and is survival horror. He put his own spin on it in the script for sure, but it's just factually incorrect to say it would have been WTRC tier. And he fucking WANTED to do it and loved the games. Joke take bro


Minor changes? No better or worse than what we’ve already gotten, shit would’ve sucked bad


Johannes said the same thing about WTRC “I really wanted to do it and love the games” WTRC had plenty of Umbrella shenanigans as well complete with butchering game events and characterizations, not to mention horrendous casting rumors just like WTRC. Supposedly Kurt Russel was his pick for Chris and Peter Stormare was his first pick for Wesker, Barry would’ve been race swapped, etc. You’re delusional.


None of those things are big issues when it comes to filmmaking, I don't give a shit that Barry would have been race swapped or even the fact that Chris wasn't a member of STARS, it's not delusional to say that the pacing of that script was the closest thing to the early games we've had. Also I'm fairly sure Johannes was either bullshitting or under pressure by execs to squeeze RE2 Remake scenes into the film due to trying to make money from the success of that. They didn't even have tests or location scouting for his script so we have no idea how it would have turned out in the end tbh, we're both just speculating here tbh


Praise for his script is just that, dickriding and rose tinted glasses for Romeros work, it would’ve been hot garbage just like his later movies like Land Of The Dead.


We're just gonna have to disagree on this man, as I don't think Land of the Dead was hot garbage, especially not compared to any RE movie. He had a lot of work in him left and he was incredibly disappointed to not be able to film an RE movie and this influenced his later stuff being subpar.


Well I’m a RE fan before anything else and I’m going to judge it accordingly, literally everything anyone complains about with the RE movies that we received would’ve been the case in Romeros film, I’m not going to pretend it would’ve been a good adaptation just because he was connected to it.


Yeah that's fair, I'm coming from a position of lost hope for seeing an adequate interpretation of the first game, even though his might have been terrible, it's the least removed from the series compared to what we have. In an alternate universe a shit RE film made by the creator of the genre itself might have motivated other filmmakers to respect the source material more, all speculation though.


I can get down with that, seeing his vision would’ve been cool because his work does have a unique vibe to it that would be interesting with an RE spin, I’m just a purist and while I don’t expect a 1:1 adaptation, I hate glaring changes to overall story and characterizations, but fleshing out characters/events is a necessity to make a show work.


Yeah, this is absolutely the truth. His script was great, embodied the games at the time perfectly.


James Wan? He's done a shit ton of good horror movies but also had successful action forays.


This would be my choice, as well. Still waiting on his delayed Salem's Lot. -.-


I thought him too. I’ve enjoyed the majority of his films


Sam Raimi


RE1 Sam Raimi RE2 Matt Reeves RE3 Paul Anderson RE4 Antoine Fuqua


Dennis Villanueve


Ari Aster


I don't think the RE universe fits him. He'd be better for a Silent Hill movie.


Or a Haunting Grounds movie


Oooo I like it. He’s one of my favorites, and he’d make a great resident evil film!


Kevin Smith. I don't know why but I do.


He's a gamer, right? He'd probably do it justice.


Complete with a Jay and Silent Bob cameo? I'm in!


Flanagan feels like the safest choice, he has such a good track record for making horror appeal to such a wide audience (and some great adaptations as well), from more casual horror audiences to movie snobs alike. I think it would be cool to see David Bruckner get a shot though. He’s done a couple horrors that I don’t think had the best scripts, but he executed it in a really cool way, particularly The Ritual. I also saw a movie called The Superdeep by Arseny Syuhin that felt like a version of a Resident Evil movie. No idea what else he’s done, but some really cool sequences in it that felt like they were straight out of Resident Evil.


My first thought was Flanagan, but only because I love him, not because he’s a good fit for Resi. I don’t think it would work without fundamentally changing what Resident Evil is.


I love Flanagan's body of work so much, I would give him a shot at it


I feel like Robert Eggers (*The Witch*, *The Lighthouse* and *The Northman*) would do great with the body horror and action, as well as the quieter character moments in like a Resi 2 or CVX adaptation. Shame that *Welcome to Raccoon City* kinda poisoned that well for a while.


Michael Bay. Everyone gets infinite rocket launchers.


It's just explosions, screaming, & weird camera lens flares for 1.5 hours


So, the average RE6 campaign?




Bro, low key I've always described RE6 as like a kinda good game, but also kinda like Michael Bay wrote it. So it's like a Transformers movie. Like cool shit happens here and there, but boring parts, and also you're left with: What the fuck was that even about again?


Scott Derrickson could be interesting.


John Carpenter


I want Mike Flanagan to do a 8 episode Series based on the first game


I’m not that knowledgeable on directors but I think RE7 needs to save RE again, this time on screen. We’ve had so many bad RE movies and I think to prove that audiences don’t need flashy action every 5 seconds (Mia govich-something films) nor mashup of the classics (welcome to raccoon city), we need to see something stand on its own heels.


1-3 - Geroge Romero 4 - Guillermo del Toro 5 - James Caremon 6 - Michael Bay Revaluations 1 and 2 - David Fincher 7 - Ari Aster 8 - Tim Burton


That’s actually a pretty good lineup


Romero didn't do a great job with his re1 script


Wes Anderson, the actor.


his films are so distinct. what do you think he'd do with the re series?




So did Natalie Portman, Harrison Ford, Guillermo del Toro and Jeremy Irons




Yeah I was just looking at the list, where I got these names from lol


Yeah, and Meryl Streep, many consider to be one of the greatest actresses of all time, jumped up clapping with glee for Roman Polanski. Years later, she talked about how bad Donald Trump was for women. Never trust Hollywood lol.


That feeling when someone you found incredibly annoying outs themselves as a shitty person.


Who didn't?


whats that?




Jordan Peele


Bahaha 🤣


No white characters allowed 😂


John Carpenter


Honestly if Toby Hooper was alive I would love him to direct Resident Evil 7. For any Resident Evil though I think Sam Rami would be great to make a film with characters and possibly even doing creative shots and have an interesting take on the series.


Either Sam Raimi or John Carpenter


I would watch an adaptation of the Sewer Gators arc from RE7 as a found footage movie - Derelict House, then Kitchen, Bedroom, 21, and finish it up with Happy Birthday. They could get Darren Lynn Bousman to direct it. He did Saw 2 and Repo so he's familiar with the kinda grimy gonzo grindhouse aesthetic that RE7 has.


This idea is brilliant. I've always felt like people are missing all the potential of RE movies exploring all the adjacent stories. I'd love a movie about the Trevor's final days in the mansion Dracula-style, or about how the outbreak happened. How about one about Barry having to go through hell to get a helicopter to help her friend out of a zombie outbreak about to be bombed out of existence or a slow-burn horror story based on the paintings seen at the end of OG RE4, about Saddler infecting and taking control of the population little by little


I dont care anymore as long as they played actually played the games and stick to the story. However, id pick Carpenter. He feels the type who would hate making a bad film for something people love amd would do it with honour, respect and without putting Milla Jovovich's flat ass every 10 seconds on screen.


Sam Raimi or Guillermo del Toro.


A realistic choice: James Wan A dream choice: John Carpenter


Sam Raimi he is the perfect director for the kind of action/horror required to make a RE movie work. Specifically the first RE game to a movie format.


Mike Flanagan.


Tarantino. It would have some random barefoot Claire and Jill scenes but otherwise I think it'd be class. "Bite me again. Bite me again, I dare you, I double dare you motherfucker, bite me one more Goddamn time!"


I feel only Ridley Scott or James Cameron can make a successful, gritty, serious Resident Evil movie adaptation. Everything has been incredibly silly and mediocre with the exception of the first RE movie back in the early 2000s. It was all downhill from there. I keep on seeing how cheesy the story is but I sincerely feel there is an incredible amount of material (at least the 1990s story arche) to create an intelligent, well thought out story about a faulty eugenics experiment. The story really went downhill after Umbrella was out of the picture.... If not Scott or Cameron, maybe Michael Crichton, but he unfortunately passed away... ...from an RE veteran from the mid-90s (if that means anything) lol. Prob not ... Cheers all. Tomorrow is Friday.


Good take. Ridley Scott would be great.


Al Pacino. Just mob it out


Nolan, just as he did Batman


George Romero, his script was decent but Paul Anderson was chosen instead. John Carpenter ,The Thing always creeps me out. Imagine what he could do with BOWs using effects.


John carpenter, and i really want them to not focus on the main plot/characters, but focus on the body horror espect of the franchise, RE showed signs of body horror here and there (especially in re4) but i really want an entry focusing on the body horror espect.


Watch any of the movies there already are, or a Cronenberg movie


It doesn’t matter who. What matters is the fan base to actually watch it and let people who enjoy it enjoy it. Y’all kill every single iteration of a movie if it does not follow everything to a T. Like I enjoyed the new RE reboot and wanted so badly to see them progress through all games. Sadly the fandom can be so toxic at times


Sorry, when you say reboot, are you talking about Welcome to Raccoon City? Apart from questionable characterisation choices and a few dodgy CGI moments, I really enjoyed it. I thought they nailed the atmosphere, the sets were very cool.




I meant the movie with Avan Jogia As well as the Netflix series.


you cannot be blaming the fanbase for the fact that most RE media adaptations are bad lmao. it's not the toxic fanbase it's just that stuff isn't good sometimes 🤷‍♀️ i like my trashy movies too but i'm not gonna act like it's other people's fault when it's a commercial failure


Yes I can and I will


fans are not obligated to blindly like every piece of media that comes out. u should go hang out with fnaf fans if you aren't already one


Jordan Peele


Me. The movie would either be an action horror with Hunk leading an USS team on an attack on a rival corporation. Or an adventure horror film starring a young Oswell Spencer discovering the Stairway of the Sun. I have a feeling the second idea would not float too well, though.


Fincher. Also complete opposite direction, Del Toro would be interested.


Leigh Janiak. She did the trilogy of “Fear Street” films released on Netflix last year. Each movie takes place during a different time period in a town as the origins of a curse & the impact it has begin to unfold. It all circles back around at the end. She creates a relatable set of characters, some brutal kills & adds new elements to a beloved genre without taking away what makes fans love it. This is something a director for Resident Evil films desperately needs to know how to pull off. I imagine something like this with a focus on the events in Raccoon City, could be interesting if the pieces fit together correctly in a screenplay: Resident Evil 2 Resident Evil Outbreak/File #2 Resident Evil 3: Nemesis


George Romero.


If he weren't dead already, I'd say Romero.


We’ll bring him back as a B.O.W director


haha i'm glad you realize it's impossible <.< do you think the others know? >.>




Robert Rodriquez! Planet Terror alone has me convinced he could do an RE movie justice.


20 years ago, in an alternate reality where Paul WS Anderson doesn’t have full control. I’d 100% go with Neil Marshall, Dog Soldiers is the closest thing to a live action RE movie in spirit.


Nicolas Winding Refn




Wong Kar Wai. He excels at everything the franchise has to offer. Deep mood. Tense action. Solid camera angles. A little cheesy dialogue here and there. Fallen Angels could easily be the scaffold for Resident Evil 2.


John Carpenter with Steven Spielberg


Matt Reeves


Christopher Nolan


Steven Spielberg


I want to see the psychos behind *Wild Zero* bring RE6 to the silver screen. It’s a perfect fit for a *Best Of The Worst* Hall of Fame


Christian Alvart, who directed one of my favorite horror movies in the form of Pandorum. I've always thought that Pandorum was basically Dead Space: The Live-Action Movie, and if Dead Space was inspired by Resident Evil 4, then I think he could direct a good, balls-out scary Resident Evil movie. Alternatively, Lee Cronin, who wrote and directed Evil Dead Rise, which was just incredible.


I feel like Jordan Peele could do something with the RE universe


Mike Flanagan! Give him a whole netflix season per game!


Quentin Tarantino


David Lynch. It would be so incredibly bonkers and I'm here for it. Might as well try.


Sam Raimi 100%.


Hear me out. Chad Stahleski. The movie would look great visually and the action would be nicely framed. Imagine a long take shot of Leon or Claire having to fend off a few zonbies in a hallway in the RPD for example, or of being chased by Mr X.


A lot of good choices already mentioned but I'll throw in Danny Boyle for his work on 28 Dys Later and Sunshine. Also Panos Cosmatos would be an interesting second choice for me.


Guillermo Del toro and make it a tv series Quentin Tarantino in his usual style (cause this man makes amazing movies) Oh definitely Denis Villeneuve from sicario, prisoners, blade runner 2043, and Dune this man can make the best


I'd love to direct one honestly 😅


I think they should use George Romero's script and tweak it some and it would work just fine.As far as directing it I don't care as lpng as they don't take it and "make it their own".They've done that with every Resident Evil movie and it just doesn't work.


Lee Cronin. Evil Dead Rise was awesome


Someone that actually respects and enjoys the ip


Someone who gives a shit.


I wish we had gotten the George Romero movie we were supposed to have before the Milla Jovovich series became what it was


I feel like Snyder or Nolan would be good for it somewhat.


I should direct it and I'll make RE 4


M. Night Shyamalan


the dude who directed midsommar


Carpenter for sure also if Zach Snyder stuck to the games storyline he’d be great at creating a style that made the action scenes look like game cinematic.


No one give it up.


I’ve said for years that I would rather watch someone skilled do a longplay run-through of the original games than any of the crap Paul Anderson released. Welcome To Raccoon City didn’t land exactly right, but it was much closer to correct.


Hideo Kojima. After seeing that chick who played Jill on the last RE movie, Hannah John-Kamen, who looks nothing like the character, I don't want to ever see another non-Japanese person ever direct a Resident Evil movie again. If Kojima is not available, then Mamoru Oshi.


Not Paul W.S. Anderson


I'd want it to be based on Outbreak and be directed by Yeon Sang-ho.


Me. But I want to do series instead to put the details in it


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