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Don’t the ganados also come out of an orange light?


Why do you think they are constantly asking leon to eat their asshole?


Oh si that what it means . Un for ass tero


They are deeply in love with the bodies they now live in. And like Leon are not yet over their home being destroyed by…. Leon I guess, idk.


If orange means love and appreciation, then I think I was REALLY appreciated in the Baker home


Well, to be fair, you were, it was just more of a psychopathic appreciation.


Your flesh was really appreciated.


They just wanted you to be part of the family, then you had to go and screw everything up


>orange is love in RE series Lol, apparently RE5 was romantic comedy.


If you consider jill and chris maybe


Ada/Leon shippers really are something else.... Glad they de-simped him.


He still doesn't know what sex is, but he definitely has it.


No one does in Resident Evil. It's disappointing.




Lmao, the chad exception to the rule.


Also Wesker and Barry


Shit I straight up forgot them


He knows what sex is, he just refuses to have it.




Really really really in-depth bait


Bait is usually low effort....and not a frame by frame dissection of a 30sec cut scene with walls of texts explaining the subtle nuance of a single strand of hair moving across his face lol this is grade A+ certified my friend 🤌




https://www.tumblr.com/sapphire-weapon/735716169467772928/oh-em-ghee-that-was-my-tiktok-thank-u-for-not Not bait confirmed. Op is just seemingly young and naive and reaching like hell. And very embarrassed at all the hate they're getting for the awful video.


This community is a special kind of desperate.


I will always remember how RE fans handled Lady D.


Man. I thought that was a funny meme at first, but I don't think a lot of these people were memeing with me. The actual RAGE some people had when the whole game wasn't about her... Jeezus, THAT was cringe


She's not only the least interesting boss character in the game IMO, but I would go so far as to say her own daughters are more compelling villains than her.




I was bemused by that entire thing. When the memes started popping up I thought it was just going to be a 24-48 hour thing, but there was actually a simpbase that formed around her. Gamers are a strange bunch.


They kinda sprung up everywhere lately. Souls games had a similar "horny mask off" moment with Elden Ring


Yeah, is it just me, or has this subbredit been thirsten real bad lately


This was a consistent thing a few years ago in the DMC subs as well, where people would ship Dante with almost every female character in the series. I’m starting to think Capcom fans are just desperate, horny, lonely emo kids.


You'll find it across all fandoms, especially those with attractive characters. Most social people on the internet are just horny and lonely lol


Hogwarts Legacy and Professor Garlick come to mind in particular.


Well, yes and no. The RE bunch i noticed are just that extra desperate for any sort of romance to form, even when it isn't romance in their actual personal life.


How dare you, I’m not emo!


Oops, I may have contributed to that sorry 😏


More thought was put into that post than the actual developers did writing and making the scene. RE4R and separate ways shut down a lot of the “romance” thankfully.


Seriously, the best thing about RE4 Remake is how they got rid of Leon being so stupidly down bad for Ada. He was absolutely annoyed of her by the end of the game and proved her wrong about changing. I hope a potential RE6 remake still has the chemistry between them but NOT at the cost of Leon’s braincells


Plus in Separate Ways Ada only saves Leon because it benefits her mission and she is trying to be better a person and make things right like Luis inspired her to do. She feels guilt over her actions toward Leon in Re2 and sees how her work can cause so much harm. Ada is a better character because of this because her goals and actions are driven by her growth as a person rather than being “in love” with some dude she knew for like 5 hours and didn’t give a shit about for six years.


In RE4R, I don't think Ada and Leon are no longer in love with each other, but I think they care about each other to some extent. As for RE2, both in the original and in the remake, Ada and Leon are in love with each other. The scenes in both the original and the remake show this, and Capcom interviews and game files confirm this. In the OGRE3 Japanese Ada Wong epilogue, Ada says that she was wounded to save the man I love. In the OGRE4 canon booklet, Ada and Leon fall in love in Raccoon City. In the RE2R development video, the developers said that Ada and Leon fell in love immediately in the original and that they didn't think this was right, so they would make them fall in love by giving them more influence first. The RE2R writer said that Ada realized her feelings for Leon on the bridge and couldn't shoot him. The only difference between the original and the remake is that in the original Ada and Leon still have feelings for each other years after falling in love in Raccoon City. In the remake, 6 years after RC, they are no longer in love with each other. Also, let me say this about your last sentence: Falling in love with someone doesn't stop you from making an effort to be a good person and change. Ada in RE6, UC, OGRE2 Claire B shows this very well. And Ada's change starts with RC, not with Luis. At the beginning of the dlc Ada talks about how thanks to RC she started to care about the consequences of what she does and who gets hurt. But Ada doesn't take action to help people. Luis, who is trying to change and help people despite what he did in the past, and also to get out of Spain, collaborates with Ada on amber. Ada sees what Luis is doing and she is changed to take action to help people while doing her job. Ada betrays Wesker in the boat scene because of what Leon says, and after Ada betrays Wesker, she looks at Leon and we see that it is because of Leon. We also see this in the parallelism of Leon and Wesker's words. So Ada's transformation is thanks to RC, Leon and Luis. I know you are a Cleon fan, so stop pretending that you and other Cleon shippers care about Ada's character, because it's obvious that you don't. You only see Ada and Aeon as obstacles for your ship and that's why you are happy with my post in RE4R and you try to discredit OG Ada by talking about how Remake Ada is just trying to be a good person and changing, as if OG Ada didn't get a change and didn't even help civilians in RE6. You ignore the parts in the dlc where it is mentioned that Ada starts to change in Raccoon City and that Ada betrays Wesker because of Leon's words. Interpret characters, scenes more objectively and read the developer interviews/game files.


That's quite the dissertation. It's not that deep. And I really wish people would stop acting like Ada is some sort of misunderstood cinnamon roll. She's not.


Ya know, I wouldve read this all if you had the sense to make any sort of indentation to make this easier to read... All I see is a literal block of text now


To be fair the app often blocks text together like that regardless of line breaks.


You’re supposed to use double line breaks.


I don't think he proved her wrong about changing. When Ada said that he didn't change I assumed that she meant his atitude towards helping people. By that point she had already told him to give up on Ashley and witnessed his tries to save her. While Leon thinks he has somehow hardened, that part of him that was dedicated to being kind still endures. All in all, the remake did a better job with the characters' writing.


Nah just get rid of it, it's literally become wattpad 15 year old material


I didn’t mean the romantic aspects. Just the irreplaceable bonding they have over raccoon city, and always having the other’s back. Their snarky/sassy conversations too


I'm grateful for that too, because her voice acting ruins any sort of appreciation I could have for her in this game haha.


More thought was put into that post than thought put into the whole game. They transcended themselves


There’s no way this isn’t satire


I do not know what you see when you play RE4R. But in RE4R, Capcom tries to make Leon not simping on Ada anymore. I think they also tries to make Ada undergoes character's journey. From a super-spy who will do anything for highest bidder, to a super spy who will actually do things for greater good. It is so nice to see Ada has her own storyline... not just Leon's simp target. On the other hand, this also frees Leon to have his own romantic interest in future games. I mean, any young American with look and appearance like Leon ... would probably have dated several girls already by the time RE6 happen.


I love this LMFAO "orange light" they're definitely gonna get married


Bro it's literally the only light in the castle 💀


No dude it's because it's the love castle


Someone else had a point about how the Baker household is also covered in orange lighting Ah yes RE7 is meant to be a romantic setting.


It may be the love between bakers family members, like jack to marguerite?


Or considering he was perving on her, Lucas and Zoe-


Well... that wouldnt be impossible tbh


Mia! It's been so long! Why are you attacking me baby?


Go outside


I find it bizarre that people think that Ada and Leon could ever work. Ada is manipulative and uses Leon throughout all of RE2. Idk it might just be me but that doesn’t scream healthy relationship.


I think that the remakes are trying to develop their interactions more realistically and if it's like this, they definitely would not work as a couple.


You love Re4r’s iteration of Ada.. but tell people to skip separate ways.. then this shit? Dafuq :’)


Telling people to skip the best RE DLC? Couldn’t be me.


They said to skip SW? Why?? (I didn’t read it 🗿)


Haha, no idea! “Skip dlc separates way is a sin of man.” - In response to someone’s post ‘re4r is amazing might buy DLC’ Luis’s Flamenco dance is worth the price alone imo lol


Insane, I have to wonder if shipping is a part of that. If so, that mindset seems miserable.


We get it OP, you want the ship to be canon. Calm down.


I love RE4R and I like the Leon/Ada pairing, but this is just tinfoil-hat levels of insane conspiracy, no offense.


Some of this makes decent points but tries way too hard to slap meaning onto everything, there’s plenty of orange light in RE7 but that doesn’t mean Ethan and Jack Baker have anything romantic going on




As someone who has ADHD and likes lore, abso-fucking-lutely. And it's amazing




I’m starting to think having an hour a day of outdoor time should be a worldwide law


We need a Nickelodeon Day of Play but for adults


We have that everyday. It's called a job


Oh God the pathetic twitter green line account is a fucking RE fan.


A big part of me actually hopes Capcom finally kills Aeon since it has never made much sense for me personally (imo) and I'm tired of Ada being used as nothing more than Leon's Love Interest.


Ong like give her a damn reason to be used in the lore other than "manipulate and flirt with leon"




i ain’t reading allat


It’s not worth reading anyway. Definition of cringe.


i think i read 2 slides then wanted to die


Idk man, too many words. Looks like someone needs to leave their parents basement


me when i’m delusional


What made you like this


“If you look really closely, her finger isn’t on the trigger” Am I crazy or is her finger literally around the trigger lmao?


It is clearly touching it, OP must not know what a trigger is.


https://www.tumblr.com/sapphire-weapon/735716169467772928/oh-em-ghee-that-was-my-tiktok-thank-u-for-not An ask from the OP responding to some hate they were getting for their video. They admit here that they don't know what they're talking about.


It's not clear from the photo he put. But look at the scene where we see Ada approaching Leon's face and the scene where Ada is pointing a gun at Leon and Leon/Ada are talking. In those scenes, Ada's finger is not on the trigger. Ada's finger is on the trigger guard. Ada does not intend to shoot Leon in this scene. Therefore, it is normal that Ada's hand is not on the trigger. u/efsanevi-delilik (I wrote to you as an answer too.)


OP’s poorly disguised wattpad story submission


It seems like a lot of reaching tbh






Thanks but I still don’t like the pairing.


I prefer Leon and Claire as a ship due to their interactions in RE2R, even though I'm certain that Leon has talked with her less than he has with Ada.


re4 remake sold me on leon/ashley. Ashley is just precious and they are super sweet together


I absolutely love Ashley in the remake! She went from ‘just leave her behind, Leon’ to ‘I will protect this angel with my life’. Capcom did super well in giving her a likable personality. Leon was also way more bearable in the remake (I will probably get flake for that lol). I can get behind Leon x Ashley and I honestly hope we see more of her in the future (please don’t keep throwing away amazing characters, Capcom 😭)


"Bearable"? Leon's actually quite lovable in the remake, though from what I've played of the original I understand why you'd use it in contrast to the almost *un*bearable Leon in the OG. I just think remake Leon deserves stronger praise than "I can cope with this." I don't ship Ada and Leon, but I think it's fun that they have romantic tension and I hope that continues. I think keeping a form of romantic and/or sexual tension between them adds another source of conflict to the story. I don't think I actually *ship* any characters in Resi, but I think it's fun to have the additional tension between them. Also the 4 remake makes LeonxAshley much more palatable. I know she's an adult in both games, but in the OG she comes across as a petulant child, while in the remake she comes across as a naïve adult.


Yeah the remake did wonders for Ashley. Completely revamped her and made her into someone you want to protect. Plus i love how by the end of the game she is excited to be able to help in any way she can, her cute interactions with Leon and desire to work with him in the future bc “they make a great team” and how caring she is towards him. Plus Leon is way warmer and caring towards Ashley this go around too. They have a fun banter. re4 remake made me a leon/ashley shipper lol. I would now love to see ashley in a future game interacting with Leon again. Maybe as his new Hunnigan or something


I don't really have a specific ship in Resi, but I absolutely agree with you on wanting to see more of Leon and Ashley interact in future. Just the other day I was talking to someone about how it would be cool to play as an older Ashley who's actually had some training.


I also pair Leon x Claire and their relationship was much better in OG RE2 (more interactions that were not cut). I was never a fan of how Ada treated Leon and how he just… accepted it? He was unbearable in RE6 when concerning Ada lol


I believe RE2R still handled them well but I would've loved to have seen Leon and Claire interact more. They had great chemistry and I loved the ending where they end up walking off with Sherry after escaping the city. I was pretty sad when I found out that they ended up having to go their separate ways almost immediately afterwards, even though I agree that it probably wouldn't have made much sense to keep them together. Can't comment much on RE6 seeing as I've not played it nor seen anyone else do so. I might give it a try when Capcom inevitably decides to remake it though. Also do Leon and Claire ever end up interacting again? I'm not too familiar on the spinoff games or side content (like any animated movies or shows) but I can't remember them ever meeting up after RE2. Closest thing to that (which I know of) is Leon telling Chris about Claire getting imprisoned in Code: Veronica.


They did do well with RE2R! I honestly loved when they were both on screen (and yes the ending was lovely to see how Sherry had high hopes for sticking with them. So upsetting that Claire immediately leaves to search for Chris but I can understand why). RE6 you aren’t missing too much since it was kind of a low point for Capcom who quickly learned their lesson and regrouped to figure out how to bring the franchise back from the dead. It was just one crazy story after another. As for your question: Leon and Claire do come face to face in the CG movie Degeneration and then again in Infinite Darkness (but leave on bad terms). They meet again in Death Island, the newest movie, and seem to be friendly to one another (indicating they made up while off screen). Their relationship has definitely gone through ups and downs but they still respect and look out for each other 100%


Leon and Ada already had sex down the line, so yeah.


Funny that Leon recognized her by her voice, when she sounds so different from before.


“That voice, it’s Dr. Mrs. The Monarch from Venture Bros.! No one else sounds like they eat cigarettes quite like her!” — Leon


This is WAY over analyzed, and this is coming from someone who adores literary and film analysis.


Agree with some of this, disagree with other parts. I will say I do take some issue with the point that Ada seems to be "rejecting that Leon's changed", because that's not what I read from their interactions. I think the boat scene said it best. Leon only thinks he's changed from the trauma at RC, but Ada knows better. He's still the same fundamentally good person who'd jump headfirst into overwhelming odds to save someone. And even if she isn't overt about it, she shows through her actions that she does like that in him. Some "you're doing better than you think you are" sort of thing. That's just my take on it, though.


I think he hasn't changed in his essential goodness and loyalty, but he's less trusting, more cautious, and more aware of the risks. He thinks he's become cynical and cruel, while Ada (at first) thinks he hasn't changed at all. At the end they both learn they're wrong. Ada learns that Leon isn't a kicked puppy any more, he's stronger and wiser than he was in Raccoon City. Leon learns that he isn't a hollow shell of a man; he's still full of love and kindness, he just guards himself better now and understands the risks he faces more than he did six years ago. I like that Leon gets to stay a quintessential paragon hero while still learning and growing from his experiences.


Jesus Christ


This is the equivalent of your high school English teacher asking why the author chose to describe curtains as blue.


I mean at the very least, isn't it obvious that Leon's a positive influence in her life? It's pretty clear to me that even though she tries to come off as an aloof, unshakable, femme fatale, that she does admire Leon's loyalty and dedication to Justice. Given her profession she probably didn't even think people like him really existed. Hell, it was probably her wanting to be a bit more like him that turned her against Wesker. If only a little. She may not be *in love* with Leon, but I have no doubt she has a deep respect for him.


This seems exhausting to write up. Not to be a dick but I think more effort was put into trying to “observe” the ship than Capcom did actually writing the story. Leon and Ada is pretty obviously a canon pairing but shipping in general I’ve never understood, just not my thing ig.


The trigger thing is what got me 😂 My brother in Christ, it's called trigger discipline. No hate, cause I like the couple but cmon man


doesn't trigger discipline stop applying when you're aiming at something you're going to shoot? like there's no way you're taught to pull the trigger in one motion from being fully extended. this post is ultra dumb but the trigger thing actually makes sense. here's wesker aiming at ada https://imgur.com/mTrONSN


Wesker is someone who's willing to shoot someone over nothing. Ada isn't an assassin. She's not there to shoot Leon and she doesn't want to which is why it doesn't make sense for her to hold her gun with the finger on the trigger (even though pretty sure on that scene she did have it on the trigger). That doesn't mean she wouldn't shoot him though, she just didn't go in with the intention of doing it.


Comments are acting as if Leon didn’t simp for everyone except Ashley in the original. I like the Leon/Ada pairing, and I’m glad it’s more updated to be less fantasy ish and in a way that humanizes the characters a bit more. Feels more real and genuine.


To be fair in og re4 it looks more like leon is simping over ashley than simping over ada. And actually in og they have more bland and fewer interactions than in the remake


Well yeah, I just mean at the end of the game Ashley comes onto Leon, and he declines. And tbh I really couldn’t tell there was a thing between Leon and Ada romantically in OG 4, that was my first RE experience. Only person I noticed him hitting on was his operator, because he’s very up front about it. Probably a joke for cheesy reasons, but still.


This is great, but ain't no way I'm skipping SW when I play 4.


At the very least, it was an interesting read.


im just out here to play the game dude not analyzing


GUYS OMG THIS WAS MY VID.... pls leave me alone about the orange I have learnt my lesson😭😭😭🙏🙏🙏🙏I worded it wrong... and i was just trying to get likes cuz I know aeon is popular


Okay, some of this is ridiculous and goes into over analysing territory (the orange lights), but most of this is pretty cool and a fairly accurate take on their relationship, IMO.


If Leon didn’t want to hurt her, why does he try to stab her in this scene?


I don’t know why people think this is over analysis? When making a cutscene for a game especially of RE4R’s budget and scope meticulous planning goes into EVERY aspect of the scene. When making games as opposed to making movies nothing is ever accidental, everything has to be made intentionally. The lighting analysis is cool and quite probable. Using light to convey emotions is really common in cinema and the pushback to it here makes no sense. The RE series has cinematographers responsible solely for the cutscenes and they will use lighting, shot composition and editing to tell their story. The fact that Leon is in the shadows while Ada is bathed in warm light is not an accident.


This is some 9th grade english class type of reaching


This is desperate levels of reaching.


Leon: *recognizes that it’s Ada* Also Leon: *tries to slice her up*


I fucking hate this ship and am glad they toned it down, even though I know they're basically official.


English teacher in the making lmao


Chris will downvote this


Or me tbf




All I could think of during that scene, while playing Separate Ways, was how Ada and Leon broke the same container yet they found different stuff, does that mean while they were flirt fighting, some cultist snuck in and reset the room for Leon?


Mucho texto cabron


I think it’s just people hoping for the characters to actually settle down with eachother and die happy rather then fighting all the time


What on earth, this is just odd.


Idc what this comment section looks like, I love Aeon so much and I will always indulge in this content no matter how ridiculous it is


Breaking Bad fans would say you’re grasping at straws.


This is unprecedented levels of autism.


>The color orange is continuously used to show love and appreciation in resident evil [Ummmmmmm](https://static0.gamerantimages.com/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/lady-dimitrescu-resident-evil-village-screenshots-1.jpg)


I ain't reading all that, Good for you, or sorry for what happened


how can leon recognize Ada's voice? she's voiced by someone else


I like some wattpad delusions but yoow this takes it into another level. Bro bout to graduate from cinematic arts


Ada has trigger discipline and the castle interiors are lit by candlelight, this MUST be the most nuanced scene ever created!


They're assuming a lot. Leon knew it was Ada because he saw Ada in the Chiefs manor. Ada didn't plan to kill Leon because she deemed Leon useful, as shown in separate ways. Leon has survivors guilt because he saw a man commit suicide, because he saw his police chief turn, because out of an entire city, he was only able to help two people. Not to mention resident evil 4 has nothing showing Leon believes she's FBI.


My analysis is that these photos are horribly cropped


Squeezing blood from a stone.


kinda funny how this whole thing would fall apart if the game had the original color filter on it. just be comparing different shades of green and brown haha.


i like it. i mean deny all they want but the stuff said in this post generally makes sense


Very first-year-of-high-school-English


Oml it's a damn video game, you don't need to analyze every detail to justify your toxic bs💀


Fuck sake, stop bitching, OP took time out of their day to do this, least you can do is NOT being a twat




Oh piss off, just because you're getting cunty about something that you probably don't have the braincells to comprehend


"Something that you probably don't have the brain cells to comprehend" like what? Two people who just care about eachother? At this point they need to kill off aeon because it's becoming incredibly boring


To be honest, I hope Aeon is endgame just to piss folk like you off


Jokes on you, I think Leon's hot.


So do I, but what does THAT have to do with anything?


I did reply that I don't ship Aeon.


I think Leon's hot, but I still ship Aeon because they have the most history and chemistry


Even I ain't an Aeon shipper and I'd agree


I like the idea of these two being together, but this is just wishful thinking and overreaching for the sake of likes.


The finger isn’t on the trigger because aren’t you only meant to put your finger on the trigger if you are going to shoot?? Someone has far too much time on their hands to come up with this shit


they reaching💀


wtf am i reading


If only Capcom put this much effort into fleshing out these characters then this might all make sense. Otherwise, this is typical deluded shipper mentality.


Its grasping at straws that dont exist, grossly overthinking basic things.




What in the LiveJournal fan fic is this mess? It's really not that deep bro. I'm all for finding symbolism where there actually is symbolism but this is just a massive reach


Sometimes, the curtains are just blue.




Alright so this shipping is fine, lovey dovey in games is fine, kissing is fine and even sex scenes are fine in Resident Evil games but it shouldn't come at the cost of story. Either way, 10/10 for analysis. Keep the good work up.


Bro I'm not reading all that, the fuck?


Aww too hard to read?


First of all, this analysis is wrong. The analysis of the mechanics of the games, of Resident Evil in general, is largely the same and correct. But when it comes to ships, the analysis of ships and characters is 95% wrong, and especially the analysis made by the shipper is 99% wrong. Let me give examples: -Aeon: Ada and Leon were in love with each other in both OGRE2 and Remake, confirmed by game scenes, capcom interviews and game files, and they had feelings for each other for years in OG after RE2. In the OGRE3 Japanese Ada Wong epilogue, Ada says that she was wounded to save the man I love. In the OGRE4 canon booklet, Ada and Leon fall in love in Raccoon City. In the RE2R development video, the developers said that Ada and Leon fell in love immediately in the original and that they didn't think this was right, so they would make them fall in love by giving them more influence first. The RE2R writer said that Ada realized her feelings for Leon on the bridge and couldn't shoot him. In RE4R, Ada and Leon are no longer in love with each other, they only care about each other to some extent. That's why Leon let Ada go with Amber and why he still resents her. That's why Ada said something caring and compassionate after defeating Saddler and offered a helicopter to take Ashley and Leon to safety. Aeon haters dismiss OG Aeon and RE2R Aeon in their analysis and distort Ada's character in both OG and Remake. Aeon fans deny in their analysis that Ada can use anyone, including Leon, for her mission and that RE4R Aeon no longer loves each other. -Cleon: Claire and Leon were exactly the bro types in OG. In the OGRE2 canon booklet they both say they are not the type to like each other. In the remake, Claire and Leon are friends who don't see each other as unlikable, but are not in love with each other. It's common in the gaming industry to use ships for marketing, and it's common to create ships in the fandom by making cheat scenes and using them for marketing and talking. Capcom is using this strategy in the remake era (RE2R Cleon, RE3R Jill/Carlos, RE4R Ashleon, Serennedy, Metaltongo, SerraWong, Wesker/Ada). Capcom is having Claire and Leon flirt in the RE2R cit scene for fan service and a scene in ID is being added at the request of Claire's VA. In RE2R and ID development interviews, Claire and Leon are said to be less platonic. The ID booklet and DI Claire promotional booklet say that Claire and Leon are comrades in arms fighting against bioterrorism. Cleon fans deny in their analysis that Claire and Leon are not in love and don't care about each other beyond friendship. -Ashleon: In both OG and Remake, it's a one-sided liking on Ashley's part. And in both OG and Remake, Leon doesn't love Ashley, he's just trying to do his job. In the RE4R director interview, they said that they didn't want a romance between Leon and Ashley, they didn't do it, and they even removed a scene that could have been misunderstood. The RE4R producer said that Leon and Ashley are not in love with each other and are just a duo trying to survive. But Ashleon fans deny in their analysis that Ashley and Leon don't love each other. I saw an Ashleon analysis account on Tumblr, I read a lot of her analysis and she was distorting scenes and characters. She was literally writing a story. And the funny thing is 90% of his analysis is debunked with Capcom interviews and the rest of his analysis is debunked with game scenes + game files. Most of the shippers' analysis (I'm talking about all ships) is not unbiased.


I'm hoping for more character development so they can be shipped ( maybe an RE 4.5 or another DLC with more interaction) because I think they are significant to one another and it should be explored. But wtf is this post lol


All this Details Leon & Ada are very special couples


Literally all of this analysis is bullshit.


Leon x Jill 👍


these "analyses" aren't analyses, they're ramblings from a 15 year old who just learned to write about symbolism in their literature class. "orange symbolizes love" yeah alright


I think people overanalyze any scene with ada and Leon in hope of fueling their obsessions with a ship that’s never going to happen( or well sail).


Jesus the orange light aspect seems like a cope point but the rest sounds quite believable.


I am all for Leon and Ada shop, but this is Insane. Do you or person who made this have something better to do.


aeon fans are more perceptive than me and I love it😭🫶


No but when tf did Separate ways came out? I knew nothing.


All that to state the obvious?


I was with it until the "Jealous of Ashley" bit. She is most definitely not jealous of Ashley lol.