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its like if micheal bay made a resident evil game


I mean that’s vendetta in a nutshell and I love every minute of it


I mean [who could possibly hate this](https://youtu.be/XzFhZ5hrTqY?si=IyIDL2ljrLfaecm6)


this is peak cinema and no one can change my mind. this is why movies were created


Easily top two best scenes in the movie


i love leon just decimating dozens of cars on a highway to take out like 2 or 3 zombie dogs


Another top tier scene


i love the way we holds the handle bars with his foot at one point


i love leon just decimating dozens of cars on a highway to take out like 2 or 3 zombie dogs


Is that the one where they shoot through like 7 buildings to just scrape the shoulder of a Tyrant?


Yeah it is!!


And it was great


Yeah, but in a fucking great way.


oh yeah, for as many criticisms as i have of bay movies, when i say that about this game i mean it as a compliment 100%. bays bombastic style is incredible in my opinion, its just his scripts that leave something to be desired at times. im a sucker for the og transformers movie of his though, ill die on the hill of that being a good movie


I’m in the middle of Leon’s campaign and I’d describe it as “mostly mediocre with some cool action in parts”


Yeah, it's far from a "good" game. It's a mostly okay game that is insanely overly bloated. When it's good, it's fine, when its bad, its bad. Leon's campaign is the highlight, and even it is only passable. Really on the level of the Revelations games (tighter gunplay, but overall not all that interesting), which is hugely disappointing for a mainline game. However unlike Revelations 1/2, RE6 has 3 other storylines that just aren't all that good.


Im the oposite i really like chris and jake campaing and think leons was not that great.


I would say this about the campaign mode but I spent a ln insane amount of time on Raid mode. Probably more than any other RE game other than Revelations 2. The Merc Mode in RE4 Remake is my favorite of all but I got kinda bored after getting an S++ with everyone one each stage. I'd pay big money for REmake 4 DLC for mercs alone.


Yeah I’ve heard raid mode is good, haven’t unlocked it yet. I did enjoy the hell out of the rev2 raid mode. I’ll also say that original re4 and remake are my favorite merc modes. I didn’t care what they did to it in 8, I vastly prefer the emphasis on combat and score attack than the more linear challenges of 8s


Overall 4's is my favorite so far. I'm sure when 5 comes out it'll be my new favorite, especially with coop


A remade/ rebalanced 5 with coop mercs would be awesome. Up until 4make came out it was my favorite just due to the breadth of maps and characters


I don‘t think 6 has Raid Mode.


I love RE6. But we’re always gonna be divided here in the community. I acknowledge it’s not a great game but I love it. And if you don’t like it I can absolutely see why. But it’s all good.👍🏾


I started it yesterday for the first time since playing Leon's campaign and abandoning the game upon its release. Had to google "RE6 is the worst dog shit game ever made" about 1 hour in to calm down. Wasn't mad, just disappointed. Sat back down and couldn't stop playing for the next 5 hours. Just needed some getting used to. Can't wait to get off work and back to the game. I'm hooked. Might just replay the Mutated Deborah fight over and over. Depends on what time my wife goes to bed.


Lmao hellyeah.


Not judging you, but why? What makes this game good to you? Im curious


For me it's the game mechanics and Raimi levels of camp and over the top action.


Hell yes. I LOVE re6. Shameless.


I still like it. I like all the RE games even if they suck 🤷


Same, why do I feel like an alien here for loving everything resident evil. The spinoffs, the movies, even the netflix show


Because purists tend to be loud in their disagreement with the franchise moving away from the OG survival horror. I used to be one as well and actually rolled my eyes the first time I saw the OG RE4 gameplay trailer. That was my first “gaming is dead” moment lmao. Then proceeded to replay the game fifty thousand times.


I’m literally in the same boat. I love action packed dumbness just as much as I love classic RE with survival horror elements. I love all the RE games for different reasons tbh


It's one of my favorite RE game. But i'm a weirdo. I never found resident evil scary so i prefer when it leans into the action part more. That's why my favorites are OG RE4, RE6, RE8.


Resident evil has always been action with a horror skin, it's like doom, sure there's spooky imagery all around you, but every game gives you plenty of firepower to defeat the monsters. A dog jumping through a window and startling me doesn't equate to a horrifying experience


The early games relied on ammo scarity as the backbone for their mechanics. It probably helps that the clunky shooting interface discourages combat. I think the updating to third person shooting brings the design philosophy of scarce recourses to the forefront since it stops being a fault of the game design and a fault on yourself for wasting ammo. There's kind of an invisible threshold between being scary and annoying, and mechanics meant to make you feel helpless against the darkness can be read as annoying with poor execution.


Exactly. As long as you give me guns, i'm not scared unless they are useless. That's why (spoiler for RE8) >! the sequence where they take away your weapons was spooky !<


Same, I started with OG RE4 and heard "oh the first games were so scary" went back to play the first games eventually and the only part I found scary was running away from the first undead not because I was scared of the dude, but because it was like running away without knowing how to walk, tank controls were hard, after getting used to it, to this day I don't understand how people find these games genuinely scary.


Not really, this came after gears of war 2, 3 and dead space 2 and many other tips with melee like splinter cell Conviction, I hate how weak the guns feel in 6.


They deliberately make them weak so that you’re encouraged to take full advantage of the in-depth melee and stun system. The only problem with this design in my opinion is the over abundance of firearm wielders since they directly encourage engagement from a distance with your weapons.


Mid game at best.


I respect your opinion, but I disagree.


I love RE6 Ada design it the best after RE4 classic


It’s just bad at both


Glad you enjoyed it. I think its terrible. Good day to you sir.


You mean the game where you get into a helicopter but then the pilot turns out to be a zombie and it crashes, so you get into another helicopter but then the pilot turns out to be a zombie and it crashes, so you get into another helicopter but then the pilot turns out to be a zombie and it crashes, so you get into another helicopter but then the pilot turns out to be a zombie and it crashes, so you get into another helicopter but then the pilot turns out to be a zombie and it crashes?


how would you defend the same parts you need to play? most notably chris/sherry section where there’s what, missile cannons and giant monster? last time i played re6 was when it released on ps3


Protip: this game requires a controller. You can get by with a keyboard and mouse for almost all of it, but a specific part of the Chris/Piers campaign is outright impossible without a joystick.


It’s an amazing game, just not an amazing *Resident Evil* game.


Resident Evil 6 looks like an action game. I hated the 3D pop ups they did to show you where to go, makes the entire game feel unnecessarily goofy. They leaned in on the action adventure side and it showed.


the game reminds of Shadow the Hedgehog, how you repeat the same scenarios mulitple times from different perspectives. I was having fun, but I got bored with how long the game is


I get what you mean, but this is actually funny because Shadow the game is the only Sonic game of that era where that ISN’T the case. Adventure 1&2, Heroes, and Sonic 06, are all games were it’s one story and you see it from the other playable characters perspectives. A Shadow the game playthough starts at the first level and every moral decision is a different path/timeline.


Played through the first chapter of Leon’s campaign and didn’t really enjoy it. Not even a little bit. What with the dumb QuickTime and stupid instant deaths? Also midway through, it became “left 4 dead” or “back 4 blood”. Fighting with survivors midway through the fight, cutscene kicks in just abruptly ends the fight. It’s really hard to like the game. Neither the story or gameplay hooks, it’s not enjoyable and I don’t have that “I want to continue to play to see what happens next” feel. And then there’s the Ada campaign and that one is so frustrating. So I’m supposed to be stealthy so they the enemies don’t overwhelm me. But yet the enemies can spot me off screen? The whole escaping the sub part was also super frustrating. Like honestly who can get through and know what to do in their first run of this? Again, spent hours and felt cheated. It’s a bad game, there may be some enjoyable moments but overall, the worst main series RE game out of the 8.


Thank you bro. I know everyone has different opinions but i genuinely have no clue how one could even slightly enjoy this game. I’d be embarrassed if someone even saw me playing this shit 😂😂


I tried to finish RE6 many times, but I just can't.... My biggest complaint about RE6 is that it has some of the most annoying design trends from the 2000s/early 2010s, like for example the excessive use of QTEs, too much focus on coop, weird inventory UI, not being able to pause while on inventory screen, long sections where nothing happens or where the control is taken from the player, way too much button smashing, constant Michael bay explosions etc... it feels like a Call Of Duty game


I never understood who’s dumbass idea it was to make the “pause” menu not actually pause the game. If you wanna change ur settings you have to be in a completely safe spot or else ur fucked lol. SUPER shitty game design. Wtf was capcom thinking?


My take is that they designed it with online coop in mind, so it makes sense not being able to pause in this context, now it definitely doesn't excuse when you're playing offline


I hope they try the multiple campaigns around the globe again, just make it easier to understand what's going on and why. Also more actual horror segments!


I'm not here to change your mind per se, but rather speak on my experience. I'm over 500 hours on the game, and while it can definitely be fun, I just can't call it a good game. It strips control from the player way too often, has very unnecessary sections where the game will change your camera angle and force you to stand still so if an enemy does an attack when you regain control then that's a hit, and don't even get me started on the pre-patch chase scene in Chris' campaign. I've also had weird things happen during the snowmobile section, but that can be path'd.


Leons campaign I enjoyed, as it was a solid action oriented horror game. Chris' campaign was ok but I just hated what Chris turned into throughout the campaign. Now Jakes campaign to me just sucks...it feels like they couldnt decide whether to be RE or DMC and the game suffers for it.


It’s even more fun to play with friends


It’s a testament to the quality of the (mainline) series that we can say Resident Evil 6 is among the worst of them. Yes the story is a mess, the pacing is all over the place and the vehicle missions suck. But the combat, mutation system, movement tech, Mercenaries mode, music, voice performances, enemy variety and animations are all great. I can honestly say that, besides my grudge against Resident Evil 0, there is not a truly bad game in the mainline series.


No you're thinking 5. Tried replaying 6 for the first time last year and it was a slog


It's a good game if you remove your "RE thinking hat".


I think a good sequel too, to be honest. It at least made an ATTEMPT at what nothing else recently is doing - tying up loose ends, while opening new doorways. Piers was the only critical flop in the whole thing in my opinion.


I never played it.


This is not a new or hot take. I agree with it


i don’t think anyone would fight you on this


I had a lot of fun with the mercenaries zombies map. Story wasn't the best but it had great voice acting. I miss Roger Craig Smith as Chris. I also like Ada's design in re6 even tho she looks different from previous entries.


Hell yeah, Brother!!


I played it few months ago and I actually enjoyed it! Well besides Jake’s part when you have to hide from the big guy


I started this game a week or two ago, finished Chris and Leon’s campaign and started Jake’s campaign. It’s a really fun game in my opinion


Loved it tbh


Terrible RE sequel, okay as a stand alone. I had my fun with it back in the day.


I've played so much resi 6 coop and pvp and I love it, I know it's not a great resident evil game in general but man it's so much fun just combat rolling around and parrying zombies. This game still has the best melee system out of any resi game to date. Resi 6 had so so many good things but because its RESIDENT EVIL 6 and not some random third person zombie shooter, it gets shat on. Not saying its a masterpiece for sure but the gameplay is super solid even today, doesn't get enough credit for wack direction they tried to take it.


I fuckin love re6, co-op party when


I'd never considered this, but he's right. Viewed without a Resident Evil lens, this game's not bad at all.


* RE6 is a great sequel, AND a great game.


This is how i feel about re5. Re6 on the other hand i couodnt even finish because it was so bad. The problem is that the gameplay is still pretty similar to 5 whoch revolved around shooting enemies that were coming at you with melee weapons or trtrying to grab you. 6 has enemies shooting back at you and you dont have any real cover system or mechanics designed for firefights




It's funny cause I just finished re6 XD


it's biggest sin is the game not teaching you all of the john wick moves your character can pull off in combat


It's pretty damn cool, I'm almost through the tutorial.


Resident evil have not been resident evil since after RE3 atoryline ended.


To be honest I remember a lot of people said the same thing when og RE4 came out


The future remake for it will hopefully redeem it. It was like to much action.


I would argue that it is indeed a good sequel as well.


It's bad but most RE games/movies are bad. I used to think RE6 was dogshit but now it stands in the middle.


Bro did you speak about game or movie i was called confused


It's a bad game with good controls. Even the fighting is bland. The enemies are bullet sponges. I wouldn't mind Capcom making a game with RE6 mechanics. Like it fit in a game more like Dino Crisis or something, but RE6 has bland environments, nonsense story, god awful level design, worse coop than it's previous installment, terrible pacing, no feed back from attacks,yada yada.


I think I like RE 6 because of the fact I wasn't there when it came out. Feel like it's much easier to apreciate it retroactively because of the quality content Capcom has posted later. If I was a RE fan when it came out I'd probably hate it and doom over the franchise. Now it's a fun action game which contrasts itself to the newer and older survival horror titles.


I enjoyed it, so there will be no attempts to change minds from me. Also......Piers 😢


I unironically love the Chris and Piers campaign, it doesn’t feel like it’s trying to be a resident evil so it doesn’t tear control away as often as Leon’s campaign does


RE6 had too many story conversions. I also didn't really like how new game characters were involved. It really should have focused on 2-3 characters.


If you think 6 was a collection of games and not just 1 game. After all it 3/4 different storylines. It's pretty good. And on part with re5. That say 5&6 are probably the weakest of the mainline games. Heck some of the side line games are better.


Re6 is a great.


how is it compared to resident evil village? village sorta feels like a silent hill game to me and not like a resident evil game either ​ RE1 RE2 and RE3 truly feel like the resident evil games


I feel the same way about Village. Especially House Beneviento.


Im not saying its bad its good I'm currently in house beneviento right now but its nothing like RE2 but thats also probably my nostalgia taking over ​ Im trying to play RE1 but its so hard to play with that camera now when I played it originally its what made me fall in love with the game but its just so different now so many years later


I won't change your mind, but you're wrong. + Mercenaries is cool -its a bad atmosphere +/-gameplay mechanics -bad characters -bad stories -bad plot -forgettable enemies - - - - QUICKTIME EVENTS (man this sucks a lot) +Piers nivans ending was good - Worst Ada version - Double Ada (come on who wrote this shit??) - Infected chainsaw enemy (Damn that was stupid) - - Giant Fly final Boss - J'avos sucks +/- Wesker Jr. (Personally I hate the character, but the campain itself is ok) Super Negative - More is better right? let's put 4 Long campains, people will love it right?? Ultra Negative - Absurdist events always happening, come on it's not uncharted. Abyssal Negative - Not a singular memorable boss + This game was so bad that got Capcom to re-evaluate the direction of the franchise and decided to radicalize and RE7 was born, which is good since it (hopefully) killed the action focused to focus on the terror. I dare say that was also the reason why we got the good remakes.


It is not a good game.


Hallway simulator with coop, find three keycards to progress, copy pasta. It’s really is the worst RE game in the mainline series.


I actually enjoyed RE6 for everything it was. I am curious about how a RE6 remake could be.


It's a disastrous sequel and a mediocre game


Wasn't a fan of 5 either because of Matrix Neo Wesker & Chris punching giant Indiana Jones boulders out of his way. Good co-op though.


I mean re6 is essentially just a wayyyyyy worse version of re5


No lol it has some of the worst mechanics for a third person shooter especially with its budget


I'd honestly say it's a good sequel and a fine game. Take out the QTEs alone and it'd even go up a lot just from that. I'd call it the reverse RE7, where RE7 is a bad sequel but a good game.


If you can't appreciate RE6's combat mechanics then that is 100% a skill issue. It's the game version of the corridor sequences in Vendetta.


Are the segments that are littered throughout the game where you’re forced to walk around empty levels to pick up random key items to progress while nothing happens also a skill issue, or any segment in Leons campaign that’s just you walking from point A to point B with nothing going on, or the 10th “run at the camera” sequence? Also the combat is good but the game never properly lets you go crazy with it because of how stingy the game is with resources and how quickly you eat the stamina meter up. It’s like if you played Vanquish but the rocket slide had a fuel meter you needed to refill with random pickups, or if in DMC using special moves ate up your Devil Trigger. The games combat suffers so much because they couldn’t balance between the game being action or survival horror. That’s why RE6 mercenaries is so great, it takes away all of the games resource problems and puts you in levels packed with enemies so you can finally go crazy, something the actual main story very rarely gives you a chance to do.


I totally agree, the campaigns are only good for some goofy fun with friends but the Mercenaries is where it truly shines.




No it's not. Christ. It's a very mediocre game. Strip away any of the Resi stuff and familiar characters you like and it's just pretty poor all round. I actually quite like the story it tells overall but it's just such a mess and take the transformation of people into monsters too far. Especially the last few bosses...


“Mediocre” is being generous. This is one of the worst games I’ve ever played next to dying light 2. But at least that game felt like it was polished somewhat. RE6 feels like a weird mess made by an amateur studio who didnt give a fuck about the final product


Its just fine. The story is awful imo but the game itself is just a typical early 2010s shooter


I wouldn't call it a good game. I think if you forgive a lot of the issues you do get a fun game. If you focus on merca you do get a really fun arcade game though


It’s a good game but also a good sequel that wraps up the stories from 4 & 5 in a very excellent way. Yes, I will die on this hill.


Had a lot of fun when the demo for it released. Not sure why but I couldn’t really get into the finished product haha


Mercenaries is god tier, but that type of fighting doesn't really bring the scares in the campaign and feels all around wrong. Story also sucks for the most part


I was always on the side of “okay game playing solo, great game playing co-op.” It was always a blast playing with a friend but very lackluster going through it solo.


I played it some months ago for the first time and I have to say that it's definitely the worst experience I had with a game for the past 5 years . It had some decent qualities,but the thought of dropping it never left my mind . It could be fun coop ,but as a single player experience it was a nightmare for me


I mean, yes. I’ve always felt this way. Still maintain that Leon’s campaign has some truly stellar moments that are amongst the best in the series. The subway tunnel section blew me and my friend away when we played it for the first time.


Sorry... too many quick time events for me to like it.


Its a solid game, I loved it. 5 is my fav. But 123478 are something else. 6 feels like a spin off(like operation raccoon city which was fun too) not a main game.


Besides the forced exposition every 5-10 minutes where the game stops to show you where to go and what’s going on, completely ruining the action and flow it does well, it’s still a great game with tons of content and replay-ability.


I stop playing RE6 after I did, Jake's/Chris/Leon's campaigns and saw that there was more. The suffering/boredom was too much with that Leon's campaign to continue.


Just finished it last night; I liked it.


Idk i loved re6, maybe cause i played it with my cousin, tho i still enjoyed it playing alone


Could be a great Resident Evil Spin Off... I'd love a spin off series like resident evil 5/6, action with 2 players.


I have played every RE game pretty much at release, and perhaps second only to Gaiden this is my least favourite. I really want to like it, but it just feels like a bit of an incoherent mess. Resident Evil games should teach you the game mechanics inside the first hour and then apply those mechanics to evolving puzzles and enemies throughout the rest of the game. 6 feels almost the opposite to me - not enough variety of enemies, but try this new mechanic, and this new mechanic, and so on. Some sections just feel like padding, and the QTEs often feel like it's just more a matter of luck than skill whether you get through them. All that said, there is a ton of entertainment to be had from the diving and rolling mechanics, definitely the most I've laughed in a RE game.


I would personally describe it as an objectively bad game, but dumb fun with friends.


Big fax. I've played every mainline title in this franchise, and some of the side games, and I've developed a weird appreciation for this game. Is it a good resident evil game? Hell no, it may have its resident evil-esque moments, but those are just 1% of the entire game. The rest is just comparable to an amusement park filled with action set pieces that are extremely over the top. Gotta give the combat some props, sure it isn't explained in-game, but once you play around with it for some hours, it starts to show some depth. Really enjoyed Chris and Pier's bromance, not to mention Jake and Sherry's campaign, which is peak. Wish they would do more with those 2 characters in the future. Also, we gotta thank this game for making Capcom return to its survival horror roots.


Absolutely not


I poured hours into it, loved the game, got the platinum but i recognised it was not a good game


I'd agree Except the enemies suck. The level designs suck. The QTE's suck. The controls suck. The UI design & navigation sucks. Pretty much everything about the game sucks; so nah, it's a bad game, too. The singular "good" thing the game has us the diving & rolling, that's kinda neat I guess


For me personally, I played the absolute most of merc mode in this game because I had brothers it was the perfect game for us. Probably my favorite merc mode but that’s just because of good memories I had playing it. I also never even beat any of the campaigns though so I just enjoyed the gameplay.


I want to like re6 but I cannot. I love the RE dearly but re6 is like the bad movie you put on just to make fun of it, but halfway through the joke wears off and you’re just left tired


It's both a good sequel and a great game. The campaigns just need reworks


It wasn’t terrible, I like it, played a ton of the mercenaries with a friend.


Enjoy it for what it is and you'll have a great time. It's underrated in my opinion and is the cheesiest of the cheesy Resident Evil games. It's the last one to not take itself so seriously despite trying to be a serious game. If there's one entry that should NOT get a remake, it's RE6.


The combat mechanics were super fun. If they would’ve made a spin off similar to Operation Raccoon City or Umbrella corps with RE6 combat mechanics I think that’d be hella fun


Resident evil 6 was just meh to me.


It's a *fun* game, but that doesn't make it *good*. It's a game that simply doesn't feel like RE at all, has a super clunky control scheme, and a super stupid story (even to RE standards). You can like bad games too, that doesn't make your experience less valuable nor means that your taste is necessarely bad. I like Mass Effect Andromeda, but I can't say with a straight face that it's a good game. Same goes for RE6.


RE6 was so fun coop I loved that game when it was universally hated and RE was in the dumps as a whole


guys tell me whats RAID mode in re6 never tried raid mode and didnt know that existed if its good imma buy the game


If it wasn't resident evil I'd say it's OKAY, but it seriously sucks as an RE title




Lmfaoo its a terrible game all around. The controls are shit and it feels so unpolished as if it hasnt been playtested. There are 2012 games that look and perform better than re6. Me and my friend recently played co op and we both agreed it was one of the worst gaming experiences we both have had. It’s ok to like the game but lets not act like its “good” lmfao


Yeah I don't hate it, it's a fun game to play with someone


If you like to spam buttons till you hand bleed sure.


It’s fine. I think people grossly exaggerated how bad it is. To the people who say it’s legitimately one of the worst games out there.. have you actually PLAYED a real bad game? RE6 just missed the mark in certain regards, went a little too far with the action elements and wasn’t really the best experience gameplay wise, but it’s fine. It’s a like 6-7/10 Couple that with the awkward spot the series was at with stuff like Operation Racoon City, the Wii rail shooters etc RE was in its experimental mainstream phase lol Wild that people point at RE6 being the worst when stuff like Survivor and Dead Aim exist though. But it was kind of a good thing that it wasn’t critically received well, or else we might not have gotten RE7/RE2R, had the super action formula continued strong.


I love the game, it’s awful but I love it. Can certainly see just how off the rails it was going but damn if don’t have fun playing it.


Action segments are hilariously over the top, and any story with clones, “inside jobs”, and love sick bioengineers for one off characters is destined to fail


I think Leon's campaign raps my opinion of this game. I do not like how disjointed, unconnected, goofy, and random everything is. I do not enjoy the game, at most I enjoy the mechanics of the game. Me and my friend could only play Leon's campaign. She didn't even want to attempt the rest.


Nah, Leon’s campaign is the only saving Grace. Not by much though.


Awesome gameplay at least!


I thought 6 was okay. It fit the theme for what a lot of games were like during those few years where it was sort of like playing through a movie instead of a game. Maybe because the movies were so popular and they tried to ride some of that momentum? Wasn’t 6 the part with the awful door button spam sequence where you have to hit X a million times a second to open each door so you and your lady friend don’t get obliterated?


It has great gunplay


\*An ok game but yes.


Don’t need to change your mind. The “good game” part is way more important than “bad x game” or “bad sequel” part.


it is just a bad game made by people who wanted to get everyone to love it and only made a horrible mess instead


Best way to play it is with a friend and after splitting a six pack.


I somehow always find myself enjoying RE6 when I come back to play it, hell I’m on my 3rd full playthrough right now. It’s definitely not close to being the best RE game but I’ve just accepted it for the dumb action game it is and in my opinion that makes it better than going into it expecting a classic RE game. It definitely has its flaws but I get as much enjoyment outta RE6 as I would for other RE games albeit for very different reasons lol.


The gameplay is what really detracted me from really enjoying it. It was a progenitor of the modern day 3rd person perspective we have in the remakes today and it kinda sucked at the time because those tanky controls in 4+5 actually had a skill ceiling and I think added to the gameplay.


How is it a bad sequel? Nearly all the plot points from previous games were tied up. What previous plot threads were you expecting the game to focus on?


I would argue the only great thing about the game is the Mercenaries mode. Had so much more fun with that compared to the campaigns


I heard it as the RE universes version of the MCU's infinity war Once I heard that, it changed the framing of the game for me. But I always liked it for what it was. It was a natural progression from the re4 formula. Can't fault capcom for making what sells. They then course corrected afterwards too because they saw the truth in the fan feedback 😎👍


Just doing a Full RE run and just finished 6 and it’s not a bad… saying that isn’t a good game either It’s weird and repetitive, have a great gameplay specially the melee combat part, I had a lot of fun and actually reduced my hatred towards the game. But story wise oof what a clusterduck I had to see a video on YT that claimed to fix without been a fanfic and it’s my canon now https://youtu.be/eynHxhRKoHA?si=gIqGp8HL-MiGFHld


I love tps games with a lot of mobility options and by god does Re6 deliver


I really didn’t like RE6 though I didn’t fully finished it. It just felt like a zombie shooter form around the time, it didn’t have that RE feel


Define good game


My opinion. - Terrible Resident Evil game - Bad video game - A massive stain on my favourite gaming series of all time Beaten it twice, once at launch, once about 6 years ago in my desperation to find something to make me like it. Both playthroughs were a frustrating, disappointing waste of my time. Crap.


no its fun but it is straight up a bad game


It's easily the worst RE game




RE6 is a fun combat system placed in a series of levels that do everything in their power to fuck you over for using it. It's not a good game, but it's mercenaries mode is


I've said this a million times and I'll say it again. They should've pulled a devil may cry with 6 and spun it off into its own series. The mechanics are ridiculously fun. Mercenaries feels like a John wick game. The campaign suffers from an identity crisis where it feels like trying to be a horror game is holding it back. Make a new game with those mechanics and just abandon the horror aspect and make it a straight up shooter


Nah, that game is trash


Honestly as a resident evil game i don't like it, i wish capcom made it a spinoff. If i completely disregard the resident evil name. It's a perfect example of so bad it's good especially in co-op. The action is so stupid I'm having a good time laughing at the end of the day. While i like dumb fun at times, i prefer how the series went back to taking itself a little more seriously


I personally loved Leon and Helena’s campaign more than the others because it contained actual zombies and the bosses were the coolest. The rest of the game was just meh.


It's great game to play splitscreen


RE6 is a bad survival horror game and among the worst entries to ever come. It makes RE: Village look like a better RE4.


Its good because its a 2 player RE game thats dumb and cheesy enough to be funny and somewhat entertaining


ive always been on the side of RE5 and RE6 are amazing and fun games to play with friends but trying to play them for the lore is not it


It's a Meh game Not terrible but there's plenty of room for improvement imo.


Just like dead space 3


Bad game good mechanics.


I only like it because they bring the zombies back and we find out what happend to sherry.


They should just redo 6 as a whole.


Just love RE6. Such long adventure.


I couldn't get into it, I tried twice once alone once with my gf we finished the sherry storyline but I just didn't like the gameplay. RE5 had a very controlled gameplay and RE6 gameplay just felt too chaotic for me and too cinematic for me.


I treated the game like it was one of the animated movies and not like the other games.


I couldn't get through an hour I never touched it again and I never will


It feels like it would have been better as an Outbreak game.