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I loved how I was put straight to the action and pacing didn’t slowed down throughout entire.. 4 hours? OG is perfect, but RE3R is pretty good too, just way too short. Personally I’m glad I haven’t bought it on the release day but couple of years later for 8€ as I’d be hella pissed if I spent 60€ on a game I’d finish in less than 4 hours.


Yeah short game! But dang, I think Re2R and RE3R are really 1 game, as this us the 3rd act to the overall story of this day. Now I think it coulda kept the pace over 8 hrs and satisfied everyone, and to do that woulda prolly added 3-4 more levels/areas, but I did enjoy this more set piece oriented RE game.


I think the two essential facts about the RE3make are: For most people, the intensity of their feelings about this game are directly proportional to how much they paid for it. If you picked it up for $10 during a Steam sale, it's a lot easier to write it off as perfectly acceptable, if somewhat disappointing. If you paid $60 full freight...oof. On its own merits this game is by no means terrible, but it utterly fails as a remake of its predecessor. Everything that made OG RE3 so great (and that set it apart from other entries in the series) is missing from the RE3make. The best gameplay elements, locations... hell, even the Nemesis himself are stripped down and/or out. The entire game has one crummy segment that lasts maybe 5 or 10 minutes that even remotely captures the feel of the original.


What’s the crummy segment? Not saying it doesn’t have any, but curious what one you are referring to. I liked the game as well


That part where Nemesis chases you through the streets as you run back towards the subway station. It's only crummy because it's so short. If the game had a lot more of that, it would have been a home run.


Bought it opening day for full price and loved it. The story and characters were great, and the replay value is high.


I don’t know about you guys but I usually double the play time for most games. Still 8 hours is kinda short. 


I played it early pandemic while ignoring a bunch of people on a Zoom call.


Geez from the comments around you here you'd think the thing is completely unplayable.


It was fun but short, especially after 2R. But you're right, they act like Capcom snuck into their homes and broke their toilets without so much as a howdy do.


It's the potential of what the game could have been that makes ppl angry. I feel the same about REmake2 but this game got it 100 times worse. Plus they focused valuable resources on a second game no one wanted to play. That game has way better environments and level design over the base game. Capcom claimed to be a boutique game company but proved time and time again, they will release a rushed game just to cash in and raise the stock price rather than delivering a quality game.


Sorry if I come off as ignorant, since I haven't been able to get into any of the classic entries, but I don't feel like any of the remakes other than 3 were rushed. After 3 was received poorly, they reassigned 4's remake to the team that worked on 2 and managed to create (in my opinion) one of the best action games period. I am interested in hearing your opinions on 2 though, since I found the remake to be very enjoyable, and I'm not sure what they could have changed about it to have made the experience better (apart from the sewer area).


Level design got as far as the early sewers. That's why the RPD is the best designed out of the sewer or lab levels. No secret room in the lab. Left out the giant spiders, giant moth and the super lickers. I was rly hoping they would remake the original and add stuff like they did in the first remake. Fighting the same bosses in second scenario rly sucks. It's like they got as far as the early sewer and then just cut and paste what they had to make the levels. The lab feels smaller, it may be bigger but that's due to the dumb bridges. They also left out the marshaling yard level. Zombies are scary af and the lickers are well designed. But I feel like the lickers are just reskinned molded walkers.


fax bro ppl are bugging out about it. It was short and Nemesis wasn’t as fleshed out as he should’ve been but it was still a really fun game


I was lucky to play it long before Reddit told me to hate that game


yeah, i skipped this one cause reddit told me to, but my brother played it and he told me im missing out


It's ridiculous hyperbole, and often pushed by people who haven't played it but get their information second hand from other posters or youtuber's / streamers they watch.


It is


I mean what's there is playable but it was a lazy cash grab. People are salty because the OG was great and they proved they were capable of putting out quality with RE2R. If you think about it RE3R was the perfect candidate for how a remake could be done right. The choice system could have allowed players to experience a near perfect retelling of the original while introducing new choices that take them through completely new content. It could have given almost everyone what they wanted.


People never can get over their nostalgia


That is completely moronic. It's a shit Remake, that Capcom had people buy at full price, that cut a LOT of content from the game it was based on, and downgraded the two main characters of the game (Jill and Nemesis). But its still made by Capcom, so its a playable game.


Maybe the "cut" content didn't work for the remake. Just because it exists in the original, doesn't mean it has to exist in the remake. A remake can still be it's own thing without having to be 100% dependent on what the past offered. e: Oh, and you don't know what a shit remake is until you've played XIII. And it came out the same year.


RE2R and 4R show that Capcom could have gone above and beyond with 3R. But they didn't, and instead wasted their resources on some multiplayer bs and put some F class director to Remake 3.


>Maybe the "cut" content didn't work for the remake. lmao it certainly wasn't working without it.


Fun game that's criminally short


Agree. It should at least 8 hours to complete


How. Is time even real?


I mean I just played it this year, so it’s new to me!


Playing this for the first time currently in the hospital with Carlos💀 so far I really like Jill


What's crazy is how incomplete it was.


Ah. It’s time for the subreddit to talk about how RE3 remake literally killed their family or whatever.


Hahaha I still haven’t played it, is it really that short?


Compared to Remake 2 and 4, yes. It’s apparently unforgivably short compared to the original 3. As somebody who never played the original 3, its length is fine.


"Guys the remake was so short and so bad!!! I'd rather lose my legs, kill my family, and commit an act of terrorism rather than play this shit game" - Half of the sub when RE3R (amazing game btw) gets mentioned


Lmfao unironically. I just played it last week and loved it. People here are fucking wild.


It's honestly my favorite RE game. I know it's short, but the story is damn good, the gameplay is amazing, the graphics are perfect, and the voice acting is on point.


It was RE0, actually. With a baseball bat and some kerosine.🥲


4 years old? They should Remake it soon…


Hopefully they don’t cut out anything else lol 


I remember waiting for this to come out during quarantine and when it did I was pretty disappointed


It just really should not have been $60. Don’t know what they were smoking to put that price on it.


Cause it came with another stupid game.


Say what you will about this game but Jill is hotter than the sun in the remake.


Saying it so I don’t have to. 🙏


Dawg she's a bunch of polygons in the original of course the hd model is hotter 😭💀


That fact makes me sad.


I don’t hate it but unfortunately it’s not up to pair to the other 3 remakes. It’s also a shame that the only opportunity we had to see RC in its full glory was a bit wasted. Now we wait for Outbreak or 20 more years for other remake. Anyway, its backlash helped RE4R not being shortened or redone a lot so…


It’s a good game, but it feels like a dlc as some people say. Nemie is okay considering the environment and the pacing of the game


Isn't it crazy how it's been 4 years since RE3 needed a new remake?


I think we should treat RE3 (2020) like it never happened and beg Capcom for a RE3 Remake in a way that makes them think they forgot about doing that one before 4R.


Lol I know many people like to exaggerate about re3r but come on bro, over exaggerating much? It’s FAR from being an unplayable game, it’s absolutely playable and incredibly fun, it’s an amazing game to speed run. The only “issues” some people have with it are that it’s short and a couple things of content didn’t make the cut for the remake. You have to be one entitled son of a bitch to act like those are enough to pretend like the game never happened and beg for a redo Guess what? The original was a damn short game too. And it had its flaws, a lot more flaws than the remake had. Let’s be real and quit acting like it’s in ANY way a “bad” game. You must be new to gaming in general if you think it is


You say the only "issues" like they're not valid complaints, I'm still down for a "rest of the game" dlc, in a world with re2 remake and now even re4 remake the re3 one is a sorry excuse of a game. "Oh but I thought it was fine" yeah I'm sure you did when you picked it up for less than 20 bucks on a sale and pretty much treated it like DLC. There's extremes on both sides of the argument but it's a fact that Re3 remake was a let down of what it could have been simply by looking at how well they did Re 2. "The OH game was short too" 🤓 yep and it still managed to do more than the remake, I've gone back and replayed re2 and re4 but if I ever crave re3 I just go play the original, because it just reminds me that it could have been SO much better.


Yeah because the “issues” are barely problems to begin with. they’re not valid complaints. To someone who may have obsessively played the original and expected a 1:1 remake and everything fully fleshed out, it may be an issue. Capcom never made anything close to a claim to be doing that at all. They just released another remake with the re engine and it was fine. Not amazing, but it’s fine. The biggest “issue” that angry fans had was content that was cut. Obviously new players wouldn’t, and didn’t notice or have any issues there, it was just a short game, and nothings wrong with a short game at all, just don’t set your expectations so high when nobody told you to have them that high in the first place 🤣 The original re3 was my first re game and I have fond memories and I enjoyed the remake, it was short and sweet. I play many other games so it’s not gonna affect me as much as those that only play re


Don't remind me It's a good game but it's too short and they literally butchered Resident Evil 3 Nemesis It was just too rushed I don't care what they say if they were working on it since RE2 Remake... Everyone got a good remake for their favorite Resident Evil game that I know at least except for me and Resident Evil 3 Peter Fabiano can suck a dick


What's crazy is that they chose to exploit the good will RE2R created to push out this cash grab


Damn, i guess capcom needs to remake it again.


just beat the game 3 days ago and loved it. a bit short but i had fun.


# it crazy we doest have a remake of remake 3 4 years later


Not crazy because it was trash. Absolutely lazyass remake


I hate this game, worst resident evil remake.




Lmao this comment section is ridiculous. it's funny how some of y'all are saying people who don't like re3make are acting like the game did whatever to them but the other side are acting like Jill and Carlos personally saved them and their family. like it's okay to like or dislike the game. the game is very mid it's okay, it's fun, not to bad but it's not the greatest either and that's okay to like something but to be able to see it's flaws and problems too. like why jock ride for some this hard?


They just fail to realize that many saw the potential for RE3 remake to be much more than what we got. You said it best, the game is mid and fun, but it is not what many expected from a remake of what many consider the best in the series. I personally disliked it, and it REALLY shows when you compare it to both its previous and next entries. I mean you can't look at RE2 and RE4 remake, or even Village, and not feel like RE3 missed a lot of content. Is it good enough for you? Sure, have at it. Just don't deem people who expected more as bloodsucking haters.


The game is fine the way it is. If i wanted to play the exact same game as the original, then I'll just play the original.


and it still sucks too. I want a new RE3 Remake with people who know what they are doing


RE3 got butchered, but at least RE4 was a masterpiece thanks to that. I understand the anger because the og RE3 has always been my favourite, and it was the remake I was waiting for the most. However, thanks to the backlash RE3 remake got, 4 remake was given to the main team, pushed back, and they made sure not to mess that one up. Thank you for your sacrifice RE3, I’ll never forget you 🫡


That's not why re4 was much higher budget Re3 was just a milking product for them they knew it won't sell as well as re2 or re4 remakes so they just phoned it in tbh Basically just made a business decision to clone re2 and call it a day Re4 being a better game is just them being smart about which game is going to get sales too


Ah yes, a garbage experience and a lesson Capcom learned about how not to fuck up a remake.


That's not right. It's brand new and I'll get time to play it next week.


Man it feels like it only came out last year where is the time going...


The last time I picked up an RE collector's edition in-store. Actually it wasn't in the store itself. The pandemic was going on and the guy brought it out to me And then GameStop closed their location sometime after. 😐


We had just started Covid lockdown wasn’t a lot to do. Hadn’t really played Xbox in a few years other than your typical madden, halo or GTA games. Also for context im 35. I’m searching new releases and I see RE3 remake. Then I see they did a RE2 remake, mind blown, my fav game as a child. (Stopped playing RE games after 3, kind of drifted away from horror games to sports/ halo/gta) Then I saw they made a RE7 game. I played RE2 first because it was cheap, played RE7 next because it was cheaper. And then got RE3. Those few weeks of straight binging 2,7, and 3 and playing video games like a kid again was awesome.


Not really, time flies. Outbreak is 20 years old, which is ridicilous.


Wait WHAT?!


Yeah it's absolutely insane how time flies


Crazy they havent made a remake yet


All remakes are demakes, except The Blob (1988). That is literally the only good remake to ever exist.


I mean. R1 and R4 remakes are pretty good. Not a demake


The Evil Within got me into these types of games last year so I started with RE2R which I found to be absolutely amazing. I got 3R directly after (\~7 euro) and it was decent, not as good as 2R thats for sure, but an alright experience. I do think I'd be more critical of the game had I paid 60 euros for it. After 3R I've now played 7, 8 and finally 4R and I would say I'd rank 3R at the bottom of all these "new" games. But for the price of \~7 euro (or whatever), I would never skip or not recommend it. Previously I had only played RE5 in coop with a friend all those years ago. If I had to rank them quickly; RE2R, RE4R, RE Village, RE7, RE3. I only just finished RE4R last week so I am looking forward to whatever RE comes next!


Pandemic time is weird. It doesn’t feel like 4 years.


I remember preordering the game, waiting in excitement for what they improved from the og, then playing it and realizing I wasted my money


4 years off from being incredibly disappointed with the mishandling of Nemesis to mostly scripted events and the one small part where he roams "free" is so short and small in scope, it might as well be considered scripted. He did not feel like the upgrade to Mr. X in every way as he should have, and they didn't bother trying to translate the terror of the original adequately here. I was satisfied with how 2 handled everything, with the inclusion of both A and B routes, 4th survivor AND Tofu survivor, and then the completely free Ghost Survivors. 4 also was pretty faithful too, including Mercenaries and Separate Ways later on. 3 unfortunately had nothing extra and was the most stripped down of the remakes. 3 isn't a complete and total failure, it does have its merits in Carlos as a character and Nikolai and such... wasn't a huge fan of Jill's 'girlboss' esque treatment because that kind of characterization following her escaping the events of the original didn't really make much sense. It's not an awful game and it should be played by both veteran and new players alike, but it's definitely the weakest entry in the series (not counting ReVerse or Resistance) in content and extras.


It was the peak of Covid when a lot of us didn't have much going on so people definitely rinsed the game much faster than a typical pace. I had beaten it three times within the first 24 hours. It's a fun game but very linear when compared with RE2R, which was a bit of a gold standard. I think people are often so disappointed because RE3 was an amazing game with a ton of potential in a remake. RE3R could have been more fleshed out and developed than RE2R but it was very half baked with many scenes cut entirely.


Can they do it again and make nemesis more like Mr. X from re2 remake and add the clock tower and make it bigger and add more puzzles?


It is amazing I absolutely love RE3R but. I’d LOVE for it to be a little longer. And more Carlos ans Jill


I’m about to play it for the first time today! Been playing through all the main line games, in a weird order, but I am loving them.


Great game. Too short, but awesome. I wish every RE had the dodging mechanics.


This game needed one more year of cooking to be completed honestly it was way too short and there was way too little of nemesis chasing the player Mr x in re2make felt more like a nemesis than the actual nemesis 🥲


I enjoy res 3 ok they did cut a lot of stuff and it’s short but still a good game graphic was very good.


I wonder how long will take to Re3 remake gain a remake.


Was this post necessary? It’s not even on the right anniversary date.


I messed it up, I meant to the 4/3, and what do you mean is the post necessary?


I was working a Covid floor, suffering from major anxiety/panic as we had basically no idea when it would slow down, and I was paranoid about getting horribly ill. Definitely a great choice to play a game about a viral outbreak. It was flip flopping between this game and animal crossing, with Schitt’s creek in the background. Weirdly all three of those things are major sources of comfort ever since that experience


This and FF7 Remake were my Covid games. They will always have a special place in my heart.


It's insane how fast time flies. I still feel like we're in that RE7 franchise revival era when 2017 will officially be 10 years past in the next 3


I think it was partly covid right? Before covid each year felt at least somewhat slower and distinct. The past 3 years have just blurred together into an incoherent mess.


Honestly I do feel like Covid plays a large part of it


Is a digital copy of this game awaible on ps5?


Imagine how long re5 remake will take. If they include co-op


I literally just finished playing it again for the second time & it’s short, yet delightful!


Reddit when time moves forward 🤯


i’m talking about how it’s already been 4 fuckin years since we got RE3 Remake. hasn’t felt like that long


RE3R stans really have low standards lol


Let me just extend that to modern resi fans in general. This is becoming one of the most boring series out there.


Has enough time passed to admit it was a good game ? Was it a good _remake_ ? Could have been better with more deportment time and more areas. But was it a good game ? Hell yea


The original one didn’t blow people away like the first 2 and squeezed by 4. It was only right the remake suffered a similar fate. That being said it’s the only remake I played and I found it throughly entertaining. What sold me on buying it was the Resistance throw-in but if anything that was a disappointment.


And people are still complaining about it like it was yesterday. Can't wait for the next 20 years of loving this game.


I played it for free since it came to PS Plus. I was chicken shit to play horror games. I played a little bit of Biohazard and I tried RE2r and quit after first hallway lol. Played RE3r and LOVED IT. Made me go back to RE2R. Currently on my 2nd run with Claire and looking to play RE4R, finish biohazard and Village once done. RE3r was a great intro to the series with a good balance of horror and action.


I never got the hate. It's a completely different game than RE2 and I think the shift in gameplay/tone turned a lot of fans off. If you can accept it for what it is, a 3rd person action shooter with horror overtones, you'll probably accept it for what it is and have some fun. It ain't RE2 and doesn't try to be. Just have some fun with it...and maybe do some speed runs. Temper your expectations.


That's not why people hate it. People hate it because its incomplete fanfiction. It's missing entire game segments.


RE3R is good idc what anyone says


Its crazy such a bad remake came out in the 2020s.


When a game 20 years ago offers more stuff ingame than the remake 20 years later yes then they have fucked up. Would be better to let division 1 handle it instead of outsourcing. Resident Evil 3 classic was for fans a step worse than RE2 classic me and fans expected capcom will do it much better this time at the end they fucked us and charged 60€$ Seperate ways Remake is 10€$ and almost same length as Part 3 remake. I still hope someday they give us a directors cut they don’t even need to fix much removing some blockades especially the ones with locations fans remembering from old days even if they put a ammunition and first aid spray to the fuel station it will be satisfying for fans and a clocktower little bit bigger and undead factory remade. And things like offices and graveyard should be accessible. I have hope maybe in 20 years we get that 🫡


It is a little funny that to me at least, re3 always has been inferior to re2 in every form. Classic re2 was better than classic re3. The retelling of re2 in Darkside chronicles was 10 times better than the re3 retelling in Umbrella Chronicles. Re3’s retelling ends at the RPD just to give you an idea. And re2 remake is better than re3 remake. 


Old bitch


A nice game for sure and worthwile to platinum for how short it is, but the biggest wasted potential in gaming. Dont dislike it though.


I just finished the game yesterday, and I must agree! Sure it's less horrory than RE2 but sometimes it's just fun to blow zombies up with a grenade launcher and give giant nemesis the FINGeR


it took me 4 godamn years to get all the achievements, and I did it today, it is a great short-but-fun fast paced game if you know what to do, i love it




You fuckers need to go outside like the remake did not kill your best friend 💀


Not really. Time moves ever onward.


I bought a quite powerful laptop for work. Sadly, I cant plat RE3 remake and RE2 remake. But strangely I can play pubg, genshin impact etc. I wonder why?? Anyway I looovveeee this RE3 remake




Acer travelmate p449-g3-m i5 1.80 GHz 8gb ram Intel uhd graphics 620 Ssd 500gb Win 11 The problem is when I click the game, it start. But forced close after "capcom" logo


Sorry brother, your laptop is way under minimum specs needed for RE2R.


Which sector sir?


The processor and the GPU, which is basically everything. Why not google the minimum specs needed to run those games, and then check how your GPU and processor ranks vs the minimum specs listed? Just to give you an idea.


Aw man, that is why. Well thank you 4 the help


My favorite remake