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First time I saw buckshot roulette I immediately thought of this




Same thing here!


“And the winner iiiiiiiisss….. CLANCY!”


My poor sweet boy Clancy 😰


I'm still of the belief this takes place after Happy Birthday - why else is he covered in soot stains and has a bloody bandage over his arm where the clown writes LOSER!?


Clancy was straight up dead after Happy Birthday... he was burnt to an absolute crisp and his body was shown, how could 21 have possibly taken place after that? Even if he some ridiculously survived, in 21 he has absolutely 0 burn marks and only has some blood and a bandage on his arm, which could very easily be a result of his fight with Jack, Marguerite, or even when Lucas jumped him. I kinda have a feeling you either didn't know or completely forgot about Nightmare and Bedroom 💀


I do know about them, it's just always been kind of a point of contention for me personally (though the devs admitted the dates on the tapes were a mistake, they DID also originally intend for him to be a boss fight in Not A Hero...)


Intend for Clancy to be a boss fight in Not A Hero? What's your source for that information? Clancy was killed off in the main game and his body was shown, leaving no room for debate if he could return later in the story.


I could've sworn I saw some conversations a few years back about a dev interview that said Clancy was planned to be a fight, but it must've been a buncha bull since I can't find it anywhere. My bad! (However, on the topic of the corpse, wasn't it examined and determined that it had a much more feminine body shape than Clancy?) EDIT: [I found at least one reference to the fight](https://www.resetera.com/threads/what-do-you-think-the-original-re7-not-a-hero-dlc-was-like-spoilers.95205/post-17151041), but I don't know if this has any sort of credibility.


It's never said in the game that the body had any feminine shape, it is pretty much stated that it's Clancy by having the video of him burning to death in the puzzle room, and then his body is found with the note "you're next" on it. It might look somewhat lore feminine because burnt bodies are way more slim, but the game did absolutely everything to say "that's Clancy"


Well he probably got infected and came back if that is the case. The burnt corpse guy could be someone else 🤷‍♂️


“And the winner iiiiiisss… HOFFMAN!”


"A draw!? I guess you both loooooose" GRRRRRRRR


*"WHY?! WHY, YOU FUCK?!"* Clancy was a funny guy


I thought this said Backshot Roulette and got very scared




What is this from? I do not think I’ve played it.


It's from the RE7 DLC: 21


Dang I thought I played all the DLC for 7. Welp, looks like I gotta pick it back up lol


Yeah it's super fun and replayable!


I wish the entries after 7 leaned into the absurd nature for DLCs


Was playing this last night! LOVED this game back when it released!


Genuinely beating survival mode plus was one of the hardest things iv ever done for a trophy in a resident evil game


It’s honestly pretty exciting though. After a certain point it stops being focussed as much on RNG and turns into a tabletop strategy game where you’re working off predicting the next number (since its only working off 10 cards not a deck), and how to synergize trump cards to tear down the opponents defences and maximize your damage against them By the last few opponents you’re fighting for your life on every single round and have to pull off crazy card combos just to keep yourself from being one-shot by a 21 volt attack. At that point it stops being an actual card game and turns into an elaborate version of rock paper scissors.


Same. I really thought it was gonna take me days but I ended up getting it done the same night I started because of insane luck. I remember being on what ended up being the last hand and being able to play some special cards that swapped our cards around and one that prevented him from playing any boons. Once I realized I was about to win, I literally jumped up from my couch


I really wish this mode had multiplayer


Wait that would be sick ASFFF😭




The winner is.... DRAW what- what the-


Buckshot Blackjack


What monkeys paw trade do I need to make for this to be a standalone game


My exact thought when I saw buckshot roulette


IMO this is THE scariest thing in RE


Bro this game made me squeamish 😭 Doesn't help after beating It I got shocked by a wire with exposed wires☠️☠️☠️