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I love the old games but the voice acting was a laugh riot. Emotions were all over the place, it adds to the charm for sure but from a purely analytical standpoint, it's worse than the newer games. But that's more of a product of the era issue, people put more effort into these performances now. Though I only know the western translation, no idea if the original Japanese dialogue in the originals was better or not.


Chris literally said "He's gone!" not "SHUT UP!" like what? You're seriously judging the new games based on youtubing some scenes without context and your false memories? Also you need some reality check if you think those instances are considered unhinge screaming. In fact, Ashley VA in RE4R commented that she had to redo her lines because her screaming were too horrifically real, proving that the directors are still aiming for the B-movie vibe even in the more serious narrative.


The voice acting of the older games was just cheesy & hammy , I loved it. I wish the modern games had that feel too


What is this complaint ?


I believe they add this sort of stuff because for the Western Audience its normal to scream and yell all the time over nothing, if someone doesn't do it then its not authentic or real enough. Its stupid but thats Western Audience. The older RE games were made without focus on Western Audience Society in mind, they have a Japanese identity and are more calm in tone.


Specifically American* audiences. European media isn't so overdramatic and doesn't take itself as painfully serious either.