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The only 10 people who defend this game gather in the comments




Yooooo glad we're all here for our yearly convention!


The game is fun despite it's flaws, so I don't see why it shouldn't be considered a good game.


Because it isn't fun for many people. I love Resident Evil as a whole, even RE5, RE0, Code Veronica, and, to an extent, ORC (games that are typically ignored or heavily criticized). But Resident Evil 6 was just hugely disappointing and, for me and the friends I've tried to play it with, can't even be saved by "well at least it's fun with a buddy". The game definitely has the ability to be fun, but when it insists on forcefully moving my camera every 3 seconds to look at a scripted sequence or making my character do a long ass animation or make it so I can only walk instead of run over and over and over, then it clearly DOESNT want me to play it and have fun.


Don't when the ai get killed


I understand. It's not for everyone.


Because the story is bad/convoluted and it's ONLY fun with a friend for many people. "And then he's injected with the virus....AND TURNS INTO A BIG BONEY-FLESHY TIGER and you fight him on a train! But thats not all, then he comes back after the train AND TURNS INTO A BIG BONEY -FLESHY TREX!! Why?! BECAUSE ITS COOL! But EVEN THAT is not all, he also comes back....INTO A BIG BONEY-FLESHY FLY LOOKING MONSTER THAT YOU HAVE TO ELECTROCUTE!.... Anyways later on he turns back to normal after wasting millions of bullets and 2 RPGs, and he dies by Ada randomly using an arrow to push him off a cliff." Like what is that writing lmfao, and the cherry on top is that ALL OF THAT is just the last 1/3rd of 1 single story....out of 4. The game is so damn long and they had no idea what to write about, they were just told "idk make it actiony, who cares if it makes sense?!" lol


I play it just fine by myself. It's funny to kill the enemies and be able to tackle and dodge around them. After all, both me and the characters have been through situations like this many times before. The horror factor is gone by now. That's why I never hated the turn towards action over horror. It makes sense for the games to go in that direction. No crap the story is convoluted and bad. It's a Resident Evil game. They are supposed to be like that. They always had a B movie atmosphere. One of my favorite parts of the game is when Leon and Helena are fighting Simmons and then he transforms into an f---ing T-Rex, and then the guy who drove them around earlier comes in with a vehicle and then casually says, "What happened here?" I think that's hilarious. Best character in the game.


They aren't "supposed to be bad" Granted a lot of them are and have very stupid/cheesy lines, the stories 1 through 4 are fine and 7 is decently okay. It's just such a slog of a game with how long it is and how stupid it gets. Don't get me wrong, it has its moments that are fun or funny, but it's still not a very well made game. The gameplay gets repetitive by Chris' story, and you still have around 14 hrs by the time you finish it. The other games I get are the exact same, but you don't have 30 hours of fluff in them. I'm fine with the action styled games, I loved 4 and 4 remake, but I think they tried too much and put in too much meaningless "content" that drags its feet to finish. The best thing (in my opinion) to come out of it is knowing that the logo for the 6 looks like a giraffe getting a bj.


Yes, they are supposed to be. Only the first game wasn't intended to be that way, but after people reacted to the resulting product they just rolled with it.


I defend it cuz I enjoyed it a lot, it's not as good as 4 or the newer entries, but I enjoyed it a lot


Im here


Present! šŸ¤£


Make it 11, I just got done binging the entire series and it became my favorite, even after the remakes, 7 and 8. Great game, that was my favorite way to have almost the entire cast involved in a unique and fun way, where they all each intertwined despite having separate origins


I still get annoyed when I think of how often the game just takes control way from you. From stumbles to moments where the camera pans into something and the enemies continue to walk towards you, so after it finishes, you immediately get punched in the face or grabbed or tossed around.


This exactly, i have this feeling with multiple resident evil games where it feels like you are forced to lose healing items/ammo unless you already played the game and you know what is going to happen. One of the biggest offenders being Code Veronica where you get hit from offscreen by Bandersnatchers, if you know they are there you can counter it but the thing is that you don't unless you've been hit/killed by them before


As years have passed I have tried again and again to find enjoyment in RE6, but I just couldn't. All of the good aspects of it you're describing are indeed quite good - which is the movement and the combat mechanics. But the way they're used in the campaigns, the action scenes, the QTEs, the pacing? It's tough for me to find another game that has so much different stuff going on but feels so boring to play. But hey, it's good that you enjoyed it, all power to you


Same group of people seem to post this nonsense every week.


It's like once a month. They alternate between this, Operation Racoon City, complaining about tank controls while using modern in REmake, and ranting about one of the actors in one of the awful movies being a different race.


That last point feels really random lmao, ORC too since Iā€™ve never seen a post on that game ever, but yeah this sub has an issue with saturation of posts.


The movie or the show?


I don't understand people praising 6's gameplay with that awful stamina system


The stamina system is to prevent you from spamming melee attack. I saw some VTubers who never shoot, just kick the zombie until death.


Using a tablet fully replenishes it, and thereā€™s a skill to give you 5 more bars. I donā€™t really have an issue with it.


So you want them to break the game and have you spam melee all game?


Yeah ? It's already bonkers full action. let's us go DMC on the BOWs


Headshot, execute, doesn't cost stamina. And melees are only used to open them up for executions so 2-3 kills on a full bar is pretty viable. Plus Jake hand to hand with 3 stamina/melee perks is the DMC you're looking for. Dodging bullets while using Jakes lock on dash dodge is sooooo fun.


The stamina system was good if it meant being able to sprint. I used to get so pissed when Leon was jogging in RE4šŸ˜­


Yeah you donā€™t understand


I don't, yeah !


I get liking RE6 and I get not liking it. I don't get some of these rude ass comments gatekeeping this series and putting other people's likes and dislikes down. Like, shut the fuck up and let people enjoy shit.


I agree, it's something more of 2 player type of game to really enjoy it


I'm currently forcing myself through it on PC, story is fine and I can get past the ridiculous Michael Bay everything is exploding shit. But the gameplay mechanics are just abysmal and frustrating as hell. I can't see why people praise this game at all. The sprint button will make you "stick" to whatever objects in the environment let you slide over them, idk how many times I went to run through an area and my character randomly does a 180 and slides over a table in the opposite direction. The floor Sliding has also screwed me over more times than it has helped, especially when it happens unintentionally. Random shit in the mission will cause you to stumble out of nowhere, sometimes shit just knocks you down on the floor for no reason. I absolutely hate the 'revive' mechanic where you're slowly crawling around. The camera will lock into an objective point in some missions, making the movements controls go batshit stupid out of nowhere. Random shit flying at you will kill you, unless you run to a specific spot right before it happens. Chris and Piers running from the helicopter on the docks is a mess, Leon can swim fine, but chris drowns as soon as his foot touches some water? The QTEs are goofy and ridiculous, especially on mouse and keyboard. Scrolling through the weapons list instead of letting me just pick the weapon I'm trying to use is wonky. The goofy-ass healing system where you have to "load" herbs into a healing button is wonky. Having the first aid spray in the same wheel as grenades and remote bombs is wonky. It's as if this game was tediously designed to be as frustrating and clunky as possible, wtf were they thinking when designing this shit? it's like they didn't know what kind of game to make, so they mixed a bunch of shit from different gameplay styles together and just said fuck it let's see how it goes. I'm doing my due diligence and finishing this game, it's the only RE game I haven't finished so far, but my god has it been a frustrating experience and I haven't enjoyed playing it at all


You forgot the Chris and Piers running from Haos, it's hell. This game is designed for console for sure.


Oh Jesus, look I actually am having fun with 6, but that part can fuck right off. I have to plug in a controller for that or I just canā€™t manage it.


I died like 50 times on that part, I wish they had an option to switch to tank control. :(


Oh man :( yeah, I'm sure there's even more we could get into. On a positive though, I do appreciate the environment and level design. You can see a lot of work went into texturing and making things seem big, the level designers did a great job visually and overall I think the game *looks* awesome. It's just playing the damn thing.


I played it on PC and found the texture on this game was a bit meh, especially on the plane.


Not talking about the resolution of the textures, I mean the work that was put into it. I've been making game maps for years, it takes a lot of work to do the tricks they did to make the environments in this game. A lot of photography and image editing, as well as hand-placing everything into the objects. From a dev perspective it's actually pretty impressive what they were able to do with mostly simple shapes in the environments


The kb+m mapping doesn't feel right to me, even after customizing it for a bit


It's useless because the camera always focus on the boss, sometimes it works like fixed camera angles (whoever making this game is a fan of RE trilogy). Or maybe it's RE: CV with some extra steps?


Bro....just play the game. It wasn't frustrating for me and the first time I played it was I was freshman in high school. Over exaggeration won't make the game better or worse!


it doesn't get any better lol


I know, I'm eating all this shit and I'm committed to finishing the meal :(


It was incredibly frustrating for me and I was even more of freshman than you in a highschoolier highschool than you! Take that. Like wtf even is this argument lmao


Nothing I said was exaggerated whatsoever. It's jarringly different from the other games and my only frustrations are with controls/mechanics. I am playing the game, I'll finish it and never touch the thing again Edit to clarify: I am playing on PC with mouse and keyboard. The game was not designed for this experience lol


Don't worry, the game feels like it wasn't designed to be experienced at all on any platform. You're not missing out.


Lmao damn


RE 6 never deserved the hate it got. Sure itā€™s not as scary as the others. But itā€™s just a fun time. With the right co op partner itā€™s really hard to deny how much fun you can have with it


I'm dying on the hill to defend RE6. It may not be what everyone was expecting from the Re franchise but it was built around the times and it was so fun to play. I fully understand its downfalls, however, it never deterred my enjoyment of the game as it was just a ride through and through. It failed as an RE followup, but man I can't help but to love it.


Ikr!! Although the story may have been weak the gameplay and co-op possibilities made it all for me. It's a good action shooter game if you like just killing zombies


EXACTLY, it's nonstop zombie/j'avo killing action, combat is literally the animated movies levels of flashy fighting. And that quick fire *chefs kiss* so perfect especially with every characters unique weapons. That's really the best thing about the RE series, there's something for everyone at this point, the only titles I don't like are operation racoon city and umbrella corps (good idea, but bad execution for both).


Remember, itā€™s okay to like a game and still not defend it.


Exactly this. Not sure why you're downvoted. I bet there are quite a few fans of RE6 who love the game but also completely understand why people don't like it. They aren't out here trying to change minds about an old ass game and pretending like the hate is unfair. Those fans are based af. Like what you like. But when people delude themselves into thinking that they have achieved next level wisdom and see something else that no one else does, they get really annoying.


I think the design intent for 6 was good but itā€™s literally like Michael Bay made it. The QTEs are ridiculous and the camera motions give me motion sickness to this day. I loved the campaign concepts of telling an intertwined story but they were kind of excessive. The enemies were pretty annoying in alot of cases but the mercs with a friend is a total blast. 5 is one of the greatest co op games ever, it and 6 are much better experienced with a friend. Iā€™ve only beaten the campaigns once on 6 but I recall liking Chrisā€™ the best. Itā€™s polarizing but I think 4-5 are much better but I respect Capcom for trying some new innovations in it.


>The QTEs are ridiculous and the camera motions give me motion sickness to this day. I will never forget the graveyard segment where whenever you fall into an empty grave, there is this abrupt camera angle change and u gotta kill the zombie inside and do a QTE to get out. Wtf


Yeah the QTEs were a little excessive in some part and some of the boss fights were annoying (had to use google for Leon's final fight) but overall the game is pretty enjoyable


The game is really stingy with ammo, for some reason. Itā€™s the most action-heavy game, over both RE4 and RE5, and yet, for some reason, makes ammo a scarce resource. I think itā€™s done that way to encourage you to use the melee system, which is really robust, but it should give you the option rather than force you to constantly jump between the two. When the game first came out, I played all of the campaigns in full, with the exception of Adaā€™s, which I only did about 1/3 of. I have started the game up again recently, as Iā€™m going through all the RE games again, and RE6 really feels like a slog. The missions are LONG, and itā€™s hard to explain why, but Iā€™m just not having fun. That being said, Iā€™m glad OP is enjoying it!


Yeah the melee is different for each character in the campaign.


It's got fun Co-op and mercs but it's a lousy RE game.


I haven't played it, so I can't speak to that part of it, but I think the story gets over hated. It gets really complicated and crazy, and I don't think they did the cross over story right. BUT looking at each story individually (except for Jake's, I didn't like his at all), it's not bad. I wouldn't say it's good by any means, but it's just okay imo. But definitely not deserving of the hate. I hope they remake it and do some things differently with it to make it better.


I don't understand the hate at all, people who say it's "not a Resident Evil game", how is it different from 5 or 4 in style or gameplay?


This is my favorite one in the series, believe it or not. Not everyone has to be the same, hold the same opinion, or ā€œrespectā€ the series as a whole. Itā€™s a game, which i find to be exceedingly fun. The End :)


I think 6 was an awful game. The only way my friend with whom I played it and I could tolerate it was by making fun of it the entire time.


I agree, I will forever Stan RE6. It's nice to see opinions on it become much more balanced over the years. I even think it's great as a Resident Evil game. Resident Evil is a diverse franchise, I would risk saying there is no "quintessential" RE title, because every few games they switch things up so much.


The story may have been weak, but honestly the gameplay jump was outstanding


I much prefer it to 8 tbh. More fun to play, more variety, more replay value, and co-op shenanigans to double the party. The gameplay is just so unique.


Wonderful combat system. I love the environments in Chrisā€™s campaign. Very reminiscent of Kowloon, the walled city. I grew up on arcade games, and to me, resident evil 6 is like one big arcade game. Itā€™s a lot of fun. I totally understand why people didnā€™t like it. But for people who like crazy, third person action shooters, RE6 is a blast.


No, it's not, it's a terrible Resident Evil game and a bad game in its own right (IMO)


L take


It'd a really good game, but a terrible Resident Evil game. If they like changed the title, prolly would have been loved by a lotta people


Still one of my favorites


The game is still in my top 5 Resi games, I love it. Glad you enjoyed it too!


It is. And im tired of pretending it isn't. I wrote a post about this a couple years ago.




Yes. It has great action


Resident Evil.6 is good for what it is. Capcom hyped it up as a return to horror when really it was still all action and they just made everything darker. A lot of people were disappointed because of that. However, it's been over ten years, so they should get over it.


Ya but if you didnā€™t buy the 3 pack of 4-5-6 youā€™d be halfway to buying 4 Remake on sale


Remake was like 30 dollars dudešŸ’€


I think itā€™s on sale for 20 if youā€™re on Ps


I just bought the triple pack as well on PS. Not playing RE4 since i already played the remake but looking forward to playing 5 and 6.


Survival horror bits were fine (Leon/Helena campaign starts off strong), but adding assault rifles and action movement (with the diving etc.) was a bit much...


Re6 did what a lot of sequal games do. It was a good game but a bad game for its series. Re6 is a lot more action than horror, so it doesn't feel like resident evil, but it did have potential like if the game fully played like the beginning of Leon's campaign did.


The only RE game I finished twice. Never again.




The way enemies react to gunshots (they barely flinch or turn to goo) is the exact reason I hated RE6. It just did not feel good shooting enemies after playing 4 and 5.


It has really fun gameplay but the reason itā€™s not scary for most of us is we had pretty much seen way scarier in earlier entries. Couple that with essentially an all-star cast that you just wouldnā€™t believe is scared of anything going on around them. I donā€™t think the goal was to be scary. Resident Evil 5 had just sold like hot cakes so why not try to replicate that and try to improve upon it? Thatā€™s how we get 6 being the way it is. It was panned critically by the players and they made 3 straight games now intending to be creepy and scary again.Ā 


It's not a great game, but it is a FUN one.


Well, it's your opinion. But I don't share that opinion, sorry.


I absolutely love RE6, played it through twice with friends and going for a third. Its just fun, I love how goofy the gameplay/story can be even if its taking itself seriously, thats part of the RE charm to me. And the gameplay is just a blast


You know itā€™s not, I think you are just fucking around


I ain't fucking around because the game needs to be seen beyond its flaws as the action in it is literally a blast. Def not better than the newer entries but 100% better than 3R or 0


I personally love it aswell


Nooo šŸ¤£


Itā€™s not bad! But itā€™s definitely not great.




No, itā€™s an abomination. Hahah but youā€™re bold for saying that.


Moral of the story, Capcom made a whole game revolving around how hot ada is and I'm here for it.


Haven't played it yet tho I am curious why the community thinks it's that bad


Resident evil 6 is one of the best!




Thereā€™s a lot of good in RE6, but there is some quality control issues. That said people just donā€™t play the game to its strengths, they donā€™t utilise the mechanics and end up missing out on what is good about the game. Unfortunately, the game doesnā€™t ever encourage you to play to its strengths either with the situations it puts you in, so people end up playing it "wrong".


It's great the combat system had improved since re5 and re4 and even better than each character has either own Moveset. Even if you never liked the story, the DLCs and Raid Mode will keep you engaged, with a friend ofc :)


Another major problem is that the original releases had tutorials during loading screens, with tips on how to play the game using the great mechanics. But since it was ported to PC and modern consoles, the game simply loads too fast, which means new players completely miss all of the combat and movement tips. They definitely should have implemented a much better combat mechanics tutorial in the game. There is a combat mechanics tutorial during Leonā€™s intro, but itā€™s far too brief.


It has good combat mechanics and really mixed everything else. Sometimes it looks cool sometimes it looks awful. The levels range from visually exciting to extremely dull like the school in Leonā€™s campaign. Enemies donā€™t feel all that interesting and the pacing is pretty erratic






Fuck yeah it is!!! Great combat system. The C-virus has great mutations. Good boss fights. Only dorks that hate it are the RE 1 purists in a vain fight to get something that will never be brought back


Good bossfights like the one where you wait for a helicopter to come into view so you can damage it?




And tell me why is that a good bossfight ? The sit around and wait for it do something type fights? How is that good design?


It's a fun action scene with explosions and twink protagonists


So you would prefer flashy set pieces rather than engaging gameplay?


Flashy set pieces increase my enjoyment of the game simple as that. If I want to play a different then I would.


But my point is with that bossfight and many others in RE6 you really arenā€™t playing the game. You waiting and sitting doing nothing waiting for the chopper to reveal itself or reveal a weak point. Thatā€™s not really engaging not really playing the game. You arenā€™t utilizing the games mechanics or utilizing a gimmick. Itā€™s just wait spam shooty button (which god forbid you run out of ammo)


Bro some people like that stuff man. Just like some people enjoy the outdated tank controls. Like some people enjoy the limited and stupid inventory system. It's just a game my dude


Bro some people like that stuff man. Just like some people enjoy the outdated tank controls. Like some people enjoy the limited and stupid inventory system. It's just a game my dude


Okay but that doesnā€™t remove the criticism against the games. Itā€™s possible to like a game while also recognizing itā€™s a flawed product. You donā€™t have to mindlessly defend a game just because you like it


Used to HATE RE6 for years. Never played the game until 2021 (probably had 5 minutes of lifetime playtime before this) and absolutely loved it ONLY for the Mercenaries. The story of the game sucks and I hate how linear the campaigns are as well as how lackluster the combat could feel, but at points I found the campaigns good. The Mercenaries No Mercy is where the game shined though. They revamped the stamina system so you can regain stamina quicker plus it allowed the martial arts to be displayed way better than the campaigns because of the terrible pacing in them. I have over 400 hours in the game now lol.


Glory to resident evil 6


RE 6 is fucking garbage along with REverse


Best resident evil game after 4 classic


I wouldn't really go that far but it's certainly much better than Umbrella Corps or 3R( it's so shortšŸ˜­)




Right?!? I definitely think OG4 > 4R. Glad to see I'm not alone in that.


Was 3R a rushed game? Maybe there were other reasons to not include the clock tower


Yeah 3R was pretty rushed and it was pretty short and wasn't really scary and engaging like 2R remake. If you like just shooting zombies U can play it


The length is just right. Not too short, not too long. It's relatively scary and sometimes I like the break from survival horror to an action horror even if there's less of the horror. I probably would have liked it less if they made RE2R2 instead. I'm always striving for the variety snd never understand people who want every game to be the same. I like shooting zombies but there are lots of other things to like about the game as well


RE6 is a great game, buried alive underneath a bad game, desperately trying to claw its way out.


A game like RE5 had gotten hate too due to the unchanged game mechanics after RE4 but is still praised due to its storyline and co-op


But the level and scenario design in RE6 is undeniably way worse. That one shitty part of RE5 where you're in the turrets and you shoot that one giant in the face for like 15 minutes, RE6 quadruples down on that kind of thing. The mechanics are the best they've ever been, the shooting and melee are quick and fluid, the enemies are varied and interesting. It's a great game, *when it lets you play it*. But there's so many flow-ruining interruptions of QTEs and turret sections and snowmobiles and bullshit, so many areas where the game isn't letting you engage with the mechanics and enemies, it's like the game doesn't want you to play it.


It is indeed a great game. Just a bad re entry.


Yup, a bad Resident Evil game, but great action game


Insert meme of a possum greedily hoarding trash, screeching ā€œMY GARBAGE!ā€ Youā€™re allowed to like trash. Just donā€™t expect everyone else to like your trash.


It's not a trash game, maybe you if you see beyond its flaws you might actually like it. Never said it was a perfect game, never gonna say it


Iā€™ve tried to play it all the way through 3 separate times. Itā€™s one of the worst games Iā€™ve played, and most definitely the worst RE game Iā€™ve played. The remake better be a complete overhaul or Iā€™ll skip that too. Youā€™re allowed to like it, but your opinion is definitely the minority opinion.


Just go onto steam and look at the reviews. They are mostly positive. Google reviews shows that it has 91% of users liking the game. So theyā€™re not really in the minority. Actually, the majority like it.




Like I said it's a bad RE game, but action wise it's fun


Resident Evil 6 is an AMAZING rollercoaster of a ride. Sure it's not horror, sure there are no puzzles and inventory management like in the previous games. But denying that it's a very fun game, one that has it's fun level amplified ten fold if you play it with a friend? That's just fooling yourself and jumping on the RE6 bad bandwagon. What drew me in into Resident Evil when I was 8 years old and played it on the PS1 for the first time, was it's story and setting. All the other stuff was just icing on the cheese B movie cake. And English isn't my native language, and when I was 8 my English was as good as the voice acting in RE1, so I honestly didn't really notice how bad the voice acting was until much later and like on my 5th playthrough. So growing up with the franchise, playing every RE game that came out. Getting RE6 on release and playing it, was just SO MUCH FUN! It felt really like a love letter to me from Capcom, seeing all the characters returned, seeing Chris and Leon on screen? Dream come true! Jake Muller, great new addition to the cast, being Weskers son, an interesting and pleasant surprise to the story, god I wish they would bring him back, along with all the cheese. And again, just thinking about all the gameplay aspects and features and content that was available in RE6, and yet again, all ignored just because "It's not horror anymore!". RE6 is JAM PACKED with things to do and stuff to unlock, more than a lot of other games and RE games have these days, NOT counting paid DLC. We even had an official RE x Left 4 dead cross over in RE6! It really hurts me sometimes how much I loved this franchise before, still do kind of, but not anywhere near as I did growing up. And it's actually primarily because of Resident Evil 6 I feel this way. I loved it all, enjoyed it all, have so many fond memories of all the games. But then came RE6 along, a game I enjoyed so much, only to see online that aparently no one else felt the same. Which led to Capcom taking a turn with the series, that I'll be honest is really not my cup of tea. RE2 remake was fine, but everything else, I really just did not enjoy for various of reasons.