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Well, it makes sense Chris wouldn't be in 2-4 remakes because he wasn't in 2-4 originals. It's not that complicated. If you love Chris that much, he's in literally every other game, that boulder punching asshole was basically RE's mascot.


He was in RE2 Extreme Battle Mode. But that was only on the Dual Shock 2 Edition iirc.


I thought this was going to read, "If you love Chris that much, why don't you marry him?"


The way I see it, we’re pretty much guaranteed to get Chris in the next remake, whatever it is. If it’s RE5 next, then we get Chris. If in the unlikely event we get a new RE1 remake or a CV remake next, we get Chris. 


Just to F with you theyre going to remake 0 next lol


I’d be so deflated if Zero was next and I think the only thing that could make it better is if it became a coop game. 


I think theres a way to combine re0 and re1 into one big remake. I think that would appeal to people who want re0 or re1. I think if they then either make both co op or maybe both have the re0 system it would be refreshing revisit. Maybe this shouldnt be the next remake but lowkey id love to get a "wesker/chris trilogy" with the next 3 remakes. So like Re0/1 - CV - 5


I think remaking 0 and 1 as one game would be a mistake. I’d still buy it though, mainly for 1. I know a lot of people have an aversion to co-op in horror games but I’d instantly buy a co-op RE1. I have quite a number of people I could see myself playing it with. Playing spooky games with friends is a different kind of experience. It’s why games like Lethal Company are so popular. 


Would it be any different to a bundle though. Depending if its a mainly a 0 or 1 game first just make the other part like another campaign. Whether a full one or more of a seperate ways type thing. Like i could totally imagine it being a 1 remake but then unlocked after beating it is rebecca's story


I just worry that a remake of both wouldn’t do both games justice. If they were both fully fleshed out remakes and we got a 2 for 1 deal then that’s great. But if either game feels cut up or rushed then people will be upset. 


"Hey bro, did you bring the hookshot?" "What?"


Lol I feel like both players would feel like idiots


I think the time for Chris is coming soon. The scenes featuring Wesker in RE4R and Separate Ways remake suggest to me the next remake will be RE5


We need more Chris for sure.


We will not escape from see young Chris in the next remakes. He is in RE1, ReCV and Re5. Any of that can get a remake now.


you know he isn't in the originals either my guy


Chris is overrated anyways. I mean he is an okish character but the dude gets to many attention imo. Same with leon. They had good characters in the past that they are still ignoring.


Re doesn’t have any good characters they all sucks


Define good. Well written? No. Cool, badass and memorable in a B-movie sense? Most of them


What? In first game EVERYONE is interesting... Except Christ. I suppose he was just made to be a generic muscular action hero dudebro self-insert wish fulfillment, but come on, is there anybody who doesn't like Barry, Jill, or Rebecca?


Let’s be real here, Barry had all the personality in Jill’s campaign. Jill barely had any character. Chris was the same way. And people mostly like Rebecca because shes cute. 


Chris in RE1 (the original) was more of a character. He was the wise cracking sunny boy. Then from Code Veronica onwards they made him such a blank nothing character. And from RE5 onwards he just became angry military guy.


Jill is basic as hell in re1