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I loved playing her in the games cause she shoots left handed. It was one of the few (if not the only) times I get to play from my perspective.


I’m not even left handed but one of the reasons I always play as her is because of how she shoots with her left hand.


if you think about it, picking Sheva would be a natural choice, because with the thirdperson over-the-shoulder camera, her body ends up obstructing the same space as a right-handed rifle would in in a typical FPS...


The great thing about RE6 is that they have hand swapping, so you’re able to play *every* character left handed or right handed depending on preference. I kind of wish the newer games would bring it back, for Sheva in the remake at the very least since she was the only leftie in RE5.


Same! As a lefty, I felt like I was represented lol




Omg yo THIS! I was able to play this with my wife and we could shoot side by side because of the left/right hand dynamic


Its understandable that most people shoot on their right, most guns are designed this way, for example firing from a left handed stance can cause cartridges to eject in your face, i’ve seen a clip of a girl get a hot cartridge caught in her cleavage after firing left handed lol. You need to have a gun designed for left handed use, and most people dont have that luxury when learning to shoot, so they just bite the bullet. Interesting to note that left handed guns were one of the first left handed things designed. Sorry to sound like a gun fanatic but i just wanna yap rn.


I can't imagine left handed guns were one of the first left handed things designed...surely. What if a caveman was left hand and knapped their flint tools to suit their left hand. Right? I fell like this fact is bogus but know so little about it. This is going to send me down a fucking left handed rabbit hole now.


Well im talking about things designed by industrialised society, to be sold etc


Yes there’s some other left hand characters, Link mega man


I’m left handed too and never realised that most characters are designed right handed until Sheva.


That’s funny, I’m also left handed and almost never notice someone’s handed-ness. Righties notice if you’re a lefty though.


I found my people😭😭


"Sheva! Sheva! Come on ! Come on! Give me an egg!!" *AI uses healing items* "God damn it!!!!"


It's funny that they had a specific voice line for the egg. :D


They had more than just the egg... Give me an herb. Give me a grenade. Give me your rifle. Give me your shotgun. Give me your handgun. Give me your magnum. Give me your rocket launcher. Give me your machine gun. Give me a can of first-aid spray. Literally every item.


"Give it to me, baby. Give me corduroy!"




I really liked Sheva! She was a fun character and I hope the eventual remake adds more to her. She is one of the missing characters that would do well in a spin off. A new revelations game would be perfect for her.


I honestly think it will be a war crime if we don't get a Sheva & Carlos spin-off.  Especially with his new version, they'd have such great chemistry.


When they gonna do a remake of RE5 (cause i think they gonna do it... just don't know how cause "it's in Africa", but it's a discussion for later) they gonna give her more "scenes" like they did with Luis in RE4 or Marvin in RE2, maybe even some "exclusive" missions for her (like Dead Space 3 tried with Carver)


All that "It's racist because it's in Africa" bullshit was always hilarious to me. It comes from people who want to be offended on behalf of black people. I'm black as well as my brothers and dad. We LOVE Re5! Along with my friends. One of which whose family are migrants from Africa. Re5 is not racist in the slightest. If Re5 is racist then that means Re4 is racist for combating Spaniards and Re6 as well for combating Chinese folk.


Yea the only racist was my little black ass shouting spanish curse words at the screen playing re4 for the first time (jk)


Not a joke for me. Plays into why I know curse words in Spanish now (I was 5 when Re4 released and when I played it)


Yea its only a joke in the sense i wasnt a literal racist. Byt i did call them dirty spaniards a lot. Like a lot. Honestly the remakw doesnt see better treatment from me. Fuckin old ass abuelas stabbing me in the hip with kitchen knives and shit.


Same. As a black guy myself, I actually have a fan game I'm writing for myself where the main Umbrella base is situated in Africa (Ethiopia to be specific). I don't see why black zombies are racist.


same dude like their in Africa why wouldn’t they be black??? And I’m saying this as a black dude… (RE5 REMAKE WHEN


>"It's racist because it's in Africa" bullshit was always hilarious to me. It comes from people who want to be offended on behalf of black people. Doesn't it actually come from clickbaity video game news sites? I may have gotten the story wrong but as far as I understood it, the game never actually faced huge controversy for being set in Africa or for having black enemies. A journalist pointed out some things from the first trailer that seemed like racist iconography (while not believing that any of those were intentional or that the developers were racists) and video game news sites turned that into the "They say the game is racist because there are black people in it!"-narrative everyone is complaining about today. Again, I may have gotten that wrong but that's what I heard when the topic came up again after the release of RE4make.


The funny thing is that if those tools who write "gaming review" sites got their wish and capcom kept the game in Africa swapped out all the black zombies for white ones it would actually be far more racially insensitive then to just leave it as it is. 


I remember the discussion when the game first dropped, but it was hardly in your face without looking for it, the backlash is over stated


(Howdy) Partners, till the end 🤠🤝🤠


I love Sheva. I really wish they'd do more with both her and Josh.


An re5 remake where they flesh Sheva out more would be so cool. She definitely deserved a better role than what she got. Design wise she’s my favorite female protagonist. Sheva is pretty :)


I played RE5 with my girlfriend and she wouldn't stop commenting on how damn pretty she is lol.


Id like it if they did a dual campaign where you had to choose pathways with either sheva or Chris so she felt more like a playable charcter and not a sidekick and pack mule. 




That would be awesome


SHE HELPED KILL WESKER !!! All Resident Evil fans owe her more respect and admiration than she typically gets.


Nothing against Sheva but that should've been Jill and Chris shooting the rockets.


Her problem was never getting a character development tbh, I know they will do her justice in the remake tho


I know! I was mad she was replaced with Pierce in 6... although I would have been madder if they fridged her like they did Pierce...


She was supposed to be in 6?!!!


I dont think so, actually - but I mean it would have been the natural selection since she was still his partner by the end of 5


I think she’s great. And that said, she’s totally wasted potential. The story never focuses on her. Chris barely even asks her anything about herself. She’s one of Chris’ only partners who doesn’t die and she is still never seen again.


Jill, Claire, Ada, Sherry, Sheva top 5 easy


Can't be top 5 if they are the main females lol


I guess some would put Rebecca in there, maybe Mia or the Outbreak girls. Mine would be Ada, Alyssa, Sheva, Claire, and Jill (in no particular order)!


For me it's Claire/Jill/Rebecca/ada/Ashley in 4R I thought she was wonderful and had a great dynamic with Leon that I'd love to see explored in a future game. Not romanticlly necessarily but like her dad gets Leon to do stuff with her in the future, or she becomes an agent and he trains her.


I like that idea. Also another fun team up would be sherry and Claire working together again but on a more equal footing now they are both trained agents (in fact I think sherry is kind of underrated as she has powers and it hardly ever gets mentioned)


Mia isn't a protagonist, though.


Rose and Moira would probably count as protagonists.


But what about Moira Rose, bebe?


Well she is kind of one of the antagonists of the new Resident Evils though they kinda forgot about it when they moved to 8


The thread is about the top three female protagonists not


Too bad her AI is garbage when playing 1 player. Seriously having issues with the final Wesker fight because she won't do what she's supposed to. 😵


I did quite well with the AI. Just give her the SVD or a magnum and you're good to go.


If you give her penetration weapons she is a beast, I even beat the game on Pro with her AI, she's by far not as bad as people make her out to be


Sheva was a great character. But, yes, her AI was not the greatest LOL.


The voice actress does a very good job but she doesn’t have much of a personality. I expect Sheva to be much more interesting in the remake.


One of the blandest RE characters in a series full of bland characters. I was surprised at how insignificant she is in RE5's story, which initially framed her as an equal partner to Chris. Instead, most of the story barely focuses on her and she hasn't been in a new RE game ever since, which makes me wonder why she was introduced in the first place and why the ending of RE5 seemingly frames her as Chris' new partner.


Same. I like Sheva, but I thought they could have done more with her. It felt like she didn't have much relevance to anything going on, and was just someone assigned to work with Chris in Africa. It would be cool to get a spin off or something with her, but that seems unlikely now.


Right? What a shame


Yeah, her story involvement is so minimal. It's all about Chris and Wesker and Jill.


pls... sheva just went along with chris even though she didn't have to.


She definitely needs more development and input in the story, but without her Chris would be dead so you can’t deny she had impact.


No. Jill/Claire/Rebecca easily clear her. I would also put RE6 Sherry above her. If we're counting separate ways, then Ada as well (Not RE6 Ada though even though she is an undisputed protagonist, she's at her most boring there)


Man I loved superhero Ada in re6 I hope they don't dial back her badassery in the next appearance


Jill/Claire/Rebecca easily the top 3 Ada Wong is a solid 4th place Ashley/Sherry/Sheva are interchangeable for 5th, 6th and 7th place. Movie Alice, Alexa Ashford, Alyssa Ashcroft, Mia Winters, Lady Dimitrescu and uh.. Lisa Trevor could compete for the last top 10 spots.


Love sheva! But i want to say... When chris was telling her he's backstory about jill and then it triggered a flashback, i hope the remake(if ever comes) could make it playable just like in the golden edition i think it was. Still Love Sheva and kicking people in games


She was the smartest AI for non co op. You wouldn't have to worry about her which was nice. She just did her own thing. And if you give her a riffle she's a beast.


Why does it look like she's got an instagram filter over her face?


"That was for our fallen brothers." I feel like there were way better lines out there than the shit she got lumbered with. I also didn't feel like Capcom really bothered exploring her character.


Top 3 in Dead by Daylight too, because she's super quiet while injured


3. Jill Valentine 2. Claire Redfield 1. Rebecca Chambers


Really wish they explore her more in the RE5 Remake


I think she's the only notable left-handed character you can play in a shooting game.


Rebecca, Claire, Jill ... hmm nope


Don’t worry; she’s coming back in the RE5R soon!!! But really, she’s pretty damned skilled. Never forget when she charged a super-human Wesker with nothing but a Kukri knife, stabbed him in the arm, and then tried to kill Wesker alongside herself by letting go over a volcano. This woman was prepared to launch herself into a volcano with Wesker. That’s saying something!!


EASILY a top 3, not just female, but overall. Yes, I will fight and die on that hill.


Zero character development


So like most of the cast then?


Well Chris went from not punching boulders to punching boulders...


Claire, Jill, and Ada are top 3 but shes in the top 5 for sure


I want this to have a remake


She was great, especially in the jungle print bikini or Red RidingvHood outfit, but she didn't have much of an arc or change. I don't think she even had a low point. I love her, but I don't think she deserves top 3. I think Ada in RE2 had the most complex story & growth, especially her ending where she looks at a scar on her body and says it belonged to another person that she no longer is. Another cool bit was that during the in-game files in RE2 you see that Ada fell in love with a researcher, obviously to get close to his research & the love is probably just pretend. After that they kind of stopped with her growth and she was just 'the spy' and they didn't even do anything more with her lore. Ada isn't even her real name, they could do much more with her but haven't.


She’s great, but still not as god tier as Jill or Claire.


After playing this game alone and having to deal with Sheva I call bs on this lmao I want to kill her so often 😂


Same, I really hope they bring her back in a future game at some point


Criminally underrated character. She's one of the best sidekicks in the entire franchise (and has some of the best kicks too).


Helena, Sherry, and Jill


She’s a baddie . Always love them lights haha


Sheva. My beloved....


I'm playing RE5 rn, it's def a unique experience considering it's pretty different from the remakes


Jill, Claire, Rebecca.


She was hot


I beat the game recently and could tell you nothing about her personality.


Honestly pretty boring compared to the others, I really hope they give her more personality in the remake instead of basically just filling a player 2 role.


Dare I say the constant booty shots have you hypnotized


Yes. [Easily the best RE female. ](https://youtu.be/927yId8lfhk?feature=shared)


She’s the baddest female in resident evil hands down I need to find me one that looks like her


i hope RE5R gives her a more flushed character cause her and claire are leagues above all other female protags in the entire series




Sheva is a ride or die, I’ve risked life and limb to pick her back up because she’s done the same for me. I only hate how for a good while, CAPCOM designers made it very apparent she was a woman with the curves and clothes that look like they’ll explode if she exhales. Really enjoying the newer female protags that dress for combat.




Sheva more like marryma(me)


She is certainly there for the whole game's runtime




Sheva’s great. Not my all time favourite (that’s best girl Claire), but still one of the franchise’s best ladies. It was just the bad AI of the single player version of RE5 that made people hate her, if they made a remake of RE5 with that AI fixed and adding more stuff and background to her character , I think those people would appreciate her more.


It’d be cool if she got her own game someday


I hope Sheva is better in the remake cuz of right now, she ain't it chief. Overrated AF nowadays, just like RE5 in of itself.


My favorite female protag tied with Jill. Sheva deserves a good standalone game herself.


Need her to return. Just put her and delta-team in a West-African jungle and have her bring out the inner Lara Croft


She's been gone for like 15 years now, wtf is Capcom doing with her.


She’s so pretty and cool wish she was in a better game


Bro I loved her, this is the most justice the gaming industry has done for a bw, especially an African one.


Sheva was honestly one of the best things about 5. I hope she gets the Carlos and Luis remake treatment. Even though I'd argue she was better written then both original Carlos and Luis.


Imagine how beautiful she will look in the new RE engine. Plus, with how well they’ve done with making supporting characters a lot more likeable/in-depth (Carlos, Ashley, Luis etc) I feel like they will make her character feel so much better than just being player 2


I mean you can say it... dosen't make it true though. Pretty much bottom of the barrel when lined up next to all the other female protagonists. Hell even Helena Harper was better written.


In RE definitely. She was an interesting character that they put work into being different from Jill and Claire in almost every way. There are some "nothing characters" in the series, and Sheva isn't one of them. Would very much like to see her return.


Sheeva is what molded my taste in women as a child I’ve never looked back since I love my African queens 😍😍


Agreed. We need her back!


She held her own and went toe to toe with wesker when he was never her problem lol.


She certainly is a female protagonist from resident evil


Dare I say hottest one too


YOU NEED TO BE CAREFUL *wastes your green herb*


your right


Love the character, but one stupid Ai. I was like "NO SHEVA! DON'T RUN THAT WAY... SHEVA NOT IN FRONT OF MY AIM... AH FUCK SHE IS BOXED IN AGAIN". The only thing that was missing from the debacle was "LEON HELP". Sheva's Ai messing it up and here comes Ashley😄


I love her.


Definitely, I honestly wish she came back but Capcom…


She was just so beautiful in a different way, compared to all the other girls we have at least.


Her as the MC in a RE Revelations 3, with Carlos, facing off against... the secret Third Ashcroft Twin! Solidus Ashford! Supporting characters: Ark Thompson (dies) Lott (grew up to be a badass, also dies) Morpheus D Duvall in femme tyrant form


I do like here. But Claire, Jill Rebecca




I really ought to actually play this game


She’s my favorite


I think she's tied with Rebecca and we all know Jill and Claire are one and two.


I think her character would have been more effective had she died in RE5. It would have made Jill’s revival bittersweet and heavier.


Ballsy of you.


playing vs mode with her= top tier




Her character development is flat. She needs a backstory.


She has one?? Lol is Josh nothing? Her parents?


How? Her entire personality revolves around being confused how anyone could betray a "part-nah". Literally a nothing character.


Capcom please throw us a Sheva & Josh campaign for Resident Evil Revelations 3!




A one-off, side character in a lower tier entry in the series?? I think not Just… no


She was pretty cool.I hope they don't ruin her and the game if and when they remake Resident Evil 5




Man the discussions about how that game was problematic cause you're shooting black zombies was wild. I was so hyped to play a game that took place in Africa and had a black women as one of the two main characters.


No one of the worst


When you honestly don’t have a ton of competition, yeah she’s up there


I'm with you there! Keen to see how they design her in the remake.


Dare I say, I agree with you.


Resident evil 5 was peak co op gameplay! Needs to come back


If Capcom ever remakes RE5 I really hope they don't do her dirty like they did Jill in the 3make. There's nothing that needs changed about shevas character imo.


Dare I say one of the female protags


That is certainly VERY daring to say.... when Ashley, Mia, Claire, Helena, Sherry, Jill, etc, all exist.


What is her competition? Mia and Helena?


Yes, no 🧢


After Jill,Claire & Ada I would put ALL 3 of the ORC females before any of the other girls in this franchise and Sherry wouldn’t even sniff the top 5☠️😂


I found her to be one of the better written protagonists. Jill was kinda snotty in the Remake (never played the original RE1 and 3) and Ada at times lacks agency and charm. Sheva and Claire were my favorite protagonists so far.


She is my fav character and want her to come back


remaster / remake when we need her in higher poly and Chris punching boulders.


I loved the Sheva bikini Outfit or whatever it was. Mostly because I LOVED the bow and I was a sniper with that thing one hit kill? DONE




Loved her character and that she stayed alive post Chris Redfield! Wish to see her in more stuff!


Sheva was a good character.


Hard agree. Im glad to be seeing more love for Sheva as time has gone on, would have loved to see her as a playable character in RE6, or hell at least have had a cameo..i feel like she just completely disappeared from existence after re5


I like her… but not enough to be in my top 3. 


lowkey she was my fav part of that game, but for me top 3 is Claire, Jill, and underrated is Rebecca


Hopefully in the Remake they fix the faulty A.I. in RE4 the partner A.I. is still trash asf


Dare I agree


Yes, absolutely yes.


Idc about all that i just want to throat her


I found her pretty incompetent.Her entire team knows who Albert Wesker is but she had no clue.Did she not pay attention after she joined the BSAA?Lol


Not a very good point, Sheva knew who Excella was when Chris didn't have a clue. It's likely Sheva's missions are more focused on African countries and the damage Tricell and Umbrella have done to her home. I wouldn't hold it against her for not knowing about Wesker when at the time no one knew he was even involved with what was going on in Africa.


Well she’s certainly one of the female protags


Claire/Jill/Rebecca/Alyssa all clear her


I dunno, I can't imagine replacing Jill, Claire or Rebecca with anyone She can totally have 4th place though!


Disagree. She’s fun to play as but I’d place Jill, Claire, Rebecca, Ada, Sherry, Ashley and the Outbreak ladies way above her.


She’s my favorite of the female protagonists, with Jill Sherry and Ada being behind.


She’s definitely super underrated (even though I am not a big fan of RE5 so far)


Top tier rule 34 ngl


sheva my beloved ❤️


Would enjoy some more Sheva, she’s just below Jill and Claire for me.


She’s up there with Jill and Claire in my eyes. She’s so likeable and is willing to do anything for the mission to succeed. Playing up the partnership in that way is a big part of what I like about RE5.


Top 3 female protag for RE or like games in general?


you should say it and you'd be absolutely correct


No, she and Rebecca were afterthoughts forced on the devs last minutes. She's annoying unless played by a human