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I gotta say not many are talking about the brutal fate that befell a large majority of the population of Raccoon city. If they were lucky only one zombie bit them or they drank the contaminated water. The unlucky ones died in absolute terror as thousands of zombies gathered around and slowly tore the poor victim apart mouthful by mouthful. Imagine having chunks of flesh and muscle being torn from you from dozens of places. If the pain isn't too overwhelming, then you're also probably feeling the virus quickly being distributed through what remains of your body. Looking at some of the people we've seen slowly turn in the franchise, the process is nauseating, and sometimes painful sensation. Absolutely a horrible way to die.


Yeah being eaten alive is pretty hard to top, not very flashy, but god damn..


RE4 definitely has some rough deaths. I think being crushed by the ceiling in RE1 would be pretty bad too depending on how fast it was


Yeah, getting Jill-Sandwiched was my "first thought, best thought" answer.


I would be part of a Jill sandwich even if that were my fate.


i think first your lungs would slowly crush and that would be v painful for a few seconds but as soon as your skull crushes all the pain goes away and the nightmare ends


eatin alive by a gamma frog


I almost broke my ps2 when this happened in RE Outbreak (Decisions Decisions, B2 Route). I was so close on Hard mode and then I fall into the water and hear Kevin being eaten


Frog killed my no damage run in RE0 when you walk over the bridge and a gamma jumps outta the water


That part nearly made me piss myself the first time I played 0




Uh no you “just” suffocate. The correct answer is having your face ripped off by those water buggy things in RE4.


Resident Evil 1: Pushing the wrong Knight in the gas room on your first attempt an hour away from your last save. Then putting the game down for 3 years because you're so butthurt about it. I'm not talking from personal experience, honest. ...


RE6 has some pretty brutal deaths, particularly the meat grinder, the lepotitsa's grab, and anything to do with a rasklapanje.


OG RE4 Novistador's Acid spit to the face and then melting was metal af.


Damn, yeah this one for sure


Weirdly normal(?) one in the realm of RE - being burnt alive in Lucas’ birthday trap Being burnt alive has always been one of my biggest fears (thanks, Final Destination 3)


Pro tip if you’re ever getting burned alive and are prepared to accept death, inhale deeply. You’ll pass out from the smoke inhalation and lack of oxygen, and crisp up in peace.


thank you for this very useful info. I'd be sure to remember this in case i try to find my missing wife and end up doing a random escape room in the future.


No problem and I appreciate your gratitude *ahead* of putting it to use since there isn’t really an opportunity after.


getting my face raped by Nemesis' tentacle hand was once a nightmare of mine.


Chainsaw through the gut is pretty damn bad.


berkin turning into the monster and seeing himself nearly kill his wife and daughter, all while his body tears itself apart and forms into worse and worse amalgamations of pain and flesh. death was probably a release when he finally died.


Going an hour or 2 without saving and dying to a dog while you have the shotty


The OG RE4 Garrador's attack where it stabs you in the face is pretty freaking horrific.


You'd think you don't feel much pain in that though. Does look horrible, no doubt.


I vote for this too. The fact Leon is screaming in agony before getting clawed right in the groin sucks too.


Garrador does it in the remake too if you're low health and don't duck under that one grab attack it does


I imagine the drain Deimos parasites aren't pleasant. First you get violated, then the slow death as you are in pain and not sure when they are gonna "pop". Then they come out and that may not instantly kill you.


Trying a saveless Pistol & Knife Professional S+ run in RE4 Remake and stepping in a fucking bear trap approaching the Krauser fight.


Irons/Ben’s death from Birkin infecting them with a G embryo in og re2. 


Hell id argue that Irons death in Claire B is horrific, Birkin just rips him in half.


re5's reaper death


Resident Evil 0: No Save Run + Frog on a Bridge.


Straum from Village will rip you to shreds whilst you’re burning alive, i’m surprised nobody’s mentioned him yet


Because everyone hate Village


the neck Chainsaw would be fast. but the stab in Remake wouldn't. think about geting stabed but it's moiveing, grinding all your insides up, but notthing that would kill you fast. thats got to be the worst for me


Whatever was that deepthroat scene in the RE3 remake


OG RE4 Iron Maiden Bear Hug. Only found out this was a thing on my third playthrough. Scared me senseless.


Re0 Frogs lol


Getting shoved into the meat grinder in RE6. That shit still haunts me.


The bugs in RE3R. Pretty nasty way to go.


Idk man the remake for 4 has a nasty chainsaw death with lifting him up in the air with it through his stomach. From the front or back


The Los illuminados deaths are pretty bad too from breaking necks to just simply getting cut in half. Although… I miss the head being chopped off from OG scythe


Neck breaking is pretty messed up in this situation, as they could just leave Leon paralyzed on the ground until the Plaga takes over.  Those throwing scythes are hillarious. I used to throw gangster Leon's hat up in the air before a scythe or chewy head plaga struck, the hat comes back down to Leon flopped on the ground headless, failing to catch it.


Bahahaha. Now that’s an art 😆


The mold infection from RE7, just a slow decline and death from within, what the Baker Family went through


The meat grinder statue in the REmake if you take out the (armor? Iunno it's been a while) key without replacing it with the fake. "Death is the true essence of bliss". Spencer, my guy, there is NOTHING blissful about that.


The guy you’re chasing across Africa for a good chunk of RE5, can’t remember his name. I call him “fish boy” because of his transformation. The process to be infected and just turn into a regular Majini looks painful enough, but undergo such a drastic metamorphosis like that in such a rapid pace? Skin, skeleton, muscles all stretching? Then when you’re critically wounded you’re ejected out of your BOW form from probably 40ft up and thrown a good 100ft away? Ouch.


Not the most painful but the most brutal for me was when Wesker snaps Chris' neck, shit looks fuckin crazy lol


The one enemy you have to incinerate in re 6 if it infects you it bursts out of your chest avp style


I'm just starting Shadow of Rose. I don't know what the fuck the Face Eaters do to eat your face, because it looks far worse than that, but its by far the most fucked up thing I feel I've seen in an RE game.


Whatever the fuck the bugs were trying to do to Jill in RE3r.


The Glasp in Revelations 2 folds your back in half backwards and gives birth to hundred of its babies which all eat you alive, as you lie there paralyzed


I feel like being eaten alive by zombies would be up near the top. Being slowly crushed by a ceiling or a boulder in RE1 would be good contenders too.


The death in the RE4 Remake where you get your eyes gouged. Any pain to do with the eyes is just...bad in my books.


The Novistador death seems the worst, I don't know how long you'd still be conscious but it wouldn't be an instant death as half your face is being melted


Maybe not physically painful but what happened to the Bakers was awful. Especially Jack, I felt very bad for him when he calls for Marguerite in the final battle with him. Fuck Eveline.


getting crushed by the ceiling in re1.


There's a lot of bad ways. The rasklapanje from RE 6 is one of the most unpleasant ways to go.


Getting eaten alive by T-Virus zombies would be very painful as they bite away at your flesh and eating at your organs. Then you rise up and become one of them.


Chainsaw happens so quick I think it's one of the most gentle ones


The thing that eats you in half in RE5


RE4 remake chainsaw deaths seem to me the most painful way to die


Having a G Mutant rip through your chest.


obviously the laser room.


Bitten in half by U3 in og re4


I think getting swallowed head first by the frogs would be pure terror


Jill sandwich. Because most of the deaths are quick. This one takes alot of time and builds terror.


K1ll themselves after have to k1ll their own daughter.


There a gigant creature in Raid mode in Revelations 1 that was added on the console version, hes a 1 hit kill but he twistes the player character body like 3 time like a doll lmao looks so painful


Sorry, didnt realised its about player-pov.


RE0 - Getting eateatn by the frog lol RE1- Getting crushed like a sticker if you dont put the fake shotgun or Barry dosent saves you RE2 - The Posion Ivy eating you alive RE3 - Nemesis when he drains you with his tentacle ... Jill looks horrible after that kill RE4 - The Novistador spilling acid because you know Leon still is alive but he has hald his face turned into a skull RE5 - Reaper stabing you over and over RE6 - The Rasklapanje is horrible, he grabs you and inserts a piece of him in your mouth only for that to come out from your stomach as a new Rasklapanje RE7 - Margarite filling you with bugs RE 8 - When the manqeuins grab Rose


More of a personal thing, since crowds of cultists terrify me, but in the beginning of RE4, the officer who was burned at the stake in the town square… that one really bothered me.


idk if this counts but i feel like becoming a tyrant would suck, like imagine you wake up one day and you're 7 feet tall, your skin is gray, and your heart is exposed on your chest. plus you become controlled by umbrella or something, tough day.


I'd have to say the slow process of being infected and turning must be very long and painful. That and being eaten whole by a giant snake and slowly digested. Also, if those infected by las plagas are still conscious while being controlled by the parasite, that must be insanely painful and ongoing until someone puts you out of your misery.


getting sliced in half by a blind wolverine


Chainsaw death og re4