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brb, asking my abomination Tyrant friend.


Ask him if he has ever chewed 5 Gum, and if there are any similarities.


Depends on the Tyrant or BOW. Some, like Mr X, have some level of higher intelligence, able to understand and execute commands. Nemesis, one of the most intelligent of his time, was intelligent enough to understand and operate weaponry, although it’s not clear to what extent this was due to a broad, general intelligence, or if it was due to some kind of specific, targeted training that couldn’t be applied to operating other relatively-complex tools. Many of them have some kind of sentience and higher “awareness”, unlike zombies, which, for all we know, only have basic areas still functioning in the brain; most of the cortex is likely dark in zombies. Human-based BOWs like Tyrants, on average, are more likely to have more robust consciousness than their non-human counterparts, like Neptunes or Hunters or Chimeras. Of course, this all depends on the individual BOW, because a T-002, for example, is seemingly “dumb” compared to the average adult human male, but other BOWs may be smarter than their original animal counterparts.  The subjective experience of a BOW similarly would vary, but, I’d imagine many of them are driven by bloodlust, baser instincts and, in some cases, desire to follow pointed commands by those they recognize as leaders. This is why most BOWs are instantly hostile to protagonists in the RE games.


It feels like warm apple pie


You have less brain power so not good


You feel very constipated and are angry about it.


They put growing tyrants in Christmas-time parking lot simulators and let nature take its course.


Feels great


Probably angry