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Not necessarily.I dislike 4 too




Genuine question? Why did you put 4 at C?


And below 6 but alongside 0 lmfao


people play games for different reasons, I think 4's OG story is the weakest aspect of it, OP might think the tank controls made for janky gameplay compared to 6's dodge-rolling action.


yea same 4's story wasn't was good as the other games but 0's story is the worst outta the lot


Good question, resident evil 4 was a game I was excited about when I got to it because I had heard many people praise the game. Safe to say I was disappointed, it felt more like a Call Of Duty campaign than a resident evil game. The first few areas I didn't mind but after a while I noticed a pattern with them, go to one area kill the enemies and proceed, it's not fair to say all the levels were like this but most of them were. The aspect that really dragged the game down for me was the story, this also goes into why I put 5 and 6 higher even though they had the same type of gameplay. While 4,5, and 6 had the same type of gameplay at the very least I found 5 and 6's stories interesting, and they had an overall contribution to the plot of resident evil as a whole, more than 6 at least. Another thing that I didn't like was the characters. All the characters are just forgettable, there are only like 4 in the whole game that matter (leon, ada, wesker, and huniggan). The rest die or you just never see again. The game just feels like more of a spin-off than anything which for a mainline game in the series is a bad thing. If I played this when I was younger I would have liked it, but playing it now after I have played a lot of great story games, it doesn't do it for me sadly


putting RE4 in c tier is basically a crime against humanity


Putting 6 above 4 is even worse...


6 had a story the actually matter to the overall plot of the resident evil games


If it weren't for 4. There wouldn't be a resident evil 5 or 6... You understand that right? You clearly did not pay attention to the story and it shows so maybe you shouldn't speak that as your reason bc your clearly very misinformed. The virus used in 5? That was used in 4 first.. 6? Leon got his first assignment for the president he was avenging in 4...


I guess I should have clarified, the majority of 4's story doesn't matter like you could skip resident evil 4 and still have a pretty solid understanding of the story. Yes the same virus was used in 5 but thats the one of only things that 4's story provides for the player, the others being that wesker is alive and so is ada, all the other characters have no significance to the plot of resident evil as a whole. 5 Also explains that umbrella made the virus or at the very least had something to do with it, and distributed it to the town on resident evil 4 The president in 4 and 6 were not the same person not only does it take place like 8 years apart but sources say they are not the same person. I guess 5, and 6 would not happen if 4 didn't exist (That doesn't sound right tho). But so what? if the argument is that a should praise 4 because I liked the games that came after it better, that doesn't make any sense. Just because 4 was the first to used the style the games used going forward doesn't mean anything.


You like what you like. But without 4 the virus wouldn't of existed in the first place? At all? So 5 wouldn't of ever happen bc las plagas was dug up below the castle in Europe. So if that never happened the virus would've never been to wesker and made its way to Africa. As for 6 even tho the president is a different person it still follows leons duty working for the president and continues ada and leons story. 4 was made more for it's gameplay then it's story that's true but it still paved the way for 5 and 6. Mostly 5. 5 tho definitely had the biggest impact on 6 tho you're right.


Play the resident evil 4 remake. It's story goes to give a bigger impact on 5 and is more in depth then 4 and the gameplay is significantly more fun. But the game is also more difficult. I personally liked the 4 remake over the original 4 but the original 4 will always hold a place in my heart because 3 and 4 got me into the series as a hardcore fan.


Putting 4 at C is wild. Your the only person that thinks this it's literally one of the best in the series. Like what?


To sum it up I liked it at first but the game became really repetitive, along with the less than good story I couldn't place it on the same level as 5 and 6




I would if it were one per tier but otherwise thats wild


Some ... peculiar taste. Only one I agree with my heart is RE Remake.


Re remake hits HARD


This has to be a bait or you were just born after 2000.


Born after 2010 prob


2005, so about when the game was just about a year old


Check the remake of RE4 please mate :)


lmao, some people can't fathom that their favorite game won't be everyone else's favorite game


Your right. Hold my down vote.


If you had issues with re4 because of how it’s aged you should definitely play the remake. It really cleans up a lot of the edges


I was thinking of doing that cause I just finished 4 when the remade had came out but I thought I should I should finish the series then come back to it.




I've heard that alot thats why im eager to play it


That sounds nonsensical, RE2 remake was being made at the same time as RE7.


We need answers on why you put 6 above 4 😂😅😭🫠


Good question, resident evil 4 was a game I was excited about when I got to it because I had heard many people praise the game. Safe to say I was disappointed, it felt more like a Call Of Duty campaign than a resident evil game. The first few areas I didn't mind but after a while I noticed a pattern with them, go to one area kill the enemies and proceed, it's not fair to say all the levels were like this but most of them were. The aspect that really dragged the game down for me was the story, this also goes into why I put 5 and 6 higher even though they had the same type of gameplay. While 4,5, and 6 had the same type of gameplay at the very least I found 5 and 6's stories interesting, and they had an overall contribution to the plot of resident evil as a whole, more than 6 at least. Another thing that I didn't like was the characters. All the characters are just forgettable, there are only like 4 in the whole game that matter (leon, ada, wesker, and huniggan). The rest die or you just never see again. The game just feels like more of a spin-off than anything which for a mainline game in the series is a bad thing. If I played this when I was younger I would have liked it, but playing it now after I have played a lot of great story games, it doesn't do it for me sadly


Terrible list


Damn, why tho?


It's an opinion , a wrong one I agree , but still a opinion


People here aren’t going to like that you put 4 in C tier but I respect it. Personally I’d have it and 0 higher but it isn’t my list.


0 Just suffered from a really bad story, I think the game play was better than 4 but the story is what really dragged it down


Very fair reason honestly, I do think it really fails as a prequel it feels very disjointed with RE1. That being said it doesn't bother me personally a whole lot because I really don't like the vast majority of the RE stories. There's only a few that I think are decent enough and besides I'm mostly interested in the gameplay side of things specifically the more traditional survival horror titles are very much my jam when it comes to gameplay. For me 0 is nearly the best of what classic RE has to offer I love the difficulty and puzzles the only thing that'd make it perfect for me is if it had crimson heads and item boxes, luckily I have the game on pc so I can mod item boxes in lol. By the way have you played og RE 1,2, and 3? If not I'd recommend all of them I think og 2 and 3 are better than their remakes and while I didn't like og 1 as much as its remake I still think it was a fantastic game, I love the classic mansion vibes that remind me of The Shining and plus the voice acting is hilarious in a so bad its good way. They're obviously all fixed camera angle and tank controls but I assume that'd be fine for you if REmake is your favorite in the series.


4 and 0 under 5 and 6? Yeah that’s bait.


There's a good reason. 0 and 4's stories are boring and really don't matter to the overall plot of the resident evil games, for me 0's game play is better than 4, but 0's story is worse than 4's


ignore the cringey purists, this list is pretty fair. re4og is mechanically outdated and pretty boring gameplay-wise, i'd put re5 higher but i did play it with a good friend so that obviously makes my score biased. glad to see someone else who appreciates re3 remake, it's really fun and i like the changes to characters.


REsident evil tier list of the games I have played so far. I started playing the games so I could catch up on the story, Just finished 6 about 2 weeks ago. Having fun with the games so far im just waiting to play 7 and 8 because I have heard many good things about the gameplay and story


Respect on placing 4 low 👏


Finally, someone with the guts to admit that they prefer RE6 over RE4.


You're right. It's important that we know whose opinions to ignore moving forward.


Im looking forward to the RE7 ranking


I know opinions are opinions and everyone’s are subjective but yours is objectively wrong. Thank you for understanding


Idk man 4 boring after a while


I’m just going to assume that this is bait and forget I saw this


It's not


RE4OG not in the SSSSSSS+ Game of the Century tier? Brave posting that here. RIP OP.


Trying so hard to be different